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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1957)
Do-Si-Do Club Changes Dance Hall Location Do-Si-Do square dance club members and friends will dance Saturday at the Legion hall in stead of the VFW hall as former- ly, Club President John Harris said Monday. Arrangements to change the dance location were made because of the need for a larger floor space to accomodate increased attendance. Glen Hawkins will call Satur- day and the club expects to en- tertain members from the Hav- ehaker club of Astoria who will visit here Saturday. Bill West, caller for the visiting club, is c.vpected to be one of the visitors. • | Officers and courtesy girls of I Nehalem Chapter No. 153. O.E.S. v ere especially honored Wednes day evening by their worthy ma tron and worthy patron, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Jr. Mrs. Hearing had embroidered lovely pillowcases for gifts for Lie officers, and her mother, Mrs. Sam George. Portland, had made beautiful hairpin lace hankies for the courtesy girls who were r.lso given dainty little perfume fiacons. The sentinel and associ ate patron were presented with pen, pencil and lighter sets. j ! | j | 1 « I « « « « 4 ? TREES 4 Columbia county chapter of the American Red Cross has been asked to provide $500 for its quota in a Red Cross emergency (und drive now underway to as sist eastern Oregon residents who were stricken by floods recently. Emergency action has been called in four area states as a result of the emergency needs, Margaret Larsen, county chapter secretary announced this week, Hardest hit of the three eas’- ern Oregon counties by recent flooding was Malheur with about 800 families evacuated from their homes and accompanying dam age. The Malheur county Red Cross chapter. Red Cross spokesmen said, is meeting emergency needs for food shelter and clothing. About 40 persons were sheltered at the high school and 500 to 600 persons were being fed by the Red Cross at the high school cafeteria. Red Cross disaster assistance includes provision of food, cloth ing, shelter, emergency medical and nursing care. Mrs. Larsen pointed out that Columbia coun ty knows some of the destruction of flooding as a result of floods here when clothing and food were supplied. Continuing programs of the Red Cross outside the emergency disaster relief include the blood program, safety and health pro grams; the junior Red Cross and assistance to military personnel and veterans. Contributions to the emergency fund will be received at the Co lumbia county chapter offices in the city hall building at St. Hel- TIL DARK ECONOMY NURSERY Forest Grove "Acrozs from Luther's” » 4 4 ART CANTERBURY DAVE FUITEN SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE 7 saie well Grated Tuna L'fht Meat 7-oz. Can Seaside Minced Razor Clams 7-oz. Can B.-e Jacket Fancy Crab Mui 6'/2- oz . Can 19' 34 55 Sickely's Finest Sliced A.xerta Peaches. 2'j Can Twentyf-one men have com pleted nine of the ten lessons in the course in farm mechanics and welding which has been taught by Welcome Rumbaugh, vocational ag and shop teacher at Vernonia high school, in classes held two evenings each week The classes utilized the welding and mechanics addition to the shop building built last summer by a group of boys under the supervision of Mr. Rumbaugh in which they received work ex perience in laying out farm build ings, concrete mixing, framing, Red Cross Asks Special Funds RHODODENDRONS AZALEAS — CAMELLIAS k SHRUBS $1.00 UP 4 « c r-cpic Isle Crushed Pineapple in h»-avy syrup c Nr. 303 Can I I IXL Chicken Raviola 15-ez. Can Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Spaghetti and Meat Balls c 15;-oz. Can Srrkely's Finest Saladettes. mix ed vegetables Ke. 300 Can Sur.ny Jim Pure Concord Grape Jam 40-oz. Jar Past Chief Club Plans Convention Assistance Members of the Past Chiefs club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. E. E. Garner on Mellinger road. Much of the evening was spent planning things to be done in preparation for the Pythian Sister district convention to be held here May 25. Mrs. W. R. Wolff, pr-sident of the club, is also district deputy in charge of the convention. More work was done on the afghan «which will be placed on display as soon as it is completed and will be used to raise