Home Extension Committee Meets The Columbia county Home Extension committee met at the home of Virginia Hansen at Mist, May 25. New members, Edith Rauch and Lucy Avis, were greeted and welcomed into the group by the chairman, Ida Lloyd. Those in attendance were: Ida Lloyd, Deer Island; Margit Pe- tersen, Delena; Doris Baker, Tim ber Route; Virginia Hansen, Mist; Faye Beeler. Warren; Lucy Avis, Columbia City; Edith Rauch, Fern Hill; Margaret M. Allyn, county agent home economics, St. Helens and Louise Gahr, Chapman. Margaret Allyn stated that 76 unit members received 100 per cent attendance awards at Home maker's Festival and sixteen units received either a seal or a certi- I BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon ficate as having achieved all stan. dard goal requirements during the past year. The annual district picnic will be held on July 18 at Ecola Park. All members are invited to at tend. Four counties will be in cluded and all will participate in some way to make this a worth while, interesting affair. New county committee officers are as follows: Mrs. Lester Peter sen, chairman; Mrs. Norman Han- seh, vice-chairman; Mrs. Earl Avis, secretary-treasurer. The annual picnic of the Co lumbia county committee will be held at the Gahr home in Chap man on August 24. Past county committee members are cordially invited to attend. The committee wishes to ex press their sincere thanks and ap preciation to all county newspap- ers which have given the exten- sion service so much fine space this past year. Sell it with an Eagle Want Ad. SEE YOUR LOCAL MATERIALS DEALER for EXTRA QUALITY PORTLAND CONCRETE PIPE Manufactured by BY DON COIN WALHOD County Extension Agent AROUND THE FARM AROUND THE FARM ,dh aof Symphylids are becoming in creasing important and have been causing more than the usual amount of damage this spring ac cording to the number of reports that we have been having and the requests for information on control. Although classed generally as insects, symphylids are actually small animals. They are pearly white in color and adults are about U inch in length. Occa sionally red, orange or green veg etable pigments in the intestinal tract are visible through the body wall. Symphylids have chewing mouth parts but no eyes. Eggs, larvae, and adults can be found in any month of the year. They usually become ac- tive in the upper soil as soon as the soil becomes warm in the spring. The life period has not been determined, but adults have been kept in captivity for over 5 years. Symphylids are principally vegetable feeders. They do their greatest damage by attacking and destroying germinating seeds and seedlings, feeding on roots and root hairs of many plants. In some instances they will feed on fruit or foliage that is in contact with the ground. We have had quite a few instances of this lat ter circumstance reported this year on strawberries. Almost all damage plants are subject to from this pest. In recent years both Oregon State and Washington State col lege have been working on con trol methods for symphylids. This research work has been aided by special grants from vegetable growers organizations. H. E. Mor rison, Associate Entomologist at Oregon State College is handling the investigations that are being made in Oregon. I While assisting with the weeds and crop identification contest at the 4-H Community Day at Vernonia last week, Bob Ma thews indicated that he had re cently completed spraying some of his fence rows with a mixture of dalapon and 2,4-D. The dala pon was to give control of gras ses and the 2,4-D to kill broad- leafed weeds and also some of the brush. Bob indicated that he was interested in such a program because the materials were non- corrosive to the wire, and no dam age resulted to the fence as oc curs when burning fence rows. Most sheepmen of Oregon and neighboring states would recog nize the name of Chuancey Hub bard. Recently we had an op portunity to visit Hubbard and his son while they were readying some of his Hampshire lambs to go out on new pasture. Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Company 5819 S.W. Macadam Ave. KING’S Grocery - Market K hxhxhzhxhxhxhshxhxhxhxhs * >5* J? Zi Do CEnter 0039 EVer 4343 In addition to identifying your business, extra listings are handy for persons in your home whose names are not the same as your own. And they cost even less A West Coaat Telephone Credit Card enables you to charge phone calls to your home or office phone— no matter where you go. Have you applied for yours yet? The Clatskanie Community Day for 4-H and F F A. members has been scheduled for Saturday, July 14. With the increase in 4-H enrollment and F F A. inteuest ini the community, this year the committee will be making plans for a larger show than usual. Final details for the program have not yet been decided on by the committee in charge. The Clatskanie Kiwanis under the direction of their agricultural committee have been the sponsors of this community fair. The city park has been the site for the junior show in past years and im provements have been made to help make it successful. Further improvements are planned for this year. Sell it with an Eagle Want Ad. ADMIRAL Radio TV Appliances • Low Down Payment * 12 Months to Pay. Deep Freeiers. Refrigerators, and appliances of all kinds. GUARANTEED SERVICE 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. — All Makes OAKES RADIO SHOP Phone HA 9-3653 — Riverview EXPENDITURES Current year Actual for Budget first for six months total year Actual operation for year ended June 30, June 30, June 30, 1953 1954 1955 $ 1,980.00 92.24 $ 1.980.00 251.34 $ 2,064.38 61.32 $ 1,039.50 20.55 858.00 858.00 4.37 900.00 450.00 2.76 900 00 10.00 600.00 300 00 888.73 170.46 476.50 600.00 75.00 1,219.42 179.97 476 50 600 00 1,500.00 1,206.42 220.92 476.50 300.00 600 00 500 00 2,200.00 200.00 500.00 ..... 543.92 476.50 *• $ 2,079.00 250.00 7,000 00 3,400.00 3,000.00 3,400.00 8,370.99 750.34 8,409 43 835.53 8,818.34 523.21 4,411.76 470.45 9,009.00 1,000.00 119.00 641.31 314.50 712.90 405.74 343.44 64047 531.30 5,778.12 4,000 00 254.75 5,000.00 4,500.00 750.00 1,000.00 110.00 1,700 00 4,5000.00 990.00 209 93 60 00 1,017.34 478.51 258.77 990.00 209.55 60.00 474.36 441.51 404.90 60.84 743.85 833.70 326 72 1,039.08 202.59 65 00 549.74 497.21 141.11 121.68 1,309.52 910.46 431.45 , 774.28 $34,062.39 $11,600 13 519.54 127.38 616.48 241.35 106.95 537.45 354.72 209.05 $30,670.20 $25,717.14 3,751.08 1,980.00 9,362.02 478.07 1407 1,884.98 6,500.00 3,71984 1,980.00 6.586 27 225.81 67.19 1,625.09 10,000.00 3,938.75 2,093.62 22,165.46 226.25 79.56 1,961.62 1.969.02 1,039 50 3,251.15 81.16 45.01 1,023.18 $ 8,994 26 4,443 91 $66,083.14 $ 5,239.25 4,800 00 $59,961.29 $ 9,074 25 8,452 05 $82,053 95 $ 4,837.51 $23,846.66 1,039.00 200 00 60.00 1,000 00 1,000.00 500 00 60 84 1,500.00 975.00 500.00 1,000 00 $43,542.84 3,938.00 2,079 00 5,000.00 250.00 160.00 2.250.00 9,000.00 $22,677 00 $ 9,000 00 2.500 00 $77,719.84 Fund and Classification Estimate for Fiscal year July I. 1956 io June 30. 1957 GENERAL FUND Recorder Salary Supplies Treasurer Salary Supplies Attorney Salary Legal Service Buildings and Grounds Elections and Publicity Audit Debt Service: Sinking Fund ¡Interest on Bonds Police Department Salaries and Wages Other Expense Fire Department Salaries and Wages Other E’xpense Street and Sewer Salaries Sewer Depart mi’ht Sinking Fund Library Salaries and Wages Supplies Health Officer . Park Cemetery Miscellaneous League of Oregon Cities Bonds and Insurance Employee’s Retirement Fund Social Security Emergency TOTAL WATER FUND Salaries — Superintendent Salaries — Collector Supplies and Maintenance Employee's Retirement Fund Social Security Miscellaneous Labor Sinking Fund TOTAL STATE TAX STREET FUND ROAD DISTRICT NO. 16 FUND Expenditures — Al) Funds $ 2,183.00 250jOO 945.00 10.00 600.00 500.00 3.000 00 200 OO 500.00 7,000 00 3,400 00 9,402.00 1,250.00 1.500.00 1,000.00 1,700 00 4,500.00 1,091.00 200 00 60.00 1.500 00 1,000 00 500 00 60.84 1,500.00 1,025.00 525 OO 1,000.00 $46,401 84 $ 4,135.00 2,183 00 6,500.00 265 00 175.00 2,250.00 7,000 00 $22,508.00 $13,000 00 $ 5 000 00 $86 909 84 RECEIPTS Current year Actual for Budget first for six months total year Actual operation for year ended June 30 June 30 June 30 1955 1954 1953 Customers and friends can locate you instantly through extra "white section" listings that assure quick, convenient identification of key company personnel. Call your telephone business office. Clatskanie Community Day Due Saturday, July 14 ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- H-tlt r Extra White Section Listings Cost Only l’Ac per day Most strawberry growers have been dusting for the control of aphids. During the piekipg sea son it was necessary, in the past, to withhold treatments, but now new Federal regulations will per mit dusting with malathion within 3 days of harvest. Last year 10 days between the time of treat ment and time of harvest was re quired. With this change many growers will be able to maintain effective control by treating be tween pickings during part of the season. 