THF BAGLB, V-HNONTA. ORB. THURSDAY \PRII HH: VOU« FAMHV S *% • lASYIt tavolili ♦ \ I rr I A I AY J or your Easter table Wonderful, Fully-Cooked BAR-S Holiday Brand hl » ! Oven-ready Grade A" Hen I I TURKEYS » » • I I I Fresh Frozen — Guaranteed • For those who have a hankerin' | for turkey, try these fine quality | turkeys . Serve with ’ ocean SPRAY CRAN J BERRY SAUCE -00 Tin i LB. ♦ « BONELESS HAMS T..W I ... j i 4MF AA LARGE EGGS Pure All-White For Coloring. NOW ONLY Pass Egg Dye £ tki Small Pkg SLICES lb. $1.19 ZCQJV- DOZEN W W# 19C Complete Dye Kit Whole or Full Shank Half 39c CANDIES 2 u Tender Spears LBS. 29c 39c Strawberries Red, Ripe FULL CUP EACH $1.69 Easter Lilies Full Blooms New Potatoes White Shatters 10 LBS 79c 2 for 15 c Radishes or Green Onions Each Carrots Cello Bag Lb. Celery Garden-fresh Lettuce Crisp-Fresh 2 u Heads Fresh Peas Tender-sweet Lb. 10c 15c 35c 19c 8'1- 3 LB. CAN Wilson's i POTATOES I ! • i • , - i i I ; S No 1 Grade ! 10-LB. PAPER BAG JJ I I j U. S No. 1 Grade • 25-LB. BAG 89 J I No. 2 Grade ! 50-LB. BAG 89! ♦ I I I Yams For Baking Lb. Sweet Potatoes Lb. Red Potatoes 5 Lbs. For Rhubarb F„ ,d Orow„ Lb. 19c 17c 39c 10c MARSHMALLOWS HOT CROSS BUNS ZEE WHITE NAPKINS BABY WHOLE BEETS ZIPPY DILL PICKLES LUCERNE EGG NOG LUCERNE 3.8 MILK D i MIUIU i Snow Clouds Brand Light L« M x Brand Instant 12 Qt. Size L^lam >r DelMonte Full Fancy 1»4 Tin Slices for your Easter Ham Bel-air Frozen Prem Quality For Easter STRAWBERRIES 6 GRAHAM CRACKERS <nnA dad ' o All Cragmont Beverage» 12 Delicious Flavors To Choose From' EBONY RIPE KITCHEN CRAFT 37' Irtl I f 25-lb. SI.98— 50-lb. S3.89 '5 Standard SI 00 NO. 1 TINS Ä QUART LOW EVERYDAY PRICES! Royal Satin Shortening 4 Fruit Cocktail 9-oz French Mustard Noh Hill Coffee . to 94c ru Airway Coffee I ts 87C Edwards Coffee 99c Blitz Beer Best" Beer Sunnybank Margarine Whipping Cream Potato Chips Cranberry Sauce U m ** Freestone Peaches 3 Choc. Covered Cherries Comet Cleaners 2 Joy Liquid -- 10c Off Cai in 3- Lb Cain No. 303 Can« 2 Lb 2 Lb Lucky. Olympia. c c 88c 89C $1 17C $1.81 S1.73 $1.97 SI.17 95c 31C 61C 39c 19C $1 49C 45c 59c 3-Lb Pure White Shortening Young, Tender 303 Glasses and Flavorful Whole Koshers Sliced or Whole 4 12 os. Glastet Quart l'.oiio Quii 2-Lb. Pkg 33c 1-Pac 12-oz. can 40 oi. Pkg. !’EMPRESSBRAND JËLLŸ and! : ___ —____ ___ - I ♦ • I I I I I I I I I I • I I • ♦ I » » PRESERVES BLACKBERRY and STRAWBERRY Your Choice of Both These Favorites 3 12-oz. Glasses 89' I f PIEDMONT SALAD • I I DRESSING • Parle Fif.egt p Pk 30* Can No ■a Lb quality. •'z-OZ Blue Bell or Nalley ■confer 1 2-GALLON Pkg. today at Safeway KITCHEN CRAFT BAKING MIX Roxbury SNOW STAR BRAND A Special low price Betty Crockers 12 in I Mix I I |^^WF Halve» OOold Lge. 32 oz. Size Pkg. Serve Lucerne Egß Nog Luerrn* OLIVES ICECREAM FLOUR 10-LB. BAG $100 10 oi. Pkgs. 5-oz. Pkgs. For a real Easter Treat For M< at Dishes 89' 19' c Now A New Low Price Townhouse SAFEWAY'S YOUR BEST PLACE TO SAVE ON . . Fluffy—Fresh 3 Polly Ann, for Easter Snowdrift ? A IklT |kj||| If In j I AN I rllLii 8^1 r A E PINtAPPLt Lb Beef DON’T MISS THESE WEEKEND SPECIAL FEATURES! 29‘ i i Chok e I LB. Cut-Up. Lb. 55c LBS. FOR blade uct, lb. lb 89c Lamb Leg Roast lb.65c : Shoulder Roast - • Loin Lamb Chops - - - - lb. $1.19 : Rib Lamb Chops.......... lb. 95c : Breast of Lamb........... lb. 25c Tender-Young THIS WEEK'S MAGIC WORD IN PRODUCE... 2 59c All “USDA CHOICE” aged for tenderness and flavor by Safeway Guaranteed genuine 1957 Spring lamb, the very finest money can buy. Shank Half Butt Half. Lb. 59c BANANAS Lb GENUINE SPRING LAMB FANCY HAMS CANNED HAM CANNED PICNICS FRESH FRYERS Marshmallow Easter Eggs.. 12-oz. pkg. 29c Jeliy Eggs......... 2-lb. pkg. 59C 14-oz. 29C Jumbo Marshmallow Eggs...2-lb pkg 69c Speckled Jelly Eggs........... 14 oz. pkg. 29c Foil Wrapped Eggs............... 6-oz. pkg. 29C Easter Pet Cremes........... 10‘ 2-oz. pkg. 29C Assorted Creme Eggs........... 8-oz. pkg. 29C Choc. Marshmallows Eggs...5-oz. pkg. 25c Lb Beef Choice V 8 $1.18 98< 79<£ 89c 49*r 15c Pound Clique Standing U S arm cut lb Famous Brands Luscious with, flavor . . . Guaranteed Perfect Eating. SPECIAL NOW AT SAFEWAY . . . FPer U 8 ROXBURY'S FINEST EASTER Asparagus Sliced Bacon Fresh Crab Meat Beef Rib Roast Round Steak Pot Roast Boiling Beef Here it is . . . the famous BAR S HOLIDAY HAM you have heard so much about. For perfection of flavor, eas > of prepara tion and serving and greatest value, you just can't top these wonderful B.AR-S HOLIDAY HAMS! Look for the handsome gold-foil wrap. . fi 1 s* % I I Bi r "IS-or 22-0« | A fine rich dressing, } now a special low • price at Safeway Quart i Nalley’s Tang 1-Lb p*. Can Dash Duz for Automatic Washers IO off Regular Price Prices in this ad are in effect through Saturday. April 20. 1957 at Safeway in Vernonia «« F»« 43c ■* ■' pu 73c We reserve the right to limit SAFEWAY