6 THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 195« THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. LEGAL NOTICE FOR SALE—General _ WANTED FOR SALE U Pick cherries, few ready June 17. Royal Anns. Lloyd Wiedewitsch on Highway across Car Vue theater 4 mi. East Cor nelius, Ore. 24t3c WANTED: Driver for berry bus for balance of season. Contact Mrs Art Nanson. Phone HA 9- 3553 24tl HAVE 42 grey geese, 11 old, 31 young. All for $100 or $2 50 each. Morris Falconbury, near Tenth St., in Riverview. 24t3 WANTED: Mature lady to attend church nursery from 11:00 am. to noon on Sundays. Call HA 9- 3605. 24tl<- BALDWIN piano, good condition, $75. Lloyd Garlock, Mist, Ore. 24tlc WANTED: Housekeeper for fa mily of three. $75 per month plus room and board. Mrs. Dane Brady HA 9-5948. 22t3c WILL GIVE to a good home, two long-haired kittens. 125 B St. 24tl FOR SALE: Electric vacuum cleaner with all attachments, in good condition A bargain at $20 Call at 451 Rose Ave. 24tlc AUCTION SALE Saturday. 16 at Midway Community tion, Clatskanie, Oregon, cellaneous, 12:30; livestock, p m. John Wilmarth, phone Clatskanie, Oregon. June Auc- Mis- 2:00 2362, 24tlc STRAWBERRY Pickers wanted at Frank Bailey farm at Buxton Picking will begin between June 10 and 15. Contact Celeste Poet, ter, HA 9-3432, or George John son, HA 9-3562. 22t3c WANTED: Farm listing, large or small. Have buyers waiting. Ed L. Winter, Realtor, AT 2-7334, 545 N.E. Kilhngsworth, Portland 11. Oregon. Or call or write M S. Thompson, farm salesman, BU 9-0577. 12tfc NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA, In the Matter of the Estate of Ganga Ram, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as Administrator of the Estate of Ganga, Ram, deceas ed, has filed his Final Account in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, and that Monday, the 16th day of July, 1956, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in th? forenoon of said day and the Courtroom of said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. First published: June 14, 1956. Last publication: July 12, 1956. H. Singh, Administrator F. Leo Smith, Attorney G15 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore. 24t5c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county. In the matter of the estate of Martha Hartzel, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the ONE 1 HP centrifugal irrigation HIGHEST cash Drices paid for undersigned has been appointed pump. $90. Inquire Guy Thom cream and eggs at your door— i administrator of the estate of as at West Oregon Electric of picked up once or twice weekly— Martha Hartzell, deceased, by the fice. 23t3c call or write Forest Grove Cream county court of the state of Ore gon for Columbia County, and FOR SALE: Finished lumber, ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone has qualified. All persons having 126. 14tfc new, sufficient for building room claims against said estate are 10’ by 12’. See at 457 North St. hereby notified to present the LEGAL NOTICE 22t3 same to me at the office of W. W. Estate of JOHN A ERICKSON. FOR SAIJC: Used chain saws. Attorney Bruce Y. Curry, 3807 Dillard, in St. Helens, Oregon with vouchers and duly verified Ted’s Saw Shop. Riverview. N.E. Union Ave., Portland, Ore. within six months from the date 22tfc NOTICE TO CREDITORS hereof. In the County Court of the CASH PAID for furniture, live Dated and first publication stock, machinery, tools any time. State of Oregon for the County June 14, 1956. Forest Grove Auction, L. R. Senfi of Columbia, Probate Depait- Date of last publication July and C. W Christiansen, owners ment. 12, 1956. Notice is hereby given that the Edgar R. Hartzell, Administrator and auctioneers. Phone 7615. litfc undersigned, H. Kenneth Ander W. W. Dillard, Attorney 24t5c son has been appointed executor SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill of the estate of John A. Erickson, NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELEC dirt. Call HA 9 6829, A.G. Os- deceased, by the County Court of TION UPON QUESTION OF IN ti.aider. 26t52c the State of Oregon for Columbia CREASING TAX LEVY OVER ---------------------------------------- ,------- AMOUNT LIMITED BY SEC FOR SALE—Cars. Trucks County, and he qualified. All TION 11. ARTICLE XI, STATE ; persons having claims against CONSTITUTION 1955 CHEV Bel Air station wa- I said estate are hereby notified Notice is hereby given that an gon, powerglide, V8; Radio and ! to present the same, duly verified heater; low mileage; ivory and ! as by law required, to the under election will be held in School blue. $795 down, $55 per mo. signed at 3807 N.E. Union Ave District No. U.H. 1 of Columbia 1955 CHEV station wagon. V3, nue, Portland, Oregon, within six County, State of Oregon, from 2:00 P M to 8.00 PM. on June std. transmission. 