Stephen Waite was chosen post commander for a second year, June 4, when the American Le gion Post No. 119 held their an nual election. The 1956-57 offi cers roster includes: First vice commander, Carl Davis; second vice-commander, Truman Knight; finance, Wilbur Wilson; adjutant, Harry Culbertson; service offi cer, Bill Horn; sergeant-at-arms, Albert Tandy; chaplain. Earl At kins and historian, J. W. Nichols. It was reported that the mem bership board on Bridge street had been recently repainted and name boards attached. The post commander expressed his com mendation of all the other or-' ganizations and individuals which took part in the Memorial day ob servance. After a communication from the Amei^can Legion magazine was read, the Members approved co operation with the American Olympic Athletes fund raising project of a large soap corporation which offers ten cents for each boxtop of their products mailed to them. The money is given to the fund to pay transportation and other expenses for those chosen to go to Australia for the Olym pic games. The U.S. team is fi- nanced means. entirely by voluntary Pioneer Meeting Is Sunday At Birkenfeld MIST — Next Sunday the Pio- neer association will meet at Bir- kenfeld for their yearly get-to gether and dinner. Some of the M.H.C. members have been putting in lots of time working at the cemetery the past week or two. It looks pret ty nice, too. Mr. and Mrs. Jo? Roeser went to Astoria Wednesday and got Mrs. Ella Roeser and took her to Columbia City and back. The Bud Howry, Norman Han sen, Fred Busch, and L. Garlock families all went wnth their boats Memorial day out on the Co lumbia. They had a good time but came in pretty tired. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Hansen attended a wedding in Astoria Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Barstow from As toria visited the C. O. Hansens one day last week. —Office Supplies at the Eagle— ’wor't.]n H K H H Wanted for Asburry farm, St. Helans area H H Transportation Furnished M X H X X H M X Sign up with Austin Corll or X H H Phono HA 9-5621 X ^XHZHXHZKXMSHXHZMXNXMXHx“ FOO» SIIOPP1.XG SE» 1C AS Be sure to include these items in your next order! NABISCO HUDSON Wheat Thins HOUSE Always Uniform in Flavor Ritz Crackers Olives Honey String Beans Grahams Corn Snow Flake Crackers Peas Cookies Good for Every Shredded Meal Wheat x’WWvr.xrtA nnr THURSDAY, JUNK 7, 1956 9 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ervin F. Leake. Minister Sunday, June 10, 1956 9:45 a m. — Bible school. 11:00 a.m. — Morning service. Pastor’s theme, "Paul Before Agrippa." I I 6:00 p.m. — Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p.m. — Evening Church ser vice. Pastor’s theme, ‘’Things I Which Make for Unity.” The Vacation School will con tinue throughout the week, clos ing program will be given Sun day evening, June 17th, 7:30 p.m. VERNONIA EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Rev. F. M. Knoll Sunday, June 10, 1956 9:45 am. — Children’s Day. Short class periods followed by pro gram. PART OF Memorial day parade this year was comprised of this VFW color guard which posed at 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. cemetery after completion of annual parade and ceremonies. Parade started at VFW hall, marched Sermon: "Letting The Glory io bridge over Rock creek for navy ceremony, then continued to cemetery for final rites including Out.” placing of wreaths on memorial in front of guard. 7:30 p.m. Evening service. Theme: “Cleansing the Leper.” Tuesday, June 12 i i 1:00 p.m. — Deborah Circle, pot- luck dinner at R. C. Lindsay home. Wednesday, June 13 NATAL-PITTSBURG — Cod 7:30 p.m. — Annual congregation Give him ing from a distance to attend the al meeting and election of of Dass _ Grant wedding Sunday ficers for the coming conference were: Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Grant year. and son, Fred, of Silverton; Mr. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH and Mrs. Barnell, uncle and aunt A. L. Argo, Pastor Shave of the grocm, from Bel.ingham. lotion Sunday, June 10, 1956 j Washington and Mrs. Eric John I 1.00 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. < and 1.75 son, sister of Mrs. Dass, and her 11:00 — Morning worship. Pressurized daughters, Dianna and Evelyn, of Sermon: “The World of God.” Deep River, Washington. Nursery attendant on duty at Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson were morning service. guests Wednesday evening of last 7:00 p.m. — Training union. week at the Robert Mathews’ 8:00 p.m. — Evening service. Theme: “The Goodness of God.” home. Shaving Mug Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson 8:00 p.m. Wed. — Prayer service. 1 25 were Clatskanie visitors on M ■- (Refill .75) morial day. Charles Anderson and Mrs. New! Body Talcum Edna Heenan of Clatskanie were 1.00 New I Memorial day callers at the home GEORGE N. TAYLOR Pro-Electric of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff. Portland, Oregon Shave lotion Mr. and Mrs. James Smith and —“I'll finish reading it when teacher ain’t lookin.” With that son, who are visiting here from FATHER'S DAY-JUNE 17 the small newsboy raced away to Troy, Montana, were Monday ev school carrying the Gospel of ening guests of Mr. and Mrs. John. He had read at the page Robert Lindsay. Quite a number from the com where Christ fed the 5000 men munity attended the weading of and their people Talcum, with the f i v e 1 Miss Jeanette Dass and Marion Lotion, Pressurized Smooth Shave, Cologne Grant at the Evangelical church loaves and two 200 lotion 3 00 in Vernonia Sunday. Those at small fishes given 1 tending were: Mr. and Mrs. Max him by a boy in Prices plus lox, except on Smooth Shave, Electric Shave and soap Oblack, Maxine and Larry, Mr. the Bible. j and Mrs. W. R Wolff, Mr. and BREAD OF ELECTRIC SHAVERS Parker Pen and Pencil Mrs. Kenneth Tupper, Mr. and LIFE:—The next Remington, Shick, Sets Mrs. Wm. Pringle, Mesdames day Christ told Ronson, Norelco Clyde Henderson, Noble Dunlap the great com and Robert Lindsay. pany as to the V/ALLETS, BAROMETERS. PIPES Bread of Life that Timex Eastman and Ansco God would give Watches them.' Let them eat of that Bread Cameras and they would never hunger. Christ Himself was that Bread. GLORY NEXT — On Resur rection Day, the Lord Himselt NEHALEM VALLEY shall descend from heaven with TELEPHONE HA 9-6254 Vernonia, Ore. a shout and they who have re I MOTOR FREIGHT ceived Christ into their heart as Lord and Saviour, shall be raised from among the dead. Then they of His who are alive here on earth shall be caught up to- gether with them to meet the Lord in the air. So shall they ever be with the Lord. Th ess. Relatives Come For Wedding Keep Dad Ship-Shape Look Away GOES FARTHER, TOO! H THE FAC.rv AT THE CHURCHES American Legion Names Officers 1a ■ tjh Phone HA 9-3462 VERNONIA DRUG CO. DARÎGOLD Formerly Shamrock BUTTER . . . You’ll taste its big difference even more on hot foods! NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone HA 9-6341 ANY WAY YÓU LOOK AT IT! . . . the Personal Proper ty Floater is BIG insur ance protection. It covers your clothing, luggage, camera, sports equip ment and other persona! belongings at home or away .. . also your furni ture and household your household equiprrjent. . . against nearly all risks of loss or damage. Let us tell you the com plete story of this grand, broad-coverage policy! VERNONIA INSURANCE Bill J. Horn. Agent Phon« HA 9-6203 — Vernonia 905 Bridge Strwi LOWER COLUMBIA DAIRY ASS'N Astoria Clatskanie