6 THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1956 FOR SALE—General ( THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. LEGAL NOTICE BURBANK and Red Early Rose seed potatoes for sale. Ed Siedel- man, McDonald or Pebble creek road. 23t I Estate of JOHN A ERICKSON Attorney Bruce Y. Curry, 3897 N.E. Union Ave., Portland. Ore. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ONE 1 HP centrifugal irrigation In the County Court of the pump. $90. Inquire Guy Thom State of Oregon for the County as at West Oregon Electric of of Columbia, Probate Depart fice. 2313c ment. FOR SALE: Finished lumber, Notice is hereby given that the new, sufficient for building room undersigned, H. Kenneth Ander 10’ by 12'. See at 457 North St. sen has been appointed executor 22t3 of the estate of J ;hn A. Erickson, FOR SALE: Used chain saws. deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia Ted’s Saw Shop. Riverview. 22tfc County, and he qualified. All persons having claims against CASH PAID for furniture, live said estate are hereby notified stock, machinery, tools any time to present the same, duly verified Forest Grove Auction. L. R Senfl as by law required, to the under and C. W. Christiansen, owners signed at 3307 N.E. Union Ave and auctioneers. Phone 7615. nue, Portland, Oregon, within six 16tfc months from the date hereof. Date first published May 17, SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill 1956. dirt. Call HA 9 6829, A.G. Os Last published June 14, 1956. trander. 26t52c II. Kenneth Anderson, Executor FOR SALE—Real Estate Bruce Y. Curry, Attorney. 30t5c HOMES MODERN 2 bedroom home plus NOTICE TO RESIDENTS sun porch and full basement. 1 Notice is hereby given residents block from business district. of the City of Vernonia in accor Quick sale, $2600 cash dance with Ordinance No. 163 to 2-BEDROOM home, utility porch cut and remove and keep cut and fruit room. Close to mill. from their property and from the Only $2500. Terms. half of the stseet abutting the 22tlc property, all weeds, grass and FARMS noxious vegetation more than 10 3'i ACRES on highway; 2-rm. inches in heighth during the house, and other outbuildings. months of June, July, August and All cleared and level. Creek September. borders. Price, $1,000. Some A. D. Lolley i terms. City Marshal 23t3c 117 ACRES, 60 in cultivation, on IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Nehalem river, including 8 room modern house, barn and I THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY garage. Also irrigation system. Notice is hereby given that the Some pulp wood Price $13,700 I undersigned has been appointed $5000 will handle. iestamento SEE ME for farms and acreage. | administrator cum i annexo of the estate of Joseph DON BAYLEY. BROKER Palace Cafe Bldg. Ph. HA 9-5225. J Banzer, deceased, by the County 2211 c I Court of the State of Oregon for ■ Columbia County and it has qua- BUMP Sc MEYER. PROPERTIES J lified. AND INS. INC. All persons having claims 1930 Council St.. F. G. Oregon against said estate are hereby Phone Forest Grove 4061 notified to present the same, duly Phone Vernonia Branch Office verified as by law’ required, to I HA 9 6058 the undersigned at its banking I H. T. Hudson, Riverview house in the City of Vernonia, In Vernonia: I Oregon, within six months from 1-BEDROOM home, Riverview. the date hereof. Partly furnished. $1000. First publication May 10, 1956. SMALL modern 2-bdrm. home on Final publication June 7, 1956. 80’ by 100’ lot. $2350. Tmio. THE UNITED STATES NA- I 2 STORY, 3-bdm. on 5 lots. At TIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND tractive lawn and garden. Fruit Administrator cum Iestamento nuts and chickenhouses. A buy annc-xo. at $4900 GEORGE G. VAN NATTA LISTINGS WANTED immmedi- Attorney for Administrator. ately especially for clean 3 or _________________________ 19t5c 4-bdrm. houses. Rentals handl ed also. 23tlc LOST AND FOUND 83 o T' h ILL^""" _ __ WANTED: Someone to mow grass occasionally and throw in wood. In Riverview Inquire at Ver nonia F.agle office. 