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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1957)
4 -THURSDAY, FEB 28, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. BOWLING RESULTS Accident Claims Former Resident INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Lost Won 44 56 Bob’s Union Funeral services were held on 46 Long-Bell 54 Monday at Seaside for John D. 50 50 Mill Market Craford Jr., who was killed Feb 60 40 Nehalem Service High individual game, C. John- ruary 20 when a log rolled on son. 218; high individual series, him. He was born July 3, 1922, in C Johnson, 546; high team game. Mill Market, 953; high team ser Kenneth, Michigan. He lived at Vernonia until 1940, when he ies., Bob’s Union, 2720. moved to Seaside. He was a CITY LEAGUE 38 < World War II veteran and for the Oakes Radio & TV 62 past two years worked as a log 49 Lyle’s Barber shop 51 ger for the Van Vleet operation 50 50 Radiant Cleaners near Cannon Beach. He was a 37 63 Vernonia Milk High individual game, W Ade, faller. He is survived by his widow, 195; high individual senes, L. Galloway, 521; high team game, Betty; daughters, Norella & Fer Vernonia Milk, 948; high team al; son, John D.; parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Craford; sisters, series, Vernonia Milk. 2690. Mrs. Edna Lee of Seaside, Mrs. WOMEN'S LEAGUE Robert Kilby, Eugene, Mrs. Ca 38 62 Dessy's Sam’s Food 4614 therine Parrott, Portland, Mrs. 53*4 James Cavan. Tillamook; broth 50 50 Vernonia Drug Brunsmans 65*zs er, Alfred C., Gasquet, California 34*4 He was a member of the Am High individual game, Celeste Poetter, 207; high individual ser- erican Legion and IWA, local 4. iff. Celeste Poetter, 544; high team game, Vernonia Drug, 866; Laws Govern Interstate high team series, Vernonia Drug, Movement of Cattle 2477. Splits picked up: Kathy Gwin, 3-10; Gertrude Schalock, Interstate movement of all cat 3-10; Marguerite Burton. 3-10 and tle except steers and spayed heif 5-7; Juanita Davis, 3-10; Ann ers, and calves under 8 months Johnson, 3-10; Alice Gwin, 4-5. eld came under USDA controls on January 1, 1957, to curb the Some people have to do their spread of Brucellosis, according level best to keep on an even to Doug Messenger, county ex !.. < I tension agent. Most cattle other than the above 4ZHZHXHXHZHX exceptions cannot move inter state without either an official certificate or a permit from a livestock sanitary official of the state department of destination or both. Requirements are very specific to cover various situa tions. Before moving cattle, per sons should get further details or copies of regulations from state and federal livestock sani- tary officials in their area. Ship- I pers should also contact liye- stock sanitary officials in i the state of destination as to the et feet of that state regulations un cattle when received. grade bushes. Many varieties. Oregon Bulk and packaged seeds. Onion sets, peat moss, and bulbs. VITA-LIZER The new seaweed plant food. 100% fertilizer—no filler, Safe against burning. Does a three- mone job. • • • Plant Food Soil Conditioner Fertilizer CALL HA 9-5985 CASON TRANSFER VERNONIA SANITARY SERV VilRNONIA TRADING CO. Vernonia Trading Company COMPLETE NEHALEM VALLEY FARM STORE Feed — Seed — Fertiliser Building Material — Paint F tone HA 9 5985 — Vernonia THXHZHZHZHZr Featuring... THE PEOPLE SPEAK . . . Vernonia, Columbia County and State of Oregon. December i 10th, 1956. Some Bible History and my Comments. The name of Saint is a Blanket for All Saved Souls. Christ’s Spiritual rest of the Soul is a Blanket for Salvation. St. Mathews 11: 28.29. 30. All kinds of Sabbath Days profits nothing now under the Second and Faultless Covenant of God in Christ. God’s first Covenant was Faulty, if it had not been then there should no place have been sought for the second. Hebrews 8:7. The Se venth Day Sabbath was a Feast Leviticus 23: Day also. God gave Moses the first Coven - ant. But Moses did not Obey the Seventh day Sabbath death penalty for working on the day. But God did. No man did. That voids all Sabbath days. But not scramble eggs ill feeling over the day. Book of Numbers 15: 32 to 37. God commands us to rea son together with a pure and holy mind. Isaiah 1:18. Jesus does also. St. Matthew 11: 28. 29 30. The first Covenant of God was too burdensome for our fore fathers, the Apostles, and us of today to bear. Hold fast to the Liberty that Christ gives from them. St. Matthews 11: 28.29.30. To reveal is to communicate by Super-human means. To dis close something Secret or Hidden. To open to View. Revelation 1 1.2.10. St. John was carried away in the spirit and saw the Lord's Day and the Events of the Lord’s day. But not in Reality as yet, but Only a Vision of the Lord's day. Vision is Divine Revela tion, given by God. “Christian” is a nick-name. The believer’s in Christ were first called Chns- tions at Antioc. Acts 11: 25 26. Prayers of Saints. Revelation 5:8. Revelation 4:1.2. St. John was immediately in the Spirit. Revelation 4:1.2. The great day of His Wrath. Revelation 6:17. The Day of th» Lord and the Lord’s day is yet in the Future. So Plain. The name. Lord’s day is only once in the Bible, in Re AUTOMOTIVE FLASHES velation 