195« 7 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the budget committee of the city of Vernonia, Columbia County. Oregon, a municipal corporation has filed in the office of the levying board, to wit; the City Council of said city, its detailed estimates of the total amount of receipts, and also the total amount of money proposed to be raised by taxation and expended by said municipal corporation for all purposes for the period from July 1, 1956 to June BUS 1957 which estimates are as follows: 997.60 1,562.14* 70.22 Doe, John - Doe, John r */•’ t- f Doe, John r 121: •< s . Doe, John . io , Doe, John : d »Doe, John ; 12Ó i. -».ci Doe, John . 74 Doe, John i Smith & Doe, Pub. Accts. Apex Bldg Residence, 129 Palm Doe, John : L. ik ■ Recognizing that parasites are one of the bigger problems con fronting sheepmen, Hubbard and his son were in the process of protecting their flock and their investment by worming the flock. Special "guns” were being used. These "guns” delivered a meter ed dose and had an attached reservoir. Following the latest information for the treatment, each lamb received a dose of ounce of 5% coppersulfate solu tion. After 11 second this was followed by a dose of one ounce of phenothiazine. The purpose of the copper sulfate is to close the esophageal groove in the throat so that the phenothiazine will reach the right portion of the stomach. 11 seconds are re quired for this to take place. The time required to treat such ani- mals amounted to very little more than this 11 seconds. 7. NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING CApiiol 8-8334 SNXHXHXHSHXHZMZKSMZKZHZH^ H H H Phone HA 9-S015 Riverview H "Where Your Money Buys More" At the Mile Bridge H H ALWAYS — Top Quality H £ ALWAYS — Best Prices H H ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery H H —From your home-owned independent grocery. H H Trade Independent. Z M H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING X H THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, JUNE 83963 1,804 01 560 00 1,116 52 267 50 652.76 $ 3,020 00 4,000 00 1,200.00 500 00 200 00 1,400 00 100 00 11,724.96 2,787.06 1,200 00 12,530 84 3.704 34 24,060 15 8,999.95 23,121 58 7,387.03 16,724 04 11,805 71 4,378 79 2,317.00 9,069 00 24,000 00 8.400 00 3,000.00 5,178 48 10,541 82 $70,824 57 9,680 48 1,385.79 $71,248 80 4,590 60 319 52 $49 163 14 9,000 00 2 500 00 $77,71984 $ 3,704 34 6,383 27 1,150 00 1,834.70 451 25 2.265 76 119.20 $ 6,726 44 4,515 74 1,175.00 1,436.40 292.50 2,268.7» 121.00 9,781 63 11,431.46 12,903 85 24,942 30 10.087 64 1,739.50 $75.362.44 $ 3,985.70 6,061 96 1,12500 2,210.95 342 50 2,039.91 141.50 ‘ $ Fund and Classification Estimate for Fiscal year. July 1. 1956 fo June 30. 1957 GENERAL FUND Cash Balance— Beginning of Year Fines and Licenses $ 5,329 84 4,000 OO 1,200.00 500 00 200 IMI 1,400.00 100 0» Miscellaneous Cemetery State Liquor Allocation County Dog License Fees Less isUmate of Uncollectible Taxes Revenue from General Tax Levy TOTAL WATER FUND Cash Balance— Reginning of Year Water Rentals Sewer Use Charge Connection Fee TOTAL STATE TAX STREET FUND Allocation from Stat<C ROAD DISTRICT NO. 16 FUND Receipts All Funds (1,500 00) 13,280 00 $24,509 84 $10.000 00 24.000 00 8,400 00 2,000 00 $44,400 OO $13,000 00 « 5,000 OO $86,909 84 SUMMARY Estimated Expenditures— General Fund Water Fund State Tax Street Fund Road District No. 16 Fund Estimated Receipts (except from taxation)— General Fund Water and Sewer Fund State Tax Street Fund ... Road District No. 16 Fund Amount to be raised by direct tax WITHIN 6% LIMITATION IN FXCE9«; of 60 LIMITATION $46.401 84 $22,508 00 «13 000 00 $ 5,000 00 $11,229 84 »44,400 00 $1.1.000 00 $ 5,000 00 »13 280 00 TOTAL $86,909 84 TOTAL $73,629 84 «86 909 84 $13.2*0.00 NONE And notice is hereby given the said City Council of said City sitting as a levying board, will hold a meeting in the city hall in the City of Vernonia. Columbia County, Oregon, on Monday evening, June 18. 1956 at the hour of 8:00 o’clock p m. standard time, at which time and place all persons who shall be subject to such tax levy, when the same shall be made may appear and be heard in favor or against said tax levy, or any part thereof. Dated this 21st day of May, 1956 A L. Kullander, Chairman, Rudgct Committee ATTEST Sam L. Hearing, Recorder Tom Bateman, Clerk, Budget Committee Lyman G. Hawken Mayor ____________________ 5-13—6-7 «