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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1957)
4 THURSDAY, JAN. 10, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. U.F. Head Named Good Lamb Care I Plastics Found Useful, Durable Pays Dividends Young lambs are beginning to appear on some county farms <nis week County Extension Ag ent Don Coin Walrod reminds growers of several musts for a successful sheep year. Ewes need to be« tagged and -«leaned as soon as possible so tnat new lambs can nurse im mediately. Control ticks on ewes ao that lambs don't become in fested. A 1 per cent dieldrin dust, using 2 ounces per ewe is effective. Apply it with a hand duster or a fine-mesh sack after the ewes have dried off There’s no substitute tor good teed. Ewe paralysis or pregnancy ciM-ase can often be prevented toy feeding up to one pound of gram a day or molasses and hay teee choice. Feeding ewes should start .it least 4 to 6 weeks before lamb ing and continue until ample pasture is available. Creep feed ing for lambs will help to get them to market while prices are tx*st. May and early June are considered top market periods with prices dropping fast in latt. June or July. DANCE LESSONS OFFERED Glen Hawkins has announced that he will begin a series of • t ight lessons for those who wish to learn to square dance on Thursday evening of next week, January 17, and they will be at Lis home, using his basement j?iayroom. Classes will begin at 4 Uh o'clock. All persons interest ed in participating are welcome and may contact Mr. Hawkins tor details Uernonia Eagle Marvin Kamholz Editor ar 1 Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Plastics have become such a part of today’s living that it is hard to realize that 20 years ago they did not even exist. They are easy to use and easy to keep clean and new looking. When project leaders from the various home extension units meet next week to upholster a kitchen or dining room chair with plastic and foam rubber they will find that it is not very difficult to do. Training meetings are sched- uled as follows: Tuesday, Jan. 15, grade school auditorium in Scappoose; Thursday, Jan. 17, grade school in Vernonia; Friday, Jan. 25, the Oddfel- lows hall. Rainier. All meetings are to start at 10:30 a m. and close at 3:30 p.m. with a sack lunch at noon. For supplies needed for this meeting, project leaders may re fer to the list already sent them. Plastics are strong, light and have a general resistance to na tural enemies. There are two types of uphol stery plastics on the market, the nonsupported and the supported. The nonsupported is a solid sheet of plastic not suppoMed with a fabric backing. The sup ported is built from a cloth base which has had a plastic coating applied to one surface. Today many of these are supported with a knitted fabric back (so called “elastic base”) which makes them much easier to handle, The knitted fabric back permjts the plastic to stretch somewhat, both lengthwise and crosswise. There is a wide range of col ors, both smooth and rough tex tures, and a broad choice of de signs in all types of plastic ma terials. They are also available in light, medium and heavy weights. Persons who wish to learn more about plastics and their uses may attend extension unit meetings which will be announc- i ed late’- Entered as second class mail natter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia. Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879. tvubscriptiun price $3 00 yearly an the Nehalem Valley. Else Within three years after they I where $3.50. | were first offered to individual NAt ION AL EDITORIAL I investors by the treasury, Series I H current income Savings Bonds 1 1 A s T oc C a T|" on I passed the $3 billion mark in 1 1 JU / AFFILIATI MIMBf* | • sales. [YESTERDAYS Sept 27, 1956 — Wilbur Wilson ’ FIVE YEARS AGO was named to head the United From The Eagle, January 10. 1952 Fund drive in Vernonia. Snow depth of 18 inches at Camp Olson and from 30 inches Oct. 4, 1956 — Mr. and Mrs. j to 3 feet in the woods which Henry Anderegg took over the prevented logging operations al milk routes of the former Nehal so caused temporary closure of em Dairy and Darigold milk and assumed the name of Vernonia the Oregon-American mill. George Hahn report-d at least Milk Farms for their operations. 60 fishermen had entered the i steelhead derby since it was an nounced the week before. Two Oct. 11, 1956 — Bill Carmich steelhead weighed in on opening ael and Gerald Russell were day were a 9 pound, 1 ounce named as the winners of first catch by Ralph Hartman on the place in the home improvement Salmonberry and an 8 pound, 6*j contest sponsored by the Ver tunce catch by Earl King in the nonia chamber of commerce. Nehalem. The contest was to They divided the $50 first prize. run to March 11. The first prize plaque for busi TEN YEARS AGO- ness improvement went to Mr. From The Eagle. January 9. 