4 THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1956 District Officer's Dinner Attended by Art Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Art Gardner at tended a dinner at the El Som brero restaurant in Portland last week given by the Lions club district governor, “Ink” Koeber, for the officers of district 36-0. Mr. Gardner is deputy district governor. Grand Lodge Meets June 13 The Grand lodge o( Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Oregon will hold their one hun dred-sixth annual communication in the Masonic Temple, S.W. Park and Main street, Portland, Ore gon, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 13, 14 and 15. Ernest J. Bolliger, most wor shipful grand master of Masons in Oregon, will open the commu. nication at 10 a m. Wednesday, with one of the highlights of the session Wednesday evening when the annual banquet and entertain ment will be held. One hundred lodges in the states are expected to send three delegates from each lodge making a total of 570 voting delegates, besides many dignitaries from other jurisdictions who have made reservations for this im portant communication. Grand lodge officers from Washington, California, Idaho, Iowa and Geor gia will attend the Oregon com munication. Local Masons from Vernonia Lodge No. 184 who are expected to attend are: Reggie Watson, worshipful master and some of the other officers. End Calcium Starvation... drink THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE Grant-Dass Vows Given on Sunday Baskets of summer flowers and lighted candles formed the set ting for the wedding of Miss Jeannette Dass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Dass of Mist route, and Marion Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Grant of Silverton, which was solemnized Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock at the Evangelical United Brethren church in Vernonia with the Re verend F. M. Knoll officiating. Wedding music was played by Mrs. Lois Clark at the piano and Mrs. L. H. Thomas at the organ, and before the ceremony, Ber nard Dowling sang “Bless This House” and "Because”. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of white bridal satin with train and finger tip length veil and carried a bouquet of white carnations centered with an orchid. Maid of honor was the bride’s sister, Miss Gladys Dass of Seat tle, who wore a dress of yellow chiffon and lace and floral head- band and carried an arm bouquet of salmon pink gladioli. Brides maid was Miss Maxine Oblack who wore a dress of green chif fon and floral headband, and car ried a bouquet like that of the maid of honor. The maid of hon. or and bridesmaid also lighted the candles before the ceremony Flower girls were two small nieces of the bride, Nancy and Carol Armstrong of Portland, who carried baskets of rose petals which they scattered as the bndt? came down the aisle. Best man was Fred Grant, bro ther of the groom, and ushers were Archie Dass, brother of the bride, and Don Armstrong and Tom Young. At the reception held in the church parlors following the cere mony, the beautifully decorated I three tiered wedding cake was served by Mrs. Don Armstrong of Portland and Mrs. Tom Young of Seattle presided at the punch bowl. Miss Maxine Oblack had charge of the guest book. Immediately following the re ception, the couple left on a honeymoon trip. On their return they will make their home at Na- I tai for the time being. Eighth Grade Class Is Feted After Graduation of milk every day Nehalem Dairy Phone HA 9-5313 VERNONIA, ORE. Mrs. Verle Barker, Mrs. Wil bur McKenney and Mrs. James Ellis were hostesses for a party at the Barker home after eighth grade graduation last Tuesday evening for the members of the graduating class. The rooms were decorated in the school colors, maroon and gold, and a sock hop was