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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1956)
6 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1956 CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Real Estate FOR SALE: Good, used GE. wringer-type washing machine with pump. HA 9-6142. 20t3c YOU should investigate the Py ramid plan. For information call Lloyd Quinn, resident agent, phone HA 9-3865. 20t3 AUCTION SALE Saturday, May 19, at Midway Community Auc tion, Clatskanie, Oregon. Miscel laneous, 12:30; livestock, 2:00 p- m. John Wilmarth, phone 2362, Clatskanie, Oregon. 20t!c SMALL electric organ with at tached bass pedals. Lovely rich full tones. Very easy terms or will take piano or band instru ment in on trade. For informa- tion call or write Day Music Co., 808 S. E Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. 19t4c FOR SALE, dairy cow, just fresh, first calf. J. P. McFarland, 1 milt north of Vernonia on Rock Creek road. HA 9-5946. 19t3c '49 MERCURY $350 Rex Nor mand Jr., Capitol Hill 19t4c '36 CHEV. pick-up Extra motor and 4 extra tires. $75. See Owen East or Eddie Poetter. 19t3 CHIHUAHUA pups A.K.C. reg istered. The world’s smallest and most loveable dogs. Also two grown dogs. Ada Warner, HAzel 9-6901 18t3 JUNKING ’48 Katsed 4-dr. sedan. Will sell radiator, carburetor, starter, generator and transmis sion for $40 Parts fit Kaiser and Frazer '47 to '50. Hank Hudson, Riverview. HA 9-6058. 18t3c FOR SALE: Kimball upright pi ano. Good condition. Priced right. See it at 28 OA Hill. Walter Linn. HA 9-3592. 18t3 FOR SALE: 8 white Japanese silkie chickens. Call HA 9-5821 after 6 p.m. Friday, all day Sat. and Sun. Fifth house, Tenth St., Rtverview. Mrs. John Krinick. 18t3c FOR SALE Used chain saws. Ted’s Saw Shop. Riverview. 22tfc CASH PAID for furniture, live stock, machinery, tools any time Forest Grove Auction, L. R. Senft and C. W Christiansen, owners and auctioneers. Phone 7615. lktfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt. Call 1IA 9 6829, AG Os trander. 26t52c FOR SALE—Real Estate FOUR BEDRM. modern house on acre. Tool house, wood shed, half acre flowers. G<x>d well. Fifth house. Tenth St., Riverview. Mrs. John Knnick. 18t3c BUMP & MEYER. PROPERTIES AND INS. INC. 1930 Council St.. F. G. Oregon Phone Forest Grove 4061 Phone Vernonia Branch Office HA 9 6058 H. T. Hudson. Riverview In Vernonia: You found $100 by reading this ad. This spotless 2 bdrm, house with electric heat, garden spot and corner location is offered for $2750 Owner MUST sell. Will accept $2650 cash This home would rent immediately for $40 or $45 Call today. JUST MARRIED’’ Here's a small modern 2 bdrm, house on 80x100 lot. Cute and cozy, Nice kit- chen. Only $2500. One half down Suburban: FOR THE RETIRING COUPLE. OR THE MAN WHO LIKES TO DIG An attractive 2 story 3 bdrm on 5 lots m Riverview. Plenty of water, dandy garden, rhicken houses, lots of shrub bery. % down Good terms to the right people. Farm»: IDEAL for sheep or cattle 110 acres on hiwy 47. 20 in cult. 2 houses, big barn $9000 $2500 down Or. will consider sell ing 55 acres taw land, separate- Y, $1700 Owner will consider any reasonable offer LISTINGS WANTED including Rentals. 20tlc The safest way to hold a good job is to know more about it than the other fellow DR. VOTAW OPTOMETRIST Sundland Building Tuesdays and Saturdays HOMES 3 -BEDROOM home, wired for range; lots of built-ms. Close in. Price $3750. Terms. FARMS 114 ACRE farm. Junction City, 35 acres cleared, some timber. Long Tom river borders one side, 5-rm. house, bam and other bldgs, Will take 2 to 5 acre place near Vernonia in deal. Price $20,000. Terms. 117 ACRES, 60 in cultivation, on Nehalem river, including 8- room modem house, barn and garage. Also irrigation system. Some pulp wood. Price $13,700 $5000 will handle. 8 ACRES, borders on Rock Creek, all cleared and level, 2 houses and large bam. Price, $3500 Good terms. Close in. SEE ME for farms and acreage DON BAYLEY. BROKER Palace Cafe Bldg. Ph. HA 9-5225. 14tlc WANTED AVON COSMETICS has open ings for women interested in plea sant, profitable part time work as Avon Representatives in Ver- noma and Timber, Oregon, For interview, write Avon, P.O. Box 3761, Portland 8, Oregon. 20t2c WANTED: Strawberry pickers about June 1. Earl Caldwell, Banks, Rt. 1, Box 309. Contact Lloyd Thomas for information. 