10 THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1956 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. t-l FATHER’S DAY GIFTS BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric I FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE — ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS Metal Bunk Beds com plete with Simmons Inner Spring Mattres ses. $ 95 $14.00 Value Felt Lin Special Trundle Beds with in ed Boots, Special ner spring mattresses NEW AND OUTSTANDING VALUES ON OUR 9c TABLE ({iinbèam Coffee Mugs Potato Peeler Stratolounger reclining chair with Boltaflex co vering. Featuring U.S. Koylon foam cushioning. $119.50 & $129.50 New, Sunbjam Famous Lincoln Car Dry Batteries Iron Exch. Price SaiUy-Engineetid 9 9 Another 'Gold Tag' Special This Big 10.1 cu. ft. Frigidaire Refrigerator Beautiful Candy Stripe Water Huge freezer chest. Aluminum remov able shelves. Full width, full depth porcelain hydrator. Reqular $275.95 Value, Now 3 price Steam Sand Shovel Bowls Only 9 9 Mugs, Glasses, Dishes, Brushes, Fun nels, Chore Girls, Dishrags, Etc. HUFFY Choice of whisper* quiet electric or hushed, husky get L models. At low cs Sunbeam Electric Shaver $ “ 50 Only Norelco Eke. $ 95 Razor Up to $7 50 trade-in on your old razor. FOR RENT ITEMS 18-In. Deluxe Gas Mower $99.95 Low Priced 18-In. Rotary $89.95 18-Inch Deluxe Electric $72.95 P/ì-Quart Re vero Ware Copper bot tom Kettle. 95 VALUE ONLY FRIGIDAIRE Skil Floor sander A rent $5.00 per day ■2.50 half day Roll-Away Bed with Innerspring $ Mattress THRiFT-TWiN SPECIAL Complete Your Laundry — Matching 1956 Frigidaire $22 50 Hirsch-Weis Sleeping Bags $39.95 Arvin Radio Special Buy For limited tima only. Fine for Wedding presentii. Showers, Etc. » Special Buy on Shrade Pocket $095 Knives. $4 Value GARDEN SUPPLIES 34-Pc. Pyrex dinner ware Complete service for 6 $27.95 Value 44 Pc. Yellow Daisy Set. Special 20-Pc. Pine Cone Set $11.00 Value. Special 18-Piece Gold Band Set J Mt»* LJ Power New exotic colors in Biltwell Da- veno and Club Chairs. Persim- mon, Rose Beige & Forest Green. $23900 Value Guaranteed 50-Ft. Plastic Garden hose. Special 25-Ft. 98 Length $3 “ T House Jacks for Reul Special on 5 Pc. Virtue Dinette Sets. Duncan Phyfe $ 50 style. Gray or Red Pearl Birch and Blush Pink Chairs Automatic full-cycle operation Giant Lint Disposal Trap L ROLL ROOFING 15 lb. 55-lb. _ 65-lb. 90-lb. Red or Green $2.60 $2.95 $3.55 l \ r Thrifty washer has exclusive LIVE-WATER action, saves wear and tear on clothes, washes with "hand laundry" care. Its fully automatic. Both washer and dryer finished in life-time porcelain for lasting protec tion. Curtain Stretcher for Rent 50c per Day UNCLAIMED NUMBERS 89139 85781 85766 85842 ELECTRIC RANGES Monarch Elec. Range Wonderful $ Shape ..... BE READY FOR FIRE SEASON $4.35 Mall Q Inch Drill $24.95 and $29 95 %-Inch Redi Sprayer. Protect Your trees and shrubs. Will spray small shrubs to large $£• 15 trees. Only Dryer has: Automatic heat cut-off Swing Rockers with thick foam rubber Cushions. Beautiful Colors Special Other Rockers from » Deluxe Gold Seal Li- noleum $ Rugs. 9x12 Gold Seal Linoleum 95c and $1 yard Used Wood Range in Perfect Shape and Automatic Washer WS56 Washer $169.95 DS56 Dryer $169.95 FOR PENT Floor Polisher $1 00 per dav Punch Bowl Set For Rent. $1.00 Day Bow Rake Garden Hoe . Garden Shovel Bamboo Leaf Rake Electric Dryer Orbit Sander $1.50 Day Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $39 95, $49.50 and $69.50 Each Pioneer Pump Cans. Regular $24.50 Special $1 A ,95 1 «/ Dry Powder Chemical Fire Extinguisher. 