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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1957)
6 THURSDAY, JAN 10. 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE HERE'S HOW... CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE General MAKE A LEAF WAGON 8Y FRANKLIN J MEINE fdifer, AmwKon Psoplul itKyclofdia A coaster wagon can be con verted to a carrier for easy transportation of leaves to the compost heap or burner. The removable carrier also extends the capacity of the wagon for other purposes. The carrier uses 1 by 2-inch lumber. Length of the rails de pends upon the dimensions of the wagon. The space between the bot tom of the posts and the lower edge of the bottom rails should I LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT WORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the citizens of the City of Ver nonia, County of Columbia, State hOR SALE: 1939 Ford, museum of Oregon, and particularly to piece in good condition. $50. Also, the property owners of said city effected by the curb work just «V AUcmCAN OMSUMID M AUHME practically new tire chains, 7.10. completed by the City on south p Hi pounds of mini msr Uffa a m •rt 11 pounds op ettr. Kit P omos $15 value for $4. 992 Second Remains of a i.OOO-qesr-old Roman tempieof First Avenue, that the engineer 1 . 1 * POUNDS OF UNIS AND the Mithras cult was unearthed wi tentralLcxdx ■suriM, > np uz fuimos Of P opp , Av». 2tlc appointed by the City Council (iurinq rebuilding of bombed Bisrld War H sites. »Mt>i4UiiE fW‘L-rt" FOR SALE: Used chain saws. to oversee the work has filed TH£ 22H1> MW»»*-*' with the City Recorder a certifi Ted’s Saw Shop. Riverview. cate of approval of said work. 22tfc That said report will be con- SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill sidered by the Council at its next dirt. Call HA 9-6829, AG. Os meeting to be held on the 21st trander. 26t52c day of January, 1957, at the hour TH e T oug EST AND MOST AMENDED of ail .STATE ICMSriTUTKWS BELONGS of 8.00 o’clock p.m. in the City to L ouisiana Criu rat hov 2,1954 election . 24 amendments were added con- Hall of said City, and d tie sideration will be given thereto BUMP AND MEYER. INC. and all persons objecting thereto, REAL ESTATE or wishing to object thereto, Vernonia Branch Office may appear at said meeting and H. T. Hu.lson — Phone HA 9 6058 interpose their objections, if any, showing total subject wages and Overlapping Regulations Riverview Affecting Farmers F.I.C.A. tax withheld not later and due consideration to such FLBOW GREASE & INGENUI objections will be given by the (Editor’s Note: Review of some than January 31, 1957 (or within TY! Thats all it takes to make Council and the merits thereto of the regulations and deadlines one month of the date of sépara, this 2-bdrm. home on 2 acres, determined by the Council. affecting farmers is presented in tion in case the farm worker left highway 47, very attractive. Sam L. Hearing, this discussion prepared by the before the end of 1956.) These Chic house and barn, dandy 2tlc Oregon Association of Public Ac statements may be furnished to City Recorder garden spot. $4000, $1000 down farm employees on form SS-14, NOTICE TO ALL CITIZENS OF countants’ tax information com although a form of the farmer's FOR quick sal»-—FURNISHED mittee and published by The VERNONIA 3-bdrm, home on 3 lots in Ri own choosing may be used if it For emergency city police calls: Vernonia Eagle as a reader ser- contains the necessary informa- verview Bring your own TV. When a policeman is needed, dial vice.) $3,000. Will consider terms. tion. Are you a farmer? YOUR GROWING family needs HA 9-5141. If no answer, dial What are the applications of If not, sit this one out. this 18A farm with its big, operator and state name, phone If so, take time out from your federal rul?s in regard to em- modernized house. Excellent number and address where police ployment of members of the far- 2t2c crop and livestock planning to soil and water. Barn, chix is needed. m?r’s own family? check on tax-social security pro NOTICE: The County Court of house, dandy garden, about 1* * Although the farmer may pay A new strawberries in. 1 mile Columbia County, Oregon, has ap blems converging upon you. wages to his minor son or daugh pointed and confirmed NEAL W. from town on Rock Creek. If you’re in doubt as to your $7950. $2,000 down. BUSH as Executor of the estate status, remember that a farmer ter, wife, father or mother for 2t3c I of JESSIE E. BUSH, deceased. All is defined as an individual whose farm services actually rendered, i i persons having claims against gross income is derived at least under present conditions such HOMES wages ar? not subject to the fed said estate are required to present two-thirds from farming. 5 ROOM modern home, wired eral insurance contributions act. them with proper vouchers to the Under new rules which went , ’or range, plumbed for auto Executor of said estate at the of into effect last year, individual No social security tax should be m^tic washer. Lots of closet fices of the VERNONIA EAGLE. farmers on a calendar-year basis withheld or remitted on such la- «¡nd storage space, Electric Vernonia, Oregon, within six must file a declaration of esti bor. water heater. 4 Rms down months from December 13, 1956. mated tax on or before January It is not uncommon for a •fairs, 1 up. Ppce only $1800. NEAL W. BUSH. Executor 15, 1957, and pay at least two- farmer to employ his son on the Very good terms or make of BUSH & BRADLEY. farm during the school vaca third of the tax at that time. fer. Attorneys for Executor If desired, the estimate may tion period. Prior to last year, I ACRES with exceptional nice PUBLISH: December 13, 20 and be made by applying at least the Pappy had to chop off Junior’s 5-rm. modern house. Wired for 27, 1956; January 3, and 10. 1957. amount of the previous year's wages below the $600.00 mark or 1 ange. Cement basement with tax. By filing the estimate in lose his dependency credit. The jape furnace. House includes 2 this manner, the farmer may then law now is such that if Junior twdrooma, living and dining is under 19 or is a student, and room and kitchen, plus utility WE WISH to express our deep file his final return at any time up to April 15, 1957, and pay the if the farmer furnishes more and fruit room. Double garage. gratitude and appreciation for balance of the tax due at that than half of his support, he can All in very good condition. I lhe mny acts of sympathy and time. claim the son as a dependent. If Price $9,000, $4500 down. understanding during our recent However, Junior receives $600 00 or more if the farmer files his FARMS bereavement. final return by February 15, 1957, from any source, he must file his 20 ACRES two miles out of Ver Mr. and Mrs. William David and pays the full tax, he need own return and may take his nonia. 5 room house, barn, Weaver and son 2t I not file an estimate. own exemption, even though he woodshed and chick house. 10 Under the method inaugurated may be a dependent of his father, acres in cult. Puce $4500. $1000 I WE WISH to thank our many down, bal. easy terms. friends and neighbors for the in 1956, farmers pay self-employ who—in such case— would be SEE ME FOR FARMS AND cards and other expressions of ment tax on net income from allowed $600.00 dependency ex- ACREAGE sympathy following the loss of farming at the rate of 3 per cent emption. Net earnings must be at least DON BAYLEY. BROKER our brother and cousin. $400.00 to be reportable, and Palace Cafe Bldg. Ph. HA 9-5225. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lentz earnings over $4200.00 are not 2tlc Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hogbeig subject to social security tax. 2tl FOR SALE: Thiee room house. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE To obtain maximum benefits • hr tncally equipped Oil heat. Won Lost I upon retirement, most farmers •’ <'diate sale by owner. 