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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1957)
fl THURSDAY, MAR 28, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE General MALE PUP to give away. Phone HA 9-3563.__________________ 13tl CHEVRON PRODUCTS: gas, oil, tires. Also, dairy and poultry feeds, including complete broiler feed; cement and cement pro ducts; pier blocks, tile and chim ney blocks. H. H. Sturdevant, Rose Avenue. HA 9-6691. 13t3c FOR SALE: 22 Cat with blade. ’51 Ford 2-ton flatbed. Ralph Kneger, 1059 First Avenue. 12t3c TEN-POUND bundles of news papers for sale. Suitable for starting fires, etc. Vernonia Eagle office. 8tf HAY FOR SALE. Donald Ber- gerson, Timber Route, Vernonia. HA 9-3874.__________________ 4tfc FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Ted’s Saw Shop, corner Bridge and State St.______________ 22tfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt. Call HA 9 6829, A.G. Os trander, 26t52c FOR SALE-Real Estate HOMES NEWLY remodeled and very modem 2-bedroom home, wired for range and automatic wash er and dryer; electric heat; cement foundation; extra large Jot and very well located. Price, $5750. Good terms. 5 ROOM modern house on 75x100 lot. Very w 11 located, close to schools and churches. Price $4750. Will accept $600 down. FOUR room house, wired for range, electric water heater. Close in. Price only $700. Very good terms. , , FARMS 4 ACRES, i’,4 miles out. Nearly new log house. About 3 acres . n I«' cultivated Plirr, sl::on Will accept $100 down. 3 ACRES just out of Vernonia with 5-room house, garage, woodshed and fruit house. Land nil clear and level. Nehalem River just across road avail able for irrigation. Price $3750. Good terms. SEE ME FOR FARMS AND MIREAGK DON BAYLEY, BROKER Palace Cafe Bldg. Ph. HA 9-5225. title ONE large nine-room modern house on 20 acres. $7000, terms. Pam, lots of water. Also large 4-rm. house with 2 large bed- re ms; living room 24-16: 3 acres with place. $2500, terms. Larry Brady, Keasey Rt. 12tfc BUMP & MEYER. INC. REAL ESTATE Vernonia Branch Office H. 7. Hudson — Phone HA 9 6053 Riverview CASH TO OWNERS EQUITY— Very desireable 2-bdrm., elec, ‘•.at, extra Ige. lot, attached ¡.rport, flowers, lilacs. Clean I and out Riverside drive teauty. Abt. $1250 will handle. $3650 full price*. OWNER ILL, YOUR BREAK- Need is URGENT We listed at 13850, for 2BR in city on < ' rner, with garden spot Clean, modern, electric heat. SAVE OVER $1200 by making offer, now! :u> DAY SACRIFICE! Originally cifered at $3750, this 3 Br, w,th central hall. Ige. kitchen, < iectric heat is an easy walk to tc wn, but high enough to be safe from floodwaters SAVE $‘¡00 at $2850 WE HAVE SOME DAN DY BUYS IN FARM AND DAIRY SETUPS. ALSO. __________ nt3c FOR SALE Insurance W’E ARE now selling auto and fne insurance for Farmer’s Mu tual of Enumclaw along with Mayflower. There is no mem bership fee on autos with Enum clr-.v. Please come in and com pare rates Russell Insurance Agency 959 Rose Avenue lOtfc SERVICES PORT ABLE welding service, P wer plant; night work George Sr *h. HA 9 3876 sjtfc ' . .ARF.Nt E R WAGNER, county »u. veyor. Court House, St Helens. P- <ne office. 698; home. 183 Pri- ' • survey mg, edgineenng work S4tfc Homelite Ollers BOWLING RESULTS WOMEN’S LEAGUE Lost Won Forestry Awards Dessy’s 50 66 51 >/4 Sam’s Food Store 64’4 59 57 Vernonia Drug 71H Brunsman Hardwe. 44 U High individual game. Alice Gwin, 228; high individual series, Gertrude Schalock, 553; high team game, Sam’s Food Store. 974; high team (Series, Sam’s Food Store, 2565. Splits picked I up: Celeste Poetter, 2-7; Lila Rauch, 5-6-10; Kathy Gwin, 4-5; Marlea Leffler, 3-10; Pat Gallo way, 4-5-7; Marge Bassett, 3-10; Claudine East, 2-7. