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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1957)
K THURSDAY, MAR. 14, 1957 BOWLING RESULTS THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE CLASSIFIEDS WOMEN S LEAGU1 Lost Won 46 62 IVcssy 's 464 Sam's Flood Store «14 55 53 Vernonia Drug 68 4 394 Prutvsman Hdwre NOTICE is hereby given that FOR SALE: .22 automatic rifle; High individual game. Gert- Maple dinette set with buffet. the undersigned sheriff and tax rud • Sthalvck 214 high indivi- G. A. Remnant, 476 North St., collector of Columbia County. dual series. Maxgata* Elladt, 555 Vernonia, Ore. 9t3c Oregon, in accordance with the team game. Sam's, 879. high Sam >, 2516 Splits CLOVER hay, oat vetch and oat iequirement of an order entered lea:*1 «,‘i hay. Top quality, $25. Also by the county court of Columbia I picked up Mai* Lou Normand. straw $10. Mike Yunker, phone county sitting for the transaction 3-H), Marguerite Burton, 3-10, 16104, Forest Grove. 10t3c of county business on March 14. Alice Gwut. 2 7 1957, will offer for sale at public OREGON JOURNAL representa vendue, the following described tive, call Hy-Van Hotel, HA 9- real estate in Columbia County. First View of Ocean Is 5091. 10t3c Afforded Wisconsin Folk Oregon, to-wit: South half of lot 7. block 33, FOR SALE: Daveno in good con TIMBER ROUTE — Mr. and dition. $30 See at 1208 Bridge Moeck's addition to city of Rai Mrs. Ray Liska of Hillsboro, Wis St. Phone HA 9-5721 I0t3c nier, Columbia County, Oregon. consin. cousins of Mrs. Nell Columbia county has become Thacker, Mrs. Laura Thacker. ANNUAL CHICK DAY April 13. th? owner of said premises by Otto Stowell and Mrs. Sylvia Added attraction. merry go- reason of foreclosure of delin Falconer, arrived Tuesday morn ■ ound for youngsters. Vernonia quent tax lien on said premises, ing to attend the funeral of their Trading Co. 10t3c and the same will be sold the aunt, Mrs. J. R McNew, that TEN-POUND bundles of news highest and best bidder for cash afternoon at Schefflin. Wednes papers for sale. Suitable for inland but in no event less than day morning the group all went to Seaside, that being the first starting fires, etc. Vernonia Eagle $2500. Said sale will be conducted at time Mr. and Mrs. Liska had office. &tf 10:00 a.m. on the 12th day of ever seen the ocean. Returning HAY FOR SALE. Donald Ber- April, 1957 at front door of Co tc Vernonia, they spent the even gerson, Timber Route, Vernoma lumbia county court house, St.' ing with Mrs. Nell Thacker and HA 9-3874. 4tfc Helens, Oregon. cvernight with Mr. and Mrs. Wil Signed, Warren Forsyth, bur Thacker, leaving for their FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Sheriff and tax collector home by train Thursday af^r- Ted’s Saw Shop, corner Bridge for Columbia County, Ore. r.oon. and State St. 22tfc Ilt5c Overnight guests at the home SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Feather NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT dirt. Cail HA 9 6829, A.G. Os Notice is hereby given that the ston were his sister and husband. trander. 26t52c undersigned as administratrix of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jones the estate of Enoch Benjamin from Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver, George, deceased, has filed her Pauline Tisdale and her grand final account in the county court BUMP k MEYER. INC. children, Mary and Squeak drove of the state of Oregon for Co ESTATE REAL lumbia county, and that Monday. to Prospect Friday and spent the Vernonia Branch Office April 8, 1957 at the hour of 10:00 night with Mr. and Mrs. Sam H. T. Hudson — Phone HA 9-6058 o’clock in the forenoon of said Beck. The children had been Riverview visiting here with their grand CASH TO OWNERS EQUITY— day and the court room of said parents for a short time. court has been appointed by said Very desireable 2-bdrm., elec, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harders heat, extra lge. lot, attached court as the time and place for and daughters of Aberdeen, the hearing of objections thereto i arport, flowers, lilacs. Clean Washington were week end guests and the settlement thereof. n and out. Riverside drive at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dated and first publication 'beauty. Abt. $1250 will handle. Snyder. March 7, 1957. $3650 full price. Date of last publication April OWNER ILL, YOUR BREAK- Need is URGENT, We listed 4, 1957. Miner Reenlisis for Allie E Dickson, Administratrix at $3850, for 2BR in city on Second Marine Hitch John L. Foote, St. Helens, Oregon, spot. comer, with garden Attorney. 