8 THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1956 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Weddings Prompt Trip For Many YESTERDAYS Fanners to File FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle, June 7, 1951 For Tax Refunds Cecil Johnson was elected pre. sident of the Lions club. Vernonia’s Junior Legion base ball team defeated Rainier 4-3 Sunday with Lee Faulk, Vernonia catcher, bringing in the winning run, in the extra inning. All the staff from the Ver nonia Branch, Commercial Bank of Oregon attended the Beaver baseball game Saturday evening, a part of the 225 employees and families from the Commercial group of banks making up the baseball party. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. June 6. 1946 W. L. Bolmeier and Erie Hill of North Dakota took over last week as new owners of the Grave's Grocery and Market for merly owiwd by Oliver Graves. West Oregon Electric Co-op. was granted a franchise by Co lumbia county for construction of a power line from Scappoose to Vernonia for connection with Bonneville power. Net proceeds from the Ameri can Legion popp> sale was $102.- 15. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. June 6, 1941 William Ernest Seehafer, born May 31, was the first baby born at the Lloyd Maternity Home in Riverview which was made rea dy for business only a week pre viously. Rainfall for the month of May was 4 09 inches. Maximum tem perature was 86 degrees on May 23 and minimum, 30 degrees on May 9. Petitions were being circulated this week asking the state high way department for completion of the Rainier-Apiary road. BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon Pendleton Family Visits Relatives Here, Portland NATAL-PITTSBURG — Mr. Portland. Mrs. Perry Smith of Jewell and Mrs. Marvin Turner and son NATAL-PITTSBURG — Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Henderson. called at the Noble Dunlap home Tom of Pendleton came last Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lindsay of and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper drove following the Dass-Grant wed to Fossil, Oregon Saturday to Scappoose, Rev. E. F. Leake and Thursday afternoon for a short ding June 3. visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. After June 30, 1956 farmers may spend the week end with Miss Miss Nancy Leake were visitors W. R. Wolff. They went to Port Miss Eileen Lewis of Scappoose file their claims for refund of Cora Dusenberry and to attend at the Robert Lindsay home last land Saturday morning to see the was a visitor at the Noble Dunlap the wedding of Miss Dusenberry Thursday. federal excise taxes paid for gas Rose parade and to visit with the home last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis of Ver oline used on the farm, says Don and Harold Hyatt, which was Robert and George Turner fami Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews solemnized Sunday afternoon at nonia were Sunday evening Coin Walrod, county extension lies before returning to Pendleton attended the Pioneer’s meeting agent. A special form No. 2240 is | Fossil. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sunday afternoon. Marvin will at Birkenfeld Sunday. to be used and this form is per Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay Wolff. enter summer school at Eastern Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson spent Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pringle and forated punch card containing a j motored to Redmond last week Oregon College of Education at Tuesday in Clatskanie. claim form, a copy for the farmer end to visit their son and family, son Billy, spent Sunday at As LaGrande, next week. and instructions. This claim will Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lindsay toria, at the home of Mr. Pringle’s Memorial day guests of Mr. and i OFFICE SUPPLIES cover gasoline purchased in 1956 and to attend the wedding of a sister, Mrs. Margaret Parker. AVAILABLE TO YOU AT— Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Henderson Mrs. Noble Dunlap were Mr. and , and used during the period of friend. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff were were Monday evening callers at Mrs. Fred Kruckman of Camas, I THE VERNONIA EAGLE January 1, to June 30. There Washington and Robert Belieu of ________________ after the refunds will be claimed among those who attended the the Noble Dunlap home. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap for the fiscal year of July 1, to wedding of Miss Glenna Pearl June 30. Claims will have to be and Richard Carpenter, which was were among those who attended filed on or before October 1. held in the Community Methodist the Nehalem Valley Pioneer's These forms will be in the coun church at Seaside Sunday after meeting at Birkenfeld last Sun day. ty extension office shortly after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Malcom and the first of June. Refunds will be made for the three sons of Deer Island were visited in Portland Saturday at tax on gasoline which is used by a Monday evening dinner guests of the home of Mr. Waddell’s sister, whose husband had had a light farmer for farming purposes. The Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Parm -r. Mr. and Mrs. Vern McNeal and stroke recently. farmer may also request a refund Mr. and Mrs. Norman Combs of the tax on any gasoline which children, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Os is used on his farm by custom op borne, all of Portland and Mr. of McMinnville were Sunday erators or a neighbor working on and Mrs. Alva Swanson of Ver visitors at the Lawton Waddell his farm in connection with cul nonia were Sunday guests of Mr. home. tivating the soil, raising or har ZHZHXHXHZHXKXHZHSHXHZHZHZMZNXKHZHXHZHZHXHXKZHZHZHXN vesting any agricultural crops. No refunds or tax are to be al H lowed on gasoline used off of the Z farm, such as public roads or H highways in transporting family Z members or workmen, equipment, livestock, feed, etc. Farmers are H also to be given special relief Z from the federal excise tax on H diesel fuel and special motor Z fuels when used on the farm for H farming purposes. Farmers who Z expect to file claims for tax re H funds should keep sufficient re cords to enable the Interal Re Z venue service to verify the ac H curacy of the amount of refund Z claimed. H It is estimated that this refund Z will be worth 60 million dollars H to farmers this year and more in Z the future years. RAINIER MAID THE pUM FOOD ( a /I-IOL-E FAMILY H Z H Vandals Damage Wiring System ROYAL KEASEY RT. — Vandals cut and took wire at H. A. DeWitt’s The World's First home recently and removed fus TRULY MODERN es, thus leaving the deep freeze Portable Typewriter not working. It would have been THE VERNONIA EAGLE costly had not Ted DeWitt check Ph. HA 9-3372 — Vernonia. Ore. ed up to see why the pump wasn't I working. I C. T Keasey cam" up June 2 I from Roseburg to visit his folks, I Mr. and Mrs. Ted Keasey. Bertha went home with them and will be gone about a week. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brady were visiting over the week end recent Don't let your child suffer the ly at Seaside with Vernon Smith embarrassment, nervous tension where Danny stayed, and at and mental on* Warrenton with Wally Bergerson guish resulting where Judy stayed while her from bedwet folks returned home. ting. NOW AT Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeVaney LAST there is o and Janice were visiting Memor safe, easy end ial day with Mr. and Mrs. Ben NATURAL way to Westei berg. end this distressing Larry DeWitt is spending a habit without drugs, medicines or gad Mr. and Mrs. H. A. DeWitt at gets! Mail coupon Mist. for free infotmation. Mrs. Maude Baker visited last week at the home of VTn Dusen- berry. She accompanied Mr and Mrs. Dusenberry to Fossil Sun day to attend the weding of their daughter, Cora, to Harold Hyatt. Mr and Mrs. Bruce Postal and NITI ORI CCX Bo. itti Rickv, spent Memorial day at Piedmont Station. Portland 11. Crt. the home of J. L. VanWert. Name ... ......... ............................ ............ The home of Perry McFarland Addita ............................. ...................... is getting a face lifting with a Cltg ......................................... ................ coat of white paint with green Ago Phono ................... J trim. Bed Wetting STOPPED Just spoon it and enjoy it! Your Profit. We Pay at Least I No fixin’! No fussin’! Ice Cream’s an ever-ready treat! Quick, easy and so delicious! Cooling, refreshing, so full of good things, too! Keep ice cream handy in your freezer compartment! Get your favorite flavor now! $100 per M for Quality Piling C ream I —’ Write or Call POPE & TALBOT, INC. CREOSOTE PLANT St. Helens, Oregon Phone Si. Helens 102 RAINIER CREAMERY CO festiva/ fyf , better //v/ng RAINIER, OREGON H Z H Z H Z MZHZHZHXHZHZHZKZKZHZHMXHXNZKZHZHZHXiiZNZHZHXHZHZHZHZ «