886 will want to pay the largest Bob’s Union 42 30 Sect nd Street. kj Long-Bell 38 34 amount possible, and if the net FURNISHED 4-room apartment. 34 38 income from farming is low, Mill Market Shower bath, electric range, oil Nehalem Service 30 42 there are two optional methods heat, refrigerator. At Riverview Individual high game. D. Laird, Cabins. 2tfe of reporting. I »> R T ABLE welding service, 1. If the gross income from 204; individual high scries, D. p< wer plant; night work. George FOUR-ROOM ground floor furn farming is between $800 00 and Laird, 598; team high game. Ne* Smith. HA 9 3876 32tfc apt. Water, sewage, garbage $1800 00, the farmer may elect halem Service, 976; team high C LARENCE R WAGNER, county collection and heating fuel fur- to report one-half the gross as series. Nehalem Service, 2803. Newly decorated, $40 self-employment earnings. CITY LEAGUE surveyor, Court House, St. Helens. nished Wtm 2. If the gross farm income is Lost Phone office, 698; home, 183 Pri per mo. See at 117 North St. 2tfc $1800 00 or mor»> and the actual Oakes 47 25 vate surveying, engineering work. 38 34 ______ 24tfc APARTMENT for rent. Couple ret earnings are less than $900 00. Radiant Cleaners Lyles Barber Shop 34 38 only. See Ed Burton, Riverview. the farmer may elect to report $900 00 as self-employment earn Vernonia Milk Farms 25 47 50tfc ings. Individual high game, C. Hick THE EAGLE assumes no finan These alternative methods are- man, 214; individual high series, cial responsibility for errors used only in computing self-em R Normand, 505; team high thaf may appear in ads pub HOUSEKEEPER wanted for fa ployment tax and apply only to game, Oakes, 985; team high lished in its columns, but in mily of three. $75 per month farm income. The self-employ series, Oakes, 2600. case where this paper is at plus room and board Phone HA ment tax is computed and paid fault, will reprint that part of WOMEN S BOWLING 9-5948 48tfc only once a year with the income an adv. in which the typo tax. December 13 graphical mistake occurs. HIGHEST cash Drices paid for With farm labor now covered Won Lost BLIND ADS with answers to be cream and eggs at your door- by social security, deadlines are Dessy’s 36- 27', handled by the Eagle: Mini picked up once or twice weekly— nearing on filing certain reports. Vernonia Drug 33 31 mum charge 80c. No informa- call or write Forest Grove Cream As farmers well know, they have Sam’s Food Store 31'* 32’, i.on giver relative to such ads. ery. Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone been required to withhold 2 per Brunsman Hardware ■ 27 3" NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY 126. 14tfC cent from agricultural employees High individual game. Hazel ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED who have been paid $100.00 or Shipman, 186; high individual AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT Pneumonia Is Cause For more in cash during the year, series, Kathy Gwin, 522; high FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. Recent Hospitalization ■ emitting 4 per cent quarterly (or team game. Sam’s Food Store, NO information on classifieds will when a gross liability of $100 00 835; high team series. Sam’s Food RIVERVIEW — Mrs Walt-r be given out until after paper is reached) to the district direc Store. 2406 Splits picked up: McDonald was in Tuality Com is mailed. tor of internal revenue on form Kathy Gwin. 2-7; Gertrude Scha- munitv hospital in Hillsboro from MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 943-A. Effective January 1, 1957, lock. 5-6-10, Alice Gwin, 4-5 and words or less. Words over min* Thursday until Monday suffering the rate to be withheld increases 4-5-7; Dolly Laird, 3-10. Mar- from penumonia. mum. 2c each. Three inser Mrs Pearl Wilkerson is spend to 2's per cent and the amount guente Burton, 3-13. tions for the price of two. remitted to 4'» per cent. January FiETRY accepted only as paid ing a few days at the home of her By January 31. 