10t5c 'lean, modern, electric heat. Mrs. Verl Barker received •■ AVE OVER $1200 by making word last vyeek from her son, NOTICE < ffer, now! The City of Vernonia is interest Elroy Miner, that he had rein 30 DAY SACRIFICE! Originally ed in purchasing a site suitable listed at Jacksonville, North pfferad ¡it this 3 Hr. for a public garbage dump. It Carolina for another six year with central hall, lge. kitchen, must comply with state regula hitch in the Marines. Also, he » ,'ectric heat is an easy walk to tions, such as being at least one- had news that the squadron with town, but high enough to be w hich he had served overseas, fourth mile from a public road safe from floodwaters. SAVE or home, at least one-eighth mile VMA 251, was being brought $900 at $2850. back to the states as a detached from forest land and its use as a WK HAVE SOME DAN- public dump must not cause the unit. DY BUYS IN FARM AND polution of any stream. Anyone DAIRY SETUPS, ALSO interested may secure further de llt3c tails from Sam L. Hearing at the city hall. 10t3c HOMES LIVING QUARTERS available 5 ROOM modern house on 75x100 for bachelor, rent free. Call HA The budget meeting for school lot. Very well located, close 11 t3c district No. 52, Mist, Oregon, will 9-6509 for information. to schools and churches. Price be held at the school house on the $4750. Will accept $600 down. evening of March 18 at 8 P.M. 3 rOOM house, 2 lots. Close in. Notices are posted in the usual Total price $500. Will accept MY SINCERE thanks and ap places. ?75 00 down preciation to my many friends Myrtle Mathews, Clerk FOUR room hou^1, wired for for’ the cards, letters and flowers 9t3c Hinge, electric water heater. sent me while I was in the hos Close in. Price only $700. Very pital. And a very special vote geod terms. of sincere and deep appreciation FARMS WANTED: Housekeeper for fa to the blood donors. ? ACRES just out of Vernonia Mrs Dane Brady lltlc mily of three. Modern conven with 5-room house, garage, iences, week ends off $75 per WE DESIRE to express to our woodshed and fruit house. Land month and room and board. HA kind neighbors and thoughtful all clear and level. Nehalem 95048 lltfc friends our heartfelt thanks for River just across road avail- .■ble for irrigation Price $3750 WANTED Cedar poles, all sizes. their many expressions of sym Good terms. Telephone collect CApital 2-9581. pathy. The beautiful flower of SEE ME FOR FARMS AND N i e d e r m e yer Martin Co., 71.> ferings were especially appreci ACREAGE Portland Trust Bldg . Portland 4. ated. Mr. and Mrs. Austin R Corll •DON BAYLEY. BROKER Oregon 8t7c and familv* lltlc Pa.uce Cafe Bldg Ph. HA 9-5225. WANT TO BUY livestock in title any condition Phone 2362, John Wilmarth. Clatskanie. Oregon. 5tfc THE EAGLE, assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors WE ARE now selling auto and HIGHEST cash Drices paid for that may appear in ads pub fire insurance for Farmer's Mu cream and eggs at your door— lished in Us columns, but in tual of Enumclaw along with picked up once or twice weekly— case where this paper is at Mayflower. There is no mem call or write Forest Grove Cream fault, will reprint that part of b- i-hrp fee on autos with Enum ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone an adv. in which the typo * !.. ■ Please come in and com-, 126. 14tfc graphical mistake occurs. pare rates. BLIND ADS with answers to be "us ell Insurance Agency handled by the Eagle: Mini 959 Rose Avenue mum charge 80c. No informa lOtfe FOR RENT Unfurnished apart tion giver relative io such ads. nient Utilities furnished Steam NO information on classifieds will heat Inquire at Slaight Hard be given out until after paper ware lltfc is mailed. PORTABLE welding service, p< -er plant; night work George FURNISHED apartment avail- MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 words or less. Words over min able about March 15. Couple S ith. HA 9 3876 32tfc imum. 2c each. Three inser only. See Ed Burton. Riverview LARENCE R WAGNER, county tions for the price of two. HA I9 6033 lOtfe »nxeyor. Court House, St Helens. POETRY accepted only as paid FOR RENT Large furnished four PI >• ■ office. 