1:10. That is good proof that the Lord’s day is in the Fu- The safety features built info ture. Davs are Shadows. Job your new car are important io 8.9. But Webster can tell you I you. For instance, TOTAL CON in a blunt manner What the Lord’s day is. I know it is hard I TACT BRAKES ARE STAN for man to kick against the | DARD ON THE 1957 DODGEI pricks of Truth. But it is Better Much safer in operation, these to trust in the Lord, than to have brakes are easier ' to use and more confidence in man. His angel Total did come to St. John. Revelation economical to maintain. I 22:16. Saint’s rest is obtained by contact brakes, responding in Faith in Christ, St. John was stantly to a toe touch on the eight carried away in the Spirit as inch wide pedaL give 30 per Jesus was. Revelation 21:10. cent longer life and require one- Saints do believe that the day quarter less pedal effort for any of the Lord is in the Future. Whilc Christ prayed for unity of braking operation. i All Saints as one, as His Father i An independent emergency and He is One. Christ said, “If brake. long a safety feature in you love me keep my command- ments. (Do my Desires.) St. Dodge cars, again is part of the John 4:23.24., Acts 1:1.2 3. Speak- Dodge braking system in 1957. ing (and teaching only) of the things pertaining to the King- With these safer brakes, four- dom of God (and Salvation). Acts ieen-inch tubeless tires mounted 20:27.28. Christ Bought God’s on smaller but wider safety rim Church with His Own Blood. wheels, provide a double tread Christ said, “Upon this Rock on the road surface for greater (Faith) I will build my Church.” Therefore I recognize, as God safety. does, only two Churches Christ's ♦ • * Church and the Devil’s Church. These are just some of the many Saints and Sinners. Salute every new features on the 'S7 Dodge. Saint. PhiUippians 4:21. Jesus We will be glad to demonstrate said, "can the blind (Saints) lead them for you at your conveni the Blind?” Shall they not fall into the Ditch (together) yes. ence. And the Devil stands by and Grins. Luke 6:3940. But the HAWKEN MOTORS Devil's power over man will have Podge - Plymouth ■ Dodge Trucks his end. Revelation 12:789.10. 968 Bridge HA 9 6061 I invite questions or criticism of my writing if it will improve the knowledge of Christ’s will. As ever in defence for Justice for All Souls. Albert Wood It’s a fact that carelessness adds to the cares of life. Hudson House Olives — String Beans — Corn Yankton History Reveals Many Interesting Facts To Society Uernonia Eagte Marvin Kamholz Editor ar i Publisher Yankton Grange hall was the told facts of early development, Official Newspaper of scene of the meeting of the Co both being continuous residents Vernonia, Oregon lumbia County Historical society, of the area. Mrs. Pearl Sher with a good attendance and much Entered as second class maU man Stanwood was interviewed interest in the history of the lo by Mrs. Pearl Becker, secretary, matter, August 4, 1922 at the cal settlement as told by des and her account told of the Sher post office in Vernonia. Oregon cendants of the first comers. Wm. man family coming in 1889, also under the act of March 3, 1879. C. Wood of Clatskanie who is from Maine. Her father cooked Subscription price $3.00 yearly president of the society presided. in the camp, and her mother ap in the Nehalem Valley. Else After the bountiful noon meal plied for a post office for the where $3.50. was enjoyed, the visitors were little settlement. This was grant NATIONAL E D f T O R l_A L introduced, showing attendance ed in 1894. Since most of the from Vernonia, Rainier, Clats as Í oc F at C on settlers were from Maine, they kanie, St. Helens and Yankton. U ! wished the name to be Mainville, Mrs. Florence Tarbell acted as but this name was not acceptable i program chairman, and intro to the post office department duced Chas. Howard who told of They asked for Yankeetown next, the Howard family coming from « but the name was shortened to Maine about 1880 and settling Yankton, which the area still where Yankton is now. Mr. Ho carries, though there has been ward had a logging camp where no post office there for many oxen were used for getting out yeavs. Mrs. Stanwood told of the logs. The old home place the carrier bringing the • iail by THE EAGLE assumes no finan of the Howard family is still horseback each day and leaving cial responsibility for error', known by that name. Interest it at the Sherman residence, that may appear in ads pub i ing family history was told. lished in its columns, but in where it could be distributed to , Eber Brown told of a flume those it was sent to. Mrs. Mary case where this paper is ai used for handling timber for a Christie told of coming to Yank- fault, will reprint that part of woodyard. Early names in this ton 47 years ago. an adv. in which the typo area were Tarbell, Sabasky, graphical mistake occurs. It was also brought out that Bnnn, Brown, Butts, Hyde, Ush BLIND ADS with answers to be Michigan Avenue was so called er, Olmstead, Reynolds, Bonney, handled by the Eagle: Mint because families from Michigan and Sherman. mum charge 80c. No inform* settled there. Houlton evidently Jess Steward and Ira Howard lion giver relative to such