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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1956)
* THURSDAY, MAY 17, 195« THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Prize Winners Announced At Pomona Grange Meeting Held at Yankton There was a good attendance place; Mrs. Pearl Zerkel of Marsh at the regular quarterly meeting land second; and Mrs. Selma My of Columbia county Pomona ers of Warren Grange, third. Two Grange at Yankton May 5 with hooked rugs were entered in the Warren Grange e n t e r t a i ning. national contest. Mrs. Edith Ba. Many home owners expressed the con of Warren was first, and Mrs belief that taxes are getting too Udey of Winema Grange was se high, and reappraisal of values cond. First place winners will be came in for a share in the discus- shown at State Grange next month. *ion Under the chaplain’s direction, It was announced that the Po a memorial ceremony was held mona 4-H scholarship was award m the afternoon, with the altar ed to Lynda Fildes of Chapman. being decorated for those who • She was present to thank Pomona have passed away in the last for this award. year. Tribute also was paid to In the evening a class of twelve mothers, with Mrs. Mary Winn candidates were instructed in the .receiving a potted azalea for be fifth degree of the order, and an ing the oldest mother present. interesting program was enjoyed. Mrs Winn just returned from The speaker of the evening was spending the winter in Arizona. Howard VanNice, who talked on Mrs Ludine Brown and Mrs. mental health and the present Faye Tarbell tied for the young improved treatment of such cases. est mothers present. Plans were made for the an Judging of the pillowcases in nual Pomona picnic at Big Eddy . the State Grange sewing contest park on the last Sunday of July, resulted in Mrs. Anna Mauris of with the same committee as last Fern Hill Grange receiving first year. The grange intermediate meeting will be held at Yankton on June 24. The next Pomona meeting will be at Fern Hill in August. THOSE WHO ARE IN IT I AN ILL WIND . . . A BURNING leaf, blown by the wind, can start a fire that will destroy your home. Somebody else’s carelessness but YOU have to stand the loss. One more reason why you should carry adequate Fire Insurance on your property. ' Let us check your pro- 1 I taction today! VERNONIA INSURANCE Bill J. Horn, Agent Phon« HA 9-6203 — Vernonia 905 Bridge Street A/2c Billy Wells spent Satur day night at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wells. He was on his way to report back to Paine Air Base at Everett, Washington after finishing nine months of special schooling at Hughes Aircraft at Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Snook re ceived word last week that their son Melvin had been promoted to staff sergeant in April, just pre vious to his discharge from the Air Force on May 4, after the completion of his four year term. He is now visiting in California before coming on home. Second Lieutenant and Mrs. Gerald Millis and baby left Mon day for Twenty-Nine Palms, Cali fornia where he will now be sta tioned. They had visited their parents, Mrs. Blanche Millis and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Aldrich of Vernonia for several weeks. Golf Tourney Here Friday A new golf tournament for school masters of Columbia coun ty will be started Friday evening with a team match being played on the local course. Teams of four men will be entered by schools in the county and Hills boro has also been invited to par ticipate. A traveling trophy has been provided by Vernonia to be retained by the winning team until the next tournament. Parents Night Proves Popular Two Occasions Noted During Past Week End Music Festival Selects Five TIMBER ROUTE — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roehm and child ren of Portland spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Car michael and their family. Satur day was Mr. Roehm's birthday and also their wedding anniver sary. • Home for tha week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M R. Peter- were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Peter- son_and children from Coos Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson visit ed with his father, mother, bro ther and family Sunday. Week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Kirk were their niece and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Phelan and their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schaffer and two child ren of Portland. Sunday morn ing, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lock wood arrived and the group at tended the Eagle’s barbecue at Dass park. Week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bender were her sister and brother-in- Five music students from Ver nonia