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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1957)
■ Lowest Price Ever R D11N < M I A N hardware and electric ml |/|1 D K U Fl |’| A 11 PHONE HA 9-5651 ----- WE DELIVER 3Î ■’ PHONE HA 9-5651 ------- WE DEL1VEH rih t ! : all - new FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS & FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES HP HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE — ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS t SIMPLY STUNNING! STUNNING- LL SIMPLE! '57 Frigidaire Automatic Electric Range with the new SHEER ’57 FRIGIDAIRE FOOD FREEZER REFRIGERATOR IftJ PAINT-UP FIX-UP NOW MARSHALL-WELLS O-Cedar no rubbing cream polish. 35c Value. Only Davey Crockett matching bowls, mugs and water glasses, Each TH'XOtaOPIC HUFFY M Kiel ISO budget pn- ced 18” Huffy electric with push button starting. *5 HP Delco motor. Five cutting $/*i>V-,5 Now Only 0^4 18" Deluxe 4 cycle Huffy gas rotary pow. er mower with recoil starter and deluxe 95 Only 18” Hytamatic Deluxe Huffy 4-cycle gas ro tary with recoil start er and deluxe muf- ALKYD ENAMEL Colored Metal Waste c Baskets $1.25 Value Imperial non-blister- ing outside white paint. Reg. $5.95 per Gallon Special Beautiful Western Knotty Mapie 3- Pc. bedroom set. Includes bed. esser (A95 Mr. and Mrs. Dresser 0 5/ Night Stand. 1 Special . 4- Pc. Knotty Maple Set with Mr. and Mrs. Dresser, bed. Night 35 stand and 4-drawer chest 93 Blond 5-Pc. Bed room Set 112 149 s4 Marshal-Wells Thix- otropic jell Enamel Qt. Super Wall-Tone rub ber base $ J 85 Qt 1 New. Improved Mir acle Wall-Tone Water FS-101-57 10 1 cu. ft. Reg. $339.95, Save $40 See the new FD-120-57 12 cu. ft. deluxe Frigidaire ,95 with auto. Defrost 419 3-Pc. Papper and Dish in Spun A unn- num. $1.50 Value Beautifully decorated Step-on Gar bage Can. Real Zero Zone Freezer-holds 44 lbs • Exclusive Cycla-Matic Defrosting in refrigerator sec tion • Four Full-Width Shelves • Full-Width Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrator • Big. Deep Storage Door with Five removable shelves. 1956 model 10 1 cu. ft Frigidaire Regularly $275.95 Now r ull-size range with these features: Easy-to-use ‘’Thinking Panel” includes See ’N Set Automatic Cook-Master Control; Full-Width Storage Drawer; Illuminated Range Surface; Sear- Speed Radiantube Broil Unit tha'< sears like charcoal; Lifetime Porcelain Finish. Model RS-15-57 Reg. $259.95. Special For Limited 1 Q1 95 Time Only wlv Model RS-33-57. Reg. $249.95. Special For Limited Time Onlv 409 Savage rotor chief 21” deluxe gas rotary mower with fingertip ■ "i. | | o ,00 Only X ± </ Special Prices On Paint C $r To »J Brushes Large Selection Paint Rollers From Creosote for Treating Sills under Houses Cone Mop Pail 10 $^75 and 8- oz. String c Yacht Mop 9- oz. Cellulose $ Yacht Mop 4-Pc. Cannister $1.25 Value ONION SETS Sets c Gio Heataire Elec- Heater. Finest on Beautiful 2-Pc. Sectional. Can be made into b'd if needed. $250 Value Biltwell Daveno sets in Rofte-Beigc, Persimon, Green, Cocoa and FINISHED CHESTS IN WHEAT COLOR PLY WOOD x . $3 50 SIMPSON BOARD $2 1.» CEILING TILE \ . if 60 S<i Ft $8 M HARDBOARD $2 6,i MASONITE 4 .'.8x3/16” $3.20 Famous Controlled Heat Wood Stoves. Ashley, Oakland and Nor- wester. Large Size Ashley Heater Norwester Automatic Oakland Heater FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS 3- Drawer Chest 4- Drawer Chest 8-Drawer Mrs. Chest UNCLAIMED NUMBERS 11466, 11485, 12028, 16663 SEE THE NEW 1957 FRIGIDAIRE DRYER FOR RENT ITEMS 3-Pc Garden and flor al set. Shovel, rake and hoe Special $2 25 Bow Rake Garden Hoe $1.89 Shovel $325 6 Speed Queen Washer with Stainless Steel Demonstrator. Tub Regular $209 Value Special with your old 95 Wash« -J , Special 1 Orbit Sander $1.50 Day FOR RENT Floor Polisher $1 00 per day PUMP A Complote Wat System. No Tank Needed Priced At Gleaming white Toilet $ A 89 Special Special on 5-Pc. Virtue Dinette Sets. Duncan Phyfe $ style. Gray or Red Pearl 4-Pc. Douglas Dinette Set GE Steam or $ Dry Irons Sunbeam Steam or Skil Floor sander A rent Goulds Amazing NO-TANK End Tables from $4.50 to $25.00 Gen. Simmons Combination. Two in- nerspring mattresses, two innerspring box Large new selection of springs with 6 legs on swing rockers with c ach. or can be used rubber seats. foam sipgly. A $150 Valu Rose, blue, beige, red