enjoyed by all. Chili, hotdogs and pop were served to the guests to make the evening one of complete enjoy ment long to be remembered. I Vows Exchanged Saturday By Clatskanie Couple I In a simple ceremony at the I Methodist church in Kelso, Wash City Members Here for Club ' THE VERNONIA EAGLE ♦ t t i • i t : > N 0 W! Kill lawn so stay PROOF OF vA GREATER CONVERSION T a FEEDING CROWN ✓ HI-ENERGY BROILER FEED CROWN Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher II Hurry ... io your friendly Safeway store and take advantage of the gigantic values waiting for you from now until June 17th. Ai SAFEWAY, when you buy the dozen or case, you are stretching that precious family budget and are getting much more for your money. So hurry, follow the crowds io the nearest SAFEWAY during the big "Stock-up Sale" and save, save, save. Teacher Wed Saturday In Rites at Vancouver Mrs. Launee Miller and Jed Cousins were married Saturday, June 2 at Vancouver, Washing ton with Mrs. Miller’s daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Caramella and their daughter, Janice, as witnesses. That even ing, a neighborhood reception was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cousins at the Caramella home in Milwaukie. The Cousins will leave this week end on a trip to California and other points of interest. Mon- day they were in Vernonia to move Mrs. Cousins’ things from the Burton apartments where she has made her home the past several years while teaching first grade at the Washington school. COLDBROOK BRAND II ERBT • Tines guaranteed against breakage? A Few Flower Plants Lef — Substantial Discount This Week End i CANS ¿¿j $2.98 DOZEN CANS New Potatoes 5 w All chemical weed killers aren't alike. If you want a weed killer that gets deep down into the root system and kills thoroughly and permanently, you need Weedone. What Weedone kills stays killed. First and still the best-known name in selective chemical weed killers. Weedone contains the powerful 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. It kills dandelions, plantains, poison ivy, poison oak, honeysuckle, bram bles, and over 100 other weeds and woody plants. Yet Weedone doesn’t injure the grass ... is harmless to people and pets. This summer have the weedfree lawn of your dreams. Make sure you get Weedone: hirst with the kill that lasts. S-oz. eanSl l-qt. can S2.75 1-gal. can $e.7S WEEDONE EASY WEED-AWAY SPRAYER Fits any standard gal. or H-gal. jug 39c At garden-supply and hardware stores AMERICAN CHEMICAL FAINT CO - Ambler, Pa.-Niles, Calif. Originators of 2,4-0 and 2,4,S-T Wood Killer« Feed — Seed — Fertilizer — Building Materials — Cement — Paint ------------------------------------- Vernonia, Oregon DOZEN BOTTLES Kidney Beans No. 300 can GREEN BEANS Taste Tells No. 300 can Pinto Beans No. 300 can Cream Style — No. 303 Can Blackeye Peas No. 300 can Mex. Chili Beans No. 300 can DEL MONTE CORN Butter Beans No. 300 can Chili Beans No. 300 can Gardenside Cream Style — No. 303 Can No. 300 can Spaghetti Pork & Ecans Grapefruit Blended Tomato Juice 46-oz. cans $1.00 3 46-oz. cans 3 46-oz. cans f.sh.ng• Thovgb’ful componen bright, new onmversary pockoge to remember’ The liçM, refreshing beer tho» belong« ref«e»b*rt9 bee» We cordially invite you to visit us B •»« Wemhord1 ’he light, when . . and see how The Light Refreshing Beer is brewed Guided tours 10 A M. to i PM. M nda 8/S1 $1.49 $2.95 8/$l $1.49 $5.95 6/S1 $1.98 $3.95 8/S1 $1.49 $2.95 6/$l $1.98 $3.95 4/$l $2.98 $5.95 3/25c $1.00 $3.95 5/$l $2.39 $4.75 10/SI $1.19 $2.35 Highway, Yellow — No. 2'z Can 46-oz. cans CLING PEACHES $5C < Pooch Brand. Nutritious — 1-Lb. Can DOG FOOD Everyone Loves Wonderful 4 46-oz. cans Hi C Punch 3 46 -oz. cans 85C TOMATOES Garnet. Fancy — No. 303 Can DICED BEETS ’ CHOICE” Grade Beef Trimmed Before Weighing Full Pint 29C 6 Pkgs. 