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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1957)
Dancers Reminded of Two Coming Jamborees Square dancers are reminded this week of two jamborees to take place this week end, one Saturday and the other the fol lowing day. The first is sched uled for Nehalem the evening of March 30 and the other Sun day, March 31 at Pacific Grange aoout six miles from Astoria on the highway to Seaside. The Sunday affair is scheduled in celebration of the release of Nick Nagle, prominent square dancer, from the hospital follow ing an accident and will take place from 2 to 5 p.m. Shower Honors Betty Lou Knoll THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY. MAR 28. 1957 THIM.S TII Till IB1IIT WHAI DAV ARt THE.* MûviHÔ (JS IV FRANKLIN J MEINE Fdrhx American People» ¿ncydop+dw Miss Betty Lou Knoll was the guest of honor last Friday even ing at a beautifully appointed bridal shower in the parlors of the Evangelical United Brethren A MOVING DEVICE MOVES HOMES IN ONTARIO. CANA HA. CiEARED FOR TUE ÇÎ lAWRENiF 5EAiNAY.SC M THAT NEITHLRTHE > »3F COUNTS ihm R AM church for which the ladies of the church were hostesses. Co operating with them to make the affair an especially nice one were the ladies of the Vernonia Bible church where Miss Knoll’s fi ance, Carl Holsey, has been serv ing as Sunday school superin tendent. A game whirl» created much Friends Bid io Wedding of merriment was one in which Betty Knoll, Carl Holsey guests described their courtship in 25 words or less. Prize for Reverend and Mrs. F. M. Knoll the best one went to Mrs. John have issued an invitation to HOHCsîq was the bfst policq for «J nun thl number OF VEHICLES IN USE IN Cowles. Mrs. Essie Nance drew ’ME LIMITED STAU S MATED Al friends of their daughter Betty CT- the door prize. mckl than «»> million , iwclldino ■ - ■ 5 ' ■ Lou and Carl Holsey to attend 50 : MILLION PASSEMGL B CARS. : ' m TF l X a S and a HALF MILLION buses The beautifully wrapped pack their wedding at the Evangelical United Brethren church Saturday ages were heaped on a table in evening. April 6 at 7:30 and the the center of the room and when reception which will follow in the honor guest opened them, they revealed a wonderful as the church parlors. sortment of gifts for her new home. Outstanding among the gifts were the electric blanket SHOP AT HOME AND The installation of the officers An addendum was given for which was the gift of a group of Nehalem chapter No. 153, Or the new worthy matron. Mrs. from the Bible church and the der of Eastern Star was conduct Davis, using her motto and electric frypan which was from ed Wednesday evening, March 20 watchwords for the term as the a group from the EUB church. at the Masonic Temple. The theme. A gift was presented to Refreshments of angelfood cake newly installed matron and pat the Davises by Mrs. Sam Hearing Simple Simon Froxen Pies. with whipped cream and straw ron. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur A. Da Jr. from their officers and friends. Apple and Peach berry jam topping was served vis and the junior past matron Mrs. Hearing was honored with 6 Inch Pie with punch and coffee. and patron, Mr. and Mrs. Sam a farewell song, sung by Amy Miss Knoll's marriage to Carl Hearing Jr. hold the unique po Kamholz, accompanied by Bess Pey'd Coffee S^89 Holsey will be an event of April sition of holding fifteen month Nichols, and a gift given the 2 Pound Can 6. terms instead of twelve months. Hearings, presented by Lillian This is to change the subordi Davis, from their officers and Pesi Sugar Crisp Cereal nate chapter yeai; from the calen friends. Legion Auxiliary District 12 i-ox. Package dar year to a fiscal year to coin Delicious refreshments were Meeting Here Wednesday cide with the grand chapter year. served in the dining room which F-sher’s Biskit Mix The Vernonia unit of the Am Other officers installed were: was very prettily decorated with 2 -Pound Package erican Legion auxiliary will be Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Sr., pink pussywillows and other ap host to other units in this district associate matron and patron: Mo pointments. The committee was Ptlcer’s Fancy Cocoa for a meeting here next Wednes na Gordon, secretary; Jan"t Alvilda Hearing, Frances Her Prtind Can day evening, April 3, at the Le B r i d g e rs, treasurer; Elizabeth shey, Marie Hawkins, Myrtle gion hall, at which the depart Serafin, conductress; Louise Brock. Inez Powell, Virginia Skurfine Fruit Cocktail ment president, Mrs. Frances Hamnett, associate conductress; Johns and Carna Childs. Pouring Ne. 2'i Can , Grund of Monmouth, will make Lottie Swanson, chaplain; Flor coffee were Sam Hearing Jr., her official visit. Other units ence Messing, marshall; Bess Ni Dwight Strong and Carroll Brock Franco-American that will be represented are Scap chols, organist; Dorris West, Spaghetti IS12-ox. Can There will be a practice for poose, St. Helens. Clatskanie and Adah; Edith Roediger, Ruth; the officers at the temple to Rainier. Mrs. Earl Atkins, presi Jayne Shaw, Esther; keatha Chef Boy-Ar-Dee morrow evening, Friday, at 7:45 dent of Vernonia unit, empha Horn, Martha; Isabelle Bruns p.m. Bsefaroni 1514-ox. Can sizes that this meeting is for all man, Electa; Stona Serafin, war members of the Legion auxiliary der and Frank Serafin, sentinel. VS Vegetable Juices and should draw a good atten The installing officers were: 12-ox. Can dance. Dorothy Sandon, matron; Thos. The local unit has cancelled its' Tomlin, patron; Mona Gordon, Surf Detergent regular meeting next Tuesday marshall; Lucille Tomlin, chap G.