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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1956)
Library, U of 0 VOLUME 34. NUMBER 21 10c COPY VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON PHONE HA 9-3372 Budget Drawn Posts Plan Annual Day For City by Committeemen General Tax Lovy Less Than 6 Per Cent Limit; Sinking Funds Continue Figures for the city budget cost sheet to cover expenditures for the fiscal year from July 1 were drawn up Monday evening. The proposed new budget pre pared. by the committee again provides for more money to be placed in sinking funds, one of which will be used for retirement of bonds for the sewer project. The other sinking fund will pro vide for anticipated future ex penditures necessary in the wat er department. Along with these provisions the budget committee proposed and approved a five per-cent salary increase for city employees. Most other items on the budget remain similar to expenditures listed for the last fiscal year with the ex ception of the fire department. An increase in the number of members of that department and also in the activity of the fire men made necessary an increase in salary expense. Firemen now operate both the city and rural fire trucks and answer calls in both areas. The sewer sinking fund will receive $4500, which will be ad ded to $11,114.65 already held for bond payment and $7000 will be set aside for the water sinking fund to add to $7640.63 remaining in the fund from last year. This water department money will be used for anticipated repairs that must be made soon. A general tax levy of $13,280 is set forth in the budget, all of this amount being within the six per cent limit.. Official publica tion of the cost sheet will be made later. , Term Expires On Grade Board Notices have been posted for the annual school election for dis trict 47 Jt. which will be held at the Washington school in the front hall June 18 from 2 to 8 p m. One director is to be elect ed for the seat held by Glen Hawkins whose term is expiring, and a vote will be required to ex ceed the 6% limitation for some $9000 to provide needed funds for operation of the elementary schools next year. In order for names of aspirants to election as director to be plac ed on the ballot, a petition bear ing the names of at least ten legal voters in this district must be filed with R. M. Aldrich, district clerk at least seven days before the election, or by midnight June 10. Petition forms may be se cured from the grade school of fice. Poppy Days This Week Friday and Saturday are Poppy Days for both the American Le gion auxiliary’, who have the fa miliar paper poppy made by dis abled veterans, and the V F.W. auxiliary who have the Buddy poppy to offer to the public. These are to be worn as a me morial to veterans who gave their lives in service, and money from their sale is used to help dis abled veterans and their families. Members of the two auxiliaries will sell the poppies on the Ver nonia streets Friday and Satur- day. Firemen Called Tuesday City firemen were called lat? Tuesday afternoon to extinguish a grass fire near the south end of Third street. Cause of the blaze was given as sparks from the jog train locomotive. THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1956 Awards, Rites Mark End of School Year Members of the American Le gion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their auxiliaries are co operating on arrangements for I the annual Memorial day obser I Seniors to Graduate vance next Wednesday, accord I Friday, Eighth Grade I ing to Steven Wait? and Harvey Tuesday of Next Week Redmond, commanders of the two organizations. Thirty-five seniors will receive Plans call for a parade which diplomas Friday night. May 25, will leave the V.F.W. hall at at the thirty-ninth annual com 10:00 am. and proceed to the mencement at Vernonia high bridge across Rock Creek where school. Speaker for the occasion the two auxiliaries will have the will be Dr. R. E. Lieuallen, presi naval memorial rites. From there dent of the Oregon College of they will march to the Vernonia Education at Monmouth, and Memorial cemetery where the honor speakers representing the service will be held with Rever class will be Donna Bayley and end F. M. Knoll of the Evangeli Gretchen Bolmeier. Time for the cal United Brethren church as program to begin is 8:00 p.m. speaker. For a number of years, THESE FIVE high school students, wearing Bermida shorts, were among those introducing the fad A number of awards will be Rev. Knoll was chaplain for the here recently. Since then, more students have followed the trend. From left: Dick Johnson. Art announced during the* evenings Fleet of Flowers observance at Lamping, Jon Bush. Ron Anderegg and Gary Strong. program, including the pins for DePoe Bay when he lived in that the six top honor students, the area. Wilkerson scholarship cup, the In addition to the veterans drama cup, the Harrison-Collins groups and their auxiliaries, Boy scholarship, the Crown Zellerbach Scouts, Cub Scouts and the high scholarship and several other tui school band will take part in the tion scholarships. parade. They are all asked to County election results from result of the most contested coun The Red Cross Illoodmobile AWARDS ASSEMBLY TODAY assemble at the V.F.W. hall at last Friday’s balloting indicate