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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1956)
Portland Judge Banquet Speaker AT THE CHURCHES Far Eastern Countries Move Against Alcohol THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. THURSDAY. NOV 1, 1956 9 New Library Books Include Gift from N. Y. Church VERNONIA EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Saudi Arabia is now a liquorless Sulmonetti has concerned himself Rev. F. M Knoll The following new books have Gault; Skin Diver, Zachary Ball, with a number of civic organiza country by royal proclamation, Sunday, November 4, 1956 been placed on the shelves at the The Black Stallion's Courage. tions. He is a member of the according to S. C. Hanson, tem 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. Vernonia city library recently: Walter Farley. board of managers, central branch Mrs. George Johnson in charge. For teen-agers: Veronica at perance secretary of the Vernonia For adults: How to Believe, YMCA; member of the board of 11:00 am. — Morning worship Sadler's Wells. Lorna Hill; The Ralph W. Sockman (a gift from trustees of the Portland council of Seventh-day Adventist church. Sermon: ‘Giving God th? Glory’ Real Thing, Rosamond Dujardin; Christ Methodist church, New churches; member of the commis Not even U. S. troops can have 6:30 p m. — Youth Fellowship Speedwell Challenge, Wm. C. York City); A Little Mme Than sion on intergroup relations in the alcoholic beverages in that coun. 7:30 p m. — Evening service. Kin. Nelia Gardner White, The city of Portland; judge advocate try, and following a similar trend Theme: “Reasons for Faith” Tight Corner, Sam Ross; The Bal Christian Church Women of American Legion, Department are Burma. India and Ceylon with Monday. November 5 lad of Cat Ballou, Roy Chanslor Judge Sulmonetti is a graduate of Oregon, 1954; member of Port 1:30 p.m — Deborah Circle, home Plan for Annual Bazaar I of Drake University. Des Moines, land Kiwanis club; member of liquor prohibited at all social and of Mrs Stephen Waite. The Christian Women’s Fellow TIMBER FRIENDS CHURCH Iowa with an A. B. Degree in commission on social and indus state functions. Wednesday, November 7 ship of the First Christian church Pastor. Harold Ankeny Mr. Hanson, reporting on a 1933 and LL.B, degree 1935. He trial betterment; Portland council 1:30 p.m. — W.S.W.S. home of met last Wednesday and tied out has engaged in the active practice of churches and yet found time to recent far East visit of the direc 10:00 am Mrs. George Roland. a quilt to be used for Missionary Sunday School of law since 1935, with the ex teach the largest Sunday school tor of the American Temperance 7:30 p.m. — Midweek service fol purposes. Worship Hour 11 00 am ception of the years 1942 to 1945, class in the Northwest. 7:30 p.m Plans were also made for the Sunday Evening lowed by council of administra I society, said that marked prog during which years he served as a Wednesday Evening 7 30 p m tion. annual bazaar and food salt* ress had been mad? by Eastern Lieutenant in the United States County Church Women The pastor’s phone is 17T21 which will be held December 8. countries in the fight against al Navy with two years in the South FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Set World Community Day cohol consumption. Pacific He was appointed to th? ¿HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH^ Donald W. Hainer. Minister The , World Community day circuit court of Oregon by the late program for the Columbia county 9:45 a.m. Bible school H Governor Paul L Patterson. 11:00 a.m. Morning worship council of church women, will be H In addition to his heavy sched held tomorrow, November 2, at 6:00 p.m. Christian Endeavor ule on the -circuit bench and his 2:00 p.m. at the Congregational 7 30 p.m. Evening service GEORGE N. TAYLOR membership in numerous legal church at Scappoose. All interest 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Portland. Oregon and judicial organizations. Judge ed women are invited to attend Midweek Bible study and pray The cannibals of the South Pa er service, L L. Wells in charge cific, used the capture, kill and Donald W. Hainer, pastor, will eat their enemies. When the be in residence at the parsonage “WRITE-IN” to Retain Gospel reached them, they turn (ach Saturday and Sunday and ed to the Christian life. So the may be reached at HA 9-5242. JUDGE new order. See that knoll where Friday, November 2 1hey used to kill C:30 p.m. — Monthly fellowship and eat the ene dinner and business meeting at my? Today, in