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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1956)
I fl THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 1956 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE I Bowling Results INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE The Vernonia Home Extension Lost Won unit will meet at the Evangelical 10 22 United Brethren* church on State Bob's Union 19 13 street next Thursday, November Long-Bell 18 Mill Market 14 6. at 10:00 a.m. 9 23 The project will be yeast rolls Nehalem Service High individual game, Homer and the lesson will be given by J project leaders, Rosalie Roediger Gwin, 194; high individual series, Dessy Laird, 535; high team game, and Louella Eggert. The lunch will be potluck and Long-Bell, 937; high team series, all interested persons are wel I Lon-Bell, 2614. come. CITY LEAGUE FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Real Estate FOR SALE: Used Coleman heater. Used three years. Good shape. A M Odam, Vernonia. 44t3 FOR SALE: 2-bedroom house. Reasonable. 1008 Weed Ave. Phone HA 9-5031 evenings. 44t3 FOR SALE: Wood cook stove; copper coils. Good condition. $20. Henry J. Turner, Capitol 44t3c Hill. HOMES 6 ACRES with exceptional nice 5-rm. modern house. Wired for range. Cement basement with Lost Won Valley Squares Set pipe furnace. House includes 2 24 8 Oakes Radio & TV Vine Maple Dance Date bedrooms, living and dining 17 15 Vernonia Milk The Nehalem Valley Squares Radiant Cleaners 19 13 room and kitchen, plus utility will dance at Vine Maple Grange Lyle’s Barber Shop 12 20 and fruit room. Double garage. hall on the first Friday, Novem- . High individual game, A. Chris All in very good condition. ber 2. Visitors are welcome. tenson. 184; high individual series, Price $9,000. $4500 down. A. Christenson, 475; high team 4-RM. modern house, wired for SERVICES game, Oakes. 899; high team range, electric hot water; full ORT ABLE welding service, series, Vernonia Milk, 2534. size lot. Only $700, $100 down. 4-RM. house plus utility room > jwer plant; night work, George WOMENS LEAGUE 32tfc mith. HA 9-3876. Wired for range and plumbed Won Lost for automatic washer. Electric CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county 20 12 heat. Two lots. Priced at surveyor, Court House, St. Helens. Dessy’s 17 15 $3500. $500 will handle. Phone office, 698; home, 183. Pri Veinonia Drug 17 15 FOR SALE or rent: 3-rm. house. vate surveying, engineering work. Sam's Food Store 18 Close in. Your own terms. 24tfc Erunsman Hardware 14 High individual game, Dolly- FARMS Laird, 192; high individual series, 40 ACRES, 27 in cult., 2 miles out Dolly Laird. 513; high team game, on paved road. New 5-rm. DR. VOTAW Sam’s Food Store. 851; high team house, w’ith nearly full base OPTOMETRIST series, Dessy’s, 2361. Splits pick ment, full cement foundation. ed up: Alice Gwin, 4-7; Mary Lou Sundland Building Price *$10,000. Good terms. Tuesdays 6 to 8 P.M. Normand. 2-7; Claudine Gibson, SEE ME FOR FARMS AND Saturdays 2 to 6 P.M. 4-5; Dolly Laird, 2-10. ACREAGE DON BAYLEY, BROKER Palace Cafe Bldg. Ph. HA 9-5225. 4 life FOR SALE: Two week old calf. Albert Stager. Timber Rt., Box 56. Phone HA 9-3876 44tl FOR SALE: Baby bed; six year crib; folding high chair; cheap Phone HA 9-5031, evenings. 44t3 FOR SALE: Six-year crib with mattress. Good condition. $15. Mrs. Charles Hickman. Phone HA 9-3071. 44t3c FOR SALE; G. E. wringer-type washing machine with pump. Good condition. Call HA 9-6371 44t3c FOR SALE: Chihuahua pups Two female. Litter registered. Rea sonable. Warner, HA 941901 44tl FOR SALE: Kenmore Automatic washing machine, $75. Bill John son, 1061 Washington St. 42t3c COLD STORAGE for apples, po- t.-.t« es, etc. bi standard containers to ‘tack. Small lots, three mos., 50c each. Large lots, see me Mrs. Z.4 r a Gribner, P.O. Box 81, Banks. Ore. Phone 461 43t2 FOR RENT TWO and three room furnished apartments. Stoves and Frigi daires. $40. Nehalem Hotel. 44t2 FOR SALE: Wringer type elec tric washing machine. $20. See at 158 North St.. Mrs. O. T Bate man. 43t3c FOR SALE- Used chain saws. Ted's Saw Shop. Riverview. < 22tfc | | SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill j dirt. Call HA 9-6829, AG. Os I trander. * 26t52c $95 Down and $40 Per Month FURNISHED 3-room apartment. Shower bath, Frigidaire, electric range and oil heat. Riverview Apartments. 41tfc LEGAL NOTICE buys modern 3-bedroom house partly furn shed. Wired for range. Attached garage, 1 acre. Full price $3995. MIGHT RENT Bledsoe. Mist Rt., near 10th st. 44t 1 Bump Hr Meyer. Properties and Insurance., Inc. 1930 Council St. F.G.. Oregon Phono Forest Grove 4061 Phene Vernonia Branch Office HA 9 6058 H. T. Hudson. Riverview QUIET ami close A partly fur- n ■-hed 2-bdrm on Weed Av ■. Nt w range, trash burner, dinette m t, oil heater. A snug haven fr >m winter storms for $2350, d look! Only $400 down, bal $45 00 a month HELP! HELP' Why doesn't sonv. ! • d.v like me? I’m modern, «at as a pin. I've got electric htat. and a cozy atmosphere, t it I don't want to be alone all r» nter! I'm worth a lot more • an the $2;>00 my owners aie king, and real easy terms will g* t you my key. Come up and s«e me sometime Soon!! 2 CARS in your family’ Here’s a double garage. 