ty positions in many years which will be in Vernonia Tuesday, Other awards for high school 9:30 a.m. to prepare for the par voters followed the statewide brought out five Democratic can May 29, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. ade. students will be made at an trend in selecting candidates to didates and two Republicans. and quota for the visit has been take part in the general election Ballot totals for the 33 precincts set at 60 pints. All possible don awards assembly which will be this fall. Adlai Stevenson won were: ors are urged to turn out and held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 the nomination for Democratic help put Vernonia over the top. and to which the public is invited. U.S. PRESIDENT presidential candidate over Estes Democrat A number of Vernonia families Citizenship awards for the out Kefauver and Elmo Smith and Estes Kefauver 911 have drawn on the bank in re standing boy and girl will be re Douglas McKay were nominated Adlai Stevenson 1762 cent months and this blood must vealed at that time. Mrs. Earl by Republicans for the post of Republican be replaced. Also, as in the past, Atkins, president of the Ameri Mrs. Erma Chance’s sixth grade governor and U.S. senator. donors may give blood in the can Legion auxiliary will present I Dwight Eisenhower 2241 class will present a series of short Raymond C. Johnson, Demo i U.S. SENATOR name of any one they know is in the poppy poster awards. plays in an assembly program at crat, will oppose C. R. Holmes, ! Democrat need of it, and organizations may Other awards will include those the Washington school this after Republican, in November for the give it in the organization name for the editors and business man I Wayne Morse noon at 2:45 to which parents and county commissioner post as the | Woody Smith 509 1' for use of any member who may agers of the Timberline and Mem friends are invited. need it. | Republican olog; the cheer leaders photo At an assembly last Friday af George Altvater 62 graphy and chemistry; G.A.A. ternoon which was sponsored by This visit is sponsored by the Elmer Deetz 340 letters, driver training certificate» the Vernonia Ministerial associa Odd Fellows lodge, with the co and track and baseball letters. Phil Hitchcock 961 tion, Ray Blakely, Christian youth Douglas McKay 2102 operation of their auxiliary, the GRADE ASSEMBLY FRIDAY worker from Portland, entertain Rebekahs. Mrs. Perry McFarland, U. S. REPRESENTATIVE ed with ventriloquism acts. noble grand, is in charge of ar- . For the elementary schools, the The annual dinner meeting and Democrat Another event of interest held rangements and has set up com- I awards assembly will be held on election of officers and board Jason Lee 2162 at the school last Friday was guest mitt"es to handle the details of I I Friday at 2:30. There, also, the members for the 1956-57 year for Don Metheny 845 the visit. day in the kindergarten classes. American Legion auxiliary will the Columbia county chapter of Republican Kindergarten pupils invited their present the poppy poster and es the American Red Cross will be Walter Norblad 2102 sisters or brothers or close friends say awards; the V.F.W. marble held Monday evening, June 4 at R. F. Cook 383 who will enter kindergarten next tournament awards will be made; 7:00 o’clock at the Shrine club GOVERNOR fall. Eleven visitors were in the and certificates and letters will hall in St. Helens. Chairmen of Democrat morning class and eleven in the be given for perfect attendance, the Red Cross services will give Lew Wallace 1503 afternoon class. Children had in music, basketball, track and safe their annual reports of the years Robert Holmes 1896 vited their own guests and also activities and Gerald Munford, Republican Hub of activity in Vernonia last ty patrol. prepared the refreshments them chairman of disaster service for Saturday was the Vernonia Trad GRADE RITES TUESDAY Elmo Smith 2230 selves. It was an opportunity for Portland and Multnomah county, ing Company and the new own Earl Dickson 266 them to practice being hosts and Eighth grade graduation exer will be the speaker of the evening. SECRETARY OF STATE ers, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Davis, hostesses and not an attempt to cises will be held n ?xt Tuesday The meeting is open and Red Democrat found thamselves being host to reach all who would enter kin evening at 8:00 o'clock in the Cross members are especially some 500 persons. The register Monroe Sweetland 3007 Washington school auditorium. dergarten next year. urged to attend. Reservations for Republican carried over 300 names and many Speaker will be Cecil Posey, exec the dinner, should be made not Mark Hatfield 1346 were accompanied by children utive secretary of the O.E A. in later than June 1 by either writ William Healey 1046 who did not register. Pete, the Portland. James Johns will make ing or telephoning the R’d Cross TREASURER pancake king, was kept busy pre the presentation of the Paul A. office at St. Helens, phone 7, or paring the delicious morsels for Al Richardson 1743 Gordon award and Mike Mullins by calling Mrs. Margaret Bitte, Democrat all who came. will present the class gift. secretary of the board, at 691, St. Six thousand baby chicks were Wiley Smith 1432 Diplomas will be given to the delivered in dozen lots to