the church. f that place, there Wednesday. November 7 for JUDGE of the stands a beautiful 7:00 p m. — Bible school workers’ cross and there conference at th? church. they celebrate the anyone. (Salmon are only in streams affected H X Lord's Supper. Mrs. Jake Neurer To 3 months of the year.) POSITION NO. ONE One — Receive Host Missionary Group Christ into your H W'e urge you to take this ad to the polls with you and heart. He died for Passage will conserve a great resource al The Women's Missionary group write in \\ M. McALLISTER on the Non-partisan Judi all your sins, past of Birkenfeld and Mist will meet ready greatly depleted by over-commercializa H —present and fu ciary ballot, as illustrated below. He is eminently (qualified with Mrs. Jake Neurer November ture. Thè blood of Jesus Christ and should be retained as Judge. 14. The meeting will open at 2:00 tion. I H cleanses from all sin. So it is p m., followed by singing, business that God counts your sins as gone meeting. Bible study and refresh Outside of Oregon the rest of ihe Pacific coast H forever. John 1:7. ments served by the hostess. Two — Grow up. By daily does not allow netting—why should we? Bible and Prayer, grow up. M Three — Yield to God, the ! OAKES RADIO SHOP ! Holy Spirit. Hi? will help in all • j JUDICIARY BALLOT H you do for Christ. You earn eter | HA 9-3653 — Riverview I For Judge of the Supreme Court H nal reward thereby. Must you go VOTE FOR Position Number One : : and empty-handed? H i Riverview This message sponsored by a H Phone HA 9-6015 "Where Your Money Buys More” At ihe Mile Bridge Seattle family. H The annual Father and Son ban quet sponsored by the Evangelical United Brethren brotherhood will be held November 13th at 6:30 p.m. They are offering the usual dinner of turkey and all the trim mings and an interesting program. The speaker is Circuit Judge Alfred T. Sulmonetti of Portland, Oregon. THREE REASONS WHY WE Ate Human Flesh Will. MCALLISTER SUPREME COURT Columbia County Bar Association KING’S Grocery - Market • Save Oregon I Paid Adv. by McAllister for Supreme Court Committee, John L. Foote, Chairman, 222 South First St., St. Helens, Oregon Crusade for Christ Meeting Is Tonight A change has been mad.? for this week only in the schedule of meetings being conducted at th? Legion hall by Merlin Kretsch- mar, evangelist for the Crusade for Christ sponsored by the Ore gon conference of the Adventist church. Meetings were scheduled for each Friday and Sunday, but be cause of a previous engagement for the Legion hall on this Friday, November 2, the meeting for this week will be held tonight, No vember 1, instead. Measure Number 7. if passed, will prevent sea food fishermen front fishing in our coastal bays. Here's what will happen: 1. It will limit catches when they are needed most for the retail marlet. 2. It will increase the cost of Salmon due to seasonal scarcity. 3. It will cripple Oregon’s important fishing industry. 4 It will be a hardship on hundreds employed in the fishing industry. Vltt AGAINST this bill - it will HURT 0RE60N' MEASURE 7 OREGON SALMON CONSERVATION LEAGUE B J. Williams, Rf. 3, Boi 5, Tillamook. Oregon Salmon i—------—| ¡V ote ! Read ihe reasons why i ! everyone should vote ! yes on proposition 7 in ! the guest editorial in to- ! day's Vernonia Eagle, State HNO Representative j ! j j Thursday. November 1 Strange Sights in the Heavens! Flying saucers, other phenomena. What does th<’ Bible say? Part I—Motion Picture. MARTIN LUTHER Sunday, November 4 Survival and the H Bomb Will civilization be destroyed by thermo necular weapons? The Bible gives the answer. Columbia County Part II—MARTIN LUTHER DEMOCRAT AMERICAN LEGION HALL (Paid Pol. Adv. by Dr R Smith, St. Helens A, Oregon) I j I VOTE » TWO GREAT MEETINGS I BOB KLEMSEN I f ”7" YES; RE-ELECT I I H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING ^XHXHXHXHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHZH NO ADMISSION CHARGE — FILM 7:45 P.M. NO ADMISSION CHARGE — FILM 7:00 P.M. Mrs. Housewife ... : ♦ * ♦ Be ready for ring that may bring you a I i prize. Just be sure to have Folgers on your "Let'» »end thia fine family to Wethington, D C. I heartily shopping list this week. endorse Ja»on Lee and hi* high ideals which are needed to rep- / resent the people of this dictrict in Congress. Your vote for Jason lee is a vote for integrity in government and progress in FINE Grocerie» Meais—Vegetable« our district." —Rev James M. Alley. Amity. Oregon. re pel «4. lev Io* Co*^*«w Co**** V Sc*« »•< < O*e. SAM’S FOOD STORE Free Delivery HA 9 5501