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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1957)
2 THURSDAY, MAR 28, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr*. E. D. Hammond returned to her home in Portland Sunday niter spending two weeks here with her sister, Mrs. A. W Gar dner. FOOD SALE Saturday. April 6. Strong's Electric. Rainbow Girls. 1312c Otto Cantwell had the misfor tune last Thursday to get steel in his eye while at work at Arch Cape. He was taken to the Sea side hospital for treatment and ■ •mained there until Monday when his daughter, Mrs. Terry Brady, took him to an eye spe- < lalist in Astoria, then brought him home to recuperate. Mrs. Ethel McRoberts. Mrs. Mabie Fraer and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford of Forest Grove were among out of town guests here last Wednesday evening for the O E.S. installation. Johnny Kirk of Portland spent last week here with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Archi bald and worked at tree planting at the Columbia Tree Farm while i n spring vacation from Portland State college where he is a Fresh man. Mrs. Jim Smith and Mrs. Eva Steele of St. Helens were here last Wednesday evening for the Eastern Star installation. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis and, their nephew, Calvin Keene, dip ped smelt Sunday in the Cowlitz river near Kelso, Washington. Dipping was not too good. Mrs. Lee Knoll of Oregon City was a guest Friday night at the home of Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Knoll and attended the bridal shower given for her niece, Miss ®ettv Lou Knoll. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris ar rived here Friday from Fresno, California where they had spent the winter months. They are staying at their house on Rose avenue while doing some work on it. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robertson were at Corvallis last week end to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Kung. Mr. and Mrs. Norvin Wickstrom and family spent the week end at Eugene with his two sisters, Mrs Les Cozad and Mrs. Chet Clendennin and their families. Rev. F. M. Knoll. Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. Darrold Proehl and Mrs. Lona Weidman, acting as a ommittee from the E.U.B. Sun day school, were in Portland on Monday afternoon for a preview BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon Joi/ Theatre THURS.. FR1. MARCH 28-29 Run For The Sun Richard Widmark ^_Jane Greer bATURDAY MARCH 30 A Man Alone Rav Milkind SUN.. MON. Ward Bond Mar. 31—Apr. 1 The Big Land A’nn Ladd Virginia Mayo THURSDAY. MARCH 28 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge — of vacation Bible school material. IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Wirth of FRIDAY. MARCH 29 Warrenton sptnt a few days at County Extension committee the T. F Hillyer home. In a meeting — Home of Mrs. Dons I game of pinochle Mr Wirth held Baker, Timber road, 10:00 a m. | a 1000 aces and in the same hand VFW and Auxiliary Anniversary 300 pinochle. Later Mrs. Wirth VFW hall. Potluck dinner at held 800 Kings. 6:30 p.m. Elmer Combs and family and Vernonia C of C representative Mrs. Olive Johnston all of Port- Louis Towne—KWG-TV Chan * land also were guests at the T nel 8. 2:00 p.m. F. Hillyer home. MONDAY, APRIL 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lilly are Lions club dinner meeting — up and about again this week VFW hall, 6:30 p.m. after a two weeks bout with in American Legion — Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. fluenza. Rick Bush and Roy Higley were Past Chiefs club — Home of Mrs. Perry McFarland, 8:00 p.m. home last week from Western Washington College of Education . City council — City hall, 8:00 p.m. at Bellingham for spring vaca TUESDAY. APRIL 2 tion. Mrs. Wesley Pace and Mrs. Ray Mt. Heart social club — Home of Mrs. Shelby Cook, 8:00 p.m. Robertson callesd on Mrs. Mary Sawyer at Tuality hospital. Hills Odd Fellows Lodge No. 246 — IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. boro Sunday afternoon and found her convalescing nicely from her Cub Scout committee meeting-- Home of Dan Lawler, 8:00 p.m. iecent surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNair WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3 and family were at Beaverton on Boy Scouts Troop 201 — Cabin in city park, 7:00 p.m. Sunday for a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nehalem Chapter, O.E.Sf — Ma sonic Temple, 8:00 p.m. Holmes honoring the Holmes son, American Legion Auxiliary dis Norris. Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Moran have trict meeting — Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. moved to the house on North street formerly occupied by the George Remnants. Vernonia Lodge Confers Loel Roberts is recuperating this week from a severe strep Degree for St. Helens throat infection contracted last Officers of the Vernonia Odd week. Fellows lodge No. 246 conferred Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wells of the second degree Tuesday on Portland and their daughter, four candidates brought here by Gloria, spent Saturday at the St. Helens lodge No. 117. They home of his parents, Mr. and were Max Harris, George Van Mrs. L. L. Wells. Ortwick, Wayne Fredrick and Margaret Wells, freshman at Vernon Huntzinger. University of Oregon, was home Eleven guests were present for the wek end. She spent the from St. Helens, two from Clats early part of vacation week on a kanie and one from Raimer. trip to San Francisco and Berke ley with five other girls from the University, where they visited Dinner Is Party Given at the home of Mrs. Galen Fisher. For Birthday Observance FOOD SALE Saturday. April 6, Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Eby en Strong's Electric. Rainbow Girls. 13t2c tertained with a dinner party on Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Counts Saturday evening, March 16 hon spent the week end in Portland oring their son Marvin on his at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dar birthday. Guests were Jarl Ha rell DeVaney where Mr. Counts gen, Tacoma; Kermit Fleck, Port | celebrated his 86th birthday Sat land; Patrick Sauer, Bill Wil urday. On their return home, coxon, Bill Eckland and Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Counts and Mr. Snyder, Vernonia. and Mrs. DeVan°y and daughter, Kathleen, visited Mrs. Mertie ton last Thursday by the death Cline in Forest Grove. of their brother, Elmer E. Mor The Columbia county minis gan. He was the son of a pioneer terial association held its March family of Washington county, meeting here at the Evangelical George and Phoebe Morgan and United Brethren church Tuesday was a former maintenance man I morning. at Hanford. Washington for Gen Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emmons eral Electric. After retiring he . and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ritz and moved to College Place. He is j family drove to Portland Sunday survivecf by his wife, three child where the Emmons visited his ren and a number of grand and father, Jim Emmons and the great-grandchildren, besides the Ritzs visited her father, Roy Bra- two sisters who are the only ones | dy, both of whom are ill at their left of a family of ten. i homes Four people had identified Mr. and Mrs. Cass Bergerson numbers posted at Brunsman’s I were in Portland Tuesday and by Wednesday morning. They brought her brother, Homer In were: E. L. Karnoski, Dane Brady man home with them from St. J. F Miller and Dave Jeannotte. Vincent’s hospital where he had Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson been for about three weeks. He and daughters Patty and Vivian is staying with the Bergersons. * were at Lake Quinault. Washing Mrs. Minnie Krinnick and Mrs. ton last week end for a family Ella Howell of Gales Creek were gathering to celebrate the 92nd called to Walla Walla, Washing- birthday of his grandmother. Mrs. Kate Bergman. Jack’s mother. Mrs. M. S. Thompson of Port land accompanied them, thus making a four-generation group at the affair. His two sisters and other relatives brought the group to 13 adults and three child ren. Charles Morse and Wanda Chadwick were married March 16 at Metairie, La. Wanda is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs William Chadwick, formerly of Vernonia Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smidi and family are leaving this week end to make their home in South Da kota. Mr. Srnidt, who has recent ly been employed here at the mill will be driving a mail truck when they arrive at their new homp. At Your Favorite Grocery NABISCO FEATURES Shade — Flowering RHODODENDRONS AZALEAS — CAMELLIAS I tt SHRUBS 31.00 UP OPEN DAILY TIL DARK ECONOMY NURSERY I » » : : T • Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Olson of Kelso, Washington are the par ents of a 7 pound, 4L ounce daughter, Denise Marie, born last Saturday at St. Johns hospital, Longview. The little lady is the first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jacobs of Vernonia and the first great-grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Jaeger of Yakima, Washington. However, for the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin Olson of Kelso, she is no novelty, for she is their 23rd grandchild. MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone HA 9 6341 Across from Luther s" ART CANTERBURY DAVE FUITEN Study Club Hears Repon On the Nation's Business A very enlightening program on the nation’s business was pre sented by Mrs. J. W. Nichols to the 14 members of the Vernon.:< Study club at the meeting he J March 21 at the home of Mrs. B J. Horn. Sources of material were the magazinesK Nation . Business, Time and Wall Street Journal; the U. S. National bank bulletins and daily newspaper The next meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. Wm. Johnson, April 4. Two from One Family Require Hospitalization RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Tom Solo mon who has been in the