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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1957)
Library, U of 0 I Polio Clinics Approved by ¡Three County Groups for Persons Below 20 Years i VOLUME 35, NUMBER 10 VERNONIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY. MARCH 7. « » I I TENTATIVE IDEAS VOICED As a result of Friday’s session, a hree-man committee was au- .--•rized with Louis Towne as Group Names Officers Friday Hillman Lueddemann. vice- president and general manager toi Pope and Talbot's lumber di vision at Portland, was elected president of the Lumbermen’s In dustrial Relations committee at tre meeting held March 1 at Portland. Judd Greenman, for me.- president of Oregon-Ameri ca i Lumber corporation here, and retiring presid-nt of the com- -- ttee, was elected vice-presi- ó- nt. 3oth Greenman and Luedde- . n-mn were honored at a special luncheon and reception at the H-athman hotel which was at- tended by a number of industry eaders as well as the trustees a-d alternates of the western Oregon and western Washington e.:*- lets comprising the commit- GROUPS REPRESENTED I I ' Farm Work All Summer Offered A'ork all summer for people ■ ng here who regularly add to * earnings by picking fruits and vegetables is offered in word —n Hollis Hartwick. Banks, who <?ir .med th- plan early this week ■’enpls who sign for work at Rolling Hills Farm this yea- pick both irrigated strawber- w and pole beans and can ex employment during all of summer months, he said. '€ ■< ar» 67 acres of berries and 20 a cres of beans ! urged registration by post ra.-d to the farm or by signing up with Dan Cason, one of the bus drivers who will provide trans portation this year Other bus s’*« driven by Bob Curl and Jim Davies will also provide trans portation chairman to work out a sched ule of events which will be pre sented for approval when the celebration group meets again on March 15. Many of the proposed events that would be suitable for a celebration were suggested bv Pete Brunsman Friday. His ideas along with others mentioned at that time will be coordinated in to the committee’s program. Financing was another major topic. Concessions to be handled by various participating organ izations was a suggested and ap proved means of taking care of this problem, Half of the net profit of each concession will be returned to the group which runs it and half will be placed in a celebration fund as the means of providing funds for future years. The ten organizations repre sented Friday were: Rebekahs, Odd Fellows. Vernonia Minister ial association, Vernonia fire de partment, riding club, city gov ernment. merchants, chamber of commerce. Fraternal Order ot Eagles and the FOE auxiliary. The three-dav program of spe cial events will be followed by special Sunday religious pro- grams to be prepared by the ministerial association. Suggested ideas for the pro- gram of events in addition to the fireworks display included: swim ming meet, golf tournament, pa rades. barbecue, street dance, rid ing club events, logging display and log bucking and rolling con test. FFA Delegates Go To La Grande The Vernonia high school Fu ture Farmers of America, will send three delegates. Jerry Buck ner. Byron Hawkins and David Roediger, to th? state convention being held at La Grande March 11 through 16. They will be ac. companied by Welcome Rum- baugh. F F A. instructor. Vernonia is one of the 88 F F A chapters in the state which will be represented at the meet which in addition to the usual business sessions will include contests in parhmentary proceedure and in public speaking Dimes Near Thousand Information from St Helens this week showed that $258 56 had been remitted in the dimes cards in the Marin of Dimes drive. This, addejJ to the $684 91 reported locally last week brings the Vernonia total for this years drive to $943 47. kanie less than 50 per cent aftr- second clinic; Rainier 30 per cent; Scappoose 59 per cent and Sr Helens 524 per cent. Birkenfeld grade school young sters are 80 per cent protected and all county grade school age groups have a higher percentag ■ than high schools. Two dates in April have been tentatively suggested for the Ver noma clinics, but were not de finitely established by Wedties day morning C-Z Scholarship i Offered Again Information released this week by Eugene Dove, high school superintendent, is that again this year the CrownZellerbach cor poration is making available here a $2000 scholarship for a student who intends to become a teacher The student to receive it will be chosen by th- faculty and the scholarship may be used in any college in