TOPICS OF THE TOWN Gueits of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson Memorial day were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Culbertson and Miss Nancy Daniels of Port land. Th» Sunday before Memorial day, Mrs. Pearl Wilkerson went to Warren where she was joined by her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Burford Wilkerson of Tilla mook, for a visit to the Warren Memorial cemetery where Mr. Wilkerson rests. Mr. and Mrs. George Remnant spent from Saturday to Wednes day of last week at Vancouver, B. C. visiting relatives and friends. Guest last week end of Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Argo was their daughter, Frances Argo, who is employed by the Veteran’s Bur eau of Seattle. RUMMAGE SALE, across from Bush Furn. June 15. 16. Ruth Circle, E.U.B. 22t3c Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wells moved last week end to Portland where he is now employed by Timber Structures. Two girls from the Vernonia high school junior class have found summer employmsnt in private homes in the Portland area. Ruby Wells is with a fam ily in Portland and Janice Garn er is taking care of children for a family in Oswego. Rev. and Mrs. L. Austin Shelt on welcomed a baby daughter, Kristel Joy, May 28 at Tuality Community hospital, Hillsboro. She joins an older sister, Janice Lynn. Mrs. Corinne Wall of Salem arrived here Saturday for a vis it with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander were at Independence Sunday to visit relatives and to take note of progress on their new home which is under construction at that place. They were accompan ied by Mr. and Mrs. John Grady. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wildi ana David moved last week end to Reedsport. Their daughter, Patsy, will remain here for a few weeks with Gretchen Bolmeier and will then make a trip to Nebraska with Mr. and Mrs. George Pet ers before going to Reedsport. A group of fishermen, includ ing Tom Bateman, Harold McEn tire, Bill Johnson, Bill Ferguson, Eugene Dove, Earl Dove of Rain- •9oi/ Theatre JUNE 7-8 THURS..*FRI. BACKLASH Richard Widmark - Donna Reed JUNE 9 SATURDAY THE YEARLING Jane Wyman - Gregory Peck SUN., MON. JUNE 10-11 TRIBUTE TO A BAD MAN James Cagnej^ - Don Dubbins SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE WITH THESE VALUES! M.J.B. Instant Coffee 6-0«. Jar $-| 55 1 Betty Crocker Devils Food Qi c Cake Mix 20-oz. Pkg. O 1 Ghiradelli Chocolate Chips 6-oz. Pkg. 19' Dennison's Chili Con Carne With Beans 15'r-oz. Can Libby's Fancy Cream Style Corn No. 303 Can Del Monte Chunk Style Tuna 6'2-0«. Can Green Tag Bartlett Pears OQ‘ Mixed Pieces 2't Can Surf Detergent Q Reg. Size J Pkgs. 40 ' U.S. Choice Beef. Chuck Roast Qrfc Lb. Tastewell Cheese J-Pound Package Merrell's Pure Fresh QQC Pork Sausage Lb. Roll THESE PRICES GOOD AS LONG AS PRESENT STOCK LASTS MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS i Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A.M. * 3 P.M.—Ph. HA 9 3492 i week at Paulina lake. If patrons of the Safeway meat market think the butcher who is here for two weeks while Bob Montgomery is on vacation looks like someone they know, per haps they met him on TV. Pat Shelton of Oswego, has appeared with Betty Davis on her KOIN I Kitchen program in a series on cuts of meat sponsored by Swift and Company. Bruce Hoyt flew to Alaska Sunday to join his father who went by car two weeks ago to prepare for resumption of their logging and mill operations there. Mrs. Bruce Hoyt plans to join her husband in another month or Fullerton were her niece, Mrs. THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. Gladys Morrell of North Bend and daughter Shannon. who formerly taught here, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridge». Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Forbes of Mrs. Alfred Jones and June and Portland. Mr. and Mrs. James Latimer of Hillsboro also called Mrs. John Grady were in Corval lis Monday to attend commence on Mrs. Fullerton Tuesday. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin ment exercises at Oregon State Kamholz last week end were Mr. college and see Loren Mills re and Mrs. Harry Ford of Forest ceive his bachelor of science de Grove and Mr Ford's nephew, gree in business and technology. Paul Ford, and a friend. Charlie Mr. and Mrs. Mills are vacation Busey from Detroit, Michigan ing this week at the beach after who had flown out for fishing which they will go to Hanford, which was hampered by the in Washington where Mr. Mills will work with the General Electric clement weather. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thomas and corporation until called into the Janelie were in Spokane last Sat service. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stiff. Elvin urday to attend funeral services for their friend, W. G. Mills, who and Lorene and Mr. and Mrs. had been killed in an airplane ac Earl Ray from Forest Grove went 1 to Goldendale, Washington last cident. Friday evening dinner guests I week end to visit with Mr. Stiffs of the Walter Mathews home at I brother, Glenn. Elvin remained Mist were Mr. and Mrs. Darrold there to work on his uncle’s 1000 Proehl and sons Jimmy and Jeff acre farm this summer. Mrs. L. L. Wells will go io and Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Moran ier and Dave Turnbull of Foret t Grove left last Thursday after noon on a fishing and camping trip to South Twin lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall of Springfield were here the week end before Memorial day to care for their family plot in the Pio neer cemetery. They were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Robbins. The Halls had had the interesting experience of visiting the Holt family at Cres well and seeing the eight Korean orphans they had adopted. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Whitchurcn and son, Charles, of Alameda, 60. California were guests the first of Miss Janice Hoyt is another of last week of Mr. and Mr .. Merl Vernonia high school girls who Ruhl. They had come north to has found employment in Port see their daughter and husband, land for the summer. Miss Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hays, get is working in the Monroe Sweet degrees at Pacific University. land home. Forest Grove, on Sunday. Th»* Week end guests of Mrs. Lulah Whitchurches were Vernonia res. idents in the late 1920s when he was employed at the Oregon- American office. Word from Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dewey of Portland is that they left Friday morning for Salt Lake City, Utah, to attend com mencement exercises at the Un iversity of Utah where their son Don received his masters degress Sunday and their daughter-in- law received her bachelor of arts degree. The Don Deweys will re turn to Portland with his parents. The Dewey’s daughter, Joy, who is completing her junior year at University of Oregon, will fly to Hawaii for a summer school session later this month. I Guests last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Childs were their daughter, Mrs. Bill Lumm, Kathy Lumm, Mike Phillips and Mr. Child's sister, Mrs. Walter Parker, H sister, Mrs. Walter Parker, both X from Portland, who came to at H tend the eighth grade graduation and see their nephew, Mike Mul lins, receive his diploma. They were doubly pleased to be there when he also received the Paul A. Gordon memorial award. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Steers Jr. and M. P. Steers Sr. were two daughters of M. B. Steers Sr. and their families. They were Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Kuehn and family from Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bennett and two daughters from Sumner, Washington. Cleve Mellinger was at Clats kanie Saturday to visit his broth er and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mellinger, and his niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mellinger. Both couples were leaving that afternoon for Klam ath Falls to see the Oliver Mel linger’s son. Bill, graduate at Oregon Technical Institute. Cleve Mellinger went to Long Beach, Washington Wednesday with his brother, Will, and niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Howell, of St. Helens for a week of clam digging and fish ing. Miss Olga Peterson, English teacher at Vernonia high school, will spend the summer vacation at her home in Minot, North Da kota. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Westerberg, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Eola DeVan-’y of Oswego, will leave Saturday on a three-week vacation trip on which they will visit Reno, Salt Lake City, Bryce Zion and Grand Canyon national parks, the Mesa Verde cliff dwel lings in Colorado, and then go to Wichita, Kansas, St. Louis, Mis souri and various points in Ill inois and Minnesota to visit rel atives. They will return by way of the Bad Lands of South Da kota, and Yellowstone park. In their absence Mrs. Ralph DeVaney of Portland will stay at the Wes terberg home. Miss Margaret Wells, daught er of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wells, was one of 96 seniors to receive diplomas at Tillamook high school May 25. Miss Wells grad- uater with honors and is a mem ber of Philokalon National Hon or society. Instea of an outside speaker, Tillamook high school has four speakers from the class, the valedictorian, the salutaton- an, a speaker chosen by the class and one chosen by the fac ulty. Miss Wells was the one H chosen by the faculty. She also X received a tuition scholarship to i H OSC and a $100 00 award from the Tillamook Nurses as I X H sociation for use toward her pre nursing course. This summer, she X is working for the Forestry de H partment on the Triangulation X lookout in the Tillamook Burn. H Mrs. Maeva Brimmer began X work this week at Vernonia Drug \ festivo/of J7 H company. 1 better J/y/ng Mr. and Mrs. Bob Montgomery and family are vacationing this THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1956 Corvallis tomorrow to bring home her daughter Patty who is com pleting her second year at Ore gon State college. Mrs. George Noyer and her son George Wayne were here from Portland for eighth grade grad uation last week to see Mrs. Noyer's niece, Peggy Jo Bower man receive her diploma. Mr. and Mrs. Weston Sheeley of Beaverton visited here Mem orial day with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jessee. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker visited with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stowell and their boys at Buxton on Memorial day. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Nell Thaoker were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stowell and sons from Bux. ton. (More Town Topics Page 6) the fun I a /HOLE june i$ tiainjMonfh Big servings cost so littlef Ice Cream s the 6/// buy in any size package! No other dessert is so delicious .,. so filled with good things ... so easy to serve. So go ahead, live a little! Enjoy ice cream often! z^> ho/r>e Me weeke/irf/ RAINIER CREAMERY CO RAINIER, OREGON 3