25C COTTAGE CHEESE KOOL AID STEAK 4-oz. Tin 49C BLACK PEPPER S2.57 CANE SUGAR 10-lb. Sack $1-02 CHOC. DAIRY DRINK lb. Pkg. 45< CHERUB MILK 3 Tall Cans 40C KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR 10-lb. SI.05 WHITE SATIN 25-lb. Sack QQ- 3-lb. Can W ROYAL SATIN APRICOTS BING CHERRIES California Sunklst Fancy Quality LEMONS FRESH CORN FANCY BANANAS lb. 29C lb. 39C lb. 19C 2 Ears 25C lb. 19c lb. IOC Orand for Cold Blow CABBAGE lb. 19C lb. 15C 37C half gal. 59< 08C 2-lb. SI.95 SUNRISE MACARONI ZIPPY DILLS COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE 4-lb. pkg. 1-lb. 1-lb. 96C 2-lb. SI.91 lb. MJB COFFEE CANTERBURY TEA SI.03 2-lb. SI.95 1-lb. can SI.05 SHORTENING HAMBURGER BUNS 43 bags 62C 3-lb. Can 99{ Pkg. 25C Safeway sells only “USDA CHOICE” grade .. . trimmed of excess fat and bone .. . juicy and tender...guaran teed perfect eating POT ROAST BOILING BEEF SHORT RIBS “CHOICE” Plate Cuts “USDA CHOICE” Beef “CHOICE” Steer Beef BLADE CUTS LB. Round Bone Trimmed Before 1 Weighing TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SAFEWAYS VEÄL SÄLE! Look Af These Low Prices ... LB. 1 Aged for I Flavor LB. 1 A W0 “CHOICE” Beef Cutfc of Standing RIB ROAST............ lb. 65c WIENERS - - - - - Ea.Sl.00 85 MEAT PIES - - 8-oz. pie 27c Or Tender LB. 75 LUCKY LAGER 0 12-oz. cans $1-10 3 Bu. 14 SWEET PEAS lb. 19C Radishes BEVERAGES 2 32-oz. btl. 35C SLICED BACON - - - lb. 49c lb. 19C CUCUMBERS LB. 19 POTATOES POTATO CHIPS 6’/2- . Pkg. 39C New White 5-lb. Bag 69C ORANGES 3.8 LUCERNE MILK Va-Gal. 43C Rose Shafters 10 Lb 69 CORNED BEEF TONGUE LB. 98 CHOCOLATE MILK Qi. 22C U S D A CHOICE” Beef qq . Leg Roast ^mp LB. 65 “ 3V4 ICE CREAM Of. 49C half gal. 89C to 4^-lbs Avg LB. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE TERRIFIC SAFEWAY SAVINGS ONLY SAFEWAY BRINGS YOU STOCK-UP VALUES LIKE THESE CAULIFLOWER SQUASH Grocery prices in this advertisement are in effect through Saturday, June 16, at Safeway in Vernonia. Meat and produce prices are subject to change after June Iff. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Every item Safeway sells is unconditionally guaranteed. it i time for something spec > q H 3 Hi C Grape "BEST" BEER 6-can Pack 89C oz Discover for yovrxlf »he hgh» refreshing beer m it> SI So Cool and Refreshing. Local G-own for GRAPEFRUIT Hi C Orange 4 46-oz. cans 85^ All Purpose Shortening GREEN ONIONS Sceme No»»hwt»t iktomi $3.89 APPLESAUCE Tops for the Hot Days Ahead. HERE'S MORE EVERYDAY . . . LOW PRICES AT SAFEWAY Lb. 15c So Firm and QQ e Red Ripe 10-oz. Tube $1.95 Highway, Slightly Sweetened — No. 303 Can ‘Lemonade Base ‘Blended Base ‘Grape Base ‘Tropical Punch ‘Orange Base Every melon selected by the Safeway buyers is chosen with utmost care to assure you of the finest melon money can buy. We guarantee every melon or your money will be cheerfully re funded. TOMATOES 6/S1 Highway, th? Finest — No. 303 Can 4 46-oz. cans Pineapple REAL GOLD CANTALOUPE 13 $2.95 Gardenside, A Real Value — No. 2'n Can THIS WEEK-ENDS PRODUCE FEATURE Lb. $1.49 ASPARAGUS I IP 2-OZ BUTTER BEANS Local Grown 8/S1 Gaidenside. Center Cut — No. 300 Can Lalam Hawaiian — 12 Cans $2.95 Blend O’Gold — 12 Cans $3.39 Tomato Juice LETTUCE $4.75 PORK & BEANS REAL SAVINGS ON FRUIT JUICES Libby’s Brand — 12 Cans $3.39 8 No. 300 can Case of 12 Cans Finest Imitation Lb. $2.39 Van Camp in Tomato Sauce — No. 300 Can Sunnydawn — 12 Cans $2.95 Whole Melon Slice, lb. 8 j 2C CASE 5/S1 SWEET CORN Taste Tells 13U2-OZ. CANS DOZ. Gardenside. Cut — No. 303 Can Taste Tells Rel-Air Frozen Premium Quality Strawberries. Doz. Pkgs. WATERMELONS SANTIAM BEANS No. 303 can Lima Beans STRAWBERRIES • i i i • I i I j I i i i $1.98 No. 300 can Townhouse—12 Cans $2.95 Villi *1 32-OZ. BOT. Kidney Beans Diced Carrots ClI HMD A A Woodbury Brand vw Regular SI.00 Now VDNTTTD Westag Brand INSTANT MILK