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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1957)
THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. ! Bob's Union Service I Union Oil Products Hawken Motors DODGE Hood Tires Vernonia Drug Co. "YOUR REXALL STORE" PLYMOUTH DODGE TRUCKS HARDWARE Nic-L-Silver Batteries GOODS Free Pickup and Delivery Phone HA 9-3731 ! Expert Service Department SPORTING BUILDING MATERIALS i i VERNONIA MILK FARMS Riverview — HA 9-6058 The Complete Department Store FIRE & AUTO INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Full Line of Footwear DRY GOODS — NOTIONS Simplicity Pattern Hdqtrs Prescripiiulla —\z.ugs — Toys Sundries — Jewelry — Photo Suppies — Greeting Cards Cosmetics — Baby Supplies When you shop at home, every dollar you spend does a two-fold job! Vernonia's only independent owner-producer of Grade A Pasteurized Milk and Cream. HENRY H. AND ISABEL ANDEREGG 7 HENRY AND POLLY HUDSON FEATURING NATIONAL BRANDED MERCHANDISE Phone HA 9-6122 Every time you spend a dollar with your local merchants, part of it goes to support your com munity—to build a better town for you to live in. Part of every dollar goes for taxes to support schools for your children's education; to provide THURSDAY, FEB 28. 1957 recreational facilities, etc. A portion goes for ef ficient law enforcement for your protection, for well lighted streets, for local stores to stock new merchandise, bought with your needs in mind. So, do yourself a favor. Shop in your home com munity WE GIVE S8tH GREEN STAMPS BASKETBALL FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Vernonia VS. Clatskanie - THERE Strong's Electric Company Wiring Elec. Repairs—Motor Winding Refrigeration Service MR. & MRS. CLIFF WHITE j Hotpoini ? Appliances HA 9 £641 Featuring a complete line of Motorola TV r<—.j Phone Sk^HA 9-3123 clothing and shoes for mex women and children. BURNS TV & RADIO SUNNYSIDE SERVICE SALES AND SERVICE II fTuv ri iptiman from Noon to 7 Sundays and « Holidays. EASY-VISION MOBILGAS & SERVICE television Tappan Ranges Phone HA 9-544) : BUSH FURNITURE NEHALEM MKT. & Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Marion Steers is a common expression that variety is the spice of life, but there are times when Mr. and Mrs. Marion Steers wonder if it jun’t more of a headache. The task of trying to supply the many items in the variety line that are most wanted by their custom-rs is one that requires constant at tention, and then it seems that the items that are missing are the very ones someone wants. Mr. and Mis. Steers purchased the variety store in 1953 from Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Thomas who had had it for more than 25 j ears. For the Steers, it was an entirely new venture, for they had been engaged in raising tur keys for a number of years and prior to that had operated the service station and park at Big Eddy on the Mist highway for eight years. Fiat raaaiTuat EVERYTHING TO FURNISH YOUR HOME Vernonia Service Station SHELLUBRICATION Gasoline Repairing Vernonia Bakery Mrs. Steers, nee Ruth Car michael, came to the Nehalem valley from Fall City, Washing ton when her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carmichael, moved to Mist in 1922. She is a graduate of Vernonia high school and after her graduation got her first store experience as bookkeeper t the Nehalem Market which Home of Butter Crust Bread & I■ « i i. ’I t I, i I i ! : i * i I I i I Ed Roediger, Jr PLUMBING • I I I I I I I I I I I I * I t : VERNONIA INSURANCE OUR JOB IS YOUR PROTECTION Representing old line, sound companies. i Phone HA 9-5183 I ■ Brunsman Hardware And Electric • frigidaire appliances i i ♦ I i i i i i i i BILL J. HORN furniture ♦MARSHALL WELLS PAINTS •We Deliver—Phone HA 9-5551 * i I • : i SERVING THE UPPER The housewife can find a wide choice of kitchen utensils and cishes, as well as towels, cur- tains, tableclothes, pictures, mir- tors, lamps, etc. The new plastics tire featur'd prominently among items to