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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1957)
Library, U of 0 Directors of Chamber Get Event Ideas Group Delegates Asked To Friday Session on Celebration Planning A lively meeting ensued at the Vernonia chamber of com merce regular director-committee chairmen session Monday night. A date for a special meeting for representatives of all organ izations in the area to plan for a Fourth of July celebration July 4. 5 and 6 was set for Friday • .pht, March 1. It will be held at the new West Oregon Electric Co-op. meeting room at 8 p.m. and anyone interested in partici pating. or with a good idea, is invited to com? to the meeting and take part. Letter have been sent to many of the organiza tions notifying them of the date. It was felt that by the use of newspaper, radio and dodgers, many ex-Vernonia residents rtnght come back to Vernonia for a homecoming to visit with old -’ends and relatives over this holiday. The Ridge Riders, Vernonia riding club, will also represent .the Vernonia chamber in the Gay Nineties parad? at Forest Grove Saturday along with the nigh school band. Several House and Senate Bills were read and discussed and a report on the paint-up. fix-up meeting February'20 was pre- nted. On March 13 the Highway 99 W Alternate Road Association will hold its annual dinner meet ing and election of officers here in Vernonia. The local Nehalem Assembly, Order of Rainbow for .Girls, will serve the dinner at 7 7*0 p.m. and will also sell tick ets for the affair. The profit they make from this dinner will be partially used for purchasing trash cans for Bridge street as their participation in the paint- up, clean-up campaign. Everyone interested in high ways is invited to attend this din ner meeting, the speaker for wmeh has not confirmed his ap pearance and cannot be an nounced. School Heads To View Curriculum A meeting has been arranged f?» Columbia county school ad ministrators at St. Helens at the court house next Thursday at 2:30 p.m. at which Dr. Cliff Ro- r. rson, secondary supervisor of thi state department of educa tion. will address the group on sc.'ondary curriculum. Arrangements for the meeting were made by County Superin tendent Lois Kent and Eugene Dove, president of the county as soc-ation. Anniversary Event Due Scheduled for Thursday through Saturday of next week is the 12th annual anniversary sale for Brunsman Hardware and Elec- t-.e, Pete Brunsman said Wed- m -day Pres"nts will be given a*! ladies and floor prizes for both men and women will be £• ,srded during the sale. Tree Planting To Start Tree planting at the Columbia Tree Farm will begin Monday weather permits, according to Fibcrt C. Lindsay, resident for- ,-er About 90.000 Douglas and • ntc fir are scheduled to be set c a crew of 10 men in the C.-ooked creek area. Press Clinic Attended Penny Hayes, member of the T -nberhne staff at Vernonia high school, represented this school ¡act week end at the 1957 all coast press clinic held on the Univer sity of Washington campus at Sestile Scout In vesture Rites Performed Wednesday At the meeting of Boy Scout Troop 201 which was held last Wednesday evening, February 20 at the union hall, a tenderfoot candlelight investure ceremony was conducted by Scoutmaster Jewell Lloyd. Candidate scouts were Bill McKenney. Louis Vio lette, Bill Bergerson, Earl Rey nolds. Ralph Anderegg and Wal lace Pollock. Neighborhood com missioner Marvin Meyer pinned tenderfoot badges on the ■ new scouts who in turn pinned min iature badg'-s on their mother or dad. Frank Lentz, institutional rep resentative from the Odd Fel lows lodge, sponsoring group for the scouts, presented second class pins to Wendell Pearson, Lester Chambers. Jim Eckland, Billy Tomlin, Lloyd Vike and Ray mond Hamnett. The troop committee, Omar Vernon. Albert Tandy and Frank Lentz, conducted a board of re view and passed to second class rank, Scouts Verne D. Smith and Jim Huit. Scoutmaster Jewell Lloyd pre sented a pocket stone to Earl Reynolds for neatness in inspec tion of troop. Assisting the Soutmaster with the ceremonies of the evening were assistant scoutmaster, Tru man Knight and explorer scouts. Lee Harmon. Linn Bolmeier and Harold Haskins. Plans announced for the next meeting included hot dogs and games at the city park cabin. The third Wednesday of each month is investure and board of review evening for the troop and the scoutmaster and his assis tants extend a cordial invitation to the mothers and dads to at tend. Parents who were present last Wednesday evening were Charles Biggs, John Vike, John Cham bers, Mrs. Harold Bergerson, Mrs. Wilbur McKenney, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderegg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and Mrs. Lu cille Pearson. Two Students Win Art Awards from Magazine Two Vernonia high school art students have received recogni tion in this year’s contest known as National Schools Art Awards contest and sponsored by Scho lastic Arts magazins. They are Sunny DeHart and Judi Strong, freshmen, who entered sheath Move Completed To New Structure Business at the new location in the new West Oregon Electric building started officially Mon day of last week after movement of office equipment and records was accomplished the Saturday before, Manager Guy Thomas said early this week. Consumers are now paying electric accounts in the new office. Usn of warehouse facilities pro vided in the new building start ed over a month ago when that portion of the structure reached a point of completion making its use possible. The new building has also been used several times as a place of meeting for various groups. Cook Assigned to U.S.S. Pickerel Donald A. Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Cook of Ver nonia. graduated from submarine school at New London, Connecti cut February 1 and arrived home February 2 for a 20-day leave. He left here Saturday for the Mare Island base at San Francis co from which he was to be trans ferred to the U.S.S. Pickerel at Pearl Harbor for duty. dress designs in the junior divi sion made up of 7, 8 and 9th grade students. Entries from all over Oregon were judged at Lipman Wolf company in Portland. About 20 Vcrr.onia students submitted en tries and since competition is very keen, it is considered good to have placed two winners. The girls will receive Gold Key awards for this win and their entries will be on exhibit with other state winners at the Lip man stores in Portland and Sal em. They will then be sent to Philadelphia for entry in the na tional contest The girls arc scheduled to visit the exhibit in Portland Saturday at which time they will receive their Gold Key awards. Jim Peters On Basketball Squad Mr. and Mrs. George Peters have received a copy of The Airman, official paper from the naval air technical 'training cen ter at Norman, Oklahoma, in which their son Jim is pictured with the basketbail teatn on which he has been playing This team chalked up an enviable re cord of a better than 100 point average per game to go unde feated. One game score was 127 to 31. Coaches Attend Meeting Myron Vlcek and Carlton Mor an, athletic coaches at Vernonia high school, were at a dinner meeting at Reynolds high school last evening tn assist with ar ranging game schedules for next year. Dimes Totals Clean-up, Paint-up Fix-up Tabulated by Campaign Period Fixed Head of Drive Some Contributions of Area Not Included in Figures Released Here Tabulation by Mrs. Frank Ser afin of March of Dimes contribu tions which had been turned ov er to her showed a total of $639.91 which she turned in to the coun ty chairman at St. Helens this week. This did not include contribu tions made through the dimes cards mailed out since those were returned directly to St. Helens. Also, $45 reported last week as having been voted by the Natal grange is not included as it was not turned over to Mrs. Serafin. Complete tabulation of contri butions is as follows: St. Mary’s Altar Society, $15; Kate’s cafe, $39.72; Jay’s cafe. $32.40; coin banks, $12.28; grade school, $50 - 89; high school, $83.56; Bowling association, $95.55; Lions club, $10; Mothers march. $142.73; Le gion auxiliary. $25; VFW, $84.50; Rebekah lodge, $8.00; city hall coffee hour, $20.28; Pythian Sis ters, $20; Egg Production Details Listed it a double victory for the night, downing the Rainier JV team in the curtain raiser A group of inexperienced, but determined youngsters from Sea side managed to capitalize on a mass of fundamental mistakesand gain revenge for an early season loss by soundly whacking Ver nonia 50-39 February 19 The Loggers, ahead only in the opening minutes of play, quickly fell behind and trailed through out the game Seaside, flooring a senior-less ball club proved their worth by continually out hustling Vernonia for the victory. Seaside guard Neil Maine, the only regular left after a late season cut. led all scorers with 15 points. The will to win again showed the way to victory for the Log gers as they defeated the War renton Warriors Tuesday night during this summer was reported by Art Ostrander, chairman of the streets and highways com mittee. He also said the creek bank at Bridge and Rose being investigated to stop the unsightly tossing out of papers. Another phase of city govern ■ ment being considered will tie in with the present campaign,. Chairman Bayley said when re porting on the work of the city government committee. Council men are soon to consider an ordi nance designed to form a city planning commission whose work will cover some of the phase» KICKOFF DUE APRIL 1 of clean-up, fix-up. For this year, April 1 was chos- J The movie, "House in the Mid en as a starting date and part of dle,” was screened following re the promotion to get the cam ports and is being shown oth«» paign underway will possibly be groups in the valley during the a parade which will get the con time it may be kept here. sideration of one of the commit March 6 was set as the next tees named at the earlier meet meeting date in the West Oregon ing. The campaign is scheduled meeting room. to end October 31. Three contests are intended during the campaign period One of these will be the selection of four yards each month, one from each of the four Vernonia pre cincts. These yards will be elig- ble to compete for a grand prize The National Assembly prw- > and second and third prizes Oc gram which will be held next tober 31. Monday, March 4 at 2:30 p.m. at Assembly Slates Skilled Archer STREET PAVING EXPECTED Home improvement work, such as remodeling and repairing/ will comprise another of the contests and again judging will take place October 31 to determine the grand prize winner and second and third place winners. Remodeling and repairing of business buildings will cover the third of the contests the group is planning and the award for this contest will be a plaque. Com petition in these contests will be open to all people except chair men of committees and block captains. A small group, very small, in dicated interest Tuesday night in a meeting organized to present details on egg production for this area. The session was arranged by the chamber of commerce ag ricultural committee with Don Coin Walrod as speaker who list ed data on costs, feed consump tion and income that can be ex pected from this kind of agricul tural enterprise. He explained many other di tails relating to the industry as TRASH CANS CONSIDERED well, in presenting the full pic The Rainbow Girls have been ture as it would apply to this asked to sponsor