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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1957)
R D11N t M A N hardware and electric rtì] D K U H J l”l A 11 PHONE HA 9-5651 ----- WE DELIVER 3k FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS & FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Lowest Price Ever SIMPLY STUNNING! STUNNING- LL SIMPLE! '57 Frigidaire Automatic Electric Range with the new SHEER LOOK ALL-NEW ’57 FRIGIDAIRE FOOD FREEZER REFRIGERATOR HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL TURPENTINE — ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS MARSH ALL-WELLS TH'XOTROfIC ONION ALKYD ENAMZL 3-Pc Papper Dish in Spun Alumi- num. $1 50 Valui Marshal-Wells otropic jell Enamel Qi SALE ON COLORED PYREX WARE Loaf Pans $1.25 Value Pie Plates 69c Value Large Oblong Baking and serving Dish. $1 50 Vai Davey Crockett itching bowls, mugi 15c Value. ” o v ‘ FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS Super Wall-Tone rub ber base $ -j 85 QL 1 New, Improved Mil acle Wall-Tone Water 413 ft. Frigidaire Special Prices On Paint c $r To •) Brushes . Largs Selection Pam*. Rollers From 6 Large 25-Gallon leak proof garbage can $6.00 Value 3 Cu. Ft. Rubber tired Garden Wheelbarrow Garden Cart FINISHED CHESTS IN WHEAT COLOR Mop Pail 3 Drawer Chest ’3” 8-oz. String Yacht Mop c 9-oz. Cellulose $|69 Yacht Mop « i i i < 4-Drawer Chest 8-Dra wer Mr. and Mrs. Chest FOR RENT ITEMS FOR RENT Floor Polishet $! 00 per day House Jacks for Rent Beautiful 4-Pc. room Sets. Moca Finish 3- Piece Moca Set 4- Piece Barkr in Limed Oak Gillespie Beautiful 2-Pc. Sectional. Can be made into b d SQiJQiO if need d. *7 $250 Value Biltwell Daveno sets in Rose-Beige, Persimon, Greçn, Cocoa and 50 Blue...... ............ 189 UNCLAIMED NUMBERS 12773 12804 14491 13612 12946 10345 SEE THE NEW 1S57 FRIGIDAIRE DRYER Ironing Board Goulds Amazing NO-TANK PUMP Complote Water System. No Tank N ceded Priced At Speed Queen Washer with Stainless Steel Tub. Demonstrator. Regular $209 Value. Special with your old Washer Kenmore and ABC 50 Washer Washer $ Only Sale on Used Washers All in Excellent Con $ dition. Only A P L Y W O O D $3 50 Ix8x’* SIMPSON BOARD lx8xH $2.45 CEILING TILE Box of 60 Sq Ft $8.25 HARDBOARD 4x8x’s” $2.65 MASONITE 4x8x3/16" $3.20 Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $49.50 - $59 50 - $79 95 Gen Simmons Twin Combination. Two m- nerspnng mattresses, two innerspring box springs with 6 legs on each, or can be used singly. A $150 Value For 50 Only Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $49 50. $59 50, $79 95 Beautiful Pink Enami 1 Ware at Special Sale Prices. 8-Cup Percolator 3-Quart Saucepans 7-Inch Power Saw. $79.50 Value Special 4-Quart Teakettles r ull-size range with these features: Easy-to-use “Thinking Panel’’ includes See N Set Automatic Cook-Master .Control; Full-Width Storage Drawer; Illuminated Range Surface; Sear- Speed Radiantube Broil Unit tha< sears like charcoal; Lifetime Porcelain Finish. Model RS-15-57 Reg. $259.95. Special For Limited $0 1 Q 95 Time Only Ml«/ Model RS-33-57. Reg. $249.95. Special For Limited Time Onlv Famous Controlled Heat Wood Stoves. Ashley, Oakland and Nor wester. Large Size Ashley Heater Norwester Automatic Oakland Heater Adjustable Metal Dibit Sander $1 50 Day ! : I I • II I j « Large New Selection of Swing Rockers wilh Pure Foam Rub- ber Seats, Thick Up- holsiered backs ani highest grade cover- mgr.. Splayed arms. Rose, blue, beige, red and green. $85 Value s22“ $27” Skil Floor sander (7 rent « i I FS-101-57 10 1 cu. ft. SQQQ95 Reg $339.95, Save $40 ¿7 «7 Round Baking Serving Dish $1 00 Value Square Cake dish $1.40 Vai Waste ffeal Zero Zone Freezer-holds 44 lbs • Exclusive Cycla-Matic Defrosting in refrigerator sec tion • Four Full-Width Shelves • Full-Width Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrator • Big. Deep Storage Door with Five removable shelves. See the new FD-120-57 12 cu. ft. deluxe Frigidaire 95 with auto. Defrost 3-Pc. Garden and flor al set. Shovel, rake and hoe Special, $2.25 Bow Rake $1.89 Garden Hoe Shovel $3.25 M B autiful i-Pc. Castleton Dinet’? Sets. Limed Oak Plastic Tabi? Top. Chairs upholstered in beau tiful colored Bolt a 95 Fiez. $150 Value Special on 5-Pc. Virtue Dinette Sets. Duncan Phyfe $ style. Gray or Red Pearl 4-Pc. Douglas Dinette Set Fan Gio Heataire Elec tric Heater. Finest on the Market with amazing control tower. Dry clothes just as you please—damp dry or completely dry for storage. You can adjust temperature and drying time to fit all fabrics. Model shown. DD57 Deluxe $229.95 DI57 $299.95 Gleaming white Toilet Seat. Special Deluxe Gold Seal Li noleum $ Rugs. 9x12 Beautiful new patterns in both 6 and 9 Ft. Linoleum Per vard : i I À Punch Bow l Set For Rent. $1 00 Day Curtain Stretcher for Rent 50c per Day GE Steam or $ Dry Irons Only Sunbeam $ Steam or Dry XHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZK Yule Tree Men Slate Meeting The spring meeting of the Northwest Christmas Tree assoc iation is slated for Friday and Saturday of this week, March 15 and 16 at the Multnomah hole', Portland, an announcement mad? 1 err earlier this we-k states The program Friday will open with registration from 10 to 12 am and will be devoted to re ports and the nomination and election of 1957-5* trustees A field trip to the Wrtshingtun slate college btanch experiment station s.t Vancouver will open Satur day’s »es.'.vn and will include 4-Pc. Canmster $1 25 Value Sets New Table Lamps With Exotic Shades $5 95. $8.95. $11 95 and $12 95 Creosote for Treating Simmons Sills under Mattress Special Houses Gal 75 Innersphine 95 I Floor Lamps $8.95 - $10 95 - $13 95 Neoprene Rain Jackets and $ Pants I 8” IT'S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA 4ZHXHZMXHXHZHXHZHZHZHZMZI » Timber Route Unit Hears Various Reports Easter Seal Sale Starts demonstrations of machine plant ing. hand planting, flocking and shearing Later that morning the association’s business meeting will take place Faith and hope are prime re quisites for success, but both must be backed up with hard work Rcmenibcr the steam kettle^ «Uthxigh up to its ncvk tn bet water, it continues to siag. —Office Supplies *1 the Eagli The lesson on care and use of the sewing machine was present ed at the meeting of the Timber Route extension unit Tuesday by Mrs. E P Crawford and Mrs Marvin Mever Eicht members and one guest were present for it. During the business meeting. Mrs George Biddle, citizenship chairman, reported on the Great Decisions program which gives ir formation on world and United Nations pioblems Sh? has avail- <*blr various bulletins dating flfl tn thp program for those in terested. Mrs. Crawford, health and safe ty chairman, gave an Interesting talk on poisons in the home and antidotes to use in case of emer- fenev. Mrs. Ralph Bergerson and Mrs. Joe Baker were appointed as a nominating committee and will rt port at the April meeting. All members were urged to at tend the open meeting on family business and the law at the Wash ington school next Tuesday even ing and were especially urged to take their husbands and rttugh Ix’rs to this informative wvtini Hostess«'« for the Tuesdav This year's annual sale nf East er seals will take place from March 15 to April 21 Mrs. George Peters indicsted Wednesday She is chairman of th-' affair for this community and money from the sale is turned over to the Ore gon Society for Crippled Children and Adults meeting wire Mrs Melvin Ber- gerson and Mrs Donald Berger- son In the race for wealth many a man finds himself short of breath—and health—at the fin ish.