Vernonia Trading Company's ■ I • ■ ,4 REE CHICK j I i ■$ f y Wilbur and Lillian Davis, New Owners Doors Open at 10 A.M. Saturday, May 19 For Best Growing Results Use On May 19 starting at 10 a.m. each adult will receive 12 baby chick ens absolutely FREE as long as they last. Be sure io be here on time because the supply is limited and its "first come—first served." Bring your own container. FREE PRIZES. FREE BALLOONS FOR THE KIDDIES! CROWN MILLS FEEDS N 0 W ! PROOF OF GREATER CONVERSION < FEEDING CROWN S HI-ENERGY BROILER FEED Free Waffles and Coffee flOSSÌTMEAL For more tender, faster growing chickens at lower cost per pound, we recom mend Crown High Energy Broiler Feed manufactured specifically for fryers. Made by Pete, CROWN MILLS WAFFLE KING L Don’t Miss Our Annual Gift Day r— K FREE i » t I t I I t t : ! For Successful Gardening and Farming FERTILIZE NOW! Organic Morcrop For lawns, perennials and gardens. Builds humus in soil. Holds moisture. : ! Windolph All-Purpose Tractor I « GARDENING IS EASIER WITH A WINDOLPH TILLER A straight nitrogen fertilizer necessary for removal of moss from lawns. Peat Moss SEE THIS MACHINE OPERATE SATURDAY, MAY 19, AT OUR ANNUAL FREE CHICK DAY Makes a perfect seed bed in one opera tion . .. works in any soil ... 2 HP engine . . . easy to operate . . . Arma-Loy Knife Tines guaranteed against breakage. Du- All wheels for ease of handling . . . Does the work of eight machines without ex tra attachments! Sulfate of Ammonia Full bales, car bales, half bales, 2-bu. handy packs and 3 J cu. ft. bags. i : Sheep Guana Insecticides & Garden Sprays Protects lawns, gardens, shrubs, trees from damage by insect pests. Complete selec tion. LGE. VARIETY OF BEDDING PLANTS, BULBS, ETC. Complete Farm Store for the Nehalem Valley SEED - FEED - FERTILIZER - BUILDING MATERIALS - CEMENT - PAINT TELEPHONE HA 9-5985 VERNONIA. OREGON