Uni versity of Oregon medical school hospital since March 9, was able to leave Thursday. She is stay ing with her daughter in Port land. Mr. Solomon visited friends here last week and returned to Portland Tuesday to await eye surgery. He, also will be in the University medical school hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. Sozoff and their daughter and her friend Verna Johnson, visited the Jim Sulli vans in Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler spent Saturday in St. Helens visiting Mrs. Cora Biggs. W. J. Lindsley was taken to University of Oregon medical school hospital Sunday. He un- derwent surgery Tuesday morn- ing. 4-H Club Members Hold Skating Party on Sunday A 4-H club skating party was the attraction that took 75 Ver nonia club members to Hillsboro Sunday afternon where they skated at the rink at Shute park. They came home well tired out, but all acclaiming a most enjoy able time. Leaders and relatives who pro vided transportation were Mrs. Earl King, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Workman, Mrs. Joe Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. G raid Russell, Mrs. Wesley Pace, Mrs. Rose Steen, Mrs. Ray Robertson, Mrs. Dave Brunsman, Bert Brunsman, Mrs. R. S. Hunteman, Mrs. Joe Mag- off, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Drennan, i Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roediger, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Heckenliable and Wayne Aldrich. I | 1 Mrs. Art Davis treated mem- bers of the Friendly Pinochle club to a luncheon of crab cock- tail and salad when they met at her home last Friday afternoon. An afternoon of pleasant but uneventful play resulted in high scores for Mrs. M. J. Bjornson and second high for Mrs. Joe Vanderzanden. Mrs. Leon Savage was a guest playing again for Mrs. Rueben Pederson who was still not well enough to attend. The club will meet tomorrow with Mrs. Wm. Shafer. No liberal man would impute a charge of unsteadiness to an other for having changed his opinion. Phone HA 9-3462 NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT. ADMIRAL ’ | I Wives are more likely than ' husbands to promote regular fa- | mily savings, the University of I Michigan Research Center has found. Friendly Pinochle Club . Enjoys Crab Cocktail ' I I I I I ' I The V.F.W. auxiliary held elec tion of officers Tuesday evening with the following results: Lila Rauch, president; Kathryn Wy- coff, senior vice-president; Helen Spofford, junior vice-president and historian; Myrtle Cox, trea surer; Leila Harris, chaplain; Rosalie Roediger, conduct res:; Celia Laird, guard; Shirley Hus trustee; Betty Hawken, secre tary; Mary Lee Dübendorf, pa triotic instructor; Trudy Magotf, Ina Bateman. Margaret Davies and Laurel Wycoff, color bearer The auxiliary will join with the V.F.W. Friday evening in an anniversary celebration which will start with a potluck dinner at 6:30. Outstanding feature of the evening will be the burnirg of the mortgage. Farmers’ tax guides for income and self-employment taxes are available at the county agents office according to Doug Messen ger, special extension agent. According to the tax guide, if at least two-thirds of your gross income is from farming and your taxable year starts January 1, you may either; 1—File your re turn and pay the tax on or be fore February 15, following the close of your taxable year; or 2— File an estimate on your tax and pay this amount by January 15, following the close of your tax able year, then file your return and pay any balance due by April 15. If your business year does not start January 1, you may file your return and pay the tax on or before the 15th day of the second month of the succeeding taxable year; or you may file an estimate within 15 days and a return within 3’2 months after the end of your business year. Stork Delivers Daughter To the Gerald Olsons Radio Appliances | TV • Low Down Payment • 12 Months to Pay. Deep Freezers, Refrigerators. . and appliances of all kinds. GUARANTEED SERVICE 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. — All Makes OAKES RADIO SHOP Phone HA 9-3653 — Rivervfew 5 Extension Phones Extend » Mi Yomr Reach I Before you drive it home Even the most careful driver can be innocently involved in a crash that damages property . . . wrecks his own car or someone else'» . . . injures passengers or pedestrians. Our automobile collision, comprehensive and liabil ity insurance offers de pendable protection against all these risks -4 and others besides. Ask us for details. VERNONIA INSURANCE Bill J. Horn. Agent Phone HA 9 6233 — Vernonia 905 Bridge Street Forest Grove NEHALEM VFW Auxiliary Names New Officers. Plans Part’/ Fanner's Tax Guide Available ; DATES io Remember Rrprrtrotinf tht Hartford Fire Insurance Company a An extra phone in kitchen—bedroom — laundry or utility room—saves steps, makes your telephone even more convenient. Cost? About 4c per day . To order yours, call our Business Office. 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