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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1957)
Mist-Nehalem Unit Learns Machine Care THURSDAY, MAR. 14, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. John Barger and family left last week for the southern part of Texas to make their home They sold their place on Stoney Point to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brady. Recently, when the Globe Trot ters basketball team was in Port land, Larry Johnson was with a group of boys from here who went in to see them and he was lucky enough to have a program with a number on it which won for him a Longine wrist watch. Miss Olga Petersen is spending spring vacation week at Sacra mento, California with her niece. Mrs. Emily Marr and daughters Velta and Cecile from Oregon City were calling on friends here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier and Lynn will go to Tacoma to: day to visit their daughter Gret chen who is attending College of Puget Sound and will bring tier back with them tomorrow for a week end at home. Mrs. Clarence New is nursing a sprained wrist suffered last »/eek in a fall at her home. Word has been received here that James Latimer, former Ver- sionia resident and custodian at th«’ Washington school, has been quit? ill at his home at 2328 18th ®t.. Forest Grove, and greatly appreciated hearing from Ver nonia friends. Mri and Mrs. Frank Lange made calls Sunday afternoon at the homes of Mr and Mrs. W. T. 1 .illey and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Willard where Mrs. Zoe Whitsell was also a caller. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Elwell of Rainier were Sunday guests at th«* home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Horn at a dinner honoring Judi Horn on her sixth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hawkins and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Meyer were at Cedarville Park, east of Portland Sunday afternoon to square dance to the calling of Robert Page of California. ADMISSION FREE ONLY LIFE-SAVING FILM Breast Self-Examination Mar. 20 - 2 P.M. Joy Theater Questions will be answered by a qualified physician from Columbia County. Bring your friends — No so licitations for funds. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Columbia County Unit VERNONIA I INSURANCE | Bill J. Horn. Agent ¡ J Phone HA 9-6203 — Vernonia ! 90 A R piriti A Qtroal H. H. Williams retired March 7 after working for the past 32 years on the same job at the mill for the Oregon American com pany and its successors. He left Friday for Tacoma for a visit of about a month with his daughter, Mrs. D. Johnson and family, after which he will return here. Mrs. Dane Brady came home last Wednesday from Good Sa maritan hospital and is able to be up some this week and im proving steadily. Guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Shelton is her mother, Mrs. Frank Curry from St. James, Minnesota who is spending this month with them. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eversaul of Estacada who were former Vernonia residents were calling on friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman. Steven and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEntire and Patri cia and Janelle Thomas spent last week end at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis drove down the coast Saturday, then across to Roseburg for a visit with cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gard ner. Mrs. John Grady, Mrs. R. D. Eby and Mrs. O. T. Bateman were guests last Thurtday for lunch eon and bridge at the home of Mrs. Bateman’s mother, Mrs. El sie Stevens, in Hillsboro. George Hahn was here from Port Orford last week end on 1 usiness. He reported that Mrs. Hahn had been called to Chicago because of illness of a relative. Mrs. Marie Frazee and Mrs. Mona Gordon were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford at Forest Grove to see pic tures taken on their recent trip. Mr. and Mrs. John Grady went to Independence Friday for a week end with Mr. and Mrs. A L. Kullander. On Saturday the Kullanders and Gradys drove to Newport and other coastal points. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vanderzan- den went to Oakridge Friday for the week end and on their return Sunday brought back with them their daughter, Mrs. B J. Meiwes and her four children. Mr Mei wes will join them here this 'week end and take them back home. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl King wer? her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Wm F'erres, their sons Larry and David, their daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Jim West brook and son, all from Portland, and another uncle, Isaac Ferres from Eureka. Montana. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson Sr. Wednes day and Thursday of last week were Mr. and Mrs. James S. Lange of Eugene and Mrs. Don Maultzau and son from Grants Pass. Mrs. Loren Mills left Portland by plane today for New York where she will embark Saturday en The America for Germany to join her husband. Her sister, June Jones, was home last week end to see her before she left. Mrs. Mills spent the first part of this week at Cornelius with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills. Carlton Moran, basketball coach at the high school, is at Eugene this week for ttye A-1 basketball tournament. Mrs. La* Jessee spent the week end in Portland with her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hewett and also visited her niece and nephews, Mrs Vel ma Roediger and her family. Vir gil Hewett and family and Bill Byers and family. A/2c Wesley Pollock was home last week on a four-day pass THIUS TO TILkIBIIIT J. MEINE iiil’i» ,i.l4«l*wHl LE5S THAN FOUR HOURS OF WORK ARE REQUIRE » TO PRODUCE AN ACRE OF CORN VliLPIHG TO BUSHELS MC«E I.AH 300 MILLIOU VALEUnNFS WIRE XUI l E» IN THE UNITED STATES LAST VtjtR CJ P <7 C> <7 C> from McClellan Air Force Base in California. Mr. and Mrs. Weston Sheeley of Beaverton and Mr. and Mrs. Via Ennis of Hillsboro visited Sunday, March 3, with Mr. and M rs. Lee Jessee. Mrs. Pearle Ada.-ns returned home Monday after several weeks absence during which she went to Boulder, Montana with her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Hoban of Philomath who took treat ments for arthritis at the urani um mines. After her return from that trip, Mrs. Adams went to Cathlamet, Washington to visit her sons and families th^re. Mr. end Mrs. Bob Adams brought her home Monday. Mrs. Clarence New. Mrs. Ralph Aldrich Jr. and Mrs. Deri Ro berts were in Portland on busi ness Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wall of Reedsport were visiting relatives and friends here last week end. Richard Drips, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drips, underwent sur gery for removal of his spleen at the Doernbecher hospital in Port land Monday. The little fellow has been there for treatment for th(> past two months and will be thera several more weeks while recuperating from the surgery. Mr. and Mrs. U. Sozoff motored to Seattle with friends from Portland Tuesday of last week to attend the funeral of a distant relative. Before returning home Thursday they visited with friends they had not seen for tibbut 15 years. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Bob New and daughter of Portland returned last week from a two and a half week vacation in Southern Cali- fornia. They also went into Mexi co as far as Encinada. At San Diego, Mr. Johnson was taken on a tour of the aircraft carrier, Lexington. In Los Angeles they encountered rains that made Ore- gon s?em mild Disney Land was also on the list of interesting places visited. Mr. and Mrs. Iver Andreasen of Portland were Sunday visitors of Olive Powell. They were for mer residents of Treharne. Hawley Counts and children and Arnold Counts of Roseburg and Kathleen, Laurie and Lorna DeVaney of Portland visited at lhe auerage businessman «aas abour 250 «bords a minute .but he comprehends orlq 75 per cent ot uihst he r< eejs. J DATES io Remember THURSDAY. MARCH 14 Vernonia Extension Unit—EUB Church, 10:00 a.m. Care’and use of sewing machines. Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge — 1OOF hall. 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY. MARCH 15 Columbia Encampment No. 89— IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Fraternal Order of Eagles — Eagles hall on First Ave., 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 16 Do-Si-Do Square Dance club — Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. MONDAY. MARCH 18 Lions Club dinner meeting — VFW hall, 7:00 p.m. American Legion Post — Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. PTA—Washington Grade school, 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY, MARCH 19 Special assembly featuring Paul Kerr, magician — High school, 10:00 a.m. Grade school, 2:30 p.m. Small admission charge. Extension meeting on Family Business and the Law—Wash ington school, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Auxiliary — Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. Odd Fellows Lodge — IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 University of Oregon Symposium speakers — High school, 9:59 a.m. Cancer Film showing, women only — Joy theater, 2:00 p.m. Boy Scouts Troop 201, In vesture board