funds for convention expenses. The evening concluded with re freshments, the exchange of se cret pal gifts and visiting. Mrs. Albert Blount drew the hostess prize. The April meet will be at the home of Mrs. Perry McFarland. Two Birthdays Observed On Saturday Afternoon A birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Horn last Saturday afternoon, March 9, ob served the birthdays of the Horn's daughter Judi and her little friend. Joan Vroman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vroman. The girls, who live next door to c ach other, were both six years old that day. An afternoon of games was cli maxed with the serving of two birthday cakes to the guests who included Susan Hanson, Dora An derson, ^Christine French, Carol Ann Rainey, Sherri Nightwine. Zenda Ellis, Deena Vroman and Billy Horn. Tr.x Sugar Cereal with imi flavor. 8 ' i -oz. pkg. THESE PRICES GOOD AS LONG AS PRESENT STOCK LASTS MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Junior Promenaders to Practice for Jamboree i I Member United Grocers Inc. Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A.M. k 3 P.M—Ph. HA 9 3492 > Next Tuesday evening’s square dance for Junior Promenaders at the union hall will, in addition to the regular dance, be a practice session for those promenaders who intend to go to Yamhill on March 23 for a jamboree. Word of the Tuesday dance was given yesterday morning by Harry Bryant who conducts the dancing K. P. Pinochle Party Pythian Home Benefit Sell it with an Eagle Classified. All pinochle players are invit ed to attend the pinochle party being given Saturday evening at the IOOF hall by Harding Ivodge, Knights of Pythias, as a ben.-'fif for the Pythian home at Vancou ver, Washington, according to Chuek Johnson, chancellor com mander of the lodge. Play will start at 8 00 o’clock and potluck supper will be enjoyed later, Canasta will also be on the agen- da for those who prefer it to p,- nochle. DARRYL D. BERGERSON'S OCEAN FRESH SEAFOOD MARKET Open Fri., and Sat., March 22-23 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. CRABS - OYSTERS When Lawrence Brooks of Ar nold, Nebraska comes to Ver nonia to visit with the Dean Woods who live near the Grange hall on Timber road, he is visiting his brother-in-law, his sister, his father-in-law, and stepmother-in law, but actually he is visiting only Mr. and Mrs. Dean Woods. So, as Lawrence puts it, this makes his wife and brother-in- law and father-in-law, his step niece and nephew and makes him a great uncle to his own children. This also makes his nephews his brother-in-laws and his wife his step niece. The reason for all this is Mrs. Lawrence Brook’s father married Lawrence’s sister and Lawrence then married his brother-in-law's daughter, which makes Dean Wood his brother-in-law and his father-in-law. If things keep up at this rate, Lawrence said that some day he may become his own grandpa. MEN WHO HAVE been taking the class in welding and mechanics at VHS are. from left to right: Harry Sandon. Albert Stager, Ron McDonald. Marvin Meyer. Ed Roediger, Thurman DeHart, Owen East. Melvin Bergerson, James Johns, Terry Brady. Dick Gwin. Kenneth West. Bruce Berndt. Don Bergerson, Welcome Rumbaugh, instructor. Members of the class not in the picture were Harold Bergerson. Dane Brady Sr., Dane Brady Jr.. Larry Brady, Pat Sauer, Dave Crawford and Wayne Welch. • Shade — Flowering OPEN DAILY officers this term, and to Ne—• halem chapter for its cooperation, and for the fun it had been to them serving in the East, the Hearings presented the chapter with a sterling silver loving cup for the star point Electa station Officers for the ensuing term elected were: Lillian Davis, wor thy matron; Wilbur A. Davis, worthy patron; Eva Hearing, as sociate matron; Sam L. Hearing, Associate patron; Mona Gordon, secretary; Janet Bndgers, trea surer; Elizabeth Serafin, conduc tress and Louise Hamnett, asso ciate conductress. Public installation of officers will be held on March 20 at 8:30 p.m. All members and friends are invited. There will be a practice for installing officers and officers elect on Sunday after noon, March 17, promptly at- 4.30. The dining • room tables were pretty and springy, decorated with daffodils, tapers and napkins in tones of yellow. The refresh ment committee was LotUe Swanson, Stona Serafin and Eliza beth Serafin. In appreciation to all substitute Chain of Coincidences Cause Relative Confusion Tfie Nehalem Valley Garden club will meet at the home of Etna Baker, March 20. at 1:30 p.m. Homer Wilcoxen of Jewell will be the guest speaker and will speak on the growing of or chids. Co-hostesses will be Irene Jones and Myrtle Mathews. 