the Northwest. Glen Hawkins, manager of the local C-Z operation, has been instru mental in securing the scholar ship here. Several other scholarships are- being made available to Vernon la students this year also. One is th- James Harrison Collins schul arship which offers one $29r scholarship to each of the five High school students began county high schools. It must be work Wednesday on solicitation used at OSC. Another is the Max in connection with the Lions Tucker scholarship fund which club calendar project. Prelim makes available annually 10 inary sale of advertising and cal scholarships of $1000 each to res- endars, which includes listing of ldnts of Oregon who rank in the organization meeting dates and upper ten percent of their gradu birthdays and anniversaries of in ating class. It may be used at dividuals has been done by ladies Lewis and Clark, U of O, Willam of the Mt. Heart Social club and ette and in forestry at OSC. the students will now seek to Students are also permitted to- contact the persons who were try for the Elks National Foun missed in this first coverage. dation awards which are distrub- This year’s calendar will fea utrd at the grand kidge sessions ture the grade school basketball They are based on scholarship, team and rally squad Funds citizenship, personality, finariehil from the project are used by the and other criteria and range from Lions for various civic projects $1000 to $500 awards. A number of state fee scholar during the year. ships are also offered and the state Congress of Parent« and Teachers offers a scholarship tor a student planning to teach. A number of Vernoni > students are trying for scholarships and awards will be announced at- A discussion of Family Busi graduation time. ness and the Law will be featured at an open meeting at the Wash ington grade school Tuesday ev ening, March 19 at 8:00 o’clock The meeting is arranged as a part of the home extension program through Mrs. Margaret Allyn, county extension agent, with the The Washington grade school cooperation of the county bar Toppers have won three more association which will have a games to stay tied with John representative at the meeting to Gumm ..f st Helens for first talk and answer questions. place. The Toppers have won from the following: McBride, 1st team Snow While on Program 43-25, 2nd 38-22; Scappoose, 1st Third grade students from the team 38-25, 2nd 26-24; Clatskanie 1st team 35-33; 2nd team tost classes of Mrs. Walter Matthews and Mrs. Carlton Moran at the 30-29. The Toppers second team 1» Washington school will present an assembly program Friday af also tied for first place. Both ternoon at 2:30 in which the main Vernonia and Scappoose second feature will be the dramatization teams have lost two games. The final game of the season of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The public is invited to will bp here with Westport next Tuesday at 1:15. attend. Students Assume Calendar Sale 3- Day Celebration July 4- 6 Given Group Approval ¡ A three-day July 4 week end r • 'ebration was formally approv ed last Friday night when repre- <• -tativ-s of ten organizations —’t for an informal discussion of tr. proposal that last year's Ju'v 4 fireworks display be enlarged to a full-scale community enter- 7- -se. The proposal had been voiced arlier at a chamber of commerce —■eting and since that time nu- • mrrous events have been sug gested that could be worked into 5 three-day affair. Free polio clinics will be sched uled throughout Columbia coun ty for a six-week period was the final conclusion reached last Thursday at a joint meeting at St. Helens of the Columbia coun ty chapter. National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, the Co lumbia County Medical associa tion and representatives of coun. ty PTA groups. Dr. J B. Steward, president of the medical association and coun ty health officer, announced ap proval by the association of the clinics. County doctors, Parent- Teacher groups and county health officers will cooperate in con- ducting the clinics. The clinic program for the next x weeks calls for all persons through 19 years of age to be given their first and second shots free. All booster shots will be obtained at doctors' offices at the regular fee. In order to achieve '00 per cent innoculation by September, the medical society suggests that people in the 20-45 age group have their shots as soon as pos sible from private physicians. Protection against polio in county high schools now stands rnoma 19 per cent; Clats- HIGH SCHOOL BAND, top phoio. under direction of Bill Johnson, won first place and a trophy in