&nt Sixe Package _ evening in favor of this special lain; Allie Dickson, secretary and meeting on Wednesday evening. Amy Kamholz, organist. A good crowd was present last Brjnd and Swiss Steak Saturday evening for the anni After the ceremony of install Per Pound versary celebration of the Ameri ing the worthy matron. Mrs. Da Miss Patricia Wells THESE PRICES GOOD vis. her tiny grandchildren, Tere. can Legion and the auxiliary Revealing Engagement sa and Wayne Howard of Seattle, which was held at the Legion AS LONG AS PRESENT Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wells an presented her with a beautiful hall and for which a joint initia STOCK LASTS nounce the engagement of their arm bouquet of red roses. Dur tion of new members was the fea daughter Patricia to Norman Ray ing the remainder of the installa tured highlight. Adsit of Myrtle Creek. Oregon. tion, a solo, "My God and I,’’ was For the auxiliary, Mrs. Anna The young people are both stu sung by Ruby Daniels, accom Thomson of Beaverton, district dents at Oregon State college. panied by Mrs. Wilma Thompson; president, officiated as initiation Corvallis. Patricia is a junior and the Rainbow Girls of Ne officer. Those initiated were bio-chemistry major and Ray is halem assembly sang “The Lord’s Mrs. Dorothy Carter. Mrs Irene an engineering senior. Patricia Prayer,” Towne, Mrs. Ruth Brauner, and Member United Grocers Inc. is announcing her engagement at Four juniors Emil Messing, past patron, fol Mrs. Leah Stiff. Deliveries Twice Daily her house. Heather Rae, on her lowed a custom he has pursued who also took the obligation were 10 A.M. & 3 P.M—Ph. HA 9 3492 21st birthday, today, March 28. for several years and presented Sharon Brunsman. Claracy Hart Mrs. Davis with a pretty myrtle zell, Mary Lou and Claudia Car. XHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH» wood gavel he had fashioned. ter. The district commander, Ray H X Mr. Messing also made the pre Herstine of Scappoose, who made sentation of the past patron ’ s H his official visit here Saturday jewel to Sam Hearing Jr. Mrs. H evening, complimented this post Hearing's past matron’s jewel H was on being one of three in district presented by Mona Gordon. Riverview M Phone HA 9-6015 A large group of friends, in 1 to reach its quota. Four new "Where Your Money Buy* More” At the Mile Bridge X H cluding a number of matrons members were added Saturday H and patrons elect, from Portland evening, Howard Carter, Jim ALWAYS — Top Quality H and vicinity were present, as Smith. Lester Galloway and well as the Davis's daughter, Louis Towne. Mr. Herstine was H ALWAYS — Best Prices by his family. H Mrs. Sam Howard and children accompanied Program numbers featured and a lifetime friend. Mrs. Man ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery H uel Roland of Seattle, and other songs by the Junior members of « H out of town guests. the auxiliary, who sang ‘‘Ameri H —From your home-owned independent grocery. The lodge room was decorated ca’’ and also introduced the new X H in pink carnations, hyacinths and song, "Make America Proud of H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING X other spring flower% making a You.” Allan York played two solos. H lovely background for the new accordian A large decorated birthday cake officers in their pretty pink chif. KHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHS fon dresses, with the associate was the center of attraction for matrons dress of contrasting pea the refreshments which also in cluded sandwiches and potato cock blue. Mrs. Davis carried a beautiful white orchid and her salad. white Bible; the other officers A fish in the hand is worth wore wristlets of pink carnation two of the big ones that got away. and red rose buds. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Davis Assume OES Worthy Matron and Patron Roles SAVE 41 31 38' 58 32 14 22 12 69 59 MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS KING’S Grocery - Market PICKERS WANTED Steady Work — All Summer Picking IRRIGATED STRAWBERRIES POLE BEANS Sign with Dan Cason or by- post card io— ROLLING HILLS FARM BANKS, OREGON Transportation provided in bu*»e* driven by Dan Caton. Bob Curl and Jim Davie*. Legion Birthday Well Attended Promenaders Are Jamboree Guests A group of Junior Promenaders from here attended the Square Dance Jamboree held last Satur day evening at Yamhill and did exhibition dances during the in termission on which they were highly complimented, according to Mr and Mrs. Harry Bryant who are in charge of the group. Tommy McFarland called for the dances. In addition to doing the exhibition dances they also par ticipated in the jamboree dancing for which there were 45 squares on the floor at a time. Promenaders from here who went to Yamhill were Deloris Davis, Jim McFarland. Loretta and Mary Lamping who returned from Klickitat, Washington for the event. Tommy McFarland. Charles Davis. Carol Bryant, Lee Harman. Diana Minger, Freddy Bryant, Charles Cotton. Carolyn Vike, Freda Cotton. Lloyd Vike, Carol, David. Billy and Marilee Cotton and Roy Elliott. Adults who accompanied them were Mr. and Mrs. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. M. J Lamping Jr., Klickitat, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bergerson, Mrs. Mathilde Berger, son, Mrs. Edith McFarland and Mr and Mrs. Cotton. Another jamboree is being held Saturday night at the Harvey Clark school at Forest Grove at which both Mr. Bryant and Tom my McFarland will call. Dancing will start at 8:30 p.m. Former Phone Operators Have Get-io-gether Tues. The former telephone operators of th- Vernonia office gathered at the home of Norma Silver Tues day afternoon for their first get- to-gether since the system was converted. The afternoon was spent visiting and reminiscing. The hostess served delicious re freshments of fruit jello, cake, coffee and tea to the following: Ruby Smith of Jacksonville, Ore gon; Silvia Wolff, Betty Meiwes, Faye Davis, lone Justice and Macile Grady. 3 Three Birthdays Observed At Family Get-to-gether A family gathering at the home of Mrs. Pearle Adams Sunday honored the birthdays of her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Hobin of Philomath, and two daughters-in- law, Mrs. Lewis Adams and Mrs. Archie Adams, of Cathlamet, Washington. Her son, Gloyd Adams was also to have shared in the honors, but was unable to get here. Those who enjoyed the occa sion were Mrs. Adams niece, Len nie Reeves from Tulsa, Okla homa; her great niece and hus band. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Witt of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs, Archie Adams and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Adams and family, Cathlamet; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hobin and family, Philomath; Mr and Mrs. Jack Adams, Holly; and Mrs. Adam’s sister, Mrs. Mae Cauffman of Portland. Belated Birthday Party Honors Mrs. Mary Skinner Mrs. Mary Skinner who cele brated her 72nd birthday on March 5, was given a belated birthday party last Wednesday, March 20, for which Mrs. Pearle Adams and Mrs. Clarence New were hostesses. Friends in ad - dition to the hostesses who gath ered at the Skinner home were Mrs. Richard Goodman, Mrs. J. H. Stubbs, Mrs. Cassie Living stone, Mrs. Hubert Smith, Mrs L. L. Wells. Mrs. Roy Beck of Portland, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown and Mrs. Olive Powell. A beautifully decorated birth day cake was served with ice cream and coffee. BURNS Radio and TV Sales-Service ALL MAKES REPAIRED DAY, EVENING SERVICE Phone HA 9 5441 — Vernonia Second Grade Class To Learn About Community The members of the new Scout ing club of the second grade are curious about their community and how it works. They want to know how the town of Vernonia began, how the community helps the school, and how the class can help the community. To find the answers to these questions, the class hopes to visit all around the town and be al lowed to interview the many townspeople who can give them that information. The Scouting club hopes the workers in the community will have time to help them learn about the community. Second Grade Pupil Tells The Purpose of New Club Mrs. Kienle’s second grade class is having a new club about the town. They are going to interesting places. Randy Holce, reporter. f A i's Peace of Mind! i M N ame Companies! Safe and Dependable! U rban and Rural! R ates Hard to Beat! E veryone Needs It! INQUIRE NOW AT— BELL-HUDSON INSURANCE Phone HA 9 6058 — Biverview Notice To Property Owners A large percentage of property owners in the County have failed to file their 1957-58 Personal Property Returns. It is possible that filing the return can slip the mind very easy, many are under the impression that March 15th is the dead line. THE DEADLINE WAS ON MARCH 2. 1957. The great amount of work to be done in a limited time by the office force, the deadline for property owners to file various returns must be enforced. I do not wish to load more on the al ready heavy tax burden of many owners with penalties, but this act must be enforced if returns are not filed immediately and on time in the fu ture. 0. A. RIDENOUR. COUNTY ASSESSOR