698. home, 183 Pri- matter. Rate: 5c per type line. loom apartment; newly deco CARD of Thanks It Notices 80c. ’ ' -urveying, engineering wort rated Fuel, water, sewage, gar NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY 24tf.- bage collection. washing machine ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED furnished Ground floor. $40 AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT 117 North St lOtfe FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. w L TRADE 14 cu ft de-p I ,e, electric range. Frigidairt", DR. VOTAW OPTOMETRISTS: range, uses white gas. for : t OPTOMETRIST i x i! car E A Rice, Timber Dr. V. J. Horne and Rt, on Joe Johnson place. 1113 Dr. R. V. Lance Sundland Building Acron from Texaco Tuesdays I to I P.M. A weak intellect doesn't keep Wednesdays Saturdays 2 to 6 P.M. u man from being headstrong. FOR SALEGeneral LEGAL NOTICE MAKE A BOOKCASE CUPBOARD WALL A bookcase-cupboard wall adds storage, charm and at mosphere to the living room. The dimensions will depend upon the length and height of the wall to be covered. Use a miter box to cut the ends square. The frame and desk top are made of 1 4 by 12-inch lumber. The shelves are of 1 by Curios, china, or knicknacks can be attractively displayed on a plate rack. The rack is made of 1 by 4- inch lumber throughout. The frame is a 70-inch square with miter joint construction. The interior shelves are cut 68-7/16 inches long. Square the ends. Before assembling, mark the location of the shelves on the sides as shown in the diagram. Assemble the plate rack with glue and 8-penny finishing nails. Set all nails and fill the holes with wood putty. To hang the rack, locate th* SERVICES I j | ' j The appointment of Lloyd W Quinn as general agent for In- surance Company of Oregon in the northwest area of Oregon is announced by John Merrifield. president of the company, Quinn recently completed a two-week course of training in life, accident and health and hospital protection at the home office of the company in Port- land, and has moved his offic" from his location at home to 786 Bridge with Strong's Electric studs behind the wall where the reck will be hung. Drill %- inch holes 1-13/16 inches deep in the shelves as shown. The location and number of holes in the shelves will depend on the position of the rack in relation to the studs. At least one fas tening should be made in th* center of each shelf to prevent sagging. Attach the rack to the studs with No. 10 flathead screws 34 Inches long. Plug the holes with dowels. Quarter-round 14 -inch mold ing nailed to the shelves will prevent the plate* from slip ping. Material* Needed ? pea. 1 x 4 In. x 4 ft. 4 pcs. H-ln. quarter-round moldin* lb. 8-p*nny Anishin* nail* 2-penny Anishin* nails for moldin* No. 10. fl at bond screw* %-in. dowel rod for plugs rluo i'o hole MAKE A FOLDING CAR BED General Agent Appointed By Company for This Area FOR RENT 12-inch lumber. Mark the loca tion of the shelves. Assemble the frame and attach the shelves. Attach the desk top and shelf using angle braces for added strength. Molding is attached around the frame as shown with glue and finishing nails. Make the doors. Recess the hinges in the molding and doors. MAKE A PLATE RACK NATAL-PITTSBURG — Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff motored to Portland Sunday afternoon to the George Turner home to make the acquaintance of the new grandso/i, Gary Marc. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Max Glienke. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kraig and daughter Carol of Seattle were week end visitors at the Clyde Henderson home. Callers a week ago Sunday at the Robert Lindsay home were Mrs. E. F Leake of Portland and Mrs. Acel Lolley of Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Veere Her shey and family spent the week end with relatives in Portland. Archie Dass spent several days last week visiting his sisters in Seattle. Mrs. W R Wolff called on Mrs. Vm Pringle last Wednesday. CLASSIFIED RATES > Materials Needed Visit io New Grandson Made by W. R. Wolffs WANTED the shelve* as shown in th* diagram. Cut the center «helves 30 inches long. The end »helves are 8 $4 inches long. Attach the separators and shelves with glue and 6-penny finishing nails. Round all sharp edges and sand the project smooth. To hang the shelf, fasten mending plates or strap iron to the back edge of the sides at both top and bottom. Locate the position of wall studs and attach the wall shelf through the wall to the studding. Use No. 6 15s-inch flathead screws. 