5-Lb. $ 20 Capacity B W.: Wt:;’ WHEELBARROW $12.95 Value with pump Only____ Walled S Queen Washer Special $30 Allowance on Your Old Washer on this Big Double RD 38 30-In. Range. Full width oven, full width light. Cookmaster. Electric time signal. Lifetime Porcelain finish. RD 20 40-In. 95 Zu«/ MARSH ALL-WELLS Full width light and drawer. Lift-up Thermizer unit. Cookmaster. Life time Porcelain finish. Special: 4 Pc. Bedroom Set with dresser, cabinet headboard and bed. night stand and combina tion chest and writ ing Desk $200 Value ■__________ Pioneer Meeting Well Attended BIRKENFELD — A record crowd attended the annual Pio neer meeting held at Birkenfeld Sunday when old friends greeted old friend. Mrs Francis Nord .■drum, grange H E.C. chairman, was in charge of the dining room with others assisting Walter I PL U WOOD 4x8x14"_____ $3.95 SIMPSON BOARD Goulds Amazing 4x8xV $2.35 NO-TANK CEILING TILE PUMP Box of 60 Sq. Ft. $7 95 A Complete Water HARDBOARD System. No Tank 4x>xi* * $2 65 Needed $ 50 MASONITE Priced At 4x8x3/16"____ $3.20 ’ 'M • ««tini Marshall-Wells outside White House Paint. Regularly $5.65 Gal. Special, Gallon, Only TH’XOTItoriC ALKYD EUMEL fc :. Can be used inside or outside. ’« pint 40c; S pint 65c Pint $1.10; Qt $1.95 Gallons $6.98 Gleaming white Toilet $ J69 f 27x45” Morgan Jones Tufted Rugs. Beauti ful assorted $Q50 ITS A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA Carl was president and James Ca- hill was secretary. Mr and Mrs C. L. Coffey and family, who lived here when he was high school principal in Bir kenfeld for several years, cam* from Portland and assisted with the Pioneer program Sunday. He and his son and daughter con tributed several numbers. Others in attendance from Portland were Mr and Mrs. Jessie Johnson. Mrs. Grace Nelson, Mr. and Mrs Cleve Brown. Mr. and Mrs. McNeal and daughter. Dianne and Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osborne. Lloyd Bur ns and Mrs. Laura Nystrom Mr and Mrs. August Birken- feld, Antone Trudy and little Andrew of Hood River were visit ing relatives and friends here the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stinchfield have returned from their trip to eastern Oregon. Mrs. Clara Reevis was hostess for the missionary group at her home up the Ftshhawk road on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Jepsen and Valerie and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson and family were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bellingham in Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tilden and family moved to Sheridan last week. Louie Mills left for Montana I Mrs. Mary Essen of Seattle is visiting her brothers. Johnny and Jimmy Cahill. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carl took Bill Carl to the convalescent home last week at Scappoose as he had not been feeling well and needed a doctor's care. Mr and Mrs Mavis Taylor of Gearhart and Mr and Mrs R. B. Trenholm and family of Astoria were visiting Mrs. Zella Bellmg- ham Sunday. Many friends gathered Sunday afternoon at Vine Maple hall ’o help celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrt. Gar Raymond. Mrs J. Jefferson was in charge of the program, Two chairs and a number of other gifts were presented to the Ray monds. The table was beauti fully decorated with flowers and a lovely cake. A delicious lunch followed the program.