20t3 I NOTICE TO PETITIONERS To the petitioners of the Board of directors of Union High School I District No. 1, Columbia County, Oregon, petitioning specifically in behalf of Sheila, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myron C. Parrish: A special meeting of said Board of Directors was held at the school house on the evening of May 15, for the purpose of hear ing your petition and in response to the stated wish of your bene- factee. Uninterrupted hearing was ac « corded the Parrish presentation I and the school administrative response which were followed by free exchange of understanding. As regards your specific entreaty, it was noted that with clear inter pretation of the basic issues in volved, there resulted voluntary agreement of both parties on a plan of working relationship for the balance bf the school year in keeping with the position taken by the school administration at an earlier date. The Board of Directors found no action necessary for the spe cific agreement, and they found no basis for the general inference contained in the petition; the school practice of giving proper place and credit to individuals of its graduating classes is deemed proper and worthy of continued acceptance. Oscar Weed, Chairman Mona M. Gordon, Clerk 20tlc IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed WANTED: Pastures for two hor administrator cum testamento ses, close to town. Inquire 628 annexo of the estate of Joseph Rose Ave., after 5 p.m. 18t3 Banzer, deceased, by the County WOMAN 45 wishes baby sitting Court of the State of Oregon for in your home. Day or night. Columbia County and it has qua Phone HA 9-5241. 18t3 lified. All persons having claims WANTED: Cattle to pasture. Carl against said estate are hereby Trimm on former Adam Koch notified to present the same, duly place on Pebble Creek road. verified as by, law required, to HA 9-3101. 18t3 the undersigned at its banking WANTED: Pole and piling stump house in the City of Vernonia age. Terms, cash. Niedermeyer- Oregon, within six months from Martin Co., 715 Portland Trust the date hereof. First publication 1 May 10, 1956. Bldg., Portland 4, Ore. 14t7c, Final publication June 7, 1956. WANTED: Farm listing, large or THE UNITED STATES NA- small. Have buyers waiting. Ed L. Winter, Realtor, AT 2-7334, TIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND 545 N.E. Killingsworth, Portland Administrator cum testamento annexo. 11, Oregon. Or call or write M. GEORGE G. VAN NATTA S. Thompson, farm salesman, BU 9-0577. 12tfc Attorney for Administrator. 19t5<- HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— IN THE COUNTY COURT OF picked up once or twice weekly— THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY call or write Forest Grove Cream IN YHE MATTER OF THE ES ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. 14tfc TATE OF BERT CORNELIUS MAKINSTER, DECEASED NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL FOR RENT PROPERTY WANT TO RENT 1 or 2 bedroom Notice is hereby given that th" house by June 14. Call Meri undersigned administrator of the Cline. HA 9-3701. 20t3c estate of Bert Cornelius Makins- FOR RENT: Apartment. 830 2nd ter, deceased, by virtue of an St. . 4-25-57 order of sale issued out of the County Court of the State of Ore FURNISHED APTS: 3 rooms gon for the County of Columbia shower, electric range, oil heat, duly made and entered on the and frigidaire. Riverview Apts. 30th day of April, 1956 in the 20tfc above entitled estate, licensing the said administrator to sell the APARTMENT for rent. 2 bed hereinafter described real pro rooms, bath, dinette, living rm. perty belonging to the sauj de Completely furnished. See Ha ceased, will offer for sale from zel Shipman at Drug Store. and after the 1st day of June, 15tfc 1956 at private sale for cash or upon such terms as may be ap LOST AND FOUND proved by the court at the law’ LOST: Green and white rever office of said administrator in the sible jacket at high school base Medical Building at Clatskanie, ball diamond. Saturday, April 28. Columbia County, Oregon all of Finder please return to Eagle of the following described real pro fice. Reward. 19t3 perty situated in Columbia Coun ty, State of Oregon, to wit; The LEGAL NOTICE East half of Lot 3, Block 7 Rose Addition to Vernonia, Columbia Estate of JOHN A ERICKSON Attorney Bruce Y Curry. 