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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1957)
VFW, Auxiliary Install Friday | Birthday Surprise Is Given Mrs. Bergerson Class Reunion Voted Success Junior Class Issues Invitation to Prom Mrs Mathilde Bergerson, fourth I The class of 1958 at Vernonia grade teacher at the Washington I | high schodi has issued an invi school was given a surprise party I Mr and Mrs. L.vman Hender The reunion held last Saturday tation to the people of Vernonia by her pupils last Wednesday attend the annual Junior Prom, son of Portland will be the in evening at Dessy's by the Ver j to on April 27, at 8 p m. The dance afternoon on the occasion of her stalling officers for the Smith- nonia high school class of 1943 birthday. The children present is to be held in the high school Christensen VFW post and its drew an attendance of 44 mem | I gym. and is semi-formal. ed her with a necklace and ear auxiliary Friday evening at the bers, wives, husbands and form ring set. < This year, a new idea is being V.F W hall. Mr. Henderson is er teachers. The delicious tur Refreshments of ice cream and introduced, to take the place of a past department commander key dinner was the proper im birthday cake were served with the former May Day. There have for Oregon and Mrs. Henderson petus for an evening of visiting six mothers assisting, namely, been five princesses chosen from is a past department president and reminiscing Mrs. Bert Brunsman, Mrs. Dave the senior class, from which the for the auxiliary. Former teachers who were pre Brunsman, Mrs. Earl King, Mrs. student body will choose a queen, Officers to be installed for the. Warren Aldrich, Mrs. Richard sent were Mrs. Sam Hearing Jr , who will reign over the prom. auxiliary are: President, Mrs. Shirk and Mrs. Herb Hecken- formerly Alvilda George, and The following are the princes Ray Mills of Cornelius. They Leonard Rauch; senior vice-pre liable. ses: Donna Buckley, V icki Cros- were accompanied by Mr. Hear sident. Mrs. Robert Wyckoff: ju san. Dolores Davis, Jan Garn-’r, ing and Mrs. Mills. nior vice-president, Mrs. Dudley and Joyce Thompson. The queen Person who came the farthest Spofford; treasurer, Mrs. Myrtle will be crowned at 10:00 p m. for the reunion was Ethel Par Cox; chaplain, Mrs. Guy Harris; cells Smith who came from Plea conductress, Mrs. Fred Roediger; sant Hill, California, near Oak Study Club Program Gives guard, Mrs. George Laird; secre land. tary, Mrs. Lyman Hawken Jr.; History of Perfumes Others who attended were: patriotic instructor, Mrs. Char Improved facilities for feeding Mrs Wm. Johnhon was hostess Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Aldrich. les Dübendorf: color bearers. Mrs. Columbia county 4-H and F.F.A. Joe Magoff. Mrs. O. T. Bateman, members at the county fair have Mr. and Mrs. Bob King (Vesta for the Vernonia Study club on M-s. James Davies and Miss begun to take shape. Construc Christensen), Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thursday evening, April 4 with 14 members present. Laurel Wyckoff and trustee, Mrs. tion on the building was started Roediger (Rosalie Driscoll) Mr. Mrs. Ben Brickel gav ■ a very and Mrs. Lester Galloway. Eddie Shirley Huss. during the last week of March. interesting program on perfume Poetter. Mr. and Mrs. C W. Du For the post, officers are: Com The foundation for the building mander, Edwin Ade; senior vice was put in by the county fair bendorf (Mary Lee Hall), Mr. and Starting with the history of per fume, she told of the use in Bible commander, Leonard Rauch; ju board and Clatskanie contractors Mrs. Wilfred Holce (Evelyn Hear times of incense, myrrh, and nior vice-commander, Wm. Wil- and carpenters, F. C. Jon"s, Wm. ing,) Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tomlin frankincense. Then she explain coxen; quartermaster. Lyman Bgorugard. Wally Jurvakianen (Lucille Bond), Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Lamping. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ed the different types made from Hawken Jr.; chaplain, Guy Har and Allen Sonfleth. gar Hartzell (Margaret Sturde- animal origin, natural oil from ris; adjutant and judge advocate, Business organizations through After Tom Karnoski; surgeon, Wm. out the county and the fair board v^it), Mr. and Mrs. Melvin flowers, and synthetics Wilson Sr. and trustee, Harvey are contributing toward the con Schwab, all Vernonia; Mr. and this the members sampled many Mrs Ray E. Marshall (Thelma types of perfume. Tv 'cmond. struction of this building. It will The nckt meeting will be on Wilkerson), Tillamook; Keith consist of a kitchen and dinins Walker, Port Orford; Mr and April 18 at the home of Mrs. Sam hall and will be attached to the BEN S BARBER SHOP west sid-> of the present dormi Mrs. Jerry "Dean" Lionberger, Hearing Jr. Milwaukie. Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Expert Tonsorial Work tory building. It has been de Calvin Sasse, Empire, Oregon: signated as a youth project and Vernonia. Oregon Engagement Announced will be available for use by many Mr. and Mrs .Wilbur Watkins (Ervel Olmstead). C a t h la m e t, For Seaside Couple groups in the county but will be Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Alton Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn reserved during county fair time Stiles (Agnes Bateson). Portland: Pearl of Seaside who were for for 4-H club and F.F.A. mem SHOP AT HOME AND Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lusby, Hills merly residents here will be in bers. The fund raising campaign for boro; Jean Saxton Tomlin. Port terested in the announcment land; Mr. and Mrs Midd Craw made last week in the Seaside these youth facilities has been successful largely through the ford. Beaverton; Mr. and Mrs. paper of the engagement of Miss Sla.ey's Sta-Flo Liquid O efforts of the Columbia county Geo. L. Mortimer (Gwen Graves). Marilyn Smith and Marine Cpl. Seattle. Sier ch ‘2-Gal, Jar rj | Gerald Pearl. Gerry, as h-> is 4-H leaders association with the Letters were also received from better known, had been home on cooperation of the vocational ag Nrw, Nu Soft Fabric riculture instructors in the coun a number who were unable to at a 30-day leave and returned last tend. Those were: Softener Pint Bottle week to Twenty-nin-' Palms, Cali ty. Mrs. Justice Prescott/ teacher. fornia. Forest Grove; Erma Kobersteen S. 'i Detergent Miss Smith is a senior at Sea Bartruff, Temple City, California- side high school this year. No Regular Sixe Alma Jean Norman Wallace, Sas date has been set for the wedding. katchewan, Canada; Ruby Thack N&Ley's Lumber Jack er Newton, Anchorage, Alaska; Syrjp 24-ox. Bottle Sell it with an Eagle Classified. Joy Willard Bonney, Pensacola. Sur.ny Jim Apple Jelly A thirty year jewel was pre Florida; Priscilla White Farn 2t> ex. Jar • sented to Lee Rogers at the meet ham, Milwaukie, Oregon; Mar ing of Vernonia Odd Fellows jorie Ohler Groover, San Lean Lucky Leaf Apple Pie lodge No. 246 Tuesday evening. dro, California; and Rev. Norman F;:i;.ng 22-ox. Can Presentation was made by Bob Riggins, Taft, Oregon. Spencer who had initiated him Mnuniie Freestone Peaches P* in 1924 Also at Tuesdays meeting, Lloyd I ir ’.vy. syrup 2’2 Can Quinn, Shelby Cook and Fram: [ Tender Leaf Black Tea Lentz were named as delegates 48 count Pkg. Ears to th-» annual convention and Carl Davis, Harry Culbertson and Fourteen members from the Dr.-medary Pound Cake 0/1 Henry Anderegg were named as Manning-Buxton extension unit M x 10'2-ox. Pkg. Ovl alternates. visited the Timber route exten May 12 from 6 a.m. to noon sion unit at the Vernonia grange Ji&tiisco Lemon Marsh- 4 was announced as the time for hall on Anril 9. the annual Boy Scout breakfast n- low Cookies. Lb. Bag -1^ M rs. Margaret Allyn, county I which is to raise funds for the extension agent, gave the lesson I AA Large Eggs. Country I local scout troop. on good weight for good health. It was reported that Lloyd Fresh Election of officers resulted as Dozen Quinn's father who is 45 vea; follows chairman. Mrs. Ed Craw 1 member of Arleta Lodge in Port vice-chairman, Mrs. Ralph THESE PRICES GOOD land had undergone a leg ampu ford. Bergerson; secretary, Mrs. Melvin AS LONG AS PRESENT tation last Saturday. Bergerson; treasurer, Mrs. Don Building Rises At Fair Grounds THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY. APRIL 18. 