Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, May 17, 1956, Page 3, Image 3

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    Art Development
Shown at P.E.O.
Mrs R. B. Fletcher and Mrs.
Bill K. Chalmers entertained
jointly at the Fletcher home for
the May 8 meeting of the P.E.O.
The program “Let’» Call It Art”
was presented by Mrs. Paul Gor­
don and Mrs. Bill K Chalmers.
Down through the ages, man has
decorated the things he prizes,
particularly guns and swords. The
Indians chiseled designs on their
war canoes; the Vikings covered
their drinking cups with carvings
and men have always adorned
their women with beautiful jewel­
ry To illustrate her story, Mrs.
Gordon displayed pictures of
beautifully carved weapons, fi­
gurines and vases.
Mrs. Chalmers explained the
methods used in teaching young
children to express themselves
through th” medium of drawing
and painting. Some of the woik
displayed showed unusual talent
and imagination.
Mrs. Wm. Nelson will be host­
ess for the next meeting, which
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Wesley Bolmeier, on Tuesday
evening. May 2. Mrs. Glen
Hawkins will be in charge of the
Sunny Jim Pure Concord
Grape Jam
40-ox. Jar (J tS
Tree Tea, Black
if Bags
p* 4
• ) I
Hunt's Tomato Juice
No. 303 Can
Standby Pure Apple
46-ox. Can
Aunt Jemima Corn Bread Mix
with Baking Pan and Mix- OOC
ing Bag
10-ox. Pkg. OO
Swans Down Apple Chip
Cake Mix
19-ox. Pkg.
Health Soap
“x Bars
Swift's Chickens, Fresh
Drawn Fryers
Per Pound
I Addendum Honor
Temple Mothers
Faculty and staff members
from the Washington and Lin­
coln elementary schools were cal­
led together by Mr. Proehl for
what he emphasized was a very
important special meeting last
Thursday immediately after
school. All assembled, wonder­
ing what could have come up
to make the speical meeting ne­
cessary and no one had any idea
of its nature.
When all were in place, Mr.
Proehl distributed booklets on
which were inscribed the three
letters, A,B,C. Inside, these let­
ters were revealed to mean "An­
other Betrothed Couple.” With
curiosity mounting, the teachers
and staff members turned the
pages again to find the fame of
Mrs. Launee Miller, first grade
teacher at the Washington school,
and that of Mr. Jed Cousins of
Mrs. Mathilde Bergerson and
Mrs. Wilma Thompson who were
the surreptious hostesses for the
affair, then produced a beauti­
fully decorated cake, replete with
bridal ornament, which was serv­
ed te the guests.
The wedding is planned for
early in June.
Vernonia Temple No. 61, Py­
thian Sisters, met Wednesday
evening with Most Excellent
Chief Eula Blount in the chair.
The initiatory degree was con­
ferred on Ruth Vealey and Ka­
therine Wyckoff with the past
chief, Alice Weed, acting as most
excellent chief and the grand
press correspondent, Lesta Garn­
er, as manager.
Under good of the order, Silvia
Wolff, chairman of Mother’s Day
program, presented a short adden­
dum. honoring Pearl Wilkerson,
temple mother. She was crown­
ed queen mother of Vernonia
temple and presented with a gift
and corsage from the Past Chiefs
club. The song "Mother” was
sung by Silvia Wolff, while six
sisters held up large letters spell­
ing the word "Mother.” Faye
Davis read an appropriate poem.
"God Save Us Mothers.” “Sati-
dav Night” was also read. Fol­
lowing this, Sister Silvia present­
ed corsages from the Past Chiefs
club to Ruth Vealey, the young­
est mother and to Lillian Sharer,
the youngest grandmother pre­
Ruth Vealey drew the hostess
Delicious refreshments were
served by Alice Weed and Lesta
Garner. A number of the Sis­
ters received Mother’s Day gifts
from their secret pals.
Two Birthdays Celebrated
With Party Last Friday
Mrs. Bill Hall and Mrs. Albert
Woolsey were joint hostesses for
a party at the Hall home last
Friday afternoon. May 11, honor­
ing the fourth birthday of Bi'.lv
Hall and the ninth birthday of
Linda Woolsey.
After games were played, the
gifts were opened and refresh­
ments of cake, ice cream and
punch were served. Favors a.'d
balloons made the party gay for
all the guests.
Those present were Freddy Hail,
Shelby Ann Cook. Carol and
Mike Raney and their mother,
Mrs. Pete Raney; Ricky Drips;
Mary Ann, Myron and Shirley
Dennis; Jim and Craig Bergerson
and their mother, Mrs. Jack Ber­
gerson; Bobby Perry; Marsha
Krieger and Phyllis Lyons.