1957. form 943 Won Lost ■natter. Rate: 5c per type lino. son and family. Mr. and Mrs. must be filed with the district Dessy’s 39'. 28 Burford Wilkerson at Tillamook -ARD of Thanks tr Notices: 80c. 35 33 She was not feeling well when director bv the farmer who has Vernonia Drug 33's pound of butter uses the •he left on Sunday but is improv paid taxable cash wag - dut4k ; Sam’s Food Store 34*s 1956 This annual report should Brunsman Hardware 28 fat trvm about 20 pounds of milk ing 40 include all subject wages not High individual game. Sharon previously reported on form M3 Gibson, 209. high individual DR. VOTAW OPTOMETRISTS: A. so that all employees who series, Sharon Gibson. 513; high meet the SlOOOOa year test will team game, Sam s Food Store, Dr. V. J. Horne and • OPTOMETRIST appear on the annual report form 81$; high team senes. Dessy’s, Dr R. V. Lance Sundland Building »43 2350 Splits picked up Claudine Across from Texaco Tuesdays 6 to 8 P.M. East. 2-7; Shirley Hill. 5-10; Ce- Mr. Farmer also must furnish Wednesdays Saturdays 2 to 8 P.M. his employees with statemenu leste Poeter. 2-7 and 4-5. FOR SALE: sprinkling system. Has 5 horse power G.E. motor. Wil) handle 25 acres. HA 9-3082. George D. Wells. 2t3 be equal to the wagon depth, and preferably so the posts will rest on the wagon floor and the rails on the edges of the wagon sides. Fasten the carrier together with 4-penny finishing nails— or for a sturdier job with nails or screws and glue. If the carrier is to be used for hauling heavy materials, it should be bolted to the wagon sides. □ FOR SALE Real Estate INCOME TAX TIPS MAKE A COAT CLOSET A closet for storage of out. door wear and for guests’ coats and hats may also serve as part of a room-divider. The frame is of 2 by 4-inch lumber. Nail the base to the floor; then add the vertical members, toe-nailing them to the base with 16 penny com mon nails. Next, add the mid dle supports and the frame top. Panel ’the inside with 1 by 10-inch lumber, using 6-penny finishing nails. Add a 1 by 12- inch shelf about 10 inches from the top, with a clothes-hanger rod beneath. The top is two 1 by 12->nch boards. The outside panels may be 1 by 12-inch lumber, edge-glued, or hardwood ply wood. fastened with 6-penny finishing nails. The entrance trim may be ripped from 1 by 4-inch lumber if molding is used. If the trim is butt-jointed to the sides, without molding, use I by 4- inch trim. Sliding doors may he made or purchased. CARD OF THANKS Nation»* T I Mar>jfj»rfiirers MAKE A CAMERA EQUIPMENT WALL SHELF A wall shelf enn provide con. venient storage for camera equipment and color slides. All lumber used is planed to a thickness of ^4-inch. Squared ends can be made with the aid of a miter box. Make the sides 8 Inches wide and 28'4 inches long. Use a pattern to make the design. BOWLING RESULTS Make the top trim as shown. A coping saw is used to cut tha curved edges. The top shelves are each 514 by 14 inches; the bottom shelves are 7*4 inches wide. Make the drawer stops and drawers to the dimensions shown. Assemble the project with glue and finishing nails. Round all sharp edges. SERVICES CLASSIFIED RATES I* SQUARES e WANTED Nuuonsl liHOMr M»"«»Kt«r»n llw'S'« MAKE A TABGET BOX An indoor R R gun target may be made from three pieces of lumber: two pieces of \ or 1 by 8-inch lumber. 8 feet long; and one piece of 12-inch width, 3 feet long. Rip the 12-inch board to nroduce the 8'«-inch top; use the remainder to pro duce the rails and interior strips. Cut out the upper front corners of the sides to insert the top rail. Assemble, using 6-pennv fin ishing nails and glue. Fasten the interior strips with 1-inch brads, and the rails with 4- penny finishing nails. Insert a cardboard sheet fa front of the interior strips. Stuff the space behind it with cotton or crumpled newspa pers Thumbtack or tape a tar get to the front. Fasten the box te the wall or hang it from joists Do no» use this box for high-powered air pellet guns or .22 rifles. i’so«i Fi «1 I.„U, (i-ihomn 4»«e.»i«a