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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1956)
Pomona Grange Here Saturday BIRKENFELD — Winetna Grange will be the host at the grange hall for Pomona all day Saturday on November 3. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross of Portland were week end guests at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udey. Mrs. Francis Nordstrom and Mrs. Darrel Baker were in As tona Friday, visiting Mrs. Nord- rtrom's sister, Mrs. Everett Johns ton, at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hopkins and John and Anna Hanberg were dinner guests at the home of Pat Hopkins in Portland one day last week. Ed Birkenfeld of Myrtle Point, Oregon, went hunting with Law rence Jepson over the week end The C. E Jewel family are now occupying the house on the Sam Lousignont place up the Fish hawk road. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson of Vernonia were Birkenfeld visi tors over the week end. Monday evening Zella Belling ham, Anna Hanberg and Ephriam Koljohen were dinner guests at the, home of Mrs. Ed Meier at Jewell. Pictures of Japan To Be Shown Tonight THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. Fall Festival Plans Completed MIST — On Thursday evening some slide pictures of foreign countries will be shown at the Mist gym by a young man from Tigard who has been spending some time over in Japan and other places. It is sponsored by the Hume Ec club. Lunch will be served for a small charge. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine and Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel went to Hillsboro last Friday night and visited the Clair Devine family and helped Cheryl celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sundland spent the week end in McMinn- ville with their son Donald and family. Mrs. Hugh Cox was ill last week with a cold. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gaunt from New York who are visiting her father, Robert Berg, called on Mr and Mrs. Charles Sundland one day last week. Mrs. Joe Roeser, Butch and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom were Portland motorists Saturday. George Jones was p Vernonia motorist Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kulju were down from Portland Sunday visit ing her parents, the Charles Han sens. Mr. Kulju also hunted. THURSDAY. NOV I. 1956 Many Families Host Guests During Last Week End MIST — The MHC held their Mrs. Bud Goertzen and family. regular meeting last Thursday at Mrs. Lloyd Beach was in Hills the home of Mrs. Reed Holding. boro and Forest Grove Tuesday. A good attendance was there in While there she called on an old cluding two visitors. Mrs. Devens neighbor and earlier settler, Mrs. and Mrs. Marshell. A most de Nellie Eastman, who is living licious dinner was served before with her son Dell since the death the business meeting which oc of her husband She is well and cupied most of the afternoon. The sends her greeting to all. I final plans for the program sale, Mrs. Austin Dowling and son lunch and other amusement plan Bernard Were in Clatskanie Fn- ned for November 17 at the Mist day. gym were made. Once each year The Norvin Wikstroms were the Circle gives this affair to keep down from Vernonia Sunday up the expense of the many things visiting his parents. they do. The street lights are kept up by the Circle, also the cemetery, as well as other good Former Valley Residents deeds. The next meeting will be Visit During Week End the fifth Thursday at the home NATAL PITTSBURG — Mr. and of Mrs Max Oblack at Natal. The Austin Dowlings are hav Mrs. Bert Bishop of Gobi? were ing some of the interior of their Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. home papered and painted. Ber W. A. Parmer. J nard is doing it all. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Birkenfeld of Mrs. Martha Kalassee was a Myrtle Creek were guests Tues Clatskanie motorist last Friday day of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Par afternoon. mer. The Birkenfelds formerly We notice our genial highway resided at Birkenfeld. Oregon. boss, Bud Howrv, and his crew Mrs. Sam Devine and Mrs Max getting the snow plows ready for Oblack motored to Forest Grove future duty this week. Friday wh?re they visited Mrs. Mrs. Austin Corll and Mrs. Maxine Kyser. Mrs. Devine mo Shalmon Libel drove to Tilla- tored on to Hillsboro and visited mook last Friday. While there her son and family, the Claire they visited th? latter’s sister. Devines. BIRKENFELD — Mr and Mrs S A Hoyt and daughter of Ver nonia were dinner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs. Trent Garner. Mr. Hoyt recently returned from Alaska Mr and Mrs. Pat Hamper of Horton visited with Mr. and Mis A R. Mills and the R. L. Bergs Sunday. Week end visitors at the Robert Berg home to try the hunting were Waldo and Elm Petterson and Tom Craven from Portland. From where I sit... Joe Mar jh Fastest "News Service'* in Town! Had a frantic wire from Wash ington yesterday—saying that the local Congressman was making a surprise visit and a short speech. I ould I get the word around fast? No time for a special edition of the CZarioit, so I turned to the fastest “news service” in town ... Windy Taylor. He spent an hour mobilizing his Lodge and Court House cronies-all pretty fair talkers-and the rest is history. Biggest turnout ever. As a newspaperman, I hate to admit it —but facts are facts. The \\ indys of this world aren’t only quicker news spreaders than our paper . . . they'vo even got better circulation. From where I sit, some of un would rather talk than eat. while others are close-mouthed . .. just as some of us like coffee and others prefer a glass of beer. There's a lot to be said for both attitudes. But if you go in for gab — don't talk against someone luat because you don’t happen to agree with him on some question of per sonal choice. Use your own "good censorship.“ Copyright, /956, United States Breuers founjtiwn Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Don Jensen and family of Warrenton were visiting with Mr and Mrs. A. G. Belling ham Sunday. Mrs. H. A. DeWitt and Mrs. Zella Btllingham called on Mrs. Martha Kalesse last week on the occasion of her birthday. Little Timmy Harshman, at the Doernbecher hospital in Portland, has improved to the extent that he is able to be around in a wheel chair. Warren M. FORSYTH Republican Candidate for SHERIFF Columbia County Courteous. Impartial Service (Pd. Adv. Warren M. Forsyth) A low-slung beauty with Flight-Sweep style: Swept-Wing '57 Dodge Custom Royal lancer 2-Door. I GOVERNOR unleashes a hurricane of power ELMO SMITH breaks through the vibration barrier gives active leadership is swept-wing mastery of motion I LIQUOR CLEANUP—One of Gov. ernor Smith ! first acts was reor ganization of the Liquor Control Commission with instructions that it must deserve the com plete confidence of the people . . . and stop sale of liquor to minors. HIGHWAYS — No governor hu been better informed on high way problems Oregon » 72 mil lion dollar highway program was developed under his senate leadership His leadership in highway development is na tionally recognized. TNE AGING — While insisting that Old Age Assistance pay ment! recognize higher living and medical coin. Governor Smith ha< given equal emphasis to programs that will utilize the skills and experience of our older people and furnish recreation the» can enjoy. He ha> recom mended a perma nent stale commit tee to formulate such programs. I How do you describe a car so daring in concept, so revolutionary in features and advances, so rewarding in beauty and performance? • It breaks through the vibration barrier with a revolutionary new rubber-mounted suspension system—Dodge Torsion-Aire— that features race car torsion-bars. You ride in a “Realm of Silence," isolated from vibration, noise and road shock. How do you explain its newness when everything about it it new? On display today is just such a car—the Swept-Wing '57 Dodge that steps you into the wonderful world of Autodynamics. What is this wonderful world of Autodynamics? It is a world where everything is new from road to roof to achieve absolute mastery of motion. Here's what it does in the Swept-Wing Dodge: • It unleashes a hurricane of power from a thundering new air- craft-type Super Red Ram V-k engine that's a spitfire in action! • It it swept-wing mastery r</ motion in a sleek, low-slung beauty barely 4*/4 feet high that has no equal in the way it corner», handles and rides. You have never seen, felt or owned any car that compared with this new Swept-Wing Dodge See and drive it today . . . now al your Dodge dealer's! • It tames a tornado of torque with a new TorqueFlite Push- Button Drive for the greatest get-away on the road! HAWKEN MOTORS ON DISPLAY TODAY! 968 Bridge St VERNONIA. OREGON TELEPHONE HA 9-6061 ! 7 I