high school were among the more than 500 students from Oregon and Washington who ga thered on the Pacific University campus at Forest Grove last Thursday, Friday and Saturday for the ninth annual Music in May festival. They were selected for participation on the basis of their musical ability on recom mendation of their instructor, and the need for their particular con tribution in making up the or chestra, band and chorus. Those from Vernonia who were selected were Dane Brady, Ber tha Keasey, Pat Brissett, Virginia Johnson and Virginia Ray. Pat Brissett had the honor of being the first solo saxaphonist for the entire group. The festival was under the di rection of Donald Thulean, music director at Pacific, who also act ed as festival director of the or chestra. Andrew Loney Jr., di rector of music at Klamath Falls was band director, and Archie Jones from University of Texas, directed the chorus. A very good a:* »«dance of par ents made the Mom and Pop re ception given by the Girls League at Vernonia high school last Thursday evening a very success ful affair. The theme, spring flowers, was carried out in the decorations with white and lavendar lilacs in predominance. A program of musical numbers, tumbling acts and a style show was presented, after which parents viewed ex hibits of students work. Among the especially enjoyed features were the reaction tests used in driver’s training whicn revealed that often parents re New Shrubbery Planted To help erase the ravages of actions are slower than those of their teen age sons and daugh the heavy freeze last November, ters. shrubs and rose bushes have been Audio-visual aids were also dis replaced at the high school and played and parents were given seven new rhododendrons have the opportunity of taping their been set at the Washington voices. school. SHZHZHZHXHZHXHZHXHXHXHZH3 H X H H H Berry Pickers H Wanted for Asburry farm, St. Helens area. H H H H Transportation Furnished H H H Sign up with Austin Corll or Z H H Phone HA 9-5621 X H KZHZHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHXtT I Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adams and family arrived here Tuesday of last week after he received his discharge the previous day from the Coast Guard at Port Angelus, Washington. After a visit here with his mother, Mrs. Pearl Adams, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Elliott, they went to Cathlamet, Washington where hq, will work for the time being with his brother, Archie Adams. Private Billy Weaver finished his basic training at Fort Ori, California last week and arrived home Sunday morning for a nine day furlough He will report to Fort Lee, Virginia April 17 and will enter cook's school training there. i ______ I Mrs. Veil Barker received a letter from her son PFC Elroy Miner telling her of his promo tion to corporal. He is now sta tioned near Tokyo, Japan and his new address is: Corp Elroy Miner 1461149 USMC H.&N.S. 11 Mag. 11. F.M.A.W. V.M.A. 251 Det. c oPM San Francisco, Calif. Nominato • JEWETT A. BUSH Democratic Candidate for County Commissioner Rmideni Columbia county for 1* yoari as businassman in Vat- nan.a and Clatskama. Two sons now in business at Vernonia. Member grange, past president Clatskanie Kiwanis. Chairman of committee that sponsored REA in Vernonia. Treasurer, county United Fund committee. Sec. Mgr. Col. Co. fair board for 9 years Several years member county budget committee. The administering of the af fairs of Columbia Co. is a three- guarter million dollar business and I will give it the full con- I mderation it deserves through my many years of business experi ence. Pd pul adv by Jewett A Bush. Clatskanie. Oregon. A.,’ ’ Crooked politicians get into of fice because honest men fail to do their duty. BURNS TV AND RADIO REPAIR Service Calls Taken Daytime and Evenings Phone HA 9-5441 No Down Payment On Approved Credit EASY TERMS MAY The polling places for the pri mary election May 18 will be open at 8 am. and close at 8 pm. and will be located at fhe follow ing places: (figures represent to tal registration by precincts): Mist, School Building, 211; Vernonia No. 1, Erickson Build ing, 305; Vernonia No. 2. C.I.O. Union Hall Building, 386; Ver nonia No. 3. Washington Grade School, 492; Vernonia No. 4. City Hall. 371. BURNS TV AND RADIO Authorised Hoffman Dealer 935 Bridge — Ph. HA 9 5441 « • 1 • -v law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Richard son and daughter, Anne Mane from Cathlamet, Washington. Mrs. Pauline Tisdale and Mrs Sam Beck were in Forest Grove Monday for medical attention. THE VERNONIA EAGLE Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Entered as second class mail natter, Augast 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia. Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else where $3.50.