EXTRA SAVINGS WHEN YOU BUY THE DOZEN OR CASE Marion Su-Purb, The New Blue Detergent. Cleans Clothes Whiter. Reg. 52c Ea. 40-OUNCE PACKAGE t I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I 6 ■j CANS No. 300 can BLUE DETERGENT COMPLETE FARM STORE FOR THE NEHALEM VALLEY Phone HA 9-5985 APPLE JUICE TRY "LAC MIX" NON FAT EACH TAMALES Just Heat and Serve. Regular 23c Each — Save 15c on 5 Cans. . MSTwOKSSb WiAMZ LASTS • 2’ i or 3 hp. engine. TUNA FISH Finest Quality. All light meat Tuna Fish. Taste Tells I I REAL SAVINGS ON WESTFAIR LOOK WHAT Ig'àft WILL BUY POLLY ANN PASTRY FEATURE Regular Price 29c Each. Kitchen Fresh. PACKAGE OF 8 ROLLS j I f I NO CINNAMON ROLLS I I SEA TRADER CHUNK STYLE WHITE STAR Chunk Style Tuna Reg. 31c ea. Save 24c on 4 can?. DOZEN CANS : those weeds they jdljed_! A SENSATIONAL VALUE MARGARINE I r SOMETHING SPECIAL Time y j u 'AFFILIATE Trading' Cnnopany * IG STOCK-UP NATION AL EDITORIAL I I a sTo c T a t io, n WEEDONE • Does better work More jobs... with more attachments! 5 its sensotiono/f Don't miss these vs foes f Entered as second class mail natter, Augast 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia. Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else where $3.50. F 0 >jtrr t) ■À. A J, • Powr Flo Drive Easiest to use? THURSDAY. JUNE 7. 19& Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon ington Saturday, June 2, Edna Three members of the Past Heenan and Charles Anderson Chiefs club who now reside in of Clatskanie were married with Portland were here Monday ev- i ening to attend the meeting h'dd the Reverand E. Wolfe officiat ' at the home of Mrs. M. J. Lamp- ing. Friends who accompanied I ing Sr. which drew an attend them to Kelso for the ceremony ance of 14. Those coming from were Oda Wilson and Lloyd Portland were Mrs. Tressie Mich- ener, Mrs. Ethel Schmidt and Ackerman of Clatskanie. Mrs. June Willis who is tempor Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are arily in Portland while taking a leaving Friday on a trip on which course at a beauty school. they will visit Idaho, D enver, the Plans were made during the Grand Canyon and various points evening for future activities of interest in California before which include the making of an returning to Clatskanie where afghan to be sold to help raise funds for the Pythian Sister con they will make their home. vention which will be held in Vernonia next year. j Interesting announcement made Thirtieth Anniversary during the evening was that an Prompts Surprise Party other club member, Edna Heenan Mr. and Mrs. Dane Brady who of Clatskanie, had been married celebrated their thirtieth wedding on Saturday. Messages of con anniversary recently were given gratulations were sent to her and a surprise party by relatives and her husband. friends who assembled and came Plans were made for a potluck to the Brady home. -Guests in dinner to be held at the home of cluded Mr. and Mrs. Otto Cant Mrs. J. C. Sawyer July 9. a week well, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Elliott, later than the usual meeting date Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ervin Smith of Sea which cam; during the July 4 ■ side, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ber- vacation week. l gerson of Warrenton, Mr. and Delicious refreshments were i Mrs. Alvin Kaufman of Cedar served by the hostess and the Mills, Sgt. and Mrs. Don Cline hostess prize was drawn by Mrs. of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner. Larry Brady and family and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Brady and family. —Office Supplies at the Eagle_ i I i I i i i i i i j i I i i i i t i i i < I I 1 i t i i i i i i i i ♦ i i i i t i i I i i I I THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE Loin Chops Sdycr Rib Chops £i^rge Breast of Veal Round Steak LB.