6000 miles. months from the date hereof. Date first published May 17, 25, 1956, at Vernonia Union High Like new. School, Vernonia in said school 1956. 1953 CHEV. 4 dr. sedan. Low Last published June 14, 1956. district, for the purpose of sub mileage. Fully. guaranteed. $395 down. H. Kenneth Anderson, Executor mitting to the legal voters of said I district the question of increasing Bruce Y. Curry, Attorney. 1953 CHEV. hard-top cpe. Light I blue finish Radio, heater, ex 30t5c the tax levy for the fiscal year 1956-1957 over the amount limit cellent condition. $425 down. NOTICE TO RESIDENTS ed by section 11, article XI, of INI PLYMOUTH 2 dr sedan, Notice is hereby given residents the Constitution of Oregon. completely reconditioned; mo of the City of Vernonia in accor The reasons for increasing such tor overhauled; radio and heat- ter; $195 down, $40 per month. dance with Ordinance No. 163 to levy are: 1950 CHEV. Bel Air hardtop; cut and remove and keep cut During time district was in light grey; completely recon from their property and from the Rural School Board District, base ditioned: radio and heater; $225 half of the street abutting the was lost, it has not built up i property, all weeds, grass and down, $40 per month. enough since that time to carry noxious vegetation more than 10 costs of operating school. Build 1949 CHEV 4 dr. sedan. Radio inches in heighth during the ing program. ard heater; very clean; low months of June, July, August and mileage. $175 down, $35 per The amount of tax, in excess of September. month. the 6% limitation, proposed to A. D. Lolley 1949 PLYMOUTH 2-dr. sedan, be levied for said fiscal year is City Marshal 23t3c $94,478.39. Good dependable transporta- tion. $120 down, $30 per mo. Dated this 25th day of June, IN MEMORIUM VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY 1956. Phone HA 9 5023 VERNONIA LODGE NO. 246 ATTEST: A Safe Place Ta Trade” VERNONIA, OREGON Mona M. Gordon, District Clerk June 5, 1956 24tlc Oscar G. Weed, Chairman, RESOLUTIO N Board of Directors. FOR SALE—Real Estate Whereas, Brother E. B. George 5-31—6-14 HOMES passed from this earth on the 4th MODERN 2 bedroom home plus day of June, 1956. at Vernonia, NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL. MEETING sun porch and full basement. 1 Oregon, and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, block from business district. Whereas, in the demise of Bro Quick sale, $2600 cash ther E B George, this lodge has in compliance with Sec. 331.010. 2 BEDROOM home, utility porch lost a faithful and beloved Broth ORS, to the legal voters of School and fruit room. Close to mill. er, and the community a worthy District No. U.H. 1 Jt , of Co lumbia and Washington Counties, Only $2500 Terms. and honorable citizen. FARMS Now Therefore, let it be re State of Oregon, that the AN 3's ACRES on highway; 2-rm. solved that Vernonia Lodge No. NUAL SCHOOL MEETING of house, and other outbuildings 246, Independent Order of Odd said District will be held at Ver All cleared and level. Creek Fellows, does hereby extend its nonia; to begin at the hour of borders. Price, $1.000. Some sympathy to the family and in 2 00 o'clock until 8:00 PM. on respect to the memory of our de- the fourth Monday of June, being the 25th day of June. A D 1956. iES, 60 tn cultivation, on ceased Brother. This meeting is called for the cm river, including 8- It Is Further Resolved that the modern house, barn and charter of this Lodge shall be purpose of electing one director ». Als« irrig veiled in mourning for a period for a five year term and the transaction of business usual at pulp wood, of thirty days. such meeting. will handle. Be It Further Resolved that a In districts of the second and C for farms and acreage. copy of this Resolution be spread BROKER on the minutes of this Lodge and third classes the ballots shall a copy sent to the bereaved fa not be counted until one hour after the time set for the meeting mily. BUMP i MEYER. PROPERTIES to begin. Until the count begins, Truman Knight AND INS. INC. any legal voters of the district Les Galloway 1930 Council St.. F. G. Oregon shall be entitled to vote upon Carl Davis Phone Forest Grove 4061 any business before the meeting. Resolution Committee Phene Vernonia Branch Office Dated this 24th day of Ma 24tlc HA 9 6058 1956. H. T. Hudson. Riverview ATTEST: SERVICES In Vernonia: Mona M. Gordon. District Clerk 1 BEDROOM home, Riverview CLARENCE R WAGNER, county Oscar G. Weed, Chairman. Partly furnished. $1000 surveyor. Court House. St. Helen - Board of Dire SMALL modern 2 bdrm, home on Phone office. 698; home. 183. Pri 80’ by 100’ lot. $2350 Terms. vate surveying, engineering work 2 STORY. 3 bdm. on 5 lots At 24tfc NOTICE tractive lawn and garden. Fruit STARTING Saturday, June 16, nuts and chickenhouses. A buv DR. VOTAW there will be only two round at $4900, trips made daily by the bus be OPTOMETRIST LISTINGS WANTED immmedi tween Vernonia and Staleys. ately especially for clean 3 or Sundland Building Leaving time from Vernonia, 9 30 4 bdrm, houses. Rentals handl Tuesdays and Saturdays a m and 6 00 p m ed also. Mile Graduation Attended On California Trip I Party Honors Beverly Tunnell RIVERVIEW — A birthday party was held for Beverly Tun nell at her home Monday after noon at which time she celebrated her eighth anniversary. Games were played and refreshments of birthday cake, jello, ice cream and koolade were served to Judy Weller, Carolyn and Margaret Harris, Rita DeRoia and the guest i of honor, Beverly Tunnell. Mrs. Glenn Mitchell entertain- ed the Past President’s Parley of the American Legion Auxiliary 119 at her home on Thursday. Twelve ladies and two children enjoyed a pot-luck dinner which was followed by a business meet ing. Mrs. J. M. Peachey returned home from Port Blakely, Wash- ington on Monday after spend- ing two weeks with Mrs. Jessie Olin. Mrs. Olin’s health is about the same as when she left here. She sends her best regards to all of her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dessy Laird have moved into the Stiles house at the end of Fifth street recently va cated by Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Rus- som. Ralph McKee came home from the University of Oregon medical hospital in Portland Thursday after having been operated upon two weeks earlier, He is im- proving nicely. Walter McDonald returned home Sunday after being in the Physicians and Surgeons hospital for seven weeks. He is very weak but improving satisfactor- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker at- tended the Nehalem Valley Pio neer’s picnic at Birkenfeld Sun day. Recent visitors at th? Tom Solo mon home were his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Solomon of Priest River, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pentacost <,f Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Myrt Jenkins of I Portland visited at the E. L. Lloyd and J. E. Rose homes on Sunday. KEASEY ROUTE — Mr and Mrs. Chet Fugate have returned from a weeks trip to California where they attended the gradu ation of a niece, Lola McLammion, at the King City high school at Greenfield. They also took a side trip through Carmel, Monte rey and Salinas, California. Mr. and Mrs. G.orge Martan and girls spent Friday night at the home of Mrs. Martan's sister, Mrs. Jack Guthrie, in Portland. They watched the Rose parade Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Burton and children of Portland were visit ing over the week end at the home of her mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Van Wert. Denny and Tedu remained with their grandpar ents while their parents returned home. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. DeWitt drove to Seattle Wednesday to attend the graduation of their grandson, Roger Brown. They stayed at the home of their daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, returning home Sunday. Judy Brady has returned home from a visit at Warrenton with the Waily Bergerson family. 1 The future is unpredic table . . . but you can pro tect your family against its hazards by getting liability insurance now. See Us FIRST for Insurance cf ALL Kinds Standard Typewriter Tor Rent Phone HA 9-6558 — Riverview THE VERNONIA EAGLE HERE 5 HOW... MAKE BUILT-IN SHELVES AND CABINETS A den or dining room can be made more attractive and more functional with built-in shelves and cabinets. Overall dimensions will de pend upon the space to be util ized. Before starting this proj ect, the home craftsman should draw plans with specific dimen sions, and then check with his local lumber dealer as to the g-rades and sizes of lumber. Use 1-inch finished lumber except for the pigeon-hole shelves which are of %-inch lumber. First, panel the back wall, or paint the plaster to harmonize with the wood finish. Place the counter top 36 inches, and the desk top 30 inches above the floor. Make the lower cabinet about 20 inches deep. Attach strips to the wall studs for support for the shelves and framing of the lower cabinet. Counter and desk top and the broad panels are made by edge gluing, using dowel joints. Il the cabinet doors are edge- glued, place battens on the in side for reinforcement. The shelves are of 1 by 10- inch lumber. If the cabinet is built around a window, the glass-front cen ter section may be omitted. Round all exposed edges before finishing. Sell it with an Eagle Want Ad. FOR RENT MODERN, nicely furnished apart ment for rent. Suitable for on? or two. Phone HA 9-3451. 24t3c FOR RENT or sale: 2-bdrm. house. 1008 Weed Ave. Call evenings after 6:00, HA 9-5031. Mrs. Les Galloway. 24i3 National lumber Manufacturen Ascoclatloa FOR RENT: Furnished apt. $30 per mo. Inquire at Eagle office. 23t2 REPAIR AND REFINISH OUTDOOR FURNITURE FOR RENT: Apt. available about July 1. Couple only. See Ed Burton, Riverview. 23tfc I LARGE furn. apt. 4 rooms and bath. Electric range and auto matic hot water. See at 117 North St., or phone HA 9-3642. 21tfc I FOR RENT: Apartment. 830 2nd St 425-57 FURNISHED APTS: 3 rooms: shower, electric range, oil heat, and frigidaire. Riverview Apte. 20tfc APARTMENT for rent. 2 bed rooms, bath, dinette, living rm. Completely furnished. See Ha zel Shipman at Drug Store. 15tfc I CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to thank all our friends for their lovely floral offerings, their help and their sympathy dur. ing the illness and death of our loved one. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar George and family. 24tlc WE WISH to take this means of thanking the blood donors, and our friends for the many cards and flowers I received while I was in the hospital. Ralph McKee and family 24t!c I HE ANNUAL school election of District No. 50 Mist, Columbia County, Oregon, will be held at the School House on Monday, June 18. from 2 pm until 8 p.m. Notices are posted in the usual places. Myrtle Mathews. Clerk 23t2c Prepare for a summer out of doors by repairing or refinish- ing broken or worn furniture. Wooden furniture will re quire different treatment from rattan or wicker furniture. Replace broken pieces with new lumber, using the piece to be replaced as a pattern for the new one. Furniture broken or worn beyond repair can be completely rebuilt from new lumber with the disassembled pieces serving as patterns for the new ones. Several dupli cates of an old favorite piece can be made easily in this manner. Old furniture to be refinished should first be cleaned with water and detergent. Let dry thoroughly. Brush worn or chipped spots with a wire brusn, sand smooth and feather the edges. Fill cracks or holes with wood putty and sand smooth when dry. Touch up all such spots with enamel undercoater. WICKER FURNITURE Clean rusty metal parts and apply red lead. Remove any wax with wax remover. Use a paint or varnish remover if it is desired to remove all the old finish. Sand the entire surface and apply an enamel undercoater. WOODEN FURNITURE Use enamel undercoat, crock filler, then exterior enamel Flow on the enamel and avoid letting it collect on the edges. Remove all dust before apply ing any portion of the finish. Spar varnish is frequently all that is needed to refinish rattan furniture. If enamel is preferred, apply it as on wood. Spraying is preferable on wicker furniture. Prevent ac cumulations of the finish at the wicker intersections. RATTAN FURNITURE Apply spar vornish or exterior enamel National Lamber Manufacturen Associât loo MAKE A BASE FOR THE AUTOMATIC DRYER Avoid back bending by mak ing a base to elevate the automatic clothes dryer to a convenient working height Determine the outside dimen sions of the dryer and make the base to fit snugly around the dryer. The sides are 1 by 8- inch boards. Front each, saw out 3 by **-inch slots, as shown in the detail drawing. The slots make the leveling screws ac cessible. The leg supports are 4 by 4- inch posts. LOST AND FOUND LOST Diamond ring. Reward. Call Mrs. Dow. HA 9-6724 22t3c OPTOMETRISTS: Dr. V. J. Horn* and Dr. R. V. Lane* Across from Texaco • Wednesdays ■MMnil Use waterproof wood glue and sixteen 2-inch No. 14 flat head wood screws to assemble the sides to the posts. Use four 6-penny finishing nails to join the top corners of the boards. Screws should be either countersunk or counterbored. Fill the holes with wood putty, sand when the putty is dry, round exposed edges and cor ners and finish to match or to blend with the surroundings.