2-bdrm. house two lots on Corey Hill. For ' 'K) clams the owner will talk turkey, and what you’re paying !■ r rent will make the payments • this $2750 bargain. FARMS II YOU can wait a few years, this 12 A farm will have some mar- ■ t table wood Meantime you . n run stock, 'cause it's all ft need, about 12 . clear. 4 .les from town on 47. 2 bdrms, ■dern house Owners would c -pt a late model car tow ard a ir equity, with abt $2700 bal- ■ met at $40.00 on a 5% contract. NOT \ rock on the whole plae< big enough to kill a chicken, but 18 A. of fertil soil. Run ‘ < me calves, eat all you can ■ ut of the garden, live off the come from the I\ acres of ew strawberries, and while •' p fishes in Rock creek. Mom . an rest in the shade of the big .alnut tree. while the kids do • he work in i the modern clean •d 4 bdrm farmhouse $3.1)00 all handle. and EZ terms can be worked o 'ut on the balance. ill price $7950 FOR RENT 2 FORM home partly furnished 2 of them > $40 00 ea per mo WOULD trade 2 bdrm home _ N <ds finishing for Pickup \alue to $2.000 42t3c FOR RENT: House located at 513 Rose Ave., Vernonia. Write or call Shelton Kelley, 4801 S. E. Steele St., Portland, Oregon. Ph. Prospect 4-5669. 44tfc FOR RENT. Apartment. 830 2nd St. 4-25-57 FOR SALE—Real Estate 1 Making of Yeast Rolls Is Extension Unit Project Ì I Estate of JOHN ERICKSON Attorney—Bruce Y. Curry. 3807 N. E. Union Ave., Portland, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia, Probate Department. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, II. Kenneth Ander son has been appointed executor of the estate of John A. Erickson, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Co lumbia County, and he qualified. Al) persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the under signed at 830 2nd Ave.. Vernonia Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. i Date first published October 25, 1956 Last published November 22. 1956 I Bruce Y. Curry, Attorney H. Kenneth Anderson Executor 44t5c NOTICE: The County Court of i Columbia County, Oregon, has ap pointed Sam Hearing special ad ministrator of the estate of George Davis, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them with proper vouchers to the under signed administrator at the City Hall in Vernonia. Oregon, within SIX months from October 11, 1956 Sam Hearing. Administrator I BUSH & BRADLEY U S. National Bank Building Hillsboro, Oregon Attorneys for Administrator 41t5c WANTED WANTED Player piano in good condition Call collect. Portland. CHerry 4 9436 43t3c WANT man or woman with trans- portation for established drv cleaning route Inquire at Ra- diant Cleaners 42t3c GENERAL housecleaning Inquire at 150 Bridge street or phone HA 9-5784 «U HIGHEST cash nriees paid for cream and eggs at your door- picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery. Forest Grove, Oregon Phone 12«. 14tfc WANTED Fir and Cedar Piling Terms cash Phone collect Capi- told 2 9581. Niedermeyer Martin Co. Portland Trust Bldg. Port land 4. Oregon 39t7c New Officers Named At Meeting of G. G. Club Election of officers was the principal order of business for the members of the G. G. club at their meeting held last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Bill Wilson. Mrs. Clarence Larson was chosen for the office of presi dent and Mrs. Terry Brady was named secretary-treasurer. Following the business meeting, the hostess opened her gifts and refreshments were served to the 13 members and one guest. —Office Supplies at the Eagle— I OPTOMETRISTS: Dr. V. J. Horne and Dr. R. V. Lance Across from Texaco Wednesdays WAYNE MORSE’S 12-YEAR RECORDED AVERAGE ON ALL KEY VOTES 95.7% Library of Congress analysis of Congressional TRUE, Quarterly's figures on Senate voting provide de tailed proof of the excellent voting record of UNBIASED Senator Wayne Morse. DOCUMENTS DEMOLISH THE McKAY MISREPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE CONSCIENTIOUSNESS OF ONE OF THE NATION’S GREATEST SENATORS I FIRST, HERE IS THE COMPLETE BOX SCORE ON SENATOR MORSE Taken from the source regarded as authoritative by all agencies in and out of the Government: * KEY VOTES Total number of key votes, 1945-1956......................................................... Morse's recorded average for 1 2 years......................................................... Morse's present voting average for 12 years............................................ 116 votes 95.7% 86.2% ALL VOTES TOTAL SENATE ROLL CALLS, 1945-1956.................................................... Morse's recorded average for 12 years......................................................... Morse's present voting average for 12 years........................................... 1768 93% 84^- (Including 40 missed while hospitalized by injuries.) r HERE ARE THE VICIOUS OMISSIONS BEHIND THE McKAY SLUR: ALL SENATORS are excused from some votes for reasons of official business. ALL SENATORS occasionally make pairs: they cancel out yea and nay votes by mutual agreement. ALL SENATORS pass some votes, in favor of important business, when a large majority indicates their votes will not be needed. ALL SENATORS occasionally get sick—as we all do. YET WAYNE MORSE IS RECORDED ON 95.7% OF ALL KEY VOTES FOR TWELVE YEARS REPUDIATE THE McKAY MISREPRESENTATIONS RE-ELECT WAYNE MORSE F» 4 Or—. Ce**e< <•••*•• et to» C*< t»»e % 1*44 o-d