1 pc. 1 x 6 in. x 10 ft. 6-penny finishing nails 1 pc. 1 x 6 in. x 6 ft. glue 2 pea. 1 x 6 in. x 8 ft. 4 mending plates or strap iron 4. No 6 1%-in. flathead screw* TIMBER ROUTE—Sam Smith. Mrs. Ruth Huit and Mrs. Mildred Smith received word that their cousin, Harold Smith had passed away March 9.* Mr. Smith will be remembered as a former resi dent on Timber route for several years who was formerly em ployed by Koster Products and built the house now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stanley. " Mrs. Harry Weaver and the Beck girls were luncheon guests of Mrs. Albert Reynolds Monday. Harold Schmidlin purchased the Winton place the latter part of February and took posses sion the first of March and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Weaver moved into the house over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mbs. Chet Wieneckie and family from Springfield were week end guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wieneckie. Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer, Mrs. Mary Eide and Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and Mrs. Nell Thacker enjoyed moving pictures with the Wieneckie’s that Chet and the Falconers had taken previously. Luncheon guests Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds were Thelma Weaver, Maxine Reynolds, Edna Reynolds, Pau line Tisdale, Martha Eberly, Mrs. Snyder and Donna Snyder. CARD OF THANKS L Storage for the youngsters’ model train* is provided by a wall shelf. It also protects against damage which might occur if the trains were placed with other toys. The project is made of 1 by 6-inch lumber. Butt joints are used throughout. A miter box will help the handyman to cut square ends. First, make the outer frame as shown. Assemble the frame with glue and 6-penny finish ing nails. Next, mark the loca tion of the vertical separators. Before nailing the separators in place, mark the location of Death Claims Former Timber Route Resident MISCELLANEOUS FORTRADE MAKE A WALL SHELF FOR TOYS NATAL-PITTSBURG — The community was shocked to hear of th«, untimely death of Austin Corl Jr The accident happened on a log pond at th’ mill where he was employed near Eureka. California Our sympathy is ex tended to the family. Mr and Mrs Wm. Woods of Clatskanie were reecnt guests of Mr and Mrs. Robert S. Lindsay. Mr and Mrs. Reed Holding of Birkenfeld and Donald Hooper of Clatskanie called on Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Dass motor ed to Cathlamet and Skomakawa, Washington Sunday where they visited with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Armstrong and children were guests earlier this week at the I. J. Dass home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lind say motored to Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith of Portland were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Parmer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carmichael and family from Timber route were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack. FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE Insurance HERE S HOW . Accident News Carries Shock | , ! ■ Some people are to sus pect those who agree with them —and dislike those who do not. The world will be better when small boys can be taught to pray as easily as they ean learn to < swear. A useful accessory for the' family car is a portable car l>ed. It can be folded for stor- I age when not in use. The top is two pairs of boards jointed together with dowel rods and hinged at the center. Cut the board* a* shown. Use a miter box to square the ends. Clamp the in dividual pairs together so that : in making the dowel holes they | will he perfectly aligned. Bore I holes 2 inches deep using a No 6 auger bit. Make at least six : evenly-spaced holes starting J 2vi inches in from each end ’ The dowels are cut 34 inches to » » exo eoaecs I *.c S : | long and rounded on the ends to prevent binding. Groove th« dowels for a tighter joint. The sides are made of 1 by 8-inch lumber dowel-jointed to gether at three places; one in the center, and one 2 inches from esch end. Hsnd holes may be made if desired. The narrow side beard is made of 1 by 4-inch lumber. The car bed is assembled with 3-inch butt hinges. All hinges are recessed. Round all sharp edges and sand smooth; paint or stain and varnish. A pad or rrmt- tress completes the project.