of review — Union hall, 7.00 p.m. Nehalem Chapter, OES — Ma sonic Temple. Public installa tion, 8:30 p.m. the A. B. Counts home Saturday. Mrs. Mickey Rainwater, Mrs. Geneva Killingb?rg and Mrs. Bettie Jones were shopping in Forest Grove Monday. Mrs. Lola Nance of Portland and Mrs. Mertie Cline of Forest Grove were calling on relatives end friends Sunday. James Lee Cash had identified one of the numbers posted at Brunsmans by Wednesday morn ing and was the only one to have done so up to that time. The Mist-Nehalem extension unit met at the home of Mrs. Ray Garlock in Mist, March 8 at 10:30 a.m. There were 14 mem bers present, and two guests, Karen Hult from Horton, Oregon and Mrs. Bern Bliss of Tillamook. Mrs. Norman Hansen and Mrs. Fred Busch showed members and guests how to take proper care of their sewing machines and also how to use their sewing machine attachments. A potluck dinner was enjoyed by all at noon. The next meeting will be at Mrs. John Howry’s home near Mist, Friday, April 12. The coun. ty extension agent, Mrs. Marga ret Allyn will be present at this meeting. Her topic will be "Good Weight for Good Health." New Arrivals Gladden Homes Nine Win Gifts from Store for Anniversary Nine gifts were awarded last Saturday during the last day of Brunsman Hardware’s 12th anni versary sale. Ladies named and the gifts they received are: Allie Dickson, set of dishes; Dolly Laird, chaffing dish; Maryalice Votaw, sugar and creamer set; Frances Wolff, cookies jar; Jean Bergerson, cannister set. Men winning and their gifts were: Bill Horn, drill; Fred Lundgren, reel; Bud Mather, rod and Roger Whaite, flashlight. Odd Fellows Lodge Has Guest Tuesday Harry Bryant, member of Alimus Odd Fellows Lodge No. 15 at Goldendale, Washington, was a guest of Vernonia Lodge No. 246 Tuesday evening. Al though he has been a resident of Vernonia for some time as sec tion foreman for the S.P.&S. company, he has not attended meetings because h? devotes those evenings to instructing square dance groups of young people. News has been received of the arrival last Wednesday. March 6. of an 8 pounds, 12 ounce son, John Gordon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Crowston of Tillicum, Washington, near Fort Lewis where Mr. Crowston is stationed. Grandparents are Mr-. Edith Crowston, Vernonia; Mr Ella Fair, Portland and Everett Lobdell, Lexington, Nebraska. Greatgrandparents include Mr Emma Bjornson, Vernonia, and Greagrandfather Lobdell in Ne braska. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Berg c.f Birkenfeld welcomed a second daughter Tuesday, March 12, at Tuality hospital., Mr. and Mr: Victor Berg, Birkenfeld, a-e grandparents and Mrs. Louis Carmichael is greatgrandmother. This is her fifth great grandchi :.i<- Jo g Theatre MARCH 14-15 THURS., FRI. Hollywood or Busi Dean Martin and Jerry Lewb SATURDAY MARCH 16 The Last Command Sterling Hayden-Ernest Borgnin-* SUN.. MON. MARCH 17- -t The King and 4 Queens Clark Gable - Eleanor Parker 2NZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHJ KING’S Grocery - Market H Z H Phone HA 9-6015 Riverview "Where Your Money Buys More" At the Mile Bridge H H H H H ALWAYS — Top Qualify ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery —From your home-owned independent grocery. SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING 2-Way INTERCOM-RADIOS Everything that makes for en;ovable travel- breathtaking Scenery, Comfort. Safety and Delicious Food—is all yours when you travel Be sure to include these items in your next order! NABISCO HUDSON Wheat Thins HOUSE Ritz Crackers Honey Grahams Olives String Beans Always assures mghttmie travelers of a 11 Vitamins plus 12 Mixtuli M Os« Tablet Only Shredded Wheat comfortable night's rest. On tour next trip, do like many wise northwest travelers—go via the S. P & S Rv. Come m today «nd ask any R«zall salesperson wny Super Plenmuns »re Nd 1 in th« n»tion... For information call Peas C. L. JOHNSON Cookies Uniform in Flavor And the glass-smooth water-level route Corn Snow Flake Crackers the northwest's own railway"— the Spokane. Portland and Seattle. AMERICA'S LARGEST-SELLING MULTI-VITAMIN PRODUCT... RAILROAD STATION Good for Every Meal NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone HA 9-6341 hih l AT OUR ; frÿ DRUG stori VERNONIA DRUG CO. TELEPHONE HA 9-6254 Vernonia, Ore. M Z H H H K hzhznzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhs train travel at its finest” FOOI» MIOPPIM, IDEAS H M People sometimes learn by do ing—and others by being done. 39.95 Value • Sylvania H General OH kei American lank Bldg Pertlend Ore. SPOKAXE. POKTLANB and SEATTLE RAILWAY SYSTEM I* a end Travel “Tfce Nerfk*e«r« O»n teilwey4