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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1957)
Rainbow Girls Honor Worthy Matron. Patron Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Jr., worthy matron and patron of Ne halem chapter, O.E.S., were hon ored Monday night at the meet ing of Nehalem Assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, with a spe cial degree put on for them by the girls. They were given five ribbons the color of the star tips end were also presented with an Eastern Star teapot. During the meeting, the Rain bow Girls discussed the placing of trash cans in convenient places about town as their part in the community paint-up, fix-up cam paign. Following the meeting, refresh ments were served in the dining room. Kathy Kay Johnson Is christened on Sunday Little Kathy Kay Johnson, two and a half week old daughter of M- and Mrs. LeRoy Johnson, was christened Sunday .morning at the services held at the Evan gelical United Brethren church. Rev. F. M. Knoll officiated and the baby was held by her ma- ternal grandmother. Mrs. Minnie Virkers who was her;» from South Dakota. SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE N_bora Soap Granules, Giant Sin Package with Tw Free Dishes 4» Bryd's Coffee $ JI 89 2 Pound Can 79 Lobby's Whole Dill Parkies '/2-Gal. Jar Srandby Kosher Style Dill Pickles No. 2’z Can Taitewell Grapefruit Nc. 303 Can Shurfine Fancy Cream Style Corn No. 303 Can 49 28 18' 15' B-ue Dell Oregon Purple Plsms No. 2'j Can Morrell Pork Luncheon Meal 12-oz. Can c 34 Aunt Jemima Corn Bread Mix complete with mixing bag Q 1 <■' & caking pan 10-oz. pkg. r) 1 California Wh'te Navy Beans 2-Lb. Pkg. Masons Guests Of OES Chapter Oriental Cities Visited During Three Months Trip YESTERDAYS Mrs. Marvin Kamholz was in Portland Thursday morning to Twenty-one Masons and Mrs. meet Mr and Mrs. Harry Ford Ralph Bergerson were special of Forest Grove who were just guests of Nehalem chapter No. j returning from a three months 153, OE.S. last Wednesday night I trip which took them to many when the chapter entertained the Vernonia Masonic lodge mem 1 points of interest in Pacific is lands and Asiatic ports. They bers and their wives. Mrs. Paul Gordon, member of had sailed from San Francisco the pay of representatives of the November 12 on the President grand chapter, O.E.S., and Harry Grant on which they went to Culbertson, senior warden of the Manila and also through the Ma- Vernonia lodge, A.F. and AM. layian straits, as far west as Thia- were given special honors. Other land. On their return to Manila, they officers and members of the lodge were introduced and given mo- boarded another President liner, mentos by the worthy matron, the Van Buren, for a more ex Mrs. Sam Hearing Jr. She also tended tour on which they visited ports in China and Japan. The read them a clever poem. A unique, humorous skit was voyage home was from Yoko given by Emma Bush, Mane Fra hama to Los Angeles where they zee. Jayne Shaw, Dorothy Oling docked February 17. In Manila, the Fords visited er, June Paris, Edith Roediger, Lottie Swanson and Stona Sera Mr. and Mrs. Bob Martin. Mrs. Martin is the former Alvenia fin, portraying what they thougnt a masonic meeting was like. ,It Connell who taught some years was given amid much gavel tigo in Vernonia high school. pounding, and in the most pecu liar costuming. The George Washington theme was carried’ out in the dining room. The tables were gaily de corated with cherry trees, flags, tapers and silhouettes. The com Ways and means of controlling mittee June Paris, chairman. moles and rats will be demon Jayne Shaw, Faith Reynolds, strated in the field by John W. Dorothy Sandon, and Janet Dietrich, agent of the U.S. Fish Bridgers, served delicious warm and Wildlife service cooperating cherry cobbler topped with whip with the extension service, an ped cream and coffee. nounces County Agent Don Coin The next meeting night, March Walrod. 