THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Knights of Pythias where Oscar was formerly a member. Ed Tapp, of Cornelius, but for mer Vernonia resident, entered Guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Brown eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Dave the Veterans administration hos Sunday were her daughter, Mrs. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell DeVaney pital at Vancouver February 14 Jean Crawford of Portland, and her grandson and wife, Mr. and and daughters Loma and Laurie for treatment for stomach ulcers. Mrs. Middleton Crawford and fa and Mrs. Eola DeVaney of Port His response to treatment has not land visited Sunday with Mr. and been too good, so further tests mily from Hillsboro. Mrs. John Janhunan of Ray Mrs. A. B. Counts. They were and observation are being given. mond, Washington came Satur week end guests at the home of He is an ambulatory patient, in day for a visit of several days Mr. and Mrs. Ben Westerberg of ward 13, bed 13, if friends wish to write him. with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Mil Keasey route. Mrs. A. L. Argo returned home ler and her family. Alfred Bays of Forest Grove last Sun. from Tuality hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Peterson and was calling on Vernonia friends Hillsboro, where she had under children from Forest Grove visit Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schoenhienz gone surgery the previous Mon ed here Sunday with Mr. and day. David Argo, son of Rev. and family of Portland were Mrs. E. W. Peterson. and Mrs. Argo, who is stationed Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Steers Jr. guests Sunday at the home of at Oakridge with the army corps and Mary, M. B. Steers Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Messing for a of engineers was here from birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bryant and Thursday to Sunday with his Carol Jean attended the boat Schoenhienz. parents. Mrs. Blanche Bergerson spent «how m Portland Sunday. Among Mr, and Mrs. Ben Brickel re people they saw there were Mr. from Thursday to Sunday of last turned Monday evening from a and Mrs. Archie Adams of Cath week with Mrs. Ed Tapp on their farm near Cornelius assisting her two weeks vacation trip made lamet, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. George Remnant while Mr. Tapp is hospitalized with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart returned Friday from a months at Vancouver for observation and wick of Portland on which they vacation in Southern California treatment. She returned this visited in San Francisco, went where they visited friends at San week to spend more time with down the coast to Tia Juana, Mexico. Enroute, they visited Clemente, Manhattan Beach and Mrs Tapp. Albert Tandy was taken by the Hartwick’s daughter, Maxine, Fl Segundo, among other places. Mrs. Clara Barnett of St. Hel ambulance to Providence hospi at Corona Del Mar. They also ens is visiting this week with tal in Portland last Thursday af went to Phoenix, Arizona and her daughter and husband, Mr. ternoon for treatment after he visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed and Mrs. Claude Gibson Sr. was injured while at work at the Salamonson. Perry Browning came home last Paper company Mrs. Ervin F. Leake and daugh J International ter Nancy of Portland were call mill He is in traction and will Thursday evening from the Uni versity of Oregon Medical School ing on friends in Vernonia last be there for some time. Oscar Weed and Oren Weed hospital where he has been for Sunday. Mrs. Claude Norris returned were at St. Helens Tuesday even the past several months for treat Sunday from Arcata, California ing of last week to attend the an ment. Mrs. Mattie Jacobson who had where she had visited for sev- nual roll call at Avon Lodge, resided in Riverview for th« past 14 years left Friday for Las Ve I I gas, Nevada to make her home. I Her son from Las Vegas, Laurel I ♦ Wittwer, was here to help her I move. 4 Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks 4 4 and sons from Portland were Sat I urday visitors at tha Dean Wood ♦ home on Timber road. Other re cent callers were Ed Danielson from Banks who was there Sun day for hay and Jeff Harris of Portland who called at the Art Kirk and Dean Wood places on Monday. Mrs. J. G. Sawyer entered Tuality