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Lost Won 49 67 Bob’s Union 55 61 Long-Bell 63 Mill Market 53 51 65 Nehalem Service High individual game, Homer Gwin, 213; high individual series, D. Laird, 510; high team game, Long-Bell, 1012; high team series, Nehalem Service, 2843. CITY LEAGUE Lost Won 51 Oakes Radio & TV 65 52 Lyle’s Barber Shop 64 57 59 Radiant Cleaners 46 71 Vernonia Milk High individual game, C. Mask, 204; high individual series, L. Galloway, 526; high team game, Lyle’s, 1038, high team series, I Lyle’s, 2940. An expanded college scholar ship program recognizing 4-H club members in the field of for estry, was announced this week NOTICE TO CITY WATER by Burton S. Hutton, state 4-H USERS club leader. This scholarship In the future any account that * program involves the awarding is one month past due and is of four $1600 scholarships each added to the next month's bill to present or former 4-H club must be paid on or before the members who will be enrolled tenth of the month or water ser in their freshman year in 1957 and plan to study forestry. vice will be discontinued without These scholarships are being furthei notice. presented by HomeLite, a divi Example: If your bill that is sion of Textron, Inc., of Port dated March 1 is added to the Chester, New York. The scholar bill that is dated April 1, it must ship plan is a part of the Na be paid in full on or before April tional Awards program in coop eration with the national com 10. mittee on boys and girls club Sam L. Hearing work in Chicago. The granting Water Collector 12t3c of these national scholarships in NOTICE is hereby given that the field of forestry is an added the undersigned sheriff and tax feature to the 4-H club program collector of Columbia County, to recognize special studies on Oregon, in accordance with the the part of 4-H club members or requirement of an order entered those who have been in 4-H club by the county court of Columbia work. This is the second special scho county sitting for the transaction of county business on March 14, larship program of this nature 1957, will offer for sale at public to be made available in the 4-H vendue, the following described program. The other was started real estate in Columbia County, in 1956 with two $800 college scholarships being made avail Oregon, to-wit: South half of lot 7, block 33, able by Colgate-Palmolive com Moeck’s addition to city of Rai pany to juniors in the school of nier, Columbia County, Oregon. home economics planning to ma Columbia county has become jor in clothing and textiles. The forestry scholarships at the owner of said premises by reason of foreclosure of delin $1600 each will be awarded on quent tax lien on said premises, the basis of one in the eleven and the same will be sold the western states, one in the mid highest and best bidder for cash west, one in the New England in hand but in no event less than states and one in the southern TIMBER ROUTE — Birthday states. Your county extension $2500. dinner guests Sunday at^the home agent, Robert H. Stevely doing Said sale will be conducted at of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer 10:00 a.m. on the 12th day of 4-H club work, has full informa tion concerning eligibility for were her brother and his wife, April, 1957 at front door of Co Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stowell of lumbia county court house, St. this special scholarship award. Buxton and Mrs. Mary Eide from Helens, Oregon. Banks. Otto Stowell and Mary Signed, Warren Forsyth. Wedding Attendants Are Eide were the honor guests. Sheriff and tax collector Guests On Anniversary Mr. and Nirs. Carl Wienecke for Columbia County, Ore. TIMBER ROUTE — Mr. and were in Forest Grove Friday to lltSc Mrs. Harry Culbertson were din attend a birthday dinner to honor NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ner guests Friday, March 22 of his brother, G“orge Wienecke. Notice is hereby given that the Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Crawford in Mr. and Mrs. Gus Huff of undersigned as administratrix of honor of their 17th wedding an Vancouver, Washington were din the estate of Enoch Benjamin niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Culbert ner guests Saturday at the home George, deceased, has filed her son were best man and matron of her sister and brother-in-law, final account in the county court of honor at their wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fugate, Later in th? evening they left to of the state of Oregon for Co lumbia county, and that Munday, Mr. and Mrs. L. Horseley visited spend the night with her mother. April 8, 1957 at the hour of 10:00 with Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Weaver Mrs. Cassie Riggles in Buxton. o’clock in the forenoon of said Saturday evening. Mrs. Mae Wienecke was hostess day and the court room of said Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guffy of for a Stanley party at her home court has been appointed by said Pledsantan, California were house last Friday. Mrs. Dolly Saylor court as the time and place for guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tis of Hillsboro was demonstrator for the hearing of objections thereto dale from Monday to Thursday the Stanley products and guests and the settlement thereof. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Weaver present were Mrs. Ray Stanley, Dated and first publication were in Portland Saturday after Thora Birt, Anne Bender, Max March 7, 1957. noon to visit her father, Wm. ine Reynolds, Mrs. Carl Snyder, Date of last publication April Riggles who is in St. Vincents Laura Thacker, Nell Thacker and 4, 1957. hospital. Betty Smith. Allie E. Dickson, Administratrix Mrs. Kenneth West and son Mrs. Lura Shipley returned to John I.. Foote, St. Helens, Oregon, Kenneth were Monday luncheon her home in Portland last Friday- Attorney. 10t5c guests at the home of her mother, after a three week's visit with Mrs. Wm. Greiling in Portland. her son, Harold Shipley and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Birt were FOR RENT: Unfurnished apart in Forest Grove last Saturday on ment. Utilities furnished. Steam LIVING QUARTERS available a combined business and pleasure heat. Inquire at Slaight Hard for bachelor, rent free. Call HA trip. ware. lltfc ft 6609 for information. lltSc LEGAL NOTICE_ _ _ Birthday Dinner Given for Two FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS F'OR RENT: Large furnished four room apartment; newly deco rated. Fuel, water, sewage, gar bage collection, washing machine furnished. Ground floor. $40. 117 North St. lOtfc FURNISHED apartment. Couple only. See Ed Burton, Riverview. HA 9-6033. lOtfc WANTED ’ FERNS WANTED For informa tion, write or contact Callisons, S P yards, Box 228, Tillamook Phone Victor 2 2391. Tillamook ___________________ _________ 13t5 WANTED Evergreen blackberry and blueberry acreage in your area We have plenty of plants Al Davies. Banks Frozen Foods. Banks. Ore.__________________12t3 WANTED: Cedar poles, all sizes. Telephone collect CApital 2 9581 N led er meyer Martin Co., 715 Portland Trust Bldg . Portland 4. Oregon______________________ 8t7c WANT TO BUY livestock in any condition Phone 2362. John Wilmarth. Clatskanie. Oregon. 5Uc HIGHEST cash orices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery- Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126._________________________ 14tfc OPTOMETRISTS: Dr. V. J. Horn« and Dr. R. V. Lane« Across from Texaco Wednesdays FOR TRADE_ _ _ _ _ _ WILL TRzXDE 14 cu. ft. deep freeze, electric range. Fngidaire, gas range, uses white gas, for good car. E. A. Rice, Timber Rt., on Joe Johnson place. Ut3 CARD OF THANKS THE KINDNESS and sympathy i of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow will always re main with us a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude I for all those comforting acts. Mrs. Pauline Lee and family I 13tl CLASSIFIED RATES THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo- | graphical mistake occurs. I BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini mum charge 80c. No informa tion giver relative to such ads. NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 words or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of two. ' POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. | CARD of Thanks Ic Notices: 80c. | NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. HERE'S HOW. • • MAKE A LINEN CLOSET A linen closet that can be modified as a clothes closet can be readily constructed by the home craftsman. The side panels, doors and top piece are cut from 1 by 14-inch lumber. The interior ■helves are made of 1 by 12- inch lumber. The bottom shelf is a piece of 1 by 14-inch lum ber planed to fit. A 1 by 6 is used for the baseboard. The bottom of the front edge of the sides is notched 5*4 