Special guests were Billy's
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Van Kleek and his cousin, Chuck-
ie Moffit from Beaverton, and an.
other grandmother, Mrs. Bernard
Killingsberg of Vernonia.
Planters Peanut Butter
li-oz. Jar
Special Faculty Meeting
Is Announcement Party
Degree Given
By Encampment
Two members of Columbia
Encampment No. 89. Omar Ver­
non and Henry Andercgg, re­
ceived the Golden Rule degree
recently when a group of mem­
bers went to Hillsboro where the
work was performed. They will
receive the Royal Purple degree
at Tillamook Friday of this week.
The Odd Fellow and Rebekah
crab feed held a short time ago
was a success and another feed
will be scheduled later in the
year at which time the public
will be invited.
Members of the lodge viewed
the film, "Troubled Journey,” at
their meeting Tuesday of last
week and will see other films
during the summer and fall. Last
week’s picture depicted the life
cycle of a steelhead and those
to come later will deal with wild­
life topics.
The Boy Scout committee of
the lodge recently
the purchase of pup tents, the
use of which will be made avail­
able for both scouts and explor­
er scouts, the latter this week
when they are scheduled to go
to Bonneville. The lodge is apply­
ing for a charter for the explor­
ers and will sponsor both groups.
Mother's Day Breakfast
Honors Mrs. L. P. Mathews
Whole I
Swift's Oriole Sliced
Grade A Large Eggs.
Country Fresh
Deliveries Twice Daily
1C A.M. & 3 P.M.—Ph. HA 9-3492
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews
and daughters entertained at a
Mother’s Day breakfast Sunday
morning honoring Walter’s mo­
ther, Mrs. L. P. Mathews.
Her eight children were present
for the occasion. Those attending
were the honored guest Mrs. L. P.
Mathews, Mr and Mrs. Robert
Mathews and son Bobby; Mr. and
Mrs. George Mathews; Martin
and Stanley Mathews of Mist;
Mrs. Art Farnsworth of Chico,
California; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Wright and son David of Man­
zanita, Oregon; Miss Virginia Ma­
thews of Portland and Mr. and
Mrs. Bobby McCrosky of Lon
Beach, Washington.
Later in the day the group met
at Mr. and Mrs. George Mathews
for dinner.
Hours: Daily 9-6 pun. Except Tues. 9-12 Noon
Sat. 9-4 p.m.
Betrothal Revealed
For Georgia Parrish
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Parrish of
Molalla are announcing the en­
gagement of their daughter Geor­
gia to Chester Ray, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Ray of Vernonia.
The Parrishes moved early this
year to Molalla from the place on
Timber road adjoining the golf
course where they had lived for
a number of years. Georgia is a
junior at Molalla high school ant
plans to finish high school before
her marriage. Mr. Ray is a fresh­
man at Pacific University this
year and also plans to continue
there next year.
2nd and Bridge Street
Phone HA 9-8303
...with pleasure I
A barbecue-and light Olympia Beer
-just naturally go together .. always
in good taste, always enjoyable.
I Association Purchases
Six Achievement Trophies
The Clatsop - Columbia Odd
Fellows association has purchas­
ed six achievement trophies ap­
propriately engraved for presen­
tation to winners of the United
Nations contest. The contest has
been carried on for six years and
each trophy will carry the name
of the winner, the school and the
year the contest was won.
• The presentations will be made
when schools open for the fall
Two Pinochle Players
Jockey Win Positions
the Waterthat makes the difference
| Lindsay Gives Study Club
Program on Forestry
Rebekahs Recall
Special Events
The members of the Friendly
Pinochle club enjoyed a delicious
salad served with ring-a-lings
made from the recipe that won
Mt Heart Rebekah lodge met
the $25,000 prize in the Pillsbuiy
contest, when they met at the Thursday evening with Noble
home of Mrs. Margaret Vander- Grand Edith McFarland in the
zanden May 4. All the members chair.
were present except Mrs. Agnes
Several members who are ill,
Gibson in whose place Mrs. Fre­ were reported as improving.
da Pederson played.