23tl WANTED: Housekeeper for fa mily of three. $75 per month plus room and board. Mrs Dane Brady 1IA 9 5948 22t3c STRAWBERRY Pickers wanted at Frank Bailey farm at Buxton. Picking will begin between June 10 and 15. Contact Celeste Poet, ter, HA !> 3432. or George John- sqp. HA 9-3562. 22t3c WANTED Farm listing, large or small. Have buyers waiting Ed L Winter. Realtor, AT 2-7334, 545 N E Killingsworth. Portland 11, Oregon Or call or write M S. Thompson, farm salesman, BU 9 0577 Utfc HIGHEST cash nrices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery. Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126._________________________ 14tfc NOTICE___________ ____ rilE ANNUAL school election of District No 50 Mist, Columbia County, Oregon, will tie held at the School House on Monday, June 18, from 2 pm until 8 pm. Notices are posted in the usual places. Myrtle Mathews, Clerk 23t2c Mr, and Mrs. Noble Dunlap were Saturday evening guests of the Robert Lindsays. T&e LOng’BeH LUMBER COMPANY Vernonia Division Bride Elect Given Shower Mrs. Earl Ray of Forest Grove and Mrs. Jack Odam were hos tesses last Saturday evening for a bridal shower honoring Miss Kathleen Sauer whose marriage to Dick Gwin will be an event of June 16. The shower was held at the home of Mrs. Ray’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stiff. Games wore played during the evening with prizes going to Mrs. Alois Sauer, mother of the bride elect; Mrs. Homer Gwin, mother of the groom, and to Miss Pa tricia Hickman who also is to be married later this summer. Gifts were piled high on a table decorated with crepe paper streamers and centered with the bride and grjom ornament used on the wedding cake of Mrs. Ray. After the many lovely gifts were opened and admired, straw berry shortcake and lemonade were served by the hostesses, as sisted by Miss Patricia Hickman and Miss Marylvn Good who came out from Portland for the affair. Most of the prizes at the trap shoot held at the ball park on O.A. Hill Sunday by the Vernonia Trap club were taken home by marksmen from Banks both be cause of their skill and because of a dirth of Vernonia competi- tion. Inclement weat her un- doubtedly contributed to thc small attendance. Another shoot will be held June 24 and one is planned for each month from now until fall, according to information released by Lloyd Quinn who is heading the committee arranging for the trap shoots. FOR RENT______ FOR RENT: Apt. available about July 1. Couple only. See Ed Burton, Riverview. 23tfc FOR RENT: 3-rm. house, partly furnished. Suitable for bachelor or nuddleagi'd couple. Mrs. Frank Mills, First St., Riverview. 2lt3c LARGE furn. apt. 4 rooms and bath. Electric range and auto matic hot water. See at 117 North St., or phone HA 9-3642. 21tfc Auxiliary Backs Plan To Aid Olympics Fund In order to help publicize a plan which will provide a fund to pay the expenses of the Ameri can athletes at the Australian Olympics this fall, the members of the American Legion auxiliary at their meeting Tuesday night decided to help get a collection started of the boxtops for which 10c will be donated by a large cleaning products firm. Youth organization will be contacted. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nichols have agreed to act as retailer coordi nators and boxtops and soap wrapper may be left at their va riety store until further plans are announced. The project has been widely advertised in newspapers, magazines and over TV and ra dio. Collection should be corn» pleted by July 14. * —Office Supplies at the Eagle— DR. VOTAW OPTOMETRIST Sundland Building Tuesdays and Saturdays Drink 3 glasses of Milk every day...4 for children Pekbh* Creek Shtirv , a Henry H. and Isabel Anderegg Mist Route HA 9-5123 EVERYTHING FOR THE FISHERMAN, HANDYMAN AND GARDENER FOR RENT__________ FOR RENT: Furnished apt $30 per mo. Inquire at Eagle office. 