3807 County, Oregon. The sale will be made subject N.E. Union Ave . Portland. Ore. to the confirmation of the above NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the entitled court. Date of First publication. May State of Oregon for the County of Columbia, Probate Depart 3. 1956 Date of Last publication. May ment. Notice is hereby given that the 24. 1956 G. A Hetkkila, Administrator undersigned. H. Kenneth Ander 18t4c son has been appointed executor of the estate of John A Erickson, deceased, by the County Court of CARD OF THANKS the State of Oregon for Columbia WE WISH to acknowledge with County, and he qualified All grateful appreciation and sincere persons having claims against I thanks your kind expressions of said estate are hereby notified I sympathy shown to us by your to present the same, duly verified , deeds, your cards and your flow as by law required, to the undec- I ers during the loss of our beloved signed at 3807 N.E. Union Ave- I husband and father nue, Portland, Oregon, within six ' Mrs L. P Mathews I months from the date hereof j Mr and Mrs. Robert Mathews Date first published May 17. I Mr and Mrs. George Math 'ws 1956 Mr Martin Mathews Last published June 14. 1956 I Mr Stanley Mathews H Kenneth Anderson. Executor 1 Mr and Mrs. Walter Mathews Bruce Y. Curry. Attorney Mr and Mrs. Art Farnsworth Mr and Mrs Alvin Wright 30t5c Miss Virginia Mathews 20tlc —Office Supplies at the Eagb Patient Recuperates From Tonsillectomy Shower Honors Unit Members LEGAL NOTICE KEASEY ROUTE — The Kea- sey Extension unit met at the home of Mrs. Ted Keasey on May 9. Mrs. Larry Brady and Mrs. Terry Brady gave the lesson on “Touch-ups on Furniture.” Mrs. P. L. Welter of Riverview was a visitor. A “hanky” shower was given the ones moving out of the community. Mrs. Herb Counts, Mrs. F. G. Morris and Mrs. H. A. DeWitt. Others attending were Mrs. Walt Parker, Mrs. Harvey Christensen, Mrs. George Martan, and Mrs. Ted DeWitt. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hanson and sons of Portland spent the week end at the home of her parents, the Herb Counts, helping them get ready to move. Also helping were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cleve land. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeVaney and daughter Janice and niece Lora DeVaney were visiting over the week end with the B. P. Wes- terbergs. Chet Fugate went to Portland early Sunday to meet his wife who had been enjoying a three weeks vacation with her sister in Omaha, friends in Denver, and relatives in Idaho. Care has to be used in crossing the Reed bridge. New planks have been added lengthwise to make the bridge safe for logging trucks until the new bridge can be completed. Ron McDonald’s logging truck is back in use after going off the road not far from the logging site. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brady and children drove to Morton, Wash ington Sunday to visit her moth er, Mrs. Don Hall, who is recover ing from pneumonia.' Mrs. J. L. Van Wert received a call from her son Bill Feaker, from Green Bay, Wisconsin, wish ing her a happy Mother’s Day. I Picnic Enjoyed Mother's Day RIVERVIEW — Six children and 14 grandchildren spent Mo ther’s Day at the home of Mrs. Glenn Mitchell. They all came laden with food and gifts and en joyed a picnic dinner on the lawn. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mosley and two small daughters of Vancou ver. Washington spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. an Mrs. Carl Brauner. Roy Allen returned to his home at Graham, Washington after spending two weeks at the home of his son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Swander of Portland visited Mrs. Mattie Jacobson Saturday and Sunday. That afternoon they all enjoyed a trip to Seaside. Francis Wright suffered a coro nary thrombosis Tuesday even ing at his home. He will be con- fined to his bed for about three weeks. His parents, Mr. and Mrs F. M. Wright are visiting at their home. Mrs. Fanny Christian of Eu gene is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Walter McDonald, while her hus band is in Physician and Sur geon hospital. The latest report is that he shows a slight improve ment. Mr. and Mrs. Art Larson of Eugene brought Mrs. Christian on Saturday and spent the week end with Mrs. McDonald. Gatherings Mark Mother's Day •RIVERVIEW — A family ga thering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Larson on Mo ther’s Day. There were 29 pre sent including her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Holce of Portland and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Larson of Birkenfeld. In the afternoon friends, Mr. and Mrs. Brick Lambert and children of Cutler City, stopped by for a visit with the Larsons. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley visited Nate Huntley and Mrs. Mary Teel and son Tom at Mc- Minnville Sunday. Mother's Day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. An- derson were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson and children and Mr and Mrs. Chet Anderson and children of Tillamook; Mr. and Mrs. Eben John and daughter of Portland; and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roediger and children. In the afternoon Mrs. Mary Anderson and son Willie of Timber route and Ted Anderson of Tillamook also visited at the C. I. Anderson home. Sunday visitors at the Claude Gibson home were Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNair and children. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson Jr. and children and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hoyt. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hibler and three sons of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hunt and children of Richland. Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lindsley and Joe Lindsley of Springfield visited at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley, over the week end. The group en joyed Mother’s Day dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Lind sley on Timber route Sunday. Pete Henderson of Warrenton spent the week end at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. E. Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Parkins spent the week end with her mo- ther, Mrs. Mattie Jacobson and left Monday for Las Vegas, Nt - vada to make their home. Birkenfeld School To Graduate Five Friday NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The auction sale that was held at the V.F.W hall Saturday, May 5, was not sponsored by the V.F.W. By Order of Commander. Post 3667, Vernonia. 20tlc CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 word* or leu. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of two. THE EAGLE auumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: Sc per type line. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini mum charge 80c. No informa tion given relative to such ads. NO information on clauifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Everett Kouva underwent a tonsillectomy on Thursday at the Physicians and Surgeons hospital in Port land. She came to the Art Kou va home on Friday and will spend a few days recuperating before going home at North Bend. Mrs. Jack Anderson and daugh ters and Mrs. Gerald McCool and children visited their mother, Mrs. Louis Huntley, Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buckner en tertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Rundell; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rundell of Beaverton and Mr. and Mrs. Max Buckner at a Mother’s day dinner Sunday. Mrs. Gilbert Abney and son Jimmy of Spokane visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Wel- ter last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan and sons Jimmy and Johnny ot Portland visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoff Sun day. Chief Bos’n Jeff Breedin visited his daughters Cleo and Kimmie at the home of their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley on Friday. He had just returned from Korea and will be stationed in Maryland for a while. I BIRKENFELD — The graduat ing class will have their diplomas presented to them at the exer cises held at the hall Friday even ing. Those graduating are Gene Barlow. Jim Barlow. Louis Jones, Douglas Bellingham and Gerald ine Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stinchfr'ld left Tuesday for Eastern Oregon to spend a few weeks. John Hopkins is spending a few days visiting here from Ore gon City. He is leaving for San Francisco Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs Robert DuPuis and Lawrence Jepson were visit ing John Cahill in Astoria Sat urday. The meeting of the historical society will be Saturday, May 19 at the hall. Potluck dinner at noon. Program at 1:30 p.m. Mr and Mrs. Roy Stuve were in Astoria Saturday visiting Mrs. Bruce Larson and the little new grandson. Mr and Mrs. Robert Burkhold er and family and Mrs. Mamie Burkholder of Portland were din ner guests at the home of her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs Fred Udey Chinese Food Is Party Fare TIMBBR ROUTE — A Chop Suey Ullllltl dinner was OUCJ WHO enjoyed last Thursday by a group of neighbors and friends at the home of Mrs. Mae Wienecke. The group in cluded Mrs. Betty Smith, Mrs. Mildred Graves, Mrs. Nell Thack er, Mrs. Sylvia Falconer, Mrs Laura Thacker, Mrs. Rita Ship- ley, Mrs. Edith Bledsoe and the hostess. Mrs. C. P. Tolke and son Bob of Manning were Friday evening callers at the home of her sister and brother jn-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke and her mother, Mrs. Edith Bledsoe who is visit ing at the Wienecke home. Mrs. Nell Thacker, Mrs. Betty Smith, Mrs. Pat Galloway and Mrs. Sylvia Falconer were in For est Grove Wednesday on a com bined business and pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Quinn have purchased the Jack Odam home on Bridge street and plan to move into it, in the near future. Mrs. Bass was awarded a beau- tiful «potted plant, by the church for having the largest number of children attending services for that day. Sunday the two families and Mrs. Edith Bledsoe drove to For- est Grove where they visited Mr and Mrs. George Wienecke, Mr. and Mrs. David Wienecke and family and Mrs. A. C. McGuire. On the way home they called on Mr. and Mrs. Pete Herinck and family at Wilksboro. Florence Kirkbride and Jo Anne stayed with the’ Beck children Friday evening while Mrs. Beck and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale at- ttWided the horse races at Port land Meadows. I New Bridge to Improve Road MIST — The new bridge being built across the river below Bir kenfeld is in the getting ready stage. It will straighten the road at that point. * A few ladies went down to the WMS at the Rev. Harshmen’s home last Wednesday. Bud Howry, our genial high way boss has at last finished the boat he is building, and brought down the motor for it Friday night. It’s a fine piece of work. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine were in Forest Grove Saturday. In the evening they called on Mr and Mrs. Grover Devine near Cherry Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dowling and his mother spent Sunday at the Beaches. Mrs. Joe Roeser, Butch and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom went to Portland one day last week. Son Arrives for Bruce Larsons BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Larson are the proud par ents of a son, Bryan Edward, born last week at the St. Mary’s hos pital in Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mills were visiting Sunday at North Plains. Mrs. Jessie Graf, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Graf and daughter of Aloha were visiting at the home of her brother. Fred Udey Sunday. John Cahill Whs taken to the St. Mary's hospital last week quite seriously ill. He is slowly improving from day to day. Don Jensen was in Birkenfeld Monday. He leaves in a few days for Florida where he has been transferred recently for ser vice duty. Ron Parman was in Birkenfeld Monday from Warrenton. Knowles Home Scene of Mother's Day Gathering MIST — Mr and Mrs. F W Wills came from Seattle for Mo ther’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. I E. Knowles. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Alexander and Suzie from Ver nonia and Earl Knowles were al so there Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bud Howry spent Sunday in Seaside with his par ents. Sunday dinner guests of the Sam Devine family were Mr. and Mrs Jim Hirtzel and children of Portland. Carl Danielson of Bank, and the Clair Devine family of Mist Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom. Paul and Butch Roeser went down to Seaside Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Case of Seasid• called on the Clair Devine fami- ly Sunday evening. Mrs I E. Knowles spent part of last week in Portland.