The district deputy president,
Prizes went to Mrs. Eleanor Isabel Anderegg, presented the
Thompson for high score and Mis. certificates and seals to the mem­
Cora Lange for second high.
bers present who had given their
Mrs. Pederson was hostess for
unwritten work perfectly.
the meeting last Friday, May 1?,
and the members were happy to past noble grands who received
welcome back Mrs. Gibson who their seals were asked to recall
had been absent a number of their most embarrassing moments
weeks due to surgery. The after­ during their term of office and
noon began with the usual de­ the others were asked to reia’e
licious dessert luncheon and end­ their most exciting moment since
ed with the prizes going to the becoming members of the lodge
two who won the previous week
The noble grand appointed Sil­
only in reversed position with
via Wolff as press correspondent
Mrs. Lange holding high score
and Gertrude Schalock as good
and Mrs. Thompson second.
of the order chairman. A com­
The club will meet tomorrow munity service chairman will be
with Mrs. Gibson.
selected at the next meeting.
It was announced that 10 mem­
bers attended the Ladies of Mys­
Doris Hibbs Is Bride
tery meeting in Portland April
In Rites at Stevenson
In a ceremony read at 6:00
The drill captain announced
p.m. Tuesday, May 15, at the that the material for the formals
Methodist church at Stevenson, had been ordered and would ar­
Washington, Miss Doris Hibbs, rive in about two weeks.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
The refreshment committee for
Hibbs, became the bride of John the next meeting will be Mane
H. Langdale of Enigma, Georgia Atkins, Mary Sawyer and Ruby
who is now stationed at Fort Biggs.
Lewis, Washington.
Delicious refreshments of jello |
For the ceremony, the bride and cake were served by Faye j
wore a pastel blue nylon dress. Davis, Dorothy Carter and Zelda I
Accompanying her to Stevenson Vernon.
for the ceremony were her moth­
er and her brother Jimmy and
an aunt, Mrs. Elva Peffly of
; Play Safe with Reliable I
The couple will maintain their
residence in Portland until his
discharge from the service.
Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
Hibbs will hold open house in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Langdale,
beginning at 8:00 o’clock. Friends
! * Your Buildings
are invited to drop in to meet the
groom and to extend good wishes
j * Your Equipment
to the couple.
The Vernonia Study club met
Thursday evening May 3 at the-
home of Mrs. Robert Lindsay.
Mona Gordon reported that the
blinds for the library windows
had arrived and would be put up
in the near future.
After the business sesion, Ro­
bert Lindsay gave an interesting
program, speaking and showing
pictures on Forestry.
The next meeting will be to­
night May 17 at the home of Mrs.
John Harris.
J *
8 ei 40 Members Attend
Meeting at Scappoose
The Columbia county Salon
440 of 8 et 40 met in Scappoose
April 24. The seven members
from Vernonia who attended
were Mrs. Alice Ade, Mrs. Mar­
garet Walrath, Mrs. Jennie Lusby,
Mrs. Lona Weidman, Mrs. Gert­
rude Schalock, Mrs. Marie At­
kins and Mrs. Freda Biggs.
At the meeting. Mrs. Norma Mit­
chell was obligated as a partner.
The bed at T B. hospital in Den­
ver which the group supports
was discussed. Also, plans were
made for a banquet for depart­
ment officers on Saturday, May
19 at the El Sombrero club in
Portland at which the Vernonia
members will put on a skit for
* Grade A Milk & Cream.
* Homogenized.
Delivered to your door or
at your store — Ask for
Nehalem Dairy Products!
Grade A Pasteurized
. . Milk & Cream
Eight Years of Honest Service
Pd. Adv. by Clyde Henderson, Mist Rt.. Vernonia. Ore.
mw that offers you
• full 5 horsepower
• new low cost
• weighs only 19 pounds
• direct drive
It’s easy to enter . . . just com« In.
and try the EZ while we fill out •
blank for you. There’s nothing for
you to do, nothing to write, no obli­
See the new Homelite EZ direct driv«
chain saw today and get your chanc«
to winl
Your Furnishings
I Let us protect your pro-
I perty with coverage in
line with p r e s e n t-day
Phone HA 9-6058 — Riverview
Hove a free Domontlntion Today
Riverview at 1st
Vernonia, Oregon
The Long-Bell
Vernonia Division
I t !
THURSDAY. MAY 17. 195«
I I •
Effective Monday of this
week, May 14, we have
transferred ownership of
our hardware business to
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Slaight
of Anchorage, Alaska.
We extend the new owners
our sincere best wishes for
success in their new busi­
ness and hope they enjoy
the same pleasant associa­
tions in Vernonia as we
have enjoyed.
We also sincerely thank all
our customers for their
George and
Louise Hahn
We have assumed owner­
ship of the hardware busi­
ness of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hahn as of Monday
morning of this week anef
will operate the firm under
the name of Slaight Hard­
We extend Mr. and Mrs.
Hahn our good wishes for
the hardware business
they plan to open soon at
Port Orford.
Mr. and Mrs.
Chuck Slaight