2 THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1956 SUNDLAND'S ELEC. & APPLIANCE t VERNONIA DRUG CO. "YOUR REXALL STORE" Philco The Complete Department Store Phone HA 9 3333 Prescriptions — Drugs — Toys Sundries — Jewelry — Photo Suppies — Greeting Cards Cosmetics — Baby Supplies Full Line of Footwear Phone HA 9-6122 I VERNONIA BAKERY i i Home of Butter Crust Bread & Official Watch Inspector S.P.&S. R.R. Expert watch and jewelry repairing. ELGIN, BULOVA, CROTON HAMILTON WATCHES BLUE-WHITE D’AMONDS FEATURING NATIONAL BRANDED MERCHANDISE Maytag Washers KULL ANDER'S JEWELRY STORE MR. & MRS. CLIFF WHITE HA 9-S641 Featuring a complete line of clothing and shoes for men, women and children. BURNS TV » I HARDWARE SERVICE iswhat you want . . . SERVICE iswhat you get SPORTING GOODS — BUILDING MATERIALS Hawken Motors I DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE TRUCKS Expert Service Department * t SAM'S FOOD STORE RADIO SALES AND SERVICE Ì SHOP Phone HA 9-5441 SA VE You’ll enjoy shopping Vernonia stores because service is the specialty of your local merchants. They know you and stock the kind of merchandise that will fill your needs. If its a special item you want, they’ll be glad to get it for you—and that’s just another ser vice of your Vernonia merchants. You can place your confidence in them because they value your good will and continued patron age. For the personal attention that will make your shopping more pleasant for you, alway patronize local stores first. AT HOME NEHALEM MARKET & GROCERY Zee Towels and Tissues Garbage Bags. Wax Papar, Lunch Sacks, Etc. Phone for Free Delivery VERNONIA TEXACO SERVICE FIRESTONE PRODUCTS McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS FINE FOODS Meal Planning Is A Pleasure HERE! SALES AND SERVICE JONES GROCERY NEHALEM DAIRY FRUITS, MEATS— GRADE A PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM EVERYTHING TO EAT SCHOOL SUPPLIES At Your Store or At Your Free Delivery Service Phone HA 9-6324 « PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY I MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Vernonia's only independent owner-producer of Grade A Pasteurised Milk and Cream. Wes Bolmeier, Bill Nelson Member United Grocers HENRY H. AND ISABEL ANDEREGG Frozen Food Lockers STRONG'S ELECTRIC COMPANY STORE OWNERSHIP OBSERVES TENTH ANNIVERSARY Elec. Repairs—Motor Winding Refrigeration Service The last week in May marked the tenth anniversary as a businessman in Vernonia for Wesley Bolmeier who came here from Erie, North Dakota in 194(5 and with his brother- in-law, Earl Hill, purchased the Graves Gro cery and Market from Oliver Graves. Prior to coming here, Mr. Bolmeier had a general merchandise store in North Dakota for 15 years. In 1952, another brother-in-law, Bill Nelson, bought out the interest of Mr. Hill and today the partnership is Bolmeier an.l Nelson. The business name was changed to Mill Market and Lockers and in the ten years the store has been enlarged and the locker system, which includes 345 frozen food lockers, has been improved and brought up Appliances Motorola SUNNYSIDE SERVICE Open from Noon to 7 P.M. Sundays and Holidays. to date. The store is a member of the United Grocers organization which is a retail owned wholesale house with a membership of 359 stores. Mill Market features their brand, Shurfine, and in addition carries all major advertised brands of grocery items. Mr. Nel son is the butcher and is assisted by Pat Gal loway. In addition to the usual butchershop business, they cut much meat for lockers and in the fall cut lots of deer and elk for Ver nonia hunters. In the grocery side of the store, Mr. Bolmeier is assisted by Ida Watson, with Louise Hamnett and the Bolmeiers daughter, Gretchen, as additional help when needed. MOBILGAS & SERVICE * t i t i VERNONIA INSURANCE BUYS MORE" YOU RING — WE BRING NEHALEM SERVICE STATION SIGNAL SALES & SERVICE GATES TIRES YOUR HOME A. G. OSTRANDER t • t Ed Roediger, Jr CEMENT WORK — SAND — GRAVEL — CRUSHED ROCK « AND FILL DIRT NOTIONS — GIFTS THREAD — YARN Phone HA 9 6829 A Variety of Varieties i I BRUNSMAN H DW RE. AND ELECTRIC FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES RADIO SHOP Ocrnonia Ea<jí i < i t < PUBLISHING — PRINTING : FINE FURNITURE MARSHALL WELLS PAINTS We Deliver—Phone HA 9-5ÎS1 SERVING THE UPPER : ■ î CHAIM SAW SALES AND SERVICE Used Saws for Sale ADMIRAL TV—RADIO—APPLIANCES I I i I I I I I • I I • I I I < i I i t Guaranteed Service All Makes : ,» I * • i i PLUMBING Phone HA 9-5183 OAKES E R NONI A » i TED'S SAW SHOP direct drive BILL J. HORN « 5 2/~GHEEN STAMPS I — I t • H om elite Representing old line, sound companies. EVERYTHING TO FURNISH Gasoline — Repairing "WHERE YOUR MONEY ! OUR JOB IS YOUR PROTECTION SHELLUBRICATION AND MARKET WE GIVE BUSH FURNITURE VERNONIA SERVICE STATION KING'S GROCERY % NEHALEM VALLEY JAY'S CAFE Featuring . . MEALS PREPARED TO PLEASE YOUR TASTE. GROVE STUDIO AND CAMERA SHOP i ■ i 19928 Pacific — Forest Grove I THE PHOTO GRAPHIC I 112 S. 3rd — Hillsboro Washington County s Largest Photgraphic Headquarters. Two Handy Locations. : I