For and green. Only Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $49.50. $59.50, $79 95 Used Washer in cellent condition With pump • ) Special M with amazing control tower. Dry clothes just as you please—damp dry or completely dry for storage. You can adjust temperature and drying time to fit all fabrics. Model shown. DD57 Deluxe S229.95 DI57 S299.95 i Adjustable Metal Ironing Board Deluxe Gold Seal Li noleum $ Rugs. 9x12 Beautiful new patterns in both 6 and 9 Ft. Linoleum Per Yard Roll-away Simmons Ir.nersphing Mattress S6 Special Beautiful Revere Co lonial Maple Nest of three 'QA .95 tables House Jacks for Rent i SALE ON COLORED •> < u rt Rubber tired Garden Wheelbarrow Floor Lamps Punch Bowl Set For Rent $1 00 Day Garden Cart Curtain Stretcher for Rent 50c per Day Large 25-Gallon leak $8 95 - $10 95 - $13 95 Table Lamps proof garbage can 95 $1*95 $ $6 00 $A95 Value 4 □ To PYREX WARE Loaf Pans $125 Value 98c; Pie Plates. 69c Value 49c; Large Ob long Baking and serv ing dish, $1 50 Valu- . 98c; Round baking and Serving Dish. $1 Vai.. 69c; Square Cake dis! $140 Value. 98c IXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXI Kitchen Units Delivered Attend Meeting ITS A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA Social Security Covers Disabled Ri cent changes in the social se unty law now permit persons too < vcrly disabled to work to freeze their future benefit rights and ti'.i.M agi- 50 of ovi r to re reive monthly disability benefit’ Disabl'd workers 50 or over can now apply for di»abiIity insur ance bi nefits. while disabled workers un let 50 can apply now to have their benefits frozen Children disabled prior to age 18 may also apply far disability benefits 1 A To b" eligible, applicants must have a disability which meet! three requirements. (I) So severe 1 i i it prevents them from doing any kind of work. 12» Of at least 6 months duration and of a con tmuing and indefinite naturo; <3* Must be established through me tical evidence. Furthermore, ap plicants require 1'■» years of work under social security in the three years and five years of work under social security in the ten years preceding onset of dis ability On applications prior to Junt 30. !JK>7 the ten ycai period pro**'iIns th. data uf di ibilitv while on application« aft 36. 195? the fen years precedes the date vf application t To be eligible for disabled child's benefits the child must have become disabled before age 18, have disability as described ubove. b<- unmarried, and be a pendent on a parent, step-parent, or adopting parent who is receiv .ng social security benefits or who duxi after 1939 and had worked long enough to be insured For further detaiLs or to make application contact the social se curity office or write for booklet 'If You Are Disabled >> *OASI- 29’. E Savings Bonds are to those who want to save regularly, but can afford only a small amount each month Series m IL adapted FHA Member to The Future Homemakers of America chapter at Vernonia high school will participate in annual state meetings of the group March 29 and 30 at Oregon State college Lillian Schmidhn. president of this chapter, and Mrs Marjorie Bassett, instructor, will go to Corvallis Friday evening in time for the banquet and will attend the Saturday sessions FHA is composed of high school girls taking home econom ics courses. Oregon now has 113 chapters with a total membership of 4,412 Almost all of the state's chapters arc exp-cted to have re presentatives at the two-day state event A highlight of the annual mov ing again this vear will be the awarding of state homemaker de. grees — highest state honor in home economics work—to out- standing members who meet school. home and community program requirements. Theme for this year's meeting is “Happy Homes for a Happy World "* Mrs Chris Maletis of Portland. “Mrs America for 1956.” will be one of the featured speakers. Two units, a refrigerator and a stove, were delivered Tuesday by Brunsman Hardware for the West Oregon Electric model kit chen Sale of the two items was made on the basis of a recent call for bids issued by the Coop erative for which the hardware submitted lowest prices. Young mamed couples usually save for the purpose of buying durable goods or for making a down payment on a home Older» couples more often save for children’s "durations or retire ment. a