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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
r 1 <1 Club Schedules Second Shoot Zelma Dow, Furman Clark Exchange Marriage Vows The Vernonia trap club has scheduled a second shoot for June, officers said early this week, when they set the date for the next affair for Sunday, June 24 at the O-A ball park. Funds from this as well as the first competition will be used to finance the U N. delegate trip. The eight IOOF lodges in this district each pay $50 towards the total of $400 which is the cost of sending a delegate on the trip. Marjorie Reynolds, this dis trict’s delegate, will be one of the guests of honor at a send-off dinner for the UN. Pilgrimage for youth delegates at the IOOF Orient hall, S.E. 6th and Alder, Portland, Wednesday, July 11. I OES Active At Grand Chapter SAVE Lodge Represented at Quarterly Meeting Sunday Mrs. Donald Cline was honor guest at a party held at the home of Mrs. Larry Brady June 1 when friends and relatives gathered to shower her with gifts for the little daughter, Julie Ann, who arrived at the Tongue Point na val hospital the following Tues day, June 5. The affair started with the play ing of two of the traditional baby shower games with Mrs. Ellen Hanson winning both ot them. Each guest also made out a card with their guess as to when the baby would arrive, it’s weight Rebekah Club Plans for and sex and these were presented Summer, Fall Activities to Mrs. Cline for reference later to see who came the closest to The Rebekah Social club met being right. June 5 at the home of Edith Mc Refreshments were served by Farland. the hostess after which Mrs. Cline Plans for the convention this opened her many lovely gifts. fall were discussed and arrange Those attending were Mesdames ments made for a food sale Sat Ted Horn, Ellen Hanson, Clayton urday, June 23. I Aldrich, Bill Olinger, Cass Ber- The next meeting will be held gerson, Bill Wilson, Merle Cline, at the home of Issibell Anderegg George Martan, Dane Brady, Ted the second Tuesday in July in DeWitt, Donald Jepson, Tracy stead of the first due to the Fourth I Hanson, Clarence Larson, Pete of July holiday. Raney, Terry Brady and the hos Lovely refreshments were serv tess, Mrs. Larry Brady and guest ed at the close of the meeting by of honor, Mrs. Don Clins. the hostess. Those sending gifts but unable to attend were Mrs. Dick McNair, Mrs. Bob Cline, Mrs. Harold Ber- Friends Are Invited To Mrs. Bill Horn and Mrs. Gwin-Sauer Wedding Rites gerson, J E. Rose. Friends of Miss Kathleen Sauer and Richard Gwin are invited to attend their wedding this Sat First Birthday Observed urday afternoon, June 16, at 4:30 With Grandmother's Visit o’clock at the St. Mary’s Catho Here to celebrate the first lic church. birthday of Patricia Kaye Paris last week end was her grand- Initiatory Degree Given mother.Mrs. Daisy Risley and At IOOF Meeting Tuesday family and Mr. Fred Knowler, all of Woodland, Washington and The initiatory degree of mem Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carlson of bership was conferred on Leslie Longview, Washington. Mrs. McMullen Tuesday evening by Risley surprised her grand the IOOF lodge. He will receive daughter with a beautifully dec the first degree at the June 26 orated birthday cake. meeting. Other Sunday visitors at the Paris home wen? Mr. and Mrs. Pat Shelton of Oswego. Square Dance Caller THESE PRICES GOOD AS LONG AS PRESENT Two Dates Listed Next STOCK LASTS Week for Promenaders MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS The Junior Promenaders are re minded of two dates of interest I to them during the coming week, i Dances are scheduled Tuesday, June 19, and again Saturday, June Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A.M. & 3 P.M.—Ph. HA 9-3492 16. Both affair will take place at 1 the IWA hall. H with H DARIGOLD H Shower Honors Mrs. Don Cline Vernonia lodge, IOOF, was re presented at the quarterly asso ciation meeting at Seaside Sun day by Lloyd Quinn and Shelby Cook. The association is com posed of eight lodges in this part of the state. Trophies purchased here re cently were given the various other lodges in the district for presentation to their schools this fall honoring delegates that have made the U.N. Pilgrimage in for mer years. The trophies will re main the property of these schools. 39 Work Cooking Wonders H H H H Nonfat Dry Milk A wonderful dairy food that actually saves you money and improves your recipes. Use it in hamburgers to make them bigger and juicier from the same amount of meat. Nonfat Dry Milk Solids is 35% protein . .. loaded with vitamins and minerals. A real bargain in dairy foods! Try this way of making hamburgers: Mix M cup of Nonfat Dry Milk with 1 lb. of ground beef. Add salt and pepper. Divide into patties and broil. To End Service Friday The Nehalem Valley Squares will dance at Birkenfeld on Fri day, June 15, and Leonard Wil liamson will call his final dance here. Visitors ar" welcome. > < i » I • I I t t 1 1 I I I I 1 lune is / •airy Month H A Festiva/of z r I better //v/ng LOWER COLUMBIA DAIRY ASS'N. H Z H • t 1 i I i l I I • I i i and I Rd DIO REPAIRS i I • ANY & ALL MAKES iI Guaranteed Service I I ADMIRAL : > I ! Radio - TV • Appliances I * Low down payment. | | * 12 months to pay. ■ I t Astoria — Clatskanie KMZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHZHZH* 3 t St. Helens Hospital Bids County To Open House To Be Held June 16 Zelma Dow and Furman Clark were married June 1 at Steven son, Washington at the home of the justice of the peace. Going with them to Stevenson was Mrs. Stella Howard, and the mother of the justice of the peace served as the other witness to the cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. Clark will make their home in Vernonia. A trijj to Mississippi to visit his parents is planned for the time the mill vacations in July. Many Nehalem Chapter No. 153 members took part in the pro ceedings of Grand Chapter, Ord ?r SHOP AT HOME AND ot Eastern Star in Oregon, held in Portland this past week. Worthy matron and worthy pat ron, Alvilda and Sam Hearing Jr., participated in the Portland and WITH THESE VALUES' vicinity matrons and patrons beautiful precision drill. Mrs. Oscar Mayer Pork Hearing had a lead part in the Lunch’n Meat 12-oz. clever addendum given by the Dini y Moore Beef OQC worthy matrons, and served on the decorating committee and Mr. Slew 24-oz. Can OO Hearing was in charge of one of Nabisco Oreo and Swiss Creme the microphones on the floor dur ing the whole session. Sandwich Cookies Lillian and Wilbur Davis took Large Package part in the associate matron and patrons drill, which is one of the Baker's Instant 4 in 1 highlights and the finale of grand Cocoa 2-Lb. Can chapter, when the associate mat. Baker's Angel Flake Coconut, rons blossom out in their lovely new matron's dresses and the Tender Thin Flakes men wear matching accessories 3’ z -oz. Can with their tuxedos. Eva Hearing, conductress and Kraft's Miracle Whip p* Z*c Salad Dressing Qt. Jar JO I Elizabeth Serafin, associate con ductress, assisted at the doors during parts of the session; and Ohio Fancy Bookmatches Mona Gordon, member of the pay 50 Books Package of representatives committee of Top Dog, the Complete Dog Food the grand chapter, was on duty several days with that committee. Lottie .Swanson was a visitor. 15-oz. Cans For Florence and Emil Messing as Nubora Scap Granules, Giant sisted their group of past matrons and past patrons in decorating Size with two the sunken ballroom for the re F ree Dishes ception for the most worthy grand patron of general grand chapter, Swift's Chickens. Whole J PVc who also is a past grand patron of Fryers Pound '"X I Oregon. The Messings took 1500 sword fern trends and a large Oregon Chief Pure Fresh | load of Oregon grape in from Ver- Pork Sausage Lb. Roll | noma for background foliage. H b THE EAGLE- VERNONIA. ORE. THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1956 ’ OAKES RADIO SHOP • } HA 9 3653 — Riverview | I Completion of the new 35 bed hospital for the Columbia hos pital district at St. Helens is near and a two-day opening is being planned for Saturday and Sun day, June 16 and 17 according to Ray Richardson, hospital admin istrator. Saturday, June 16th, at the opening hour, 9 a m., there will be a short program. This will be followed by guided tours of the hospital by some of the personnel. These tours will last until 5 p m. On Sunday, tours will be from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. The new hospital has been pro nounced "most complete and mo dem” by those who have seen it. All rooms are two bed wards, with private rooms available, if needed. One of the best features is the “sun-ray” design with the central nurses station so located that all lights in all wings can be seen from the station. This, with the “patient-to-nurse” com munication system, guarantees prompt answers to patient calls. The staff of the hospital will include Drs. Ackerson, Muelecx, Tupker, Steward and Zeschin of St. Helens and Dr. Day of Scap poose. In addition to these, there will be consulting surgeons from Portland. All county doctors are being invited to make use of the hospital. A pathologist and a radiologist as well as an orthope dic man will be at the hospital on stated days during the week. There are two main surgeries and an emergency surgery. All are well equipped and up-to-date. There are twenty-five medical and surgical beds and ten mater nity beds. There will be two in cubators for premature or very delicate babies. One room of four beds has been set aside for children. Another feature of the "baby section" is that the nursery is adjoining the lobby and has a large picture window opening in to the lobby where small broth ers and sisters may see the new comer without going into the ma ternity ward. Mrs. Angelo and Mr. Richard son have initiated another policy which should prove popular. This is the open hour visiting time. Friends and relatives will be able to visit patients from 10:30 am. until 8:30 pm. Mrs. Angelo states that there may be short waits on occasion. Mr. Richardson would like the public to know, that, in spite of these services, charges at the new hospital will be slightly lower than in Portland hospitals. OFFICE SUPPLIES AVAILABLE TO YOU AT— THE VERNONIA EAGLE BURNS Radio and TV Sales-Service ALL MAKES REPAIRED ABC Washers and Dryers DAY, EVENING SERVICE Phone HA 9-5441 — Vernonia The Long-Bell LUMBER COMPANY Vernonia Division Olympia... with pleasure A good place to know ... a good place to go: the tavern in your neighborhood featuring * reliably refreshing Olympia Beer. •“It’s the Water” that makes the difference •»OLYMPIA IRIWINO COMPANY. OLYMPIA. WAIM . U. • A.