6th, will be annual election of The mole demonstration, which officers. This is due to the will show means of trapping as change from a calendar year to well as poisoning, will be held at a fiscal year to correspond with 10:30 a m. on Tuesday, March 5 the grand chapter fiscal year. It at the W. L. Brown farm near will take two terms of 18 months Johnson Corner, south of Scap each to accomplish this complete poose. The farm is just off high change, way 30 on the old Portland road Rat control methods will be Study Club Learns About demonstrated at 1:30 p.m. on the same day at the Curt Fallgren Shakespearean Festival poultry farm on Church road. Mrs. Emil .Messing entertained The Fallgren farm is close to the the Vernonia Study club Thurs power sub-station and is the day evening, February 21. There "Five Peaks” farm. were ten members present. Moles have been more numer An interesting program on the ous than usual this winter, notes Oregon Shakespearean Festival Walrod, and rats are always a association was given by Mrs. problem, particularly on poultry John Harris. This is held at farms and other places where Ashland, Oregon every summer feed supplies are plentiful. and is the second largest tourist Everyone interested is invited attraction in Oregon. Also, the to attend the demonstration. Institute of Renaissance studies is offered at this festival time World Day of Prayer for college credits. The festival Planned For March 8 is in collaboration with Southern Oregon college and Stanford Un Plans have been made by re iversity. presentatives from the women’s FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle. Feb. 21. 1942 A ten-man crew began the planting of 100,000 Douglas fir seedlings at the Columbia Tree Farm Monday Rodent Warfare Methods Offered Slart your "Assemble-It-Your- ielf" Webster's Dictionary Now. Washington's Birthday Is Observed by Club THESE PRICES GOOD AS LONG AS PRESENT STOCK LASTS For the meeting of the Friend ly Pinochle club which was held last Friday, February 22, at the home of Mrs. Jim Cox, George Washington's birthday was ob served with the serving of cher ry pie with ice cream. The afternoons play ended with Mrs. Rueben P'derson holding high score for first prize and Mrs. Art Davis, second. The club will meet tomorrow at the home of Mrs. Pederson. MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Member United Grocers Inc. Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A.M. & 3 P.M.—Ph. HA 9-3492 —Office Supplies at the Eagle— DR. L. M. CROSSAN CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN X-RAY — PHYSIOTHERAPY Hours: Daily 9-6 p.m. Except Tues. 9-12 Noon Sat. 9-4 p.m. groups of the various Vernonia churches for the annual World Day of Prayer observance on Fri day, March 8. The service will be held at the First Christian church at 2:00 p.m. and repre sentatives of the various groups will participate in the program. Mrs. M C. Mask of the First Baptist church is general chair man for the affair and Mrs. Cas sie Livingstone of the First Chris tian church is chairman of the day. Details of the program are be ing worked out and will be given next week. Minister Attends Meeting At Clatskanie Tuesday Reverend F. M Knoll, pastor of the Evangelical United Breth- ien church, was at Clatskanie on Tuesday morning to attend a meeting of the Lower Columbia Ministerial association. Plans are for the March meeting to be held in Vernonia. --------- Phone HA 9-3462 Phone HA 9-6303 «ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZK MILK PRICES HAVE RAISED IN PORTLAND Vernonia prices have formerly followed the Portland trend. XHZMZMZMZHZHZHZMZMZHZHZMT How To Buy A Blouse Shown Ai 4-H Club The 4-H sewing club, the Stitching Cuties, met February 20 at the home of Mrs Wesley Pace, for their regular meeting. They discussed the fun they had the previous week at their Val entine party. They had a new member, Car ol Patterson. The older girls gave a demon stration on how to buy a blouse. ADMIRAL TV Patient Returns From Hospital MIST — Mrs. Hugh Cox has been in the hospital in Astoria for surgery. She came home last week Her daughter from Clats kanie is with her as well as Mrs. McFusson. The Bud Howry family have a new Pontiac car purchased last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kulju came down from Portland and spent thc week end with her parents, the Chas. Hansens. Mrs. Knowles is leaving for Portland Tuesday to spend a little time with old friends. Week end guests at the L. P. Wikstrom home were Mr. and Mrs. Les Cazad and Mike from I Eugene and Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Norvin Wikstrom and family from Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roeser and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kyser. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine got word Saturday that their grand daughter Cheryl Devine, who lives in Hillsboro, had been taken to the hospital. The Chas. Sundlands are plan ning a short trip to California to see relatives. Mrs. Laura Car michael is planning on going along to visit her son John at Los Angeles. Do-Si-Do Club Cancels Saturday Night Dance Do-Si-Do square dance club members are reminded by John Harris, club president, that their regularly scheduled dance for Saturday night of this week has been cancelled so that support can be given the Friday night dance at Birkenfeld. The Birkenfeld club has sched uled a March of Dimes benefit jamboree for this date, which is March 1. Dance Class Session to Take Place Saturday The group of square dancers, who are currently enrolled in the class being taught by Glen Hawkins, will meet Saturday night at the VFW hall for their seventh lesson. However, all dancers are welcome to attend. A pot luck lunch will be served during the evening. THURSDAY, FEB 28. 1957 t Merry Mixer 4-H Club Makes Apple Crisp The Merry Mixer club met at the home of Mrs. Joe Johnson The girls learned to make apple crisp. They played games while the apple crisp baked. For re freshments the girls enjoyed the apple crisp they had made and Kool aid. Valley Squares Schedule March of Dimes Jamboree The Nehalem Valley Squares have scheduled a March of Dimes Jamboree for Birkenfeld this Friday evening, March 1. There will be guest callers and all square dancers are invited to come and bring their families and friends. FIDDLIN' AROUND PLAYING NERO be fore fire breaks out can also be mighty foolish . . . especially if your in surance coverage is out of tune with the values it is supposed to protect. Better see us for a pro tection check-up TO DAY! VERNONIA INSURANCE Bill J. Horn, Agent Phon* HA 9-6203 — Vernonia 90S Bridge Street BASKETBALL Moore's Red Heads World Championship Girls Team, Playing Men’s Teams Only. Men’s Rules. VS. Long Bell Millers SUNDAY. MARCH 10 I 2:00 P.M. Appliances Low Down Payment 12 Months to Pay. NEHALEM VALLEY GUARANTEED SERVICE 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. — All Makes MOTOR FREIGHT >■ 1 1 I • • Deep Freezeri. Refrigerators, and appliances of all kinds. OAKES RADIO SHOP VERNONIA HIGH SCHOOL GYM Admission Adults Students $1.00 50c Phone HA 9-3653 — Riverview _______________________________ IDEAS FROM SAM'S FOR YOUR TABLE NEEDS Honey Grahams Snowflake Crackers Triangle Thins Shredded Wheat I- VERNONIA MILK FARMS Mist Rt.. Vernonia NATAL-PITTSBURG—Mr and Mrs. Weston Pemble and child ren of Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford King and daugh ters of Beaverton were Thurs day evening dinner guests of Mrs. Susan Fowler. Mrs. Flor ence Hammond of Redondo Beach California, who has been visiting at Mrs. Fowler’s home, returned to Beaverton with her daughter, Mrs. King, for a few days visit before returning to her home in California, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boose and sons of Longview were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Parmer and Mrs. Holsapple motored to Mayger Sunday where they spent the day with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Pop? and sons of Portland wer- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dee Vecre Hershey and family. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Henderson called on Mr. and Mrs. Alva Swanson near Vernonia Monday evening. Mr and Mrs. W. R. Wolff mo tored to Hillsboro Saturday. ________ Effective February 25, local milk and cream prices will be the same as Portland. Phone HA 9-5123 Visitor Returns To California Radio GENERAL PRACTICE BY NATURAL METHODS 2nd and Bridge Street The Vernonia Loggerettes, bas ketball team composed of high ! school girls, defeated the Clats kanie girls' team in two games Wednesday, 20 to 2 and 23 to 13. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. Feb. 20. 1947 Announcement was made that no special canning sugar stamp would be issued this year. Mrs. Pete Weidman was nam ed as president of the newly or ganized past presidents club of the American Legion auxiliary. Because he flew across the Artic Circle while in the per formance of his duty. First Lieu tenant Clarence H. Lamping of Vernonia was awarded a certifi cate making him an-official mem ber of the Society of Blue Noses of the 46th Reconneissance Squadron. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle, Feb. 19. 1942 Two boys, aged 13 and 14, en tered the IOOF hall early Sun day morning after the Little Dance club party and took about $30. They were apprehended later by Marshall Lolley. Registration here Monday tal lied 269 men for army service. Nettie Alley, county nurse, and Noble Dutton began holding first aid classes at Camp McGregor. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. II FINE Groceries Meats—Vegetables RITZ CRACKERS So-o-o good -with • cvtrvthinul ALL MADE BY NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY SAM’S FOOD STORE Free Delivery HA 9-5S0I I .