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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1956)
’ Birthday Party Honors Two Hahmeyer Daughters House Party Is Lodge Feature Mountain Heart Rebekah lodge No 243 met Thursday evening in the IOOF hall with Noble Gra-d Edith McFarland in the chair, Several members were report ed .11 or were recovering satis factorily from recent illnesses. A number of committees were appr inted for the coming district convention November 17. S .via Wolff, Irene Minger and Mar.e Shafer compose a commit tee appointed to get a birthday gift for George Douthit, who is in the room at the IOOF home sponsored by Mt. Heart lodge. H? lived here before going to the home. The applications of Maxine Ak ers. Helen Slaight and Nora Jean Redmond were balloted on and they were elected to member ship by initiation. The social club president, Imo gene Brissett, announced that club would meet at the home of Cora Lange instead of Catherine Lent; as was first announced and tha" it would be held November 5 nstead of the 6th on account of t lection. The first nomination of officers was held under new business. Under “good of the order," Gertrude Schalock and Dorothy Carter held an Art Linkletter ILAPM Officers house party in which nearly all Visit Auxiliary of the members received valuable The home of Mrs. Wm. Lind ley was the scene of a gay party gifts. The party was enjoyed by The canton and auxiliary of last Thursday afternoon which all present and each one was Patriarch Militant, Washington honored two of her granddaugh- thrilled and pleased over their I No. 14. met last Saturday even I ters, Glenda Hahmeyer who was gifts. *• Following the meeting delicious ing. October 27, at the IOOF’ I six October 28. and Patti Jo Hah refreshments were served by hall at Hillsboro for a potluck meyer who was three October Alice Gwin, Irene Minger and supper at 6:30 pm. which was 20. The party was arranged by Louise Hamnett. the girls’ mother, Mrs Wm Hah enjoyed by 27 ladies and cheva meyer. liers. This was followed by the Guests for the affair were Mrs. Legion and Auxiliary meetings of the two groups. Larry Garner and daughter Su The auxiliary was called to san, Seaside; Mrs. Wm. Nelson Plan for Veteran's Day order by Lady Marie Atkins. and children. Virginia, Paul and A number of plans for observ Lady Velma Stolsig. Eugene, state Carol; Mrs. Ervin Leffler, Lu- ing Veteran’s Days were made at association president who was wayne and Sally; Mrs. Welcome a joint meeting of the Vernonia making her official visit to the Rumbaugh. Steve. Brad and Ken; American Legion post and auxili Washington auxiliary, was intro Ronnie and Charles Robertson, ary. Unit 119. Monday. October 29. duced as were the following state Sherol Wickstrom, Christia Lan Bin-1 Cap Day is November 10 association officers who were also ders. Kenny Vealey, Marlyn King All Legionnaires are urged to present: Reviewing officer and and Danny Wilson. wear their Legion caps that day junior past president. Lady Mar. Highlight of the afternoon was and a membership drive will be jone Maxwell, Tillamook; right the opening of the many lovely made. aid to the president, and also a gifts by the honored guests and The auxiliary members are ar past president. Lady Garnet ’he serving of refreshments which ranging a potluck dinner and pro Draper. Eugene; left aid to the featured a cake decorated with gram for 6:30 Saturday evening. president, Lady Ida Van Doren, Bo-Peep All veterans and their families Hillsboro; right aid to the past and friends who are interested in president, Lady Abbie Bennett the Legion are invited. Albany; color sergeant, Lady June At 8 p.m a fund raising party Kay. Vernonia; color bearer. Lady will be sponsored by ,the Le Prunella Ditter, Dayton; associa gion. The post hopes for a good tion guard, Lady Ina Bowman, response so that they can more Hillsboro. effectively carry out a worth Mrs. Stolsig gave a very com The Vernonia Odd Fellows while program of community ser plete and instructive report of l odge No. 246 was surprised at vice. her trip to the national meeting their regular Tuesday evening of the t.A.P M. held tt Omaha. meeting to have 50 visitors pres Nebraska earlier this month. ent from 12 other lodges. Lodges Other honored guests also spoke. -represented were Westport No. An invitation was given the 250; Beaverton No. 252; St. Hel Washington auxiliary to attend ens No. 117; Rainier No. 151; the meeting at Eugene November Longview No. 333; Kalama No. 23 when Mrs. Stolsig makes her 101; Seaside No. 238; Clatskanie official visit there. No. 160; Warrenton No. 243; Hills Ladies Ray, Van Doren and boro No. 50; Aloha No. 256 and 1 Bowman, the three association of Ralston No. 154 ficers who are members of the The visitors brought with them Washington auxiliary, were es two candidates for the third de corted by the officer of the day gree. Merle Chase of Rainier and and were presented with gifts, Carl Brandt of St. Helens, and jewelled pens with perfumed ink. officers of the Vernonia lodge President Mane Atkins then were assisted by some from visit presented Mrs. Bowman with a ing lodges in the exemplification plate to match her china pattern cf the degree work. and also presented the reviewing At the meeting of the Vernonia cfficer, Mrs. Maxwell, with a Re lodge which will be held Tuesday bekah cup and saucer. of next week, November 6. Jack First nomination of officers was Thompson and Charles Slaight. made and the election will take who received the initiatory de place at the next meeting of the gree on October 23 will be given auxiliary at Hillsboro, November the first degree. 24. The evening was concluded with Sell it with an Eagle Want Ad. a social hour during which cookies and coffee were served $ the nine members and eight visitors pre sent. • THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE Promenaders Postpone November 6 Dance The Junior Promenaders will not dance next Tuesday evening because the Union hall will be in use as a polling place in the elec tion On the following Tuesday, November 13. beginners will be given instruction at 7:00 p.m and at 8:00 the regular dance will be held, according to Harry Bryant who is in charge. Mrs. Charles Hansen Is Mist-Nehalem Hostess The Mist-Nehalem Extension unit will meet November 9 at the home of Mrs Charles Hansen near Mist. Mrs. Fred Busch and Mrs. Hansen will show members how to make yeast rolls. The business meeting begins at 10;30 a.m., with pot luck luncheon at noon, follow ed by the yeast roll demonstra tion. THURSDAY. NOV 1. 1956 Ten Scouts Make Overnight Camp The folowing Boy Scouts with assistant scoutmaster Truman Knight attended an overnight camp at the scout cabin Satur day, October 27: Wallace Pollock, Joe Markley. Jimmy Eckland, Darrell Elliott. Ralph Anderegg, Roy Reynolds Lester Chambers, Johnny Biggs, Wendell Pearson and Tommy Watson. The new scouts were instructed in pitching tents and foil cooking in preparation for their outdoor camping trip later on. The Boy Scouts will all meet at the Scout cabin Saturday morn ing, November 3 at 10 00 a m. to distribute “Get Out the Vote” door hangers. All Boy Scouts are requested to be there and assist with this community service. Fifty Visitors At Odd Fellows The Long-Bell LUMBER COMPANY Vernonia Division YOU'UNANDER’AND OREGON CHECK THE ADVANTAGES OF WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC HEATING FOR HOMES '. CONVENIENT: A flip of the switch and your room is filled with fresh clean heat. ECONOMICAL: All the heat goes directly into the room. Only the electricity actually required is used. AUTOMATIC: Ruilt-in thermostat maintains the temperature you want. Just set it—Forget it. DEPENDABLE: No moving parts to wear out. Heating element guaranteed 5 years against burnout. DOUBLE-ACTION HEATING: RADIATES stimulating health ful infra-red rays directly into the room. CIRCULATES warm air quickly and evenly throughout entire room. Come in today and see why Westinghouse Electric Healing offers the most in modern heating comfort. ?« ■ft SIG UNANDER Republican STATE TREASURER V At the masquerade party held at Dessy’s Saturday evening the prize for the best costume was won by Leonard Rauch. Judges were Iris Carlson. Florence West and Vesta Freidendah). you CAN BE SURE ... IF itì Westinghouse SAVE : OJ(' »>4 Silco Cut Green Q 303 c Beans ej Cans »J«) Aunt Jemma Corn Bread Mix with baking pan and mix ing bag 10-oz. Pkg. Nabisco Frosted Maca- roons Cookies 12-oz. Pkg. Dromedary Honey n Spice Cake Mix 19-oz. Pkg. Here's Why You Should Vote Yes on "7" | 4%c • Baker's Chocolate Chips 6-oz. Pkg. 1. NO FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT INVOLVED! Only 200 licenses issued, 1955. NOT 1 NETTER MAKES A LIVLIHOOD netting on any river "7“ would completely close to netting. Gross income per license on some streams has now dropped below $500 per year. Fluff Marshmallow Creme 7' j-oz. Jar 2. NO PRICE INCREASE IN FRESH SALMON POSSIBLE Kraft Miniature Marsh mallows 10'j-oz. Pkg. 23 Garden Tomato Catsup 17-OZ. Bottle 15 Wrisley Toilette Soap E Cakes Assorted Bag 58' Grade A Large Eggs Dozen 48' Swift's Oriole Bacon Pound 48 Less than 7% of Oregon’s salmon catch comes from these streams. Ot this insignificant amount, spokesmen for Col umbia River Salmon 4 Tuna Packers Ass n. said: “About 90% of fish from these rivers are SOLD OUTSIDE OF OREGON." No shortage of fresh fish, nor increase in price can result from voting "7” YES. 3. TAXPAYERS SUBSIDIZE SMALL STREAM NETTERS Total license and poundage fees for a year of netting on one affected stream was less than $1.000 in 1955. In the past 10 years over $2.500 000 of TOUR TAX MONET has been used by the Oregon Fish Commission, and this agency has for years limited most of its activity to netted streams. 4. CHINOOK POPULATIONS FACE DESTRUCTION! Only a remnant of chinook salmon remain on mosts net ted streams. The non netted Umpqua River has had increase of over 400% in chinook from only 2 net free generations. THESE PRICES GOOD AS LONG AS PRESENT STOCK LASTS “7” does not affect ocean or Columbia River fishing! MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS U» Or»»»«-« DISTRICT ATTORNEY I I Shurfine Fruit Cocktail I No. 2'2 Can I DILLARD Democratic Candidate for SHOP AT HOME AND Ond*'- «Z’--- Member United Grocers Inc. Deliveries Twice Daily f 10 A.M k 3 P.M—Ph. HA 9 3492 1 I I 78S Bridge Street --------- Phone HA 9-3333 VERNONIA. OREGON At Leonard Rauch Winner Of Best Costume Prize $ SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC & APPLIANCE ■« RE-ELECT M 3 Since Mr. Dillard does not have time to call upon each of you personally we wish io call your attention to the following facts. He has served our county and staia faithfully, honestly and well as our District Attorney. In the interests of economy and the saving of costs to the citizens of Co lumbia County he has provided his own office at his own expense when the court house has been so crowded that it would have been necessary for the tax payers of the county to have paid for rented quarters for the District Attor ney's office if he had not provided it himself free of cost to the public. In ad dition his office has virtually been open 24 hours of the day and 7 days a week for he has maintained an office in his home where those wishing to see him have been welcome at any hour of the day or night. Likewise, Dillard has supplied his own car and transportation for the use of the public office at his own expense and has never claimed nor received any payment whatsoever for such use of hi3 car nor for any cost of operation or maintenance thereof, while he could have legally and properly demanded pay ment therefor. He has been carefully attentive to the duties of his office and has con ducted the same without favor to or prejudice against any person or persons for any cause whatever and his impartial conduct of the District Attorney s of fice has brought about a complete unity of purpose and effort on the pari of all law enforcement agencies and a feeling and assurance of honesty and fair ness in the minds of the citizens of Columbia County. Dillard has saved the people of Columbia County untold thousands of dol lars in the cost of long drawn out and very expensive criminal trials as the re sult of thorough and complete preparation and investigation terminating in waiver of Grand Jury and Circuit Court trials and the entry of pleas of guilty on the part of most persons charged with serious offenses. He was born in Columbia County. Before beginning his law practice wa> employed in a rock quarry, shipyard and sawmill, respectively, in the county and served almost 3 years in the United States Army, served several years as a member of the City Council of the City of St. Helens; was attorney for the Home Owners Loan Corporation and 6 years Government Appeal agent. Se lective Service without compensation. Which facts, we believe, together his broad legal experience, have giv en him an understanding of humanity and human rights which is invaluable in the District Attorney's office and in de-iling with the public. He is a member of the American Legion; the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States; the 40 et 8; the Knights of Pythias, a life member of Si. Helens Lodge No. 32, A.F.&A.M.. A life member of Oregon Consistory, 32 degree Masons; Al Kader Temple, the Shrine; and the Congregational Church. Pd Adv., Dillard for District Attorney Com . Howard Martin, Sec’y., 114 S. 3rd St, St Helens, Or. i I 4