23t2 FOR RENT: Apartment 830 2nd St. _______________________ 4-25-57 FURNISHED APTS: 3 rooms: shower, electric range, oil heat, and frigidaire. Riverview Apts. ____________________________ 20tfc OPTOMETRISTS: Dr. V. J. Horn* and Dr. R. V. Lane* Across from Texaco Wednesdays APARTMENT for rent 2 bed rooms, bath, dinette, living rm. Completely furnished See Ha zel Shipman at Drug Store. ____________________________ 15tfc r I I CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to thank all those who helped so willingly with the ne cessary work when the Blood- mobile was here last week. We are especially grateful to Mr. C. L. Anderson for his cooperation in letting the men come from the null and in providing a car to bring them. Our deep apprecia- tion to all those who 'donated blood and helped Vernonia so nearly r^ach its quota. Mrs. Glen Hawkins, Red Cross Chairman Mrs Perry McFarland. Chair man in charge of arrange- - mints. 23tlc — I THURSDAY, JUNE 7 I Home of Mrs. Judd Greenman, | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick Nehalem Circle, Neighbors of 8:00 p.m. • were Memorial day guests of Mr. Woodcraft — I OOF hall, 8:00 V.F.W. Auxiliary — VFW hall, ! and Mrs. O. T. Bateman. p.m. 8:00 p.m. RUMMAGE SALE, across from A F.&A M. Vernonia Lodge No. Vernonia Lodge No. 246, IOOF— Bush Furn. June 15. 16. Ruth 184 — Masonic Temple, 8:00 IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Circle. E.U.B. 2213c p.m. Junior Promenaders—Union hall, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zimmerman IWA Local 5-37, A.F.L.-C.I.O.— 7:00 p.m. returned Saturday from a trip to Union hall, 7:30 p.m. California where they visited Winema Grange — Birkenfeld, with his son in Sacramento and 8:00 p.m. his daughter in Los Angeles. FRIDAY, JUNE 8 Sgt. and Mrs. Don Cline are Columbia County Extension of the parents of a 6 pound, 14 ounce fice radio program — K-LOG, • daughter born Tuesday, June 5, 12:15 p.m. j at the Tongue Point Naval hos Stamp Club — City hall, 7:00 pital. Grandparents are Mr. and p.m. Mrs. Dane Brady and Mr. and Natal Grange party night — Na Mrs. Merl Cline. Mrs. Cline and tal hall, 8:00 p.m. the children are moving soon to Fraternal Order of Eagles and < Vernonia where they will reside auxiliary — Eagles hall, 8:00 while he is in Labrador whe?e p.m. he is being sent in July. SATURDAY, JUNE 9 At Multnomah School of the Vernonia Grange — Hall by golf Bible’s commencement exercises course, 8:00 p.m. held Tuesday evening at Grant SUNDAY. JUNE 10 high school in Portland, Miss Annual Nehalrtn Valley Pioneer Darlene Morgan received her di meeting — Birkenfeld, 10:00 ploma for having completed the a.m. standard three-year course of MONDAY, JUNE 11 study. Darlene graduated from Chamber of Cojpmerce board of Vernonia high school in 1952. directors — West Oregon of Four people had identified fice, 8:30 p.m. numbers at Brunsmans up to Liens Club — Work detail at Wednesday morning. They were park, 6:00 p.m. followed by din Mrs. Dave Jeanotte, Alice Buck ner at VFW hall. ner, Connie Benson and Gilbert Nehalem Assembly No. 18, Or Hunteman. The store is open for der of Rainbow for Girls—Ma business as t^ual during the re sonic Temple, 7:30 p.m. modeling work on the front and Harding Lodge No. 116, Knights is offering many items on special of Pythias — IOOF hall, 8:00 sale during the remodeling. pm. Page rank—Guests from WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13 Troop 201, Boy Scouts — City park cabin, 7:00 p m. Vernonia Temple No. 61, Py thian Sister — IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Nehalem Social club, O.E.S. — Home of Mrs. Bert Brunsman, 8:00 p.m. Veterans of Foreign Wars—VFW I hall, 8:00 p.m. Banks Marksmen Cop Prizes Here on Sunday LOST: Bicycle from grade school graduation night. Will person who has it please leave it at The Eagle office. Mrs. J. E. Rose. 23tlc Neat 2 bedroom corner home. Chicken house and garage. At tractively priced at $6750. Al most half acre. Easy terms. Owner will show. Hollywood I LOST: Diamond ring. Reward. Realty. Portland. ATlantic 4- • Call Mrs. Dow. HA 9-6724. 22t3c 2347. 21t3c 1 WANTED St. Helens. JUNE 12 TOWN TOPICS DATES TO REMEMBER ■ Chapter TUESDAY, BS, PEO Sisterhood I Sporting Goods, Houseware, Appliances, Builders Hardware — HA 9-6131 IDEAS FROM SAM'S FOR YOUR TABLE NEEDS — » » Honey Grahams I ' ! I Snowflake Crackers I I [ I • ! I• ! I I » ! Slaiglit ow" Hardware Triangle Thins Shredded Wheat » » : ALL MADE BY NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY I FINE Grocaries Meats—Vegetables SAM’S FOOD STORE Free Delivery HA 9 5501