the classification of street stunts Saturday in the Forest Grove Gay Nineties parade. This was third year band has participated in parade. Below. Bob Thompson. Cecil Markley and Dick Thompson. Portland, represented Ver nonia riding club in parade. Road Group Meet Dated Harry Swanson, administrative assistant to Governor Holmes, will speak here for the annual Highway 99W Alternate Road as sociation dinner meeting Wednes day night, March 13, at 8.00 p.m. in the Masonic Temple. The terms of three directors, Everett Haney, Forest Grove; William Heesacker, Gaston and James Stanard, McMinnville, will expire and replacements for them and election of officers will be an order of business. The Rainbow Girls will pre pare and serve dinner for $1.50 per plate, All Association mem- bers and friends interested in good roads are invited to attend the dinner and meeting. The Rainbow Girls are also selling advertising for miniature trucks for table decorations about which information can be ob- tamed from the chamber or Mrs. The profit they Glen Hawkins make will be used toward pur chasing trash cans for Bridge street in cooperation with the Paint-up, Fix-up. Clean-Up cam paign being conducted by the Vernonia chamber of commerce. Budget Hearing Tuesday The budget hearing for schorl district 47 Jt. will be held at the Washington school next Tuesday evening at 8 00 o'clock in con nection with the monthly board meeting i 4-H Clubs io Exhibit As a part of the observance of 4-H club week, there will be a 4-H exhibit in the window at Maier's Store Saturday. Schools Slate Spring Vacation Vernonia high school will re cess all of next week for spring v acation and the elementary schools will join in the closure on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Many of the teacher. will attend the meetings of the Oregon State Teachers associa tion in Portland the latter part of the week. Students Visit Hospitals A group of 22 students from Mrs. Ora Bolmeier’s classes in psychology and family living are on a field trip to Salem today where they are visiting the state hospitals. Family Law to Get Discussion Toppers Tie for Top Court Place City Planning Commision Authorized in New Ordinance A planning commission for the mission secretary may or may city of Vernonia became a reality not be a member Two bids were opened for pur Monday night when councilmen approved an ordinance establish chase of a pickup truck, one from ing such a group and outlining Melvin Bergerson offering a 1955 its duties. The proposal for a International for $1250 and from planning commission received the Don Bergerson for a 1955 Inter council approval at the meeting national for $1450. The council two weeks ago when preparation I tabled the matter because both w’ere for newer model trucks of the ordinance was ordered than it wish-d to purchase and Seven appointments were mad. Monday by Mayor Don Bayley both bids were withdrawn. Carl Trimm again complained and the commission will include in addition to the seven, the may- about the present garbage dump or. city attorney and city engi- condition and after a short dis* neer, all of whom are to serve cussion the council moved to sus- without compensation in plan- pend further discussion of tha dump site at this meeting. ning city improvements. Cleve Robertson asked that no The mayor named E W 1 Peter- «on. Cliff White. Bill Hom. Louis reduction in pinball or any other Towrie. Art Gardner, Gen«» Drips com machines license be adopted. and Lloyd Callister as his ap Cecil Huff, on the other hand, pointments. The commission will told councilmen the music ma choosy by lot the term of office chine license was too high. Con of each member and will also sideration of a reduction in the select from its members a presi coin machine license fee had been dent and vice-president. The com- a topic at a previous meeting, but no definite action towards reduc tion has taken place. Bud Atkins ask rd about a lease of the airport runway for the owners of planes now renting the airport hanger and Recorder Sam Hearing was instructed to ask. City Attorney C. F. Bradley if such a lease would be practical. The recorder was also instruct ed to have policemen deliver of ficial notices requiring sewer connections to property owners who have not yet had their home» SO improved West Oregon Electric was in structed to install street light» at the intersections of Bridge and Clatsop and Bridge and 6th street in compliance with a re quest presented the council two weeks ago. An order was also issued to ad vertise for a gai bag - dump site, this advertisement appearing elsewhere in this issue.