1947 and Mrs. Bill Meadows of the George E. Laver, cashier of the Vernonia Country club. Commercial Bank of Banks, an nounced that final approval had been received from the Federal Deposit Insurance corporation for Oct. 18, 1956 — The Vernonia the opening of a branch bank Loggers defeated the Rainier in Vernonia. Columbians 26 to 12 Friday. Weather station figures releas ed by Mrs. Helen Spofford show ed a low of 12 degrees on De Oct. 25, 1956 — The Long-Bell cember 30. Lidgerwood tower skidder was pictured above Camp Olson just after it had brought out the last log and just before it was dis- mantled for scrap. Anderegg Buys Dairy Two Share Prize Loggers Down Rainier Skidder Ends Duty The West Oregon Electric Co op. received word that shipment was made January 6 of 12.300 pound of wire from the Alumi num Co. of America, which will be used to complete the Warren- Vernonia line. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. January 8, 1942 The second scrap iron drive was started here this week with place of collection to be at Harry Culbertson’s shop. Dan Cason was to transport it to Portland where it was to be sold and the funds used for civilian defense. Wallace McCrae, Vernonia ci vil defense head, announced plans for organizing air raid wardens. An announcement was made that all owners of automatic pis tols or revolvers must register them at once. A $300 fine would be levied on anyone who did not comply. ; j i RON PARIS. Safeway manager here, announces a siorewide man ager's sale that starts today and will continue for a week and a ; half. Paris will complete three years in April as manager of iha Vernonia store and eight years More than 40 million Ameri with the company, three of which cans own more than 40 billion were spent in Longview and two dollars worth of Series E and H in Kelso, the latter as assistant Savings Bonds. The H Bond pays manager. Since coming to Ver interest by check twice a year. nonia he has been active in both In thre° years over $3 billion of Lions club and Masonic lodge ac tivities. these have been bought. Mary Millis Queen Nov. 1, 1956 — Mary Millis was named homecoming queen at Vernonia high school. Bayley Elected Mayor Nov. 8, 1956 — Election results showed Don Bayley elected mayor of Vernonia and H. H. Sturdevant and Loel Roberts, councilmen. Lions Earn $200 Nov. 6, 1956 — The Vernonia Lions club members reported $200 earned at their hotcake fe-d Saturday for the club's health and welfare fund. Meet Draws 400 s A ¿4 Nov. 22, 1956 — An attendance of approximately 430 was regis tered at the West Oregon Elec tric annual meeting Saturday. Laie Fires Rampant Nov. 29, 1956 — Slash fires which covered nearly 2000 acres in the Cronin creek area caused closure of the Long-Bell mill so that men could be recruited for fire fightmg. NOW! Tisdale Home Burns Dec. 6, 1956 — The Bert Tis dale home- at Treharne was com pletely destroyed by fire Sun day. tOO! RIBBON CHANGER Safety Meet Held Dec. 13. 1956 — Thirty-nine Crown Zellerbach truck drivers attended an ull-day safety meet ing at the VFW hall Saturday. Polly's January Clearance Sale YOUR FINGERS NEVER TOUCH THE RIBBON Truckers Heard NEW Decorator Colors Dec. 20, 1956 — County truck drivers met in St. Helens to voice opinions on suggested weight re duction by county court. SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS IN MOST DEPTS. SHOP AND SAVE AT YOUR LEISURE. EXAMPLES: Solid color Pacific Mills percales 39c yd. 79c Catawba Prints 69c yd. Look! Reg. 98c DAZZLE Prints Just 79c Yd- $1.98 Pequot Stamped Pillow Cases SI.79 Volvotone or smooth finish Royal Rod Royal Pink Royal Graon C-Z Employees Dine Dec. 27, 1956 — The Crown- Zellerbach crew was entertained with a steak dinner at Dessy’s to mark the third time since 1950 an entire year without a lost- timL. accident. Mark Downs on Girls Dresses, Dresses. Ladies Blouses. Dresses. Slips DIG IN OUR RFMNANT BARGAIN BARREL! S&H Green Stamps, Of Course Polly's Variety — Riverview Royal Turquolao Royal Bolge Royal Gray News has been received here of the death from a heart attack Sunday at Sweet Home of Mrs. Goldie Cornwell, the former Gol die Mowe, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Verne Mowe, who spent most of her girlhood and early I married life in Vernonia She was born August 5. 1902 at For- est Grove She is survived by her hus- band. William Cornwell; a daugh ter, Lillie Ann New, Sweet Home; three sons. Francis Murphy and Eugene Murphy of Hollywood. California and Robert Murphy of Portland. Services for her wen h Id I Wednesday at Sweet Home I I Semester End Noted STANDARD KEYBOARD PLUS TWO EXTRA KEYS a Portable typewriter... features available on no other portable. It ha» Office Typewriter Keyboard and Features, including exclusive Magic* Margin for instant margin setting and Touch Control,* every member of the family. NO DOWN PAYMENT UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY SEE THE ROYAL NOW Inquire about this unusual offer and how you can take advantage of it ft ft Demon i a Eagle ÿ PRINTING ih ho» every operoting feature you could wish for in enabling the touch of the keys to be tailored to Former Resident Succumbs Sun. Your SIMPLIÇITY SIMPLICITY PATTERN Headquarters. The Royol Quiet De Luxe®, in your fovorite color, PHONE HA. 9-3372 ■ • X 3 A A A Á PUBLISHING A 'f V »