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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1957)
4 THURSDAY. MAH- 28, 1957 THE BAULE. VERNONIA. ORE. YESTERDAYS Legion Juniors Add Activities By Marvin Kamholz Perhaps in the promotional ef- fcrt« of the Vernonia chamber of commerce, one of this communi ty’» greatest assets has been over looked. This possibility comes ■ta mind from a remark made last week by Dr. Nobles, speech professor at the University of Oregon, who visited Vernonia high school for a symposium concerning the university. Dr. Nobles was h«re not only long -»nough to present information about his institution, but to ob serve the school, the students and the general atmosphere of the plant. The Doctor is qualified to ex press an opinion concerning high schools and the students that at tend them because he visits wide ly throughout the state, therefore being in a position to judge. His remarks, unsolicited, ex pressed the opinion that Vernonia high students composed one bf Ute best groomed groups he had seen in the state and that the girls, especially, could fit in with girls at the university. Along with this remark, he complimented the condition of the , building, pointing out that students gave evidence of pride jn the structure because defacing of the property was much less than in many places. Other evidence of the fact Ver- ■nonia students can be considered worthy of an exceptional rating is their conduct at group affairs such as programs, games, etc. Remarks from observers are of ten made in a complimentary tone because local students avoid unseemly remarks and actions that take place elsewhere. Like wise their sense of fair play is sound, a fact that is evident at sports events. A recent example of this type of conduct wiis presented last week at Yamhill when a group of young people sponsored by Harry Bryant participated there «i a square dance jamboree. Viewers were impressed and said as much by remarking that the Vernonia young people gave one on the finest performances and the best appearances of any gri^up seen anywhere. All of this is a Vernonia asset well worth wider mention than has been made of it so far. Extension Unit Program Planning Now Underway Representatives of all the Home Extension units of the county met on Tuesday, March 19 at the Oddfellows hall in Rainier to discuss the program for n“xt year. The meeting was under the direction of the county com mittee members and the discus sion was led by Miss Muri« Scales and Mrs Ann Weigant, both Home specialists from the Oregon State college, and Mrs. Margaret Allyn, county agent Ballots will be sent to extension units so that each member may vote on pro jects to be included in next year’s program duripg the April meet- The final program planning meeting will be held in May. Ocrnonia Fa<j!e Marvin Kamholz Editor ar 1 Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail natter. August 4. 1922 at the port office in Vernonia. Oregon under the act of March 3. 1879. Subscription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else where $3 50. NATION Al t D I T O »‘Al ASSOCIATION • $5 ■ - ■Jimruaiana 4 ASSOCIATION Though entirely new to the group, the song "Make America Proud of You" was quickly learn ed by the American Legion aux iliary juniors at their regular after-school meeting, Thursday. March 21. An incentive was the girls’ desire to sing the expres sive melody at the Legion’s birth day party. Saturday, March 23 Three sheet music copies had been purchased as the profits from the sale of this song goes to the Girl and Boy Scouts of Am erica. After a short business meeting conducted by Sally Biggs, deli cious refreshments of sandwiches, cookies and kool-aid were serv ed by Marie Atkins and Penny Badley. Sixteen new books, "Get-To gether Songs” were also used for the first time and the group looks forward to song session, and appearing on programs is requested. The girls very much appreciate the seniors buying nine dollars worth of music for them and they will enjoy using it. During the afternoon some work was accomplished on the 3-D boxes. Mrs. Margaret Hart zell brought the colored cello phane that is used to give a stage lighting effect. All boxes are to be turned in by the April 4th meeting and a. prize will be awarded for th« best box made by a girl from age 6 to 11 inclu sive. Some of the boxes were on display Saturday evening and it was noticed that the Legion naires were as intrigued with them as the ladies. Four juniors were initiated with the seniors as the group is so newly organized. They hope to [ put on another initiation in a few I months as the obligation cere- I money will help them to better i understand the auxiliary’s ideals | and service program. Mrs. Anne Thomsen, district one president, had warm praise for the work of the Vernonia girls and has asked if they could hold a junior dis trict conference here. The high school girls are mset- ing at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Carter, Wednesday evening at i 7:30 p.m., March 27, to learn | FIVE YEARS AGO From Th* Eagle. March 27. 