those Plans are being completed for Helens. Dinner tickets will be STATE REPRESENTATIVE 49 graduates by Glen Hawkins, who wished them and door prizes the annual Nehalem Valley Com $1.50. Democrat chairman of the board of direc in the drawing were awarded as munity day to be held in Ver Robert Klemsen 3014 follows; Mrs. Jeanette Dass, hang tors. nonia this Saturday, May 26, be- Board Election Dated DISTRICT ATTORNEY ing basket fuschia; Mrs McDow EIGHTH GRADERS TESTED gining at 9:00 a m The work of Vernonia Rod and Gun club Democrat ell, candle; Jim Malleth, candle; 4-H club members from the Ne members are scheduled for a Walden Dillard 2793 In preparation for their gradua T. A. Graham, candle; Shirley halem valley in all types of 4-H meeting Thursday evening, May Republican tion, eighth graders have been Graham, sack of flour; Mrs. projects will be exhibited. 4-H 31, for a board of directors elec David Williamson 2104 taking mental ability tests and Wayne Akers, package of dog the Iowa silent reading tests this livestock members from Clatska tion. At the same time a deci COUNTY COMMISSIONER food; Mrs Nels Hogeberg, pack nie have again been invited to sion will be made concerning tim Democrat week. Also, on Wednesday, E. participate in the livestock show. ber on property the club owns at Jewett Bush 670 age of pancake mix; Mablq Leich- E. Dove, high school superinten The following people have been Keasey. The meeting will take Chester C. Carroll 296 tenburg, bottle of weed killer; dent, and Mrs. Ora Bolmeier and asked to assist with the program: place at Brunsman Hardware. Willis Geo. Gordon 440 Merle Graham, package of dog Harold McEntire, high school Chairman. Mrs Evelyn Heath; Clyde Henderson 886 food; Pat Wilson, package of deans, met with the eighth grad home economics judging contest, Raymond C. Johnson 1015 lawn green and clean; LeRoy | ers for pre-registration and orien Thomas, pancake flour and Willie tation in preparation for their Mrs. Evelyn Heath; demonstra More Project Work Due Republican James, dog food. tions, Mrs. Herb Heckenliable; C. R. Holmes 1216 Lions club members are remind entrance into high school next Also, at intervals throughout scoring, Mrs. Wesley Pace and ed their schedule next Monday Wallace Noakes 1006 fall. the day, an alarm clock rang Mrs. Joe Roeser; exhibits, Mrs. calls for more work on the city SHERIFF Monday, the eighth grade will and whoever was at the cash Charles Minger and Mrs. Fred park community kitchen project Democrat have their picnic. register at that time was given Roediger; table set-up. George at 6 pm. Next Monday evening Louis Wasser 2642 Lists of the members of the a prize. Candles which were Koski; table covering, Carolyn will be the third evening of work Republican used as prizes were by courtesy two graduating classes are given Heath; crops and weeds, Mrs. on the undertaking. Warren Forsyth 2206 of Vernonia’s Cayhte Candle Co. elsewhere in this paper. Gladys Moran; show ring, Ron Anderegg; cups and trophies. T. T. Johnston; clerk showmanship Forestry Men Set Meets contest, Ron Anderegg; noon The state forestry department meal, extension units, Mrs. Irene The district meet held at Long tition with 16 district winners Jon Bush, sophomore at Ver Jones in charge and public ad nonia high school, established a view included 14 Oregon schools from all over Oregon, most ot has scheduled a series of meet dress system, electricity club. new high jump record at Ver in the A-2 class, schools under whom were juniors and seniors ings in various areas for repre nonia high school this year with 500. from Hood River down the and from schools much larger sentatives from the department a jump of 5’ 8’4” made at the dis Columbia and coast. It was held than Vernonia. He made a very to meet with logging and sawmill Building Geis Repair trict track meet held at Longview at Longview because non* of the good showing by tieing for fifth operators to discuss forest laws, and ways to prevent forest fires. Repair work started Monday M%y 10. Until then. Ken Nanson schools participating had a field place First place jump was 5' Meeting for this area is to be of sufficient size Jon met stiff 10 ’ 4 ” . held the record for VHS with on the roof and front of Bruns held at the Columbia county Moran has expressed great con competition and by winning first man Hardware that will result 5’ r. fairgrounds at Deer Island this fidence in Jon's possibilities in ’ place there was made eligible for Previous to the district meet, in a complete remodeling for the evening. May 24, at 8:00 p.m. his two remaining years in high the state meet held at Corvallis Jon had tied with Al Tiejen of front including new glass and a Friday night, they will meet at change in the entrance door. The Rainier in the county meet held last week end which he attended school and feels he can easily the forestry headquarters at For be a state winner if he keeps up with Coach Kerry Moran at Rainier May 3 with a jump work is being done by George est Grove. 1 the pace set so far. At Corvallis Jon was in compe of 5’ 6” , Biddle. Voters Choose Holmes, Johnson for Commissioner Posts; Follow Trend UNIT DONOR NEED CITED Sixth Graders Slate Assembly Co. Red Cross Calls Election Chick Day Is Huge Success 4-H Work to Be Seen Saturday New High lump Record Established; State Place Won (