a project to area. provide trash disposal cans on Walrod has been invited by the Bridge street and have given agricultural committee to discuss their approval, the group was home gardens, both vegetable told. and flower, at a meeting March Paving of Bridge street for its 26. full width in front of the Wash ington school and high school Bank Manager Resigns Office Two Named on PU Honor Roll George A. Remnant, manager Bill Braun and Tom Hoice of of the Vernonia Branch of the U. S. National Banks, announced Vernonia have been named on Monday his resignation, effective thc honor roll at Pacific univer March 15. as head of the local sity for attaining a scholastic institution. He will accept an grade average of 3.00 or above executive position with the South for the first semester. Braun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bay bank at Manhattan Beach, < W. M. Braun, is a math major California and he and Mrs. Rem nant will make their residence and a member of the varsity at 1128 Highview avenue in Man basketball team. Hoice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ro hattan Beach. bert Mathews, is a combined He has been manager of the Vernonia bank since January 1, math and physics major and a sophomore. 1951. Loggers Recover from Slump; to Meet Tigers Friday The Vernonia Loggers made it a double victory over the Rai nier Columbians for the current hoop campaign by downing their hosts 47-50 when they played February 15. Jumping off to what later proved a much needed mar gin. the Loggers tooks a quick command of the game 16-6. Hitting on only one of seven free throw attempts in the second quarter. Vernonia saw this lead cut by a determined Rainier to a halftime score of 27-25. The third and fourth quarters saw the two teams put on a real bat tle for the crowd with Rainier unable to gain the lead, but man age to tie the Loggers on sever al occasions Dick O'Brien led the Logger scoring with 15. but Steve Oliva, Rainier guard, took game honors with ¡8, including eight for eight from the gift line. Coach Bill VIcek's JV t-am made Planning in greater detail for this year's clean-i^p. paint-lip, fix-up campaign was accomplish ed Wednesday evening of last week at another meeting of the group which organized itself on January 30 with Mayor Don Bay- ley as chairman to carry on this year's improvement work. Tentative plans for contests, dates for the beginning and end of the campaign and a project that may result in the placing of trash disposal cans on Bridge street were topics of last week’s session. of this week 56-55. Recovering from a slump that cost them two defeats, the Loggers were never headed as they rang up the first win for a Vernonia team in sev eral years at Warrenton. Using all team men in the first half, Coach Moran's Blue and Gold shirted team took a com manding 21-29 intermission lead and then withstood a real des peration 4th quarter drive to register their win. With Don Hoisey’s 16 and Herb Bender’s 11 points leading the way, the whole team put togeth er a good, determined defense and a wetll executed offense to make it a ten-man victory The Vernonia team closes out it's season at Clatskanie this Fri day evening and is looking for ward to duplicating last year’s last game defeat of th* Tigers on their home floor. Carson Is Sent To Astoria Base the Washington school will fea ture Bob Dill of San Diego, California, professional archer, who will give the story of arch ery and its history and also simple information about the technique of the sport, explain the equipment briefly, and give a demonstration of bow and ar row shooting. Dill has used the bow and ar row for 18 years and has been a professional for nine years. He has hunted nearly cv-ry type at game found on the North Amrri can continent. He has also in structed archery at the Univer sity of Nevada. Among stunts he will perform is the shooting of a balloon from an assistant's mouth. Conference Set For Two Dates An education conference on the subject of Oregon unemplayment compensation, sponsored by the 1WA, is scheduled to take place here Monday and Tuesday, March 11 and 12, an announce ment from the union this week indicates. A similar • conference will take place at Forest Grove March 6 and 7. Speaker for the affair will be Walter Young, IWA assistant ed ucational director. Talks, audi - ence participation and a showing of the film, “Strike in Town.’’ are parts of the conference pro gram, which will start at 7 and close at 9 p m. both nights. Drama Club Play Set for Tonight Electricians Mate 3c Robert F„ Carson and Mrs. Carson arrived here last Wednesday afternoon from San Diego where he has been stationed. Monday, he re ported to the Astoria base where he has been transferred Mrs Carson will remain here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Horner Gwin, until they find suitable living quarters there A reminder is given that the high school drama club will pre sent the royalty play. Nine Girl», at the high school auditorium this evening at 8:00 o’clock, yhe play, a drama-mystery, promises good entertainment for every one. So that parents of small child ren may attend and enjoy the play without interruptions, a child care service at the school is being arranged. License Examiner Due David Carson Enlists A driver» license examiner will be on duty in Vernonia Fri day, March 8, 1957 at the city hall between the hours of 10 a m. and 4 p m., according to an an nouncement received from thc Department of Motor Vehicle« of Oregon David Carson left February 21 for San Diego to begin training with the Naval Air Corps Mrs Canon is at *present here with David's mother. Mrs. Albert Tan dy, and will also spend time with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Myron Parrish, at Molalla.