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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1957)
2 THURSDAY, JAN 10, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. DATES io Remember TOPICS OF THE TOWN Visitors at THURSDAY. JANUARY 10 the home of Mr. I returned Sunday from San Ma and Mrs Wm. Lindley during the holidays were his daughter, Mrs. Ervin Ackley, and grand daughters, Wanda and Linda Ackley, from Central Point, Ore gon. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Cockrell, former Vernonia res idents who now live at Payette, Idahct will he sorry to learn that he is not too well follow ing a stroke suffered several months ago. teo, California where they had spent the holidays with their son, Bus, and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lindsay Vernonia Extension Unit—EUB church, 10:00 a.m. Using foam rubber; recipe exchange. Mt. Heart Rebekah lodge—IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY. JANUARY 11 and three children returned Sat Mist-Nehalem Extension Unit — urday from a two week visit at Home of Irene Jopes, Birken Sierra Madra, California with feld, 10:30 a.m. Lesson on Mr. Lindsay's brother and family. use of foam rubber. They attended the parade and Drivers License Examiner — City Rose Bowl game on New Years hall, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. day. They also visited Marine Nehalem Valley Squares—Vine Land, Disney Land and Knott's maple hall, 8:00 p.m. Berry Farm. Basketball, Loggers versus Hood Mr*. Pearl Adam* had a* her Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride River — H.S. gym. J.V. 6.30, quests last Thursday, Reverend are now boasting a half dozen Varsity, 8:00 p.m. and Mrs. Claude Fox of Tigard giandchildren since the arrival SATURDAY. JANUARY 12 who had been her friends when of another granddaughter De Vernonia Grange — Hall on Tim they all lived at Siloam Springs, cember 24 who arrived at Wilcox ber road, 8:00 p.m. Missouri and whom she had not Memorial hospital for Mr. and MONDAY, JANUARY 14 seen for 39 years. Rev. Fox is Mrs. Keith Kelly of Beaverton. Lions club dinner meeting—VFW now retired. The young lady tipped the scales hall, 7:00 p.m. Mr. and Mr*. Karl Wipper vis at 8 pounds three ounces and has Boys State delegates will speak ited here Sunday with Mrs. been named Karen Elaine. Chamber of Commerce board of Wipper's sister, Mrs. Grace Cur Mrs. R. R. Horn of Trentwood. directors — West Oregon of rie. Washington visited here the first fice, 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Horn« Gwin of this week with her son and Rainbow Girls, Assembly No. 18 and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Closner daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. —Masonic Temple, 7:30 p.m. B. J. Horn and their family. (if Mist returned Sunday from Harding Lodge No. 116, Knights attending the Rose Bowl game Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith of of Pythias — IOOF hall, 8:00 et Pasadena on New Years day. Grayland, Washington were over p.m. They stopped on their way down night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Past Chiefs club — Home of to spend New Years eve with Harry Culbertson Monday. The Mrs. Wilbur Davis, 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Carlin Hackney at Smiths were former Vernonia TUESDAY. JANUARY 15 Bakersfield and after the game residents and operated the tele Odd Fellows lodge No. 246 — they went on to National City, phone exchange here for a num IOOF hall, 8:00 p m. below San Diego to visit Mr. and ber of years. Basketball, Loggers versus Scap Mrs. Robert Carson. Mrs. Carson Glen Harman was taken to poose — There. the former Sharon Gwin, accom Tuality hospital Sunday for WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 16 panied them on a trip to En- I treatment for a recurring infec- Nehalem Chapter, OES — Ma inada, Mexico, also. I tion which had also caused hos- sonic Temple, 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nance , pitahzation before the holidays. Boy Scouts Troop 201 — City I Marvin Kamholz landed a 16 park cabin, 7:00 p.m. pound steelhead last Saturday I afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sharar re Birthday Is Shared by turned Sunday night from Modes Mother and Two Sons to, Califofrnia where they had Birthday present which arriv spent ten days visiting his bro ther and sister and also their ed Tuesday morning, January 8, daughter who all live in that tor *VIrs. Robert Curl, was a 6 . . . will cover any dam area. Carol J-an visited at Ta pound son, Patrick Francis. The coma with her grandmother young man also shares the birth age that may incur if you day with his seven year old while they were gone. Mr. and Mrs. Nig Yeager of brother, Stevie. Patrick is the should cause injury to Coos Bay came last week end fourth son for Mr. and Mrs. Curl tor a visit with her sister, Mrs. who also have two daughters. anyone. M J. Lamping Sr., and other berg, sister of Tom Wakeman, relatives. ASK FOR FURTHER Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leniz re was unable to go to California because she herself was not well. turned home Monday from Knap INFORMATION Don Tiffney, Hugh McKeon. pa, California, where they had gone for the funeral of his bro Phli Shafer and Rusty Bernardi ther, Tom Wakeman, on Decern- I had identified numbers at Bruns ber 31. While there, a cousin, I man's by Wednesday forenoon of Andrew Jackson of Auburn, also this week. Larry Fowler was taken io passed away and was buried January 4. The latter was a 50 Good Samaritan hospital in Port Phone HA 9 6058 — Riverview year Mason member and had a land Monday and underwent ma Masonic funeral. Mrs. Nels Hog- jor surgery Tuesday morning. LIABILITY INSURANCE i BELL-HUDSON i INSURANCE : Father Given Birthday Party Stroke Suffered By Cora Biggs TIMBER ROUTE — A surprise birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles RIVERVIEW—Mrs. Cora Biggs suffered a stroke Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cli- ford Fowler and was taken to Tuality Community hospital in Hillsboro that afternoon At last report lier condition had not improved. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wood and baby of Portland spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wood. Michael Malone, the three year old grandson of Mrs. E. D. Jer- man, is spending a few weeks with his grandparents. Mrs. W. G Mills of Spokane, Washington spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buckner of Hillsboro visited his mother, Mrs. Artie Buckner Sunday. Mrs. P. L. Welter returned home Monday after spending three weeks at the home of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Abney at Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Derell Rose and three children of Springfield spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J E. Rose. Lindsays Visit Rev. E. Leake i I Burn Victim Undergoes Surgery on Monday TIMBER ROUTE — Vern Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith, entered Good Samaritan hospital Sunday and was op-rat- ed on Monday morning. The operation was for the damage done to the muscles of his leg /hat was so seriously burned last February. He will be in the hos pital about 12 days. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Teeling and grandad Thacker of Port- land were dinner guests of Mrs. Nell Thacker New Years day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roehm and children of Portland spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carmichael and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Silvers visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke New Years day. | i I I I I ! ' • I NATAL-PITTSBURG — Ro bert Lindsay drove to Portland last Sunday afternoon and called on Rev. Ervin Leake who is con- fined to the hospital. His con- dition is reported as not very good. Mrs. Irvin Knowles of Mist and Mrs. Clara Libel of Seaside called on Mrs. Noble Dunlap last Friday afternoon. Wm. Pringle and son Billy were in Forest Grove Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Peterson and daughter who had spent the holidays at the Ira Peterson home returned to their home in Walla Walla, Washington a week ago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Turner and daughters, Tawny and Lori were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff. Sunday dinner guests, a1sov were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper and daughter, Sandra. George Holding of Birkenfeld was a Sunday dinner guest of his sister, Mrs. Max Oblack and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Swanson of Vernonia were Saturday even ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Henderson. Justice last week honoring Mr. Justice on his birthday and ar ranged by his son Raymond of Portland. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Justice and boys, Mr and Mrs. S. H. Petersou o4 Buxton, Lonnie Justice from Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Goertzen of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harden, of Longview spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Carl Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. John Shaver and two sons of Lebanon were Sun day overnight guests at the home of his sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snyder. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Reynolds New Years day were Mr. ansi Mrs. Harry Weaver and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Donovau Reynolds and three children. Mi. and Mrs. Kenneth Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rose and son, Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood Reynolds and sons. Joy Theatre THURS., FRI. JAN. 10-11 THE GREAT AMERICAN PASTIME Tom Ewell - Anne Francis SATURDAY JAN. 12 DALLAS Gary Cooper - Ruth Roman SUN., MON. JAN. 13-14 BUS STOP Marilyn Monroe Don Murray 3NZHZHXHENZHZHZHZHZHZHZHJI H X H H KING’S Grocery - Market Z H HA 9-6015 Riverview H Phone "Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge H H ALWAYS — Top Quality H H ALWAYS — Best Prices Z H ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery H H H —From your home-owned independent grocery. H H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING KHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHf Mrs. Larry Fowler is in Tua- <L1)U)kin£poo€ Custom washer and dryer lity Community hospital in Hills, boro, having undergone surgery on Monday. She is recovering satisfactorily. Mrs. Jerry Kuykendall of Long Beach, California came in Decem ber to visit her sister, Mrs. John Serafin, and assist her while Mr. Serafin was in the hospital and also to spend Christmas with the Serafins. Mr. Serafin returned home December 22 and is recup erating nicely. I DON'T wait until after you have had a serious loss before you buy COMPLETE AUTO INSURANCE A CRASH may cost you hundreds of dollars. It may happen today, or to morrow, or any day! To day is the only safe dav to get your insurance. Call • all-fabrics dryer! Three-temperature selector safe heat for any fabric, even nylon or woolens. You can dry a washer full and then some with giant 20-pound capacity.. Faster than ever! Better for clothes than line-drying; easier on you! together on one contract Slaight Hardware Paint — Building Materials — Sporting Goods 854 Bridge St., Vernonia — Phone HA 9-6131 HIHXHXHXHIHXHXHXHIHZHIH’ I VERNONIA ; INSURANCE I Bill J. Horn, Agent Phone HA 9 6203 — Vernonia 90S Bridge Street ELECTRICALLY your electric clothes dryer SAVES MONEV Your clothes budget will go farther—when you have an elec tric clothes dryer! Clothes will look “new” for a longer time. Dresses and blouses can’t have their appearance spoiled by sun bleaching or weather wear, while they’re on the clothes line. And, of course, when washday can be any day or evening—when clothes are dried safely, easily, in a matter of a few minutes, your family just naturally needs fewer wash able clothes. See the new automatic electric clothes dryers at your dealer's . . .and TODAY'S THE DAY The filter is built-in. out of the way — and takes out more lint than a cumber some tray! And. of course, an RCA WHIRLPOOL gives you the finest agi tator washing known plus 7 automatic rinses - for the freshest laundry in town. clothes dry better Live Better . . . ELECTRICALLY ! 9 ! : «i : 1 Owned by Those WE $t»VI If pays f go flfCTUK — AU *e WAY ELECTRIC (O OP ™c Vernonia, Oregon A SELF-LIQUIDATING. SELFM ANAGED, TAX PAYING • COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISE