Library, U of 0 9i VOLUME 34, NUMBER 41 PHONE HA 9-3372 Development Commission Director Urges United Action of Area to Meet, Overcome Future Problems VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON Loggers Drop Hard Fought Grid Game One of the most successful, en­ comes in with an idea, especially thusiastic meetings of the Ver­ recreational plans. He feels that nonia chamber of commerce was Vernoma can pull herself up by Wy'Easi Score Only attended by 48 members and her bootstraps if everyone gets Seconds Before Gun guests Thursday evening, October enthusiastically behind her and Loses Contest 13-7 helps. 4 at the V.F.W. hall. F" - V Smithwick Sr. said he wa in Coach Bill Vlcek’s hard-luck Troute, executive director of thi Oregon development commission. tensely interested in Mr Trouts's I Loggers, playing the usual under­ S. Carl Smithwick, president of remarks and mentioned that th I dog role, displayed good hard Smithwick Concrete Products and young people were one ass't over­ football behind the excellent gen. R. L. Thompson, chief of the Ver­ looked; that th? caliber of the eralship of Loggers halfback Bob people here is high and intelli­ nonia fire department, -poke. C C. Smithwick,'vice-president and gent; that most towns have a Crowston and nearly defeated th" general manager, and wife also spark plug, such as C. of C., mayor strong Wy’East eleven last Friday or businessman. and comparea | night on the local field. They were guests. Mr. Troute said he felt it his with the 48 attending this meet­ | held the highly talented Eagle. duty and responsibility to be ing with the Portland C. of C. overly candid in his remarks to meetings, Portland would have to 7 6 ’till the last 23 seconds of the group regarding Vernonia. H ■ have 2400 persons attending ac­ play only to haw the visitors push used as a basis for his talk, cording to population ratio—an over for the winning T.D from one-yard out to win the tilt 13-7 “Where have you been?” and unheard of happening. Mr. Smithwick said his com- and go into first place in Lower “Where are you now.'” He urged the group to look, not nany is seriously considering mov- Columbia league standings. Vernonia kicked off, starting at Vernonia alone, but at th" con­ ing part of its operation to Ver- text of the area as a whole, The nonia. but that no definite deci- their second league encounter of future is in our hands, as mdi- sion has been reached, It is a the season, with the Eagles re­ We basic industry, transforming use­ turning the ball to th? 45. On th< viduals and as a group should look toward growth to less material top usefulness and first play from scrimmage Wy’- sustain and improve the values of does not rob the community of East fumbled with Vernonia re­ our pronerty and community. anything. There ar? very few covering. The Loggers couldn't With enthusiasm and growth, the places where this raw material is get rolling and kicked to the area prospers, but Arst a com­ found. visitort 20 with a runback to the munity must show a capability for R. L. Thompson, fire chief, talk­ 45. Wy’East. demonstrating a pow­ growth ed on fire prevention, saying tha: erful running attack, drove down­ Troute urged each member to each year there are 1000 children field to the locals’ 12 where they try to look at Vernonia as a com- between the ages of 1 and 15 and fumbled once again with Ver­ 1C.000 adults killed by fire and nonia hawking the ball. The Log­ he enters the town, decide, is he that carelessness is the greatest gers proceeded to drive to their own 35 where they fumbled with doing the best he can with what factor. Eagle recovery. Wy’East A ham dinner was served by the an h ■ has to do with? The Paint-up backs once again drove the pig Fix-up program just completed V.F.W. auxiliary. skin to the Loggers’ 15 as the first was a good start, but there is no quarter ended with the scoreboard magic formula. Vernonia must reading 0-0. do everything possible for itscit In the beginning minutes of se­ to see that there xs no usable re­ cond quarter play Wy’East skirted source that remains idle. Watch Vernoma’s left end from 10-yard- the ores in the area, the markets out for the first score of the game. for a gadget or s.ime simple item Federal Civil Service announces Try for point failed sending the that might be produced Recrea­ tional activities, especially water examinations for Substitute Clerk Eagles ahead 6-0. The Loggers, and natural resources, could be and Substitute Carrier for the taking the visitors kickoff, started made much of. Charcoal, bri- Vernonia Post Office. Entrance on their own 35 and using a pass­ ing and running attack penetrated qurted and hard woods are being salary is $1.82 per hour. Apply at any post office for ap­ all the way to the opponents’ 22- investigated. Highway improve, i ment will do a- great deal to lift plication forms or information as i yard marker wher" they were to where such forms may be ob­ stopped in their tracks by a deter­ morale and increase opportunity If the community is more attrac­ tained, to the Director, IIth U. S. mined Eagle defense, thus ending Civil Service Region, Federal Of­ Vernonia’s only serious threat in tive. success is easier. In the past, Troute pointed out, fice Building. Seattle 4. Washing­ first half play. The rest of the the impression has gotten out ton. Application must be filed second quarter was a see-saw that Veinonia is dead. Mcr- with th<*-above address, or must affair with neither team getting a chants haven’t retained as much be postmarked not later than Oc­ serious offensive driv? going. Ver­ nonia took over possession of th of th? retail trade as they feci tober 29. 1S56. Applicants must actually reside ball on their own eight after rc- they should - have; many young people have gone away to make within the delivery area of the ceiving an Eagle punt as the their homes; very few new build­ I Vernonia Post Office, or be bona halftime whistle sounded. Second half play started with a ings have been built. This ar1 fide patrons or employees of th- bang for the local eleven as they some of th? things that must be V' -rnonia Post Office. took the opening kickoff on their fought. 10 and returned it to the 30-vard Enthusiasm must b" stirred, he Drivers' Examiner Due marker. From that point the Log­ said That there were many young A drivers' license examiner will gers, concentrating on a ground people at the meeting was a good sign. He urged the membership be in Vernon.a at the city hall on attack, drove ail the way to the to support the chamber, the high­ October 19. between 10 a m. and Wy’East 11 where the locals at­ tack bogged down with the , way association, and anyone who 4 p.m. Eagles taking over. The visitors, failing to make a first down, kick­ ed to their own 48 where Ver­ nonia took over On the second play from scrimmage, Dick Crow­ ston, Logger right end, took a re­ verse and dashed around the Eagles' left end to their 24-yard Marker. Taking to the airlanes the locals connected with Bob Crowston doing the heaving to Larry Johnson who caught tn- toss on the Eagle three-yard line. On the next play Larry Akers scored the local's T D standing up. Try for point was good with Bob Crowston's kick splitting the goal posts and sending Vernonia ahead 7-6. The Loggers kicked to the Eagles' 20 with a return to the 30 At the end of the third quartet the visitors had driven all the way to the Loggers' 30 •Continued on Page 41 Civil Service Exams Slated Commiitee Meet Held LARRY JOHNSON. Logger end. had just snagged this pass on the Wy'Eait three •* this photo was taken. On the next play Larry Akers crossed for the Loggers and Bobby Crowston con- verted sending the locals ahead 7-8. o Mrs Grace Mathews, grade­ school instructor, was in St Hel­ ens Monday for a meeting of the county language arts textbook committee whith. at that time, heard representatives of book companies evaluate new school *texts. The committee will later make recommendations on new books that should be selected for school use. i This committee is one of three in the state. 10c COPY THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11. 195 T Improvements on Homes Merit Awards HOME at 959 Rose owned by G. L. Russell was enlarged by six- lot add'tion to living room, front entrance was enclosed, new roof added ar.d entire building painted. Corner picture windows were added to living room which was redecorated. ? Ä*‘r! BILL CARMICHAEL enlarged the front of his home lix feet, making possible addition of one room and enlarging of two other rooms. Ha also poured new foundation and installed larger front windows and sided house with composition shingles. NORBLAD SCHEDULES Cancer Board STOP HERE THURS. To Be Set Up Walter Norblad, Republican can­ didate for congress from Oregon's first district, has scheduled a stop here for this morning, Thursday, Glen Hawkins said yesterday morning. Norblad has asked that arrang ■- ments be made for him to visit with as many local people as pos­ sible during the morning hours, which arrangements wer? being taken care of by Hawkins when he made the announcement. The candidate’s stop is being made during a tour of this pait of his district . Point System to Decide Plaque At the PTA executive commit­ tee meeting held at the Washing­ ton school Monday, October 8, a point system to determine which grade will win the membership plaque each month wan decidea upon Mrs. Irene Minger, PTA pre i- dent, also announced that a sug­ gestion box will be in place at each meeting Purpose of the box will be to give anyone having topics th y would like discussed at future meetings an opportunity to have such subjects considered. The next regular PTA meeting will be at the high school Mon­ day, October 15 at 8 p m. when an interesting program has been plann-d This program will in­ clude a report by Marjorie Rey­ nolds on her tour of the U.N Re freshments will be served follow, ing this meeting. Scout Reunion Due The second council-wid reun- ion for Eagle scouts'will be held Thursday, October 25' at Lincoln high school. Portland, Marvin Meyer, neighborhood commis­ sioner, said Wednesday All Eagle scouts are asked to contact him by calling HA 9-6504 before Oc­ tober 17. The accomplishments of two home owners in this area w n them a tie and a split of the gran t prize money awarded in th«» chamber of commerce paint up, fix-up campaign which ended the last of September. Judging of the entries in the campaign was completed last Sunday and the awards listed at that time. Th? grand prize of $50 was awarded by the Vernonia division of the Long-Bell Lumber company. In the judging, the remodeling work done on their homes by B. I Carmichael and Gerald Russell was considered equal in extent, hence th - decision to divide this award. Both men enlarged thew homes by additional construct, i work, thereby improving both the appearance and the floor space New construction on the club house and improvement of the grounds at the Vernonia country club by the new owners, Mr. and Mrs 'Bill Meadows, won for them the plaque awarded by the cham­ ber of commerce for business lm provement. Mr. and Mrs. Men dows enlarged and remodeled th • club house and removed an o’.d barn from the property to greatly improve appearance. Two major projects of improv *- ment, on? of them complete and the other now under construction, have been carried out by people associated with the board of dire tors of the chamber and hence were not eligible to participate in the competition. The coinplet ed project is that of Brunsman Hardware which resulted in an .entirely new store front and the Nither is the construction of a new ! store building for Sunnyside S«- I vice. Both were given honorable mention. Other winners in the home im­ provement part of the campaign are: George Robertson. Bob Spen­ cer, Mrs. R. D. Eby, Howard John, son. W T. Lilly, and Bob Linds^z. Prizes in addition to the grand prize were made available by Ver nonia Trading company, Vernonia Milk Farms, Sundland Electric, C. J Schaumburg, Slaight Hard­ ware, Vernonia Branch of the U S National Bank, Vernonia Drug Company and Brunsman I Hardware. j . j I An enthusiastic group of Co- lumbia county people agreed un- animously to set up a formal board of directors for a Columbia County American Cancer Society to be operated under the junsdic- tion of the Oregon division at a m?cting held in Rainier, October 4 A C. Jacobson, national field representative from New' York, stated that specifically the board of directors was to direct all ac­ tivities on a county level in a cancer control program which in. eluded education, service, and the April Crusade campaign to sup­ port these projects. “More and more money is going into research these days and still more is needed. Fifty per cent of all cancer victims can’t be ived because ot lack of research knowledge Another 25 per cent die because of lack of cancer edu­ cation, leaving only 25 per cent • that are cured.” said Mr. Jackson. Children Given Hearing Tests Approximately 600 children iri Columbia county schools wet ■ given hearing tests during th • past few weeks of which 90 youngsters were from Vernon..» schools. This year only firit- graders and special referrals w checked. Mrs. Jean Cauthore, audiometnst from the . Oreg n state board of health conduct 'd the testing as part of the hearing conservation program Parents will g?t a report from the health department during tl <■ next few days concerning child­ ren with hearing losses. A diagnostic otologic clinic wilt be held at McBride school, St Helens, Thursday, October 18 f ir children who have been found • » have a hearing loss according to Miss Grace Roumagoux, public health nurse. Names Filed for Council Posts Four names have been filed for council positions, two for the po­ sition of mayor and one for city treasurer tor the city el etion which will take place November 6. Recorder Sam Hearing said Wednesday morning Acceptances have been filed by all candidates for the positions Named by the nominating peti- lions for the council are A W. Gardner, Art Davis, H H Sturd.-. Voters vant and Loel Roberts will »elect two to fill two terms of present councilmen that will expire at the end of this year. The names of Lyman Hawken and Don Bayley will appear on the ballot for Mayor and one will be chosen for the position Mrs. Paul Gordon will be th? candidate for city treasurer. R M. Aldrich, for whom a petition was filed for treasurer, refused to sign the ac­ ceptance Bid lor Curb Work Selected » Three bids were opened at th«? adjourned meeting of the city council Monday evening for th • job of constructing curbs on Soul.i First avenue, an improvement district that was set up a sho t time ago upon the request of .a petition of property owners t u that street. Award of the bid was made . j W. P. Snider of Vancouver, Wa< ington who quoted a price of *1 ■ .» a lineal foot for curbing The to. tai amount for the construction work will be 11897 50 for the 1159 feet of curbing. The second lowest bid was $1.82 and the highest for $2 70 per lineuf foot.