ads was named for Houlton, Maine, NO information on classifieds will and other names came according be given out until after paper GEMS OF THOUGHT ly. is mailed. The next meeting of .the so “LIKE THE BEE ...” MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 Like the bee, we should make ciety will be in the Beaver Homes words or less. Words over min Grange hall on Saturday, Marcn our industry our amusement. imum, 2c each. Three inser —Goldsmith 23 with Mrs. Fritz Anliker pro iions for the price of two. There has never yet been a man gram Chairman. in our history who led a life of ZMXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXMXHXHXH3 ease whose name is worth re H X membering. —Theodore Roosevelt H H Industry need not wish. —Benjamin Franklin H Man must work. That is as Riverview H Phone HA 9-6015 "Where Your Money Buys More" At the Mile Bridge certain as the sun. But he may H work grudgingly or he may work H X gracefully. ALWAYS — Top Quality H —Henry Giles H Nothing is particularly hard if ALWAYS — Best Prices you divide it into small jobs. H —Henry Ford H ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery The richest blessings are ob X H tained by labor. H —Mary Baker Eddy —From your home-owned independent grocery I I CLASSIFIED RATES KING’S Grocery - Market Cub Group Maps Plans The Cub Scout committee will meet next Tuesday evening, March 5, in the art room at the Washington school at 8 p.m. to lay plans for the March round- table for Sunset Trail district which will be held there. Some people get credit for walking the straight and nar- row path as long as they succeed in covering their tracks. JOB PRINTING AT PRICES HARD TO BEAT OFFICE SUPPLIES AT THE THE VERNONIA EAGLE for security INSURE now Play safe. Insure you*- property against theft, fire and other hazards. It costs little to enjoy se curity and peace of mind. i : » BELL-HUDSON INSURANCE Phone HA 9 6058 — Riverview H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING K hxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhz HERE'S HOW. . . DO OUTSIDE PAINTING Normally a well painted house with wood siding does not need re-painting more often than once in four to six years. Painting too often may result in an unnecessarily thick coat that may crack or peel. Check the condition of the paint. Dirty paint may be scrubbed with a brush and a mild detergent, then rinsed with a garden hose. If painting is needed, check first to see if wood parts need to be replaced, repaired or re nailed. Then, check all cracks or loose knots, and repair with a good wood filler and knot sealer. Where old paint has cracked or peeled, scrape and sand the loose material. Brush the sur face clean after filling and sanding. Coat sanded areas with primer. The craftsman will need lad ders (or scaffolding for over two stories), drop cloths, rags, paint thinner, screening, extra pails for mixing, stirring pad dles, scrapers and sandpaper. Brushes 4*4 to 5 inches wide are used for large surfaces; and 1 *4 to 2-inch brushes for trim. Use sash brushes around windows. For new wood surfaces use a primer first For old surfaces primers are not necessary ex cept on scraped and sanded areas. See your local building supply dealer for advice as to the best paints for the job. Apply paint during a dry spell when humidity is low; but not on an extremely hot day. Choose moderate tempera ture; never below 40 degrees F. Wait until the dew has dried, and work in the shade. Mix paint thoroughly, dis solving all pigment. Use paint sparingly on the brush—never more than half a brush full at a time. Work the paint into the surface of the wood by stroking back and forth to avoid running and streaking. Always paint the sash, trim and doors first. If right- handed, start in the upper left corner and stroke to tne right, working from top to bottom of the area. Make sure the surface is covered: fill any voids before the paint has dried. Manufacturart Aaaocattoo MAKE A COMPOST STORAGE BOX A compost storage box re moves the unsightly appear ance of a compost pile and permits the accumulation of compost where it was not pre viously desirable. Use natural ly durable or treated wood. The framework ia made of 2 by 4-inch lumber. Cut four pieces 68 % inches long, four pieces 36 inches long, and six pieces 36s* inches long. The four outside vertical members of the frame are notched on both ends as showtrin inset A. A miter box will be helpful in cutting the ends square. As semble the framework using I waterproof glue and 16-penny nails. The sides are made of 1 by 12-inch lumber for the lower three boards and -- 1 by 6-inch ----- ------ lumber for the top board. Cut the boards to the dimensions shown. Attach the sides to the framework with waterproof glue and 6-penny finishing nails. Hinge the bottom board to the one above it with 3-inch butt hinges. The top frame is made of 1 by 6-inch lumber with miter joints. Assemble the piece* us ing glue and 6-penny finishing nails. Attach the frame to the box and add the moulding. Paint or stain the box to match the surroundings. MITER concns as* Peas NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY M awrrtR t’C5.*IC For Delivery Every Day Phone HA 9-6341 4 vC*«<*S »X I 9 » H