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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1957)
2 THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Wwk «nd guasti at the home of Mr and Mrs. George Martan were her twin sister and hus band. Mr. and Mrs. J. Guthrie and two daughters from Portland and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown, New port. , Mr. and MMk. Frank Lange w.-re in Portland Saturday and visited with Mr. and Mrs J. W McKenzie. Mrs. McKenzie en- tired Physicians and Surgeons hospital Tuesday for surgery. LASTER MORNING breakfast. £:30 to 10:00 a.m. IOOF dining •oom. Adults 85c. children 50c. Mt. Heart Social Club. lStlc Mrs. Paul Gordon was at Hepp ner Saturday evening to attend a inception for the organist for the grand chapter, O.E.S., Juanita Carmichael. Invitations have been received her? for the wedding of Miss Gloria Joy Scheuerman at Mon mouth on May 4. Mrs. Chet Fugate of Keatey route came home Saturday from Tuality hospital where she had t>een since Tuesday for treatment i f a knee injury incurred in a fall at her home. RUMMAGE SALE, old P.O. bldg. April 25. 26. 27. EUB Church. Ruth Circle. 15t3c Mrs. L. H. Thomas left Friday evening for El Segundo. Califor nia for a visit with her daughter «nd son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross; her son, Wayne and her brother, Melville Malmsten and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Nig Yeager of Coos Bay spent all of last week Jiere working on the house on Rose avenue which they have purchased from Mr. and Mrs. M J Lamping Jr. Th”y plan to tent it after it is renovated. Joi/ Theatre THURS.. FRI. APRIL 18-13 The Wrong Man SATURDAY APRIL 20 Buffalo Bill SUN., MON. APRIL 21 22 Written On The Mrs. Howard Adams who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jim Smejkal at Timber was in Ver nonia Monday with lier daughter calling on friends, Mrs. Adams formerly lived here. FOOD SALE. April 27. Strongs Electric. P.T.A. 1612c Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Manley of Renton, Washington were here on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs M. J. Lamping Sr. Elmore Knight came home on Sunday evening from Tuality hos pital at Hillsboro where he was taken last week for treatment for pneumonia He is completing his recuperation at home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Larimore of Elmira, Oregon were calling on friends Sunday. They were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Julius EnevoIJsen. Mrs. Wm. Lindley and Bill Hahmeyer were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Garner at Seaside. Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Russell of Coos Bay, former pastor of Ver nonia Nazarene church were in •last Tuei day night to vi it their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Russell. They went from here to Oregon City to at- tend the district Nazaren? Sun- day school convention where Mr. Russell served on the nominating committee. ORCHID CORSAGES for Easter. SI.50 up. Harry Emmons. South Rose Ave. 16tlc Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Weed spent the week end at Eugene visiting her mother, Mrs. Alice Meats. Duncan Hatten of Wiggins. Mississippi is a guest of Mr. and Mrs E. E. Garner. Mr. Hatten work ’d at the mill here when it first started but had not been here for many years and notes many changes. Gretchen Bolmeier is home for Easter vacation from Tacoma where she attends College of Pu get Sound. EASTER MORNING breakfast. 6:30 to 10:00 a.m. IOOF dining room. Adults 85c. children 50c. Mt. Heart Social Club. 16ilc Mr. and Mrs. James Fluke left Saturday for Hpnter’s Point, California after receiving word that Kevin Darrell. 54 month / I old son of their son and wife, Sister and Brother Are Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Fluke, had Sunday Dinner Guests succumbed to pneumonia. Mrs. THURSDAY, APRIL 18 TIMBER ROUTE — Sunday B. Russom of Portland, mother Vernonia Study Club — Home afternoon guests at the home of of Mrs. Darrell Fluke, also flew of Mrs. Sam Hearing Jr.. 8:00 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Crawford were down. Mrs. Fluke and the baby TIMBER ROUTE — Two places p.m. his sister, Mrs. H. C. Tallman had gone to California only the Winema Grange — Birkenfeld, changed owners in the past week. and a friend, Mrs. Armstrong week previously. Sam Smith sold Mr. and Mrs. 8:00 p.m. i from Portland, and Mr. Craw While Mrs. L. L. Wells and Mrs. « their home to his sister and her FRIDAY. APRIL 19 ford's sister and her husband, Stephen Waite were in Pendleton husband, Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson attending the PT.A. convention GOOD FRIDAY Calhoun, who will make their Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Weaver and they saw the Wallace McCraes, Special Union church services— home there in the future and Mr. Baptist church, 7:30 p.m. family were Sunday dinner Marvin Turner and the Sid Sor and Mrs. Smith bought the form ensons. The McCraes especially V.F.W. and Auxiliary — V.F.W. er Harry Condit home on High guests Sunday at the home of her hall, 8:00 p.m. Installation of brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs asked to be remembered to their way 47 from Joe Johnson. The officers. Eura Reynolds in Warren. Vernonia friends. i Smiths moved there over the RUMMAGE SALE, old P.O. bldg. Cub Scouts — Washington school, week end. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Teehng 8:00 p.m. April 25. 26. 27. EUB Church. and grandad Thack’r of Portland Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Rey Ruth Circle. 1513c F OE. and Auxiliary — Hall on and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thack nolds were in Hillsboro Saturday First Ave., 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Ruby Smith returned to er enjoyed Sunday dinner at th? her home at Jacksonville, Oregon Columbia Encampment 89—IOOF on a business trip. home of Mrs. Nell Thacker. hall, 8:00 p m. Mrs. Maxine Reynolds and Mr. last week after six weeks spent Mrs. Kenneth West and Mr*. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds visited visiting here with her brother SATURDAY. APRIL 20 Rita Shipley spent Friday visit and wife, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ha- Do-Si-Do Square Dance club — with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Al ing Mrs. Shipley's sister and mo bert Walker in Portland Friday. non, and at Seasid - with her son Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. ther, Mrs. Herman Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Car) Wienecke Irvin and his family. Natal Grange party night—Natal Mrs. Maud Williams in Aloha. and their house guest, Mrs. Edith A recent overnight guest of hall, 8:00 p.m. Rilla Snyder of Portland sper.t Bledsoe attended a reunion of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hanon was SUNDAY. APRIL 21 Thursday visiting Mr. and Mrs the Manning school Tuesday, their son. Tech. Sgt. Don Hanon, EASTER Gus Hult and Mr. and Mrs. Carl from Kelly Airbase, Texas. Union Sunrise service—Vernonia April 9. Wienecke. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snyder were Mrs. Frank Willis moved home Memorial cemetery, 5:00 a.m. Sunday dinner guests at the home from Portland last week after MONDAY, APRIL 22 completing her course in beauty Lions club dinner meting—VFW of their daughter and son-in-law, Two Weller Sons Get Mr. and Mrs. Donavan Reynolds. culture and taking the exams for hall, 7:00 p.m. Training Assignments Dinner guests Saturday even her licenses. Nehalem Assembly • Rainbow ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pvt. E-l Eugene C. Weller, SWi Danny Lawler, son of Mr. and Girls — Masonic Temple, 7:30 Lloyd Weaver were her niece and of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weller, has Mrs. Dan Lawler, who has been p.m. nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin been stationed at Fort Lewis fwr ill for several weeks was taken Harding Lodge, Knights of Py- Swanson, from Warren. basic army training. H-> spent to Good Samaritan hospital last thias — IOOF hall, 8:00 p i.m. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke the week end at his home heir. Thursday for examination and Chamber of Commerce board of were in Hillsboro Thursday to The Weller’s other son, Jami s treatment. directors — West Oregon build visit Mrs. Nellie Smith whom Weller, who joined th Naval R«- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson ing, 8:03 p m. they have known since childhood. serves February of last year, wer.t were at Eugene Wednesday of TUESDAY, APRIL 23 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale are into active training this Marcu. last week where Mr. Culbertson I Junior Promenaders — Union now staying near the Portland He had achieved the rating of attended a Royal Arch Mason hall. Beginners, 7:00 p.m.; ad Meadows race track, where Bert apprentic? seaman in the re convention and she visited with vanced, 8 to 9:30 p.m. is training his race horses for the serves which made him eligible his sister, Mrs. P. O. Daniels. Chapter BS. PEO Sisterhood — coming racing season, They plan for submarine service and m FOOD SALE, April 27, Strong's Home of Mrs. Wm. Nelson, 8:00 on being back in Vernonia later March he was sent to the subrm Electric. P.T.A. 1612c p.m. in the summer. rine training base at New Lon Joe Taylor and his room mate. Odd Fellows Lodge No. 246 — Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Leslie from don, Connecticut. He has been Ron Miller of Toledo, were here IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Lebanon were week end guests happy to report attaining a grade from Monmouth last week end VFW. Auxiliary — VFW hall. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus average of 3.9+«<>ut of a possible at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8:00 p.m. Hult. 4.03. W. Peterson and on Sunday Joe WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24 was honored with a birthday din Boy Scout Troop 201 — Cabin in ner. Additional guest was his City park, 7:00 p.m. grandmother, Mrs. Eva Taylor. Pythian Sisters — IOOF hall, 8:00 Mrs. E. W. Peterson went to p.m. Multnomah Tuesday to visit her Natal Grange — Natal hall. 8:00 mother. Mrs. C. W. Stubbs, who p.m. was celebrating her 84th birthday. Veterans of Foreign Wars—VFW Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Meiwes Steady Work — All Summer Picking hal,l 8:00 p.m. * are the parents of an eight pound daughter. Patricia Ruth, born last Thursday, April 11, at the Ro Sharlee Powers Accepted I bert Wyckoff home. The Meiwes As Airline Stewardess also have a son. ORCHID CORSAGES for Easter. Miss Sharlee Powers of Port SI.50 up. Harry Emmons, South land has just recently been ac Rose Ave. 16tlc cepted as an airline stewardess Funeral services were held at by Northwest Orient Airlines and Rainier Wednesday for Hobart will leave tomorrow for St. Paul, Jesse, 59, brother of Lee Jessee Minnesota for a five week train of Vernonia. ing course which starts next Mon Miss Arlene Baker and Miss day, April 22. I Cathy Rader, IBM. operators For the past year, Miss Powers from Portland Federal Reserve has berm employed in Portland BANKS, OREGON Bank spent Tuesday visiting her as secretary for the advertising parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cox and sales promotion manager for Transportation provided in busses driven by Dan Cason. and the Fred Johnsons at Pitts the Maytag Northwest company. Bob Curl and Jim Davies. burg. She has also been doing photo Mrs. Fred Johnson was called graphic modeling on the side. to Sandpoint, Idaho for the fun Miss Powers will be remember eral of her sister. ed as the Miss Columbia County i i Bob Kennedy, Elton Herr and of 1955 in the Miss Oregon con i • Mrs. Grover Blount had identified test at Seaside. She graduated 1 from Vernonia high school in numbers at Brunsman's by Wed I • ntsday morning. 1955, also. i Home Ownership Changes Noted DATES io Remember PICKERS WANTED IRRIGÄTED STRAWBERRIES POLE BEANS ROLLING HILLS FARM EASTER GIFTS April Marian Honored On Eighth Birthday RETIRING The entire stock of KULLANDERS JEWELRY STORE on sale at discounts up to 50 on some items. Mrs George Martan entertain ed at her home on Rock Creek last Satuidav afternoon with a birthday party honoring her daughter April who was eight. The afternoon was spent playing games after which thu decorated birthday cake was served with ice cream. I Guests includ’d Marie Atkins, Teresa Towne. Mary Lou Carter, Janis Martan, and April’s cou- sins, Dcnise and Paula Guthrie from Portland American Legion Bid To Hillsboro Jamboree Vernonia Legion members are invited to attend a jamboree at Hillsboro next Tuesday evening at which Herman Schoen will show pictures of a recent huntin trip in the Alaskan Yukon « i « t t • t ! « It’s Peace of Mind! N ame Companies! g •Jafe and Dependable! I I 1 I I i I I ! U rban and Rural! R ales Hard lo Beal! • I F i ** veryone Needs It! i i 1 i i 1 I I I INQUIRE NOW AT— BELL-HUDSON INSURANCE Phone HA 9 6058 — Riverview i i • « t I I t • i I i I t I t i i i i i i • l t I • • t I t i i i i t I « i t t • i i Caylite Calla Lily Candles $1.25 Brown and Haley and Rogers Box of Candy Easter Baskets Made Up to Order Easter Baskets 25c and up Empty Baskets 10c and up Assorted Easter Candy Many Other Easter Gift Items to ChooseFrom makes hair behave Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry. Fountain Pens ALL FIRST QUALITY MERCHANDISE $ Fixtures, Cash Register and Safe For Sale Very Reasonable i ¥. -, » A. L. KULLANDER W AT« IIM \KF.R — JEW El EK Off ial W,«-h Inspector, S F t S Ry. VERNONIA DRUG CO. TELEPHONE HA 9-6254 Vernonia, Ore i