3 for $1.OC - lb 65c Petrale and Rex Sole. Red Snapper. Salmon, Smelt and Clams BRIDGE AND STATE STREETS BY TED S SAW SHOP building and finishing techniques. Men in the welding and me chanics classes have learned sev eral phases of welding losing both the electric arc welder and the oxy-acetylene welder as fol lows: Brazing cast iron and steel, mild steel welding (Overhead, vertical, and flat), aluminum fu sion welding using the carbon arc torch, hard-surfacing wearing parts, cast iron welding and stain less steel welding. Other practices considered were oyx-acetylene cutting, identify ing various metals, engine me chanics and tune-up procedure and tool grinding. This experiment in adult edu cation in this area has been re ceived with approval and is con sidered to be a standard part of the high school curriculum from now on. A new class in farm welding and mechanics will be started around the first of April, AU those interested are asked to con tact Mr. Rumbaugh at the high school. Any veterans of the Korean v'ar who think they are qualified for on-the-farm training under the G.I. bill are also asked to get in touch with Mr. Rumbaugh The meeting of the Friendly Pinochle club got off to a good start last Friday afternoon with Mrs. R. L. Thompson, hostess, serving a shrimp dip with crack ers and potato chips and cheese and rye bread sandwiches. That such fare was conducive to good playing was evidenced when Mrs C. L. Johnson, guest for the aftar noon, and Mrs. R. R Pederson held 1500 trump in the first hand Garden Clinic Slated for played. Fairgrounds on March 23 Not to be outdone, Mrs. Wm Home gardeners are invited to Shafer and Mrs. Jim Cox re attend the garden clinic on March peated the feat by holding 150H 23, 11:00 a.m. at the Columbia trump later in the afternoon. crunty fairgrounds according to Mrs. Johnson who played for Douglas Messenger, special ex Mrs. Joe Vanderzanden who was. tension agent. Specialists from out of town, held high score for O.S.C., 4-H club members and first prize and Mrs. Pederson feed and seed dealers are being held second high. The club will meet tomorrow invited to present a program of with Mrs. M. J. Bjornson. interest to the home gardener. Extension Phones Save Running Around Jess Lewis, Clatskanie, was elected president of the Colum bia County Livestock association at their annua) meeting on March 8 Dick Richards was elected vice president with Ron Hein, Walter Loyd and Kent Magruder being elected as directors. Carry over directors are Elmer Loyd and Jim Moran. The Livestock association vot ed to continue sponsoring the 4-H herdsmanship award at the Co lumbia county fair. Miss Dorothy Sherrill, O.S.C. consumer marketing specialist t; Iked to the association on the consumer wants. Childs Gains Membership In Accountant's Group Albert Childs of 225 North Street, Vernonia, has qualified for membership in the Oregon Association of Public Accoun tants, the organization’s execu tive office in Portland announced this week. Membership is limit ed to qualifying licensed public accountants. Radio TV Appliances I I • Low Down Payment • 12 Months to Pay. Deep Freezer«. Refrigerators, and appliances of all kinds. GUARANTEED SERVICE 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. — All Makes An extra phone in laundry or utility room — kitchen bedroom saves steps, makes your telephone even more convenient. Cost? Only about 4c per day. To order yours, call our Business Office. OAKES RADIO SHOP Phone HA.9-3653 — Riverview Y OH BOFD's I » Pinochle Players Hold 1500 Trump Hands Friday Livestock Association Names Officers March 8 ADMIRAL J Outgoing O.E.S. Matron, Patron Honor Officers; Elections Held I ' Growing of Orchids Is Topic for Garden Club 9 4 I 4 1 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. THURSDAY, MAR 14. 1957 Shop Course Voted Success, Another Slated To Start * • COlOtS, TOO! New color lelepkone«, ie eigM decoroiorlreyed diode«, Mend wifk e * • e * 9 ony inferior ••••eeeeeeee** «0 YDS I ,e * *