inches for the baseboard. Mark the location of the shelves on the side panels 12 inches apart on centers. Mark the location of the hinges on the sides and doors. Recess ths hinges. Cleats on the doors are used to strengthen the assembly. Assemble the project and add the door stops, catches and knobs. f— NsUonsI Lu mb« HaroUcUirtn Association MAKE A HASSOCK A hassock can be made by the home craftsmen to have that finished furniture look. The legs are made of 2 by 3-inch lumber, tapered as shown in the diagram. Start the taper 3% inches from the top end of the leg. The stringers are made of 1 by 4-inch lumber. Use a miter box to help cut square ends. The legs and stringers are assembled with dowel joints. Dowel holes %-inches in diam eter are drilled with a No. 6 auger bit The holes are drilled 1 inch deep. Cut the dowel pins 1% inches long and groove them to provide a tight joint. The braces are cut from 1 by 4-inch lumber. Assemble them to the frame with No. io flathead screws, 114 u*hes long. Make the top of 1 by 8-inch lumber. Fasten in place with 6-penny finishing nails. Cover the stool with foam rubber and upholstery mate rial. Use decorative tacks to fasten the material in place. Materials Needed lpe.lxXLn.x6Pt. lpe.lxtln.xlft. Lpe.lx4tn.xl0ft. 1 pe. % x It In. dowel It No. 10. 1U la- flathmd •craws • do«. decorative furniture tacks flue foam rubber or eotton batting aphobtery material MAKE A COLLAPSIBLE WORKBENCH A workbench that can be folded when not in use is ideal for the handyman with limited working space, such as in a garage. Except for the braces and back, 2 by 6-inch lumber is used throughout. First, make the frame. Mark the location of the four butt hinges. The two outside hinges are 2 inches in from the ends; the inside hinges are 19V4 inches in from the ends. Re cess the hinges. The frame is assembled with butt joints using glue and No. 10 wood screws. 2*4 inches long. The bench is made by edge gluing and dowel jointing six pieces of 2 by 6’s. Holes for the dowel pins are drilled %, inches in diameter and 2 inches deep. Mark the location of the hinges on the back edge of the bench. The 2 by 4-inch braces are fastened with hinges to the base of the wall as shown. The hinges for the underside of the bench are installed in the re verse position to that shown for the base hinges. By remov ing the base hinge pins, the bench may be closed when not in use. Attach the hooks and eyes on the frame and bench. A peg-board back may be added for ease in hanging tools. Former Resident Here for Visit NATAL-PITTSBURG — Mrs. Grace Fowler of Corvallis was a visitor at the W. A. Parmer home one day last week. Mrs. Fowler formerly resided in the com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap and Richard Peterson called on the Ira Petersons Monday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. W R Wolff mo tored to Portland last Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay attended the meeting of the His torical society held at Beaver Homes Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson mo tored to Clatskanie last Thursday Mrs. Harold Zimmerman and son and her mother. Mrs. Neal Taylor of Rainier were Friday afternoon callers on Mrs. W. A Parmer and her mother. Mrs. Holsapple. Mr. and Mrs. Robeit Lindsay called on Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap motored to Forest Grove last j Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. Noble Dunlap ! called on Link Peterson Sunday I afternoon. DR. VOTAW OPTOMETRIST Sundland Building Tuesdays 6 to 8 P.M. Saturdays 2 to 6 P.M. MAM A COMBINATION DESK AND BOOKSHELF A floor to ceiling desk and bookshelf ensemble can be made with 1-inch lumber. The sides, desk, top and lower shelf of the bookcase are made of 1 by 12-inch lumber. The interior shelves are made of 1 by 10-inch lumber. The trim is made of 1 by 4, and 1 by 2-inch lumber. Cut out the top edge of the sides for the top trim. Drill four H-inch holes 2 inches deep in the bottom part of the sides for dowel jointing the desk to the sides. Correspond ing holes are drilled in the desk side panels. Assemble the project and attach the light fixture. Attach to the waj^studs or ceiling joists.