1957 3 Degree Is Given For Temple MEC "Count Your Blessings" was the theme that was very cleverly Most Excellent Chief Mathilde carried out last Friday afternoon Bergerson was honored with a by Mrs. Claude Gibson Sr., when degree by the officers of Vernonia the Friendly Pinochle club met. Temple No. 61. Pythian Sisters, at her home in Riverview. Score last Wednesday evening follow cards carried the theme and bas ing the regular order of business. kets in which the prizes were placed were designated to be The occasion was her birthday . and she was presented with a used for holding the blessings of the winners. lovely eup and saucer. High score was held by Mrs. R More contributions were brought L. Thompson and second high by to be added to the Easter food Mrs. Leon Savage, a guest for the basket for which the drawing afternoon who substituted for will be held this afternoon at Mrs. Jim Cox. Mrs Wm Shafer 4 o’clock at Elizabeth Schaum- was awarded the consolation berg's shop. I prize. Mrs. Harold McEntire al Delicious refreshments were so was a guest, playing for Mrs served after the closing by the Joe Vanderzanden. following committee Faye Davis, The club is meeting this after Mathilde Bergerson and Norma noon at the home of Mrs Jim Silver. Th- tables were beauti Cox, a day earlier than usual to fully decorated in keeping with avoid conflict with Good Friday the Easter season. observances The ladies auxiliary of the Fra ternal Order of Eagles will en tertain their state president here Friday evening. .April 19. at the meeting which will start at 8:00 p.m. at the Eagle’s hall on First avenue. All members are espe cially urged to be present for this meeting. NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT For that holiday treat, or for any day of the week get your ICE (REAM SUNSET FREEZE At the on the Sunset highway at Manning, 2 miles east cj Vernonia junction. CONES, PINTS, QUARTS, GALLONS Gene Trussell, Owner ----- --- . How Standard’s explorers help find the 830 gallons of oil you'll need this year 1W MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Phone HA 9-3462 Sell it with an Eagle Classified. Thirty- Year Jewel Given STOCK LASTS When a man admits that he had it coming to him the chance« are he doesn't deserve it. State President Due At F.O.E. Auxiliary SAVE Timber Rt. Unit Names Officers Count Your Blessings Theme for Club Meet — —■■ - *•'" aid Bergerson Mrs. Marvin Mey er was notified of election to the county committee. Mrs. Antone Smejkal distribut ed ballots for voting on next years projects. The silent auction was held during the meeting. As a community project, the Timber route unit contributed $7 toward a 4-H scholarship which is being sponsored jointly with the Vernonia and Keasey units. The Manning-Buxton unit in vited the members to a tea at the Manning hall at 1:00 p.m. April 15. Hostesses for the day were Mr- Joe Baker. Mrs Richard Meyer and Mrs. Antone Smejkal The next fiee'ing will be, “Your Hair and It's Care," at the Vernonia grange hall May II P.E.O. Members Hear Churchill Story Review The April 9 P.E.O. meeting was I held at the home of Olivia Brick- el. Alvilda Hearing gave the program on the book “Winston Member United Grocer* Inc. Churchill" by Robert Lewis Tay Deliveries Twice Daily lor. The next meeting will be at 10 A M. & 3 P.M.—Ph. HA 9-3492 the home of Lois Nelson. Oil geologttl» probe the ocean floor for clue» to new ml field» Minute Meal Girls Club Practice Table Setting The Minute Meal Girl 4-H club met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Gerald Russell Monday I evening They spent some time discussing who would do the demonstrations for Nehalem Val ley day Each girl was given the oppor tunity to arrange a table setting After each one had done so, there was a discussion on the correct way it should be done. A prize was given to Shirley Pace for the nearest correct arrangement. The girls were served orange pop and cookies. The next meet I ing will be held April 29 You bet it is. Minute Man Service is the fastest, mow complete service your car can have You get 1: every time you stop at the sign of the big 76... where you know you always get the finesr UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA I If you enjoy quarreling why not study law and get paid for it. THE OCEAN FLOOR IS THE NEWEST FRONTIER in our search for oil to help meet the growing demand of motorists, home owners, farm ers, industry and the Armed Forces. Last year Standard’s scientists explored millions of acres offshore and on land in the Western Hemi sphere. Once again we discovered new oil deposits that will help supply the 830 gallons of petroleum everyone in the U. S. will use this year ... and the 1000 gallons they’ll need by 1965. With oil becoming more difficult and expensive to find, Standard's investment in exploration is in creasing .., $119,000,(MM) last year. That’» one way we can find new oil to help keep ahead of the nation’s growing need for products from jietroleum. Doily U 5. Oil consumption hot risen from 3 million barroll in 1946 to 9 million barroll in 1 956 and isorpeded io reach I T/i million by 1965. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plana thtad to aarra you buttar