make the home attrac tive and at the same time save work for the busy housekeepers. The variety store carries the usual list of items for such a business, running the gamut from buttons to luggage, with all items in the lower price bracket, i-’ually under three dollars. A survey of shelves and counters leveals notions of ail sorts, in eluding threads for embroidery, crochet and sewing; bias tapes,- bindings, miscellaneous sewing items, such as needles, pins, scis sors, tape measures, etc. For the y< ung fry there are, of course, ail sorts of toys, story books, col oring books, comic books, puzzles and games. Babies are high on the list catered to, maybe be cause the Steers have several grandchildren and the items of infants wear and accesories are cne source of many shower and congratulation gifts. Collectors of salt and pepper shakers and cups and saucers are not forgotten either and can al ways be finding a new design among the ones offered. Small items of clothing, such as socks, aprons,« suspenders, children’s caps and gloves are all on display. Caylite candles hold a promin ent place And the Stçers are al ways proud to tell visitors hère ;nat they are a Vernonia product. The cards for all occasions are an important featur? which brings many customers into th? ¡tore. Along with them is sta tionery, wrapping papers and ribbons and many gift itsms. Magazines, pocket books and theet music ¡acks are conveni- EHHONIA ! I i I I • I I I : i i I ently placed and supply <i wide variety of each item. Cosmetics, from lipsticks to permanents, are available and selections of costume jewelry are offered milady, also. Of course, candy and gum have ■heir place and cake decorations, Birthday candles, fancy napkins all make entertaining on the spe cial occasions easier. Many other items complete the list and customers are invited to ask for what they don’t see. Mr. Steers leaves most of the work of the store to Mrs. Steers, for he is also the Shell Oil distri butor for this area, a business he took over last year from E. V. Robertson. He also drove bus for a number of years on the Stoney 1 oint run. Mr. and Mrs. Steers have raised a family here and feel that they nave» put down deep roots in Vernonia Thur faith in its future is strong. They own their home on Stoney Point and are doing their part to make this a home town to be proud of. They art- active members of Natal Grange and the Nehalem Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft. Their customers are their friends whom they enjoy seiving. TED S SAW SHOP H omelite DIRICT DRIvt i i • i i i • • NEHALEM VALLEY In 1934, Ruth went back to Fall City to work and met Marion Steers who ha^ moved there from Ketchican, Alaska, After .reir marriage, they returned to the Nehalem valley where they have remained. i t I • PRINTING School supplies offer pencils, crayons, scissors, notebooks, pa per, and several brands of me- '.•hanical pencils and pens. I SAM'S FOOD STORE I i • Oernonia Eagle: PUBLISHING JF I N E I was then owned by Albert Childs and Bill Hammack. Lowell Hie- ber, present owner, was a clerk •here then. NOTIONS — GIFTS THREAD — VPN Meal Planning Is A Pleasure HERE! JAY'S CAFE Featuring MEALS PREPARED TO PLEASE YOUR TASTE. A Variety of Varieties GROVE STUDIO & CAMERA SHOP 19928 Pacific — Forest Grove CHAIN SAW SALES AND SERVICE GROCERY Zee Towels and Tissues Garbage Bags. Wax Paper. Lunch Sacks. Etc. Í Phone for Free Delivery Vernonia Texaco Service FIRESTONE PRODUCTS SALES AND SERVICE MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Wes Bolmeier, Bill Nelson Member United Grocers Froten Food Lockers KING'S GROCERY : AND MARKET I WHERE YOUR MONEY ! BUYS MORE" YOU RING — WE BRING Used Saws for Sale OAKES RADIO SHOP THE PHOTO GRAPHIC ADMIRAL 112 S. 3rd — Hillsboro TV—RADIO—APPLIANCES Washington County's Largest Photgraphic Headquarters. Two Handy Locations. Guaranteed Service All Makes Nehalem Service Station SIGNAL SALES It SERVICE GATES TIRES WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS :