10 THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1956 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. FATHER'S DAY GIFTS BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric! FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE — ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS P/2-Quari Revere Ware Copper bot tom Kettle. 95 VALUE ONLY Metal Bunk Beds com plete with Simmons Inner Spring Mattres ses. $ Special ____ s369 Trundle Beds with in ner spring mattresses For limited time only. Fine for Stratolounger reclining chair with Boltaflex CO- Wedding presents. vering. Featuring U.S. Kovlon foam cushioning. Showers, Etc. $119.50 & $129.50 GARDEN SUPPLIES Safely-Engineered HUFFY Coffee Mugs iSítíibeum 9 ,c 9 Potato Peeler New, Sunbeam Dry Iron price Steam $ Another 'Gold Tag Special This Big 10.1 cu. ft. Frigidaire Refrigerator Beautiful Candy Stripe Water Glasses Sand 75 Shove] Huge freezer chest. Aluminum remov able shelves. Full width, full depth porcelain hydrator. Regular $275.95 Value, Now 9 Mugs, Glasses, Dishes, Brushes, Fun nels, Chore Girls, Dishrags, Etc. Choice of whisper* quiet •l*<lrl< or hushed, husky gas models. As low aS Power NEW AND OUTSTANDING VALUES ON OUR 9c TABLE 95 T ITEMS Bow Rake Garden Hoe Garden Shovel Bamboo Leaf Rake Safety Steel Body. Blade« eom* pletely enclosed for all-*round protec. t*oo—and no dangerau« "throwing.” 18-In. Deluxe 4-cycle Rotary Gas Mower with Recoil Starter 99 OIGIDAIRE Skil Floor f -ander t*i rent $5.00 per day 52.50 half day Special on Toastmaster Automatic Toaster THRIFT-TWIH SPECIAL Complete Your Laundry - Matching 1956 Frigidaire Electric Dryer Orbit Sander $1.50 Day Low Priced 18-Inch 4-Cycle Rotary and Automatic Washer • WS56 Washer $169.95 DS56 Dryer $169.95 FOR RENT Floor Polisher $1 OO per dav 18-Inch Deluxe Electric $39.95 Arvin Radio Special Buy Guaranteed 50-Ft. Plastic Garden $Q 19 Swing Rockers with hose. Special thick foam rubber 25-Ft. $ 98 Cushions. Beautiful Colors Length Special Dryer has: • Automatic heat cut-off House Jacks for Reni • Automatic full-cycle operation • Giant Lint Disposal Trap Thrifty washer has exclusive LIVE-WATER action, saves wear and tear on clothes, washes with "hand laundry" care. Its fully automatic. Both washer and dryer finished in life-iims porcelain for lasting protec tion , Z Special Buy on Shrade Pocket $Q95 Knivi $4 Value Punch Bowl Set For Rent. $1.00 Day Used Wood Range in erfect Shape Ri'di Sprayer. Protect Your trees and shrubs. Will spray small Deluxe Gold Seal Li shrubs to large $/*95 noleum $ trees. Only Q Rugs. 9x12 Gold Seal Linoleum 95c and $1 yard All Metal Rubber Tired Law-n Cart, Special ’8 New exotic colors in Biltwell Da- veno and Club Chairs. Persim- mon Rose Beige & Forest Green. $239.00 50 $ Value ROLL ROOFING Goulds Amazing NO-TANK PUMP 45 lb. 55 lb. 65-lb. 90 lb. Green $2.60 $2.95 $3.55 $4.35 Curtain Stretcher Rent 50c per Day BE RÇADY FOR FIRE SEASON ELECTRIC RANGES Pioneer ■ Back Pump Cans. Regular $24.50 Special $ Only---------- Dry Powder Chemical Fire Extinguisher. 5-Lb. Capacity Complete Water System. No Tank Needed Priced At A L til Boots, Special with pump Only Walled Speed Queen Washer Special $30 Allowance on Your Old Washer on this Big Double I * ON SPECIAL SALE Solid Maple Dinette Table and $125 00 Value Special Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $39.95, $4950 and $69.50 Each 4 </ 7-Pc. Deluxe Virtue Dinette Set. Extra large table. 6 foam rubber cushioned chairs with handles High Chair with movable Tray WHEELBARROW $12.95 Value Arvin Steel Folding Lawn Chair $5 Vai Special Special: 4 Pc Bedroom Set with dresser, cabinet headboard and bed, night stand and combina tion chest and writ ing Desk. $200 Value PLY WOOD 4x8xQ” $3.95 SIMPSON BOARD 4x8xV $235 CEILING TILE Box of 60 Sq. Ft $7.95 Simmons All-Metal HARDBOARD Roll-Away Bed with 4x8xH” $2 65 Innerspring $»VZV95 MASONITE ») ,7 4x8x3/16" $3.20 Marshall-Wells outside White House Paint. Regularly ' $5.65 Gal. Special, Gallon, Only $ MARSH ALL-WELLS TH'XQTRONC ALKYD ENAMEL RD 38 30-In. Range ......... Full width oven, full width light. Cookmaster. Electric time signal. Lifetime Porcelain finish. RD 20 40-In. $ Range Full width light and drawer. Lift-up Thermizer unit. Cookmaster. Life time Porcelain finish. * Can be used inside or outside. H pint ... 40c; pint 65c Pint $1.10; $1.95 Gallons Famous Lincoln Car Batteries les $11 "5 1 1 up Exch. Price 1 UNCLAIMED NUMBERS 86066 88261 89500 Gleaming white Toilet Seat. $ 69 Sp ‘cial < 27x45" Morgan Jones Tufted Rugs. Beauti ful assorted Color ITS A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA Farewell Party Honors Ashleys MIST — Friday evening the Young People's club gave a fare well party for Mrs Inger Ashley and her daughter Bertie Lu? who have moved to Beaver to make their home All the guests bad a lovely time. The party was given al the home of Mr« i Chas. Hansen. The Rev, Harshman was in- jured at the J-H Allied mill one day last week and was taken to the doctor. The injury was not believed to be serious. Mr. and Mrs Ted Kulju were down from Portland Tuesday. They with their folks. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hansen visited friends at Clatskanie and Quincy. Sunday afternoon the Walter Mathews attemKd the Jeannette Dass-Manon Grant wedding in Vernonia. A few from the village have been going out with Mr. Corll to pick strawberries, beginning at the end of the week. Mrs. Austin Corll and Mrs Shalmon Libel were Tillamook motorists last Tuesday. While in Tillamook they visited Bud Goertzen and family. Visitors Thursday at the Devin« home were Mr and C Danielson of Rainier. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Edmonds and girls from Mayger visited the Clair Devines Friday. Other visi tors were Mr. and Mrs. J. Thorn ton of Corvallis. The school children here had a picnic Thursday as a final finish to the term of school. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stuve moving to the little cottage longing to Llovd Garlock on upper end of the village. The school yard was treated to a new fence in front last week end. Shalmon Libel moved Mrs. Ing- er Ashley and daughter Bertie Lue to Beaver last Saturday. The Austin Dowlings were Sat urday evenings dinner guests at the Bernard Dowlings m Vernon ia. , . Among the Memorial Day visi tors here was the sister of Clyde Johnson from Washington Mr. and Mrs. Clair Devine and family were in Banks Sunday- evening and called on the Ed Danielson family. The Sam Devines entertained relatives from Olympia, Wash ington Wednesday They were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roumberg. Mr. and Mrs. O. Deaver and family moved into the Ashley farm house. Shalmon Libel has bought the farm and Mr. Deaver is going to work for him.