hospital at Hillsboro on Wednesday for surgery. Regularly 59c -á *5; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brunsman and Mrs. Paul Gordon were in Portland last Thursday evening for a reception for Geraldine Mackey, grand representative of Regularly 83c Washington, OES Turner Daniel returned home Tuesday from Good Samaritan hospital in Portland wherc he had Regularly 30c been for a . week for medical check-up because of complica tions resulting from a head injury some months ago. A group of local Eastern Star Regularly $1.25 members were in Portland Sat urday for a school of instruction relating to installations. They in cluded Mrs. Wilbur Davis, Mrs. Sam Hearing Sr., Mrs. Frank Regularly 10c Serafin, Mrs. Alva Swanson, Mrs. Harry Sandon and Mrs. Bill Horn. The- school was held at East Gate chapter. Regularly 25c Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Towne of Selah, Washington spent last week end here with their son, Cara Nome Liquid Louis Towne, and his family. Cleansing Cream Jim Jones is at Tuality hospi Regularly $1.50 tal, Hillsboro where he was tak en Tuesday of last week for medical treatment His condition Cara Nome Foundation was somewhat improved last Regularly $1.25 week end. ! A large group of Vernonia Py thian Sisters went to Forest : Cara Nome Cream Grove last evening to attend the » Deodorant I meeting of Delphi temple which : Regularly $1 00 was entertaining the grand chief. Mrs. Dane Brady was taken by ambulance to Good Samaritan hospital last Wednesday for 1 treatment, including blood trans- i ! Regularly $1.10 fusions, to which she has res i ponded very well. Mr. Brady t expects her to be able to come ; i home next week if progress con- I i tinues as it was the first of this I Regularly $2.19 » week. » Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridgers and Mrs Loren Mills were Sunday I dinner guests at the home of Mr [ » Regularly $1.09 and Mrs. Ray Mills of Cornelius Other guests were Mr. and Mrs 1 1 Kenneth Smith and son of Willa- 1 ■ mma and Mr and Mrs Melvin I DeRoek of Hillsboro. The dinner Regularly 87c I observed the birthdays of Mrs. Smith and Mr. DeRock, brother , and sister of Mrs. Ray Mills. Miss Anna Ash of Lethbridge. • Regularly 63c Canada visited from Monday till Friday of last week with Mr. I and Mrs Fred Heckenliable. Ben Fowler. Mrs. Joe Medges. Carl Davis and J B Flcnnery f Special held numbers matching those at • • Brunsmans and had identified i them by Wednesday morning. Mrs. Paul Gordon spent last : week end at Seaside as the guest of Mr and Mrs. Jens Hermann TELEPHONE HA 9-6254 Vernonia, Ore. and went with them Saturday evening to Cloverdale for a re- i I ception honoring Betty Wilkins, •2 THURSDAY, FEB 28, 1957 TOPICS OF THE TOWN I < A.till LUCKY 7 SALE Rexillana Cough Syrup Glycerine Suppositories Milk of Magnesia Mi 31 Antiseptic Cello Pack Envelopes Hydrogen Peroxide DATES io Remember THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 28 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge—IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Drama club play, Nine Girls — H.S. auditorium, 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Columbia Encampment No. 89— IOOF hall, 8:00 pm. Fraternal Order of Eagles—Hall on First Ave., 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 2 H.S. Band concert at Forest Grove — Congregational church lawn, noon. H.S. Band march in Gay Nine ties parade — Forest Grove, 1:00 p.m. MONDAY. MARCH 4 National Assembly featuring Bob Dill, archer—Washington grade school, 2:30 p.m. Lions club dinner meeting — VFW hall, 7:00 p.m. Past Chiefs club — Home of Lesta Garner, 8:00 p.m. American Legion — Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. City council — City hall, 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY, MARCH 5 American Legion auxiliary—Le gion hall, 8:00 p.m. Mt. Heart Social club — Hom? of Isabel Anderegg, 8:00 p.m. Vernonia Odd Fellows lodge No. 246 — IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 6 Boy Scouts, Troop 201 — City park cabin, 7:00 p.m. Nehalem Chapter, O.E.S. — Ma i sonic Temple, 8:00 p.m. grand warder, OES. Mr. and Mrs. John Harris and their two boys were at Cannon Beach and Seaside Saturday and Sunday of last week end. Dur ing their stay there they visited Nick Nagle, who is recovering from a recent logging accident which resulted in the loss of a ieg. Many square dancers in this area will remember him. , Robert Lindsay and Stephen Waite attended the OSC Forestry Alumni Day in Corvallis Febru ary 23. The main feature is the Annual Fernhoppers’ Banquet at tended by 500 students and gra duates. Sell it with an Eagle Classified. 