1952 A final tabulation of county totals showed that Columbia county had raised $10,112.46 in the March of Dimes drive. The Blue Ox Bowmen of Ver- i noma announced an archery golf | tournament for the local course for Sunday. Derrel Rose was president of the club. Mr and Mrs. A. L. Kullander were pictured ready to tee off in the annual visitors’ golf tour nament at Encanto Park, Phoe nix, Arizona. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. March 27. 1947 About 150 children of the in termediate age group turned out Thursday night for the first Teen Age club affair, far exceeding expectations. The Legion aux iliary was sponsoring it and Mrs. H. H King and Mrs. Harry Cul bertson were in charge. E. F. Chambliss opened a shoe repair shop next door to Ver nonia Cleaners. The Pal Shop was being exten sively remodeled by A. F. Wag ner, owner. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle, March 26, 1942 Official air raid instruction books were ready for distribu tion here. Victory gardens was the sub ject taken up at the Vernonia ex tension club this week. Hiram Van Blaricom was hon ored’with a dinner on his 87th birthday. Joe McNutt, Ellis Austin and Howard Rundell left Monday for San Diego for naval training school. Farm Pond Owners Are Offered Hatchery Lisis Farm Pond owners interested in planting fish may secure a list of private fish hatcheries from the county extension affice, ac cording to Doug Messenger, spe cial extension agent. The list contains 15 hatcheries from which pond owners can purchase Rainbow trout, Large- mouth bass. Bluegills, White crappie. Sunfish, Bull head cat fish and Bullfrogs. County OEA Group to Have Dinner Monday Vernonia teachers who are ( members of the county OEA I group will go to Scappoose Mon day evening for a potluck dinner which is to raise funds for the expenses of the president of th" county group to attend the na tional convention this summer. School board members are being invited as guests. from Gertrude Schalock, and Beulah Slemmons how to make some crepe paper flowers suit able for use in the Portland vet eran's hospital Rose Festival wheelchair parade. Starting on Thursday afternoon, April 4. the older girls can then help teach the younger girls to make the simpler imitation blossoms. What's Cooking Club Has Dinner At Leader's Home PICTURE TAKING TIME IS HERE! The What’s Cooking 4-H club held its’ tenth meeting at the home of their leader, Mrs. Earl King on Monday, March 25. Since the project was table set ting and dish washing, the mem bers were all invited to stay for dinner. The girls also enjoyed singing songs and giving some of their yells. Tile next meeting will be a party for the mothers of the club members. M330N CHANGER YOUR FINGERS NEVER TOUCH THE RIBBON NEW Decorator Colors Vslvstono or smooth finish Royal Rad Royal Pink Royal Oraan Royal Turquoise Royal Bolge Royal Bray A 7 The Royal Quiet De Luxe®, in your favorite color, bos every operating feature you could wish for in a Portable typewriter... features available on no other portable. It has Office Typewriter Keyboard and Features, including exclusive Magic* Margin for instant margin setting and Touch Control,* enabling the touch of the keys to be tailored ta STANDARD KEYBOARD PLUS TWO EXTRA KEYS -------- ' County PT A to Elect Officers Columbia County Council of P T A. will nut t April 1 at Clats- kame grade school from 1 pm. to 3 p.m "Television. Its Good and Bad Points" will be discussed by a panel of teen-agers. w Mrs. E. L. Plouff, health chair man and Miss Grace Roumagoux, Columbia county health nurse will summerize the results of the health studies earned on by the council during the past year There will be a report from the nominating committee followed by election of officers. Those serving on the nominating com mittee are Mrs. Perry Olson, Yankton: Mrs C R Lewis, Rai mer, and Mrs Harold Shadley, St. Helens. Mrs. Helmer Lindstrom, As toria, a committee chairman or Oregon Congress of P T A will be on hand to install the new of- ficers. Mrs. L. L. Wells, council presi. dent, reports that she will have information available on the P - TA. <MventK>n bsng held at Pendleton. Oregon, April 9- 10 and 11 PORTABLE every member of the family. NO DOWN PAYMENT UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY ’ SEE THE ROYAL NOW I , vailable Locally At 9 A A grand gift featuring Kodak's popular reflex-typ* camera. Included with each Outfit Flaiholder with Flash- guard and batteries, eight flash bulbs, two rolls of Kodak Verichrom* Film, plus a valuable picture-taking booklet. Complete, $21 75 and upi inc. Fed. Tax. 1 I VERNONIA DRUG CO. Phan* HA 9-6254 — Vernonia c Oernonia Eagle