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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1957)
Family Gathers For Birthday TIMBER ROUTE — Sunday dinrier guests at the home of Mrs. Nell Thacker to honor grandad Thacker on his 89th birthday were Mr and Mrs. Lester Teel- ing of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker. In the after noon other relatives visiting giandad were Mrs. George Smith and four sons, Mr. and Mrs. Sel- wyn Graves and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gallowa. and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wall from Gardiner, Mrs. Maude New, Mi's. Sylvia Falconer, Mrs. Mary Eide and Jackie from Banks and Mrs. Mae Wieneckie. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harry Wea ver were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Robeit Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Donpvan Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds, Mr and Mrs Pat Eber ly and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reynolds. Mr and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and grandchildren were in Portland Monday on business. Mrs. Carl Wienecke was hos HæflHHHHf:: 'P=>” THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. tess Sunday for a birthday du ner to honor her niece, Mrs. Pete Herinckx of Wilksboro and her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Wie neckie from Forest Grove. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wienecke from North Plains and the Herinckx children. THURSDAY. MAR 14, 1957 5 S/Sgt. Jack Gates and Ale Francis Purdy from Portland Air Base were in town Saturday on a business trip, and had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ship- ley. Sell it with an Eagle Classified. - !H!t!Se^œsæiffil!;nremæ:!Sa}.--:rffil»i:'.nFr :H:HHT»lî«ii FTj-” your BEST place to save ! SAFEWAY'S SAVE 60c NOW ON . . . BAGS «'BARGAINS SALE' Torpedo Grated 1 Limit of 8> BARGAINS BY THE BAGFUL AT SAFEWAY . . . ji l Fancy Green Cut Stringless C $100 6 303 TINS Beverly Brand Creamy or Chunk Style feX 18-02 L JAR MILD CHATHAM CHEESE BEL-AIR FROZEN PEAS I i C* Only 8 Sfl 00 JELL-WELL TEA BAGS GELATIN DESSERTS CANTERBURY 8 Delicious Flavors To Choose From PKG. 5’ Tg 40c 49' ) OZ. PKGS. 2-LB. pkg . Show Boat—Special Low Price Gardenside Brand Fine Quality 39c 19« Finest Orange Pekoe 16-BAG PACKAGE COTTAGE CHEESE APPLE BUTTER BLOSSOM TIME SHASTA BRAND € Old Fashioned Style Flavor Reg. 31c. PT. AC W Reg. 59c. QT. 28-OUNCE JAR BEEF POT ROAST 29' TOMATOES Regular 15c—Save 5c on Each Tin—On Sale at SAFEWAY! 303 TIN.................. 10 Lalani Fancy Quality Hawaiian PINEAPPLE * CRUSHED * TIDBITS Nov/ A Spec. Price at Safeway. BUFFET TIN - - - - Brocade Toilet Soap 10 Rril Bara 49^ 10 ..U. ba B9C 12 Large Thin $1.00 Pooch Brand Deg Food Fine Quality Tea Garden Grape Juice 24-oa. Size 33C Fancy Quality Lalani Pineapple Juice 46-os Tin 19C Hawaiian 2 Dozen 99C Grade AA Large Fresh Eggs 3.8'^ Lucerne Milk Regular or Homogenized Half (Agilon 45c Skylark Potato Bread A Favorite Ln rge I <oa f 30C Skylark Slender way Bread Regular Loaf 27C Tea Timer Crackers 1-Pound Patkage 33C Busy Baker Fresh Cookies lr coconut Drop iu> n«« 49C GRAPEFRUIT ARIZONA "USDA Choice" Beet MARSHSEEDLESS Tender — Flavorful BLADE CUT - - LB. 8-LB BAG CAULIFLOWER ASPARAGUS TOMATOES CABBAGE SAFEWAY'S ..J) your4g$Fplace to save! RADISHES Lb. 55c Round Bone Roast Corned Beef Beef Slew Ground VSDA Choie» Boneleaa USDA Choice Beef c, ,. Lb Boneless pr»< d Round Steak USDA Choice Beef Rih Roast USDA C >irb Standing Lb 65c Oysters Snowy White Heads Fresh Medium Pacific 69c Red Snapper F„,tl 39C Fresh Rainbow Trout 75C Crab Meat F1r.e*t Fresh 75C Fresh Smelt Columbia 49C 39C 98C 98C 29C The Finest—At Safeway 15* Full Tender Stalks from Calif. Fully Ripened—Try A Lenten Salad Perfect with Corned Beef or CREEN ONIONS Garden Fresh 25* 10* c