67e 17' 97' 7' 17' I Awards Given Leaders, Cubs At the Blue and Gold Cui» Scout anniversary dinner held February 15, awards to leaders were made by John Harris, Cub Master, as follows: One year pin.. Mrs. Harvey Redmond, Mrs. E E Larson, Mrs. Lyman Hawke*. Jr., Mrs. Edgar Hartzell and M and Mrs. E. V. Robertson; two year pins, Robert Lindsay, Dave Brunsman, and Ben Fowler; anu four year pins to Mr. and Mr; John Harris. Cub awards presented were I Den 1: Eddie Kamholz, Lion badge. Den 2: Steve Minger, Wolf badge; Phillip Eggert, gold ar Mr. and Mrs. Tom Karnoski row for Wolf badge and Bea« badge; Steve Gibson, one gold are the parents of an eight pound arrow and two silver arrows for 3 ounce daughter, Karen Lucille, Lion badge; Danny Lawler, Wolf born Wednesday, February 20, at badge; Tony Childs, Wolf badg- Den 4: Paul Roediger, Bear Longview, Washington. This is badge and denner stripe; Dann.* the Karnoski’s second daughter. Brady, denner stripe; Raymond A third son, David Allen, join Hartzell, assistant denner; Ber.- ed the family of Mr. and Mrs. ny Fowler, gold arrow for Bear Don Tipton last Saturday, Febru badge. ary 23. He weighed in at 9 Den 6: Jerry.Hayes, silver ar pounds at the Lloyd Home in row; Larry Larson, gold arrow Riverview. Den 7: Larry Harris, Lien Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ray badge, gold and silver arrow fur mond Justice of Portland, but Bear badge; Joey Curl, silver ar former Vernonia residents, are re row for wolf badge. ceiving announcements of the ar Den 8: Gary Robertson, assis rival of a son, Paul Dale, on Feb- tant denner; David Hall, denn -; ruary 13. He joins thre? bro Kenny Bateman, gold arrow. thers, Larry, Daryl and David. News has been received here of the arrival of a son at the BEN'S BARBER SHOP home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mc Expert Tonsorial Work Donald of Lakeview, Oregon, last Vernonia. Oregon Sun., Feb. 24. Mrs. McDonald is the former Mary Tapp, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Tapp. This is the Scott’s first child. Boys Hold Edge In Weeks News Joy Theatre Jolly Jills Make Muffins Used for Refreshments THURS.. FRI.—FEB. 28—MAR. 1 TENSION AT TABLE ROCS Richard Eean - Dorothv Malone The Jolly Jills 4-H club met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Herb Heckenliable, Monday, Feb ruary 18, 1957. The girls made muffins which were served with kool-aid. Linda Argo was ab sent. The next meeting will be held March 4, 1957. SATURDAY MARCH 2 MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY Clark Gabi? . Charles Laughr.n SUN.. MON. MARCH 3 4 WESTWARD HO THE WAGONS Fess Parker Plus BLUE MEN »OF MORROCCC Standard tries a flood of fire to make worn out oil fields produce again li si- 50' Cara Nome Liquid Blush Plastic Waste Basket Klenzo Antiseptic Aspirin Tabs, 200’s 57' SJ47 87' 67' j Cotton, 4-oz. Reg. i Quik Bands VERNONIA DRUG CO. Fire flooding products heat and pressure to boil out previously loi- reconrable oil, dnnng it underground to nearby producing wells. MANY INACTIVE WELLS STILL HAVE LOTS OF OIL left underground in spite of the industry’s great advances in oil recovery. Our country must have this oil to meet the growing power requirements of industry, the Armed Forces and motorists. That’s why Standard is trying a new conservation experiment called “fire flooding.” We ignite some of the oil in a pool... control burning by regulating the air supply. Heat and pressure drive the oil to surrounding wells for pumping. It will take more than a year’s time and a million dollars to see if fire flooding works. We think it’s worth the effort because it could add more to U.S. underground oil reserves than the discovery of an entire new oil field. [ 1956 8.827.000 barrel! par day 1966 13,000,000 barrel! per day Standard’s petroleum engi neers say, Back in 1925 the industry could predict only about 20', recovery from a new field. Modem secondary recover)- methods, of which fire flooding ia one of die latest, could more than double recovery.’! STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA V .- plant ahaad to torva you battar