TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Trank Lang« and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ortner en joyed Mother’s day dinner at Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. DeHart Jr. of Portland spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. DeHart Sr. In the afternoon they all called on Mr. and Mrs. T. L. De Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris have rented their house to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Knowlton and are leaving this week with plans to spend the next few months tra- For Graduation The smartest buy of the year! PÄRKER veling and visiting relatives. At the time of their departure from here they were going to their daughters at Aloha and further plans awaited development. The Knowltons moved here recently from Cathlamet, Washington and Mr. Knowlton is employed at the Crown Zellerbach office. Ralph Bergcrson, assistant man ager of the Vernonia Branch, U.S. • National bank was in Portland all of last week attending a work clinic conducted at the bank's head office. Mrs. Paul Gordon and Mrs. Mane Frazee dug clams at Gear hart Sunday morning with good success. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Valpiani entertained with a dinner on Sunday, May 13, honoring her mother, Mrs. Emilia Corsiglia, of St. Helens. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corsiglia and three small children, of St. He lens. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman and sons Steven and Kenneth; her mother, Mrs. Elsie Stevens from Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Har old McEntire and Patty and Peg gy Bowerman enjoyed the week end at Seaside. While there, they saw Mr and Mrs. Raleigh Wheel er, former Vernonia residents who now live at Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Garner and Susan returned Friday evening from a*two weeks vacation trip to Southern California during which they visited relatives in Oakland, Van Nuys and Pasadena. They did much sight seeing in both the San Francisco and Los Angeles areas including visits to Knott’s B^rry farm, Disneyland, the farmer’s market, the planet arium, Chinatown, Fisherman’s Wharf and the zoos in both areas. They also called on Mrs. Ole Brown and her family at San Jose. Mr. and Mrs. John Harris and two sons spent last w >ek end at Seattle visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Duncan, and her brother who will move soon to California. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Walker and New Parker Pen . .. New Parker Jotter Ball Point Porker s new ' Smart Set" it the greatest value in writing initru- •ent11 Combines famous Parker pen with Electro Polished Point and the sensational, new Parker Jotter . . . the ball pen that offers a choice of 4 point sites. Come in today for your Smart Set.** Vernonia Phon« HA 9 6254 — Vernonia RAYMOND C. JOHNSON, box 684, Scappoose. Democrat, is a candidate for county commission er. He has been engaged for many years in road supervision work. Sen of a pioneer Scap poose family. Johnson became in terested in construction work when working for the U.S. army engineers on Sauvies Island. Dur ing World War II he served with the 14th armored division, re turning to construction work on completion of service. After a brief period on private construc tion contracting work, he worked for nine years with the county road maintenance department ths last four years serving as road supervisor. He lives in Scappoose with his wife and children. Pd Adv. Raymund C. Johnson, Scappoose, Or'gon From where I sit... fy Joe Marsh Doc Nurses a Daydream It's a treat when I get together with Doc Sherman. The Clarion heepi me much too busy —and Uwe. well 1 think he put« in oii- teen houra a day at the hospital. But Tuesday—* beautiful day - he and I slipped away for a ride around Turtle Lake. Doc's driv ing a 1956 humdinger — it's like riding on a cloud. Anyway, at one point Doe «lowed almoat to a halt. “Used to Ash there as a boy, Joe,” he said. “Deed to sit and imagine myself up on the highway driving a high powered car. Nowadays, I DATES TO REMEMBER Rural Mail Box Week Designated by Department THURSDAY. MAY 17 Vernonia Study Club — Home of Mrs. John Harris, 8:00 p.m. Winema Grange — Birkenfeld, 8:00 p.m. IWA Local 5-37 — IWA hall, 7:30 p.m. Friendship Club — Home of Mrs. Blanche Millis—Noon. FRIDAY. MAY 18 ELECTION — 8:00 a m. to 8:00 p.m. Cub Scout Pack meeting—Wash ington school, 8:00 p.m. F.O.E. — Eagle’s Hall, ^.00 p.m. SATURDAY. MAY 19 Marble tourney, Jantzen Beach— All day. Junior Promenaders party dance —IWA hall, 7:30 p.m. Columbia County Historical So ciety — Birkenfeld, noon. Vernonia Grange party night — Hall by golf course, 8:00 p.m. SUNDAY. MAY 20 High school baccalaureate ser vice — EUB church, 7:30 p.m. MONDAY. MAY 21 Lions club work session at city park — 6:00 p.m., followed by dinner at V.F.W. hall. American Legion — Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. City Council — City hall, 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY, MAY 22 V.F.W. Auxiliary — V.F.W. hall, 8:00 p.m. Vernonia Lodge No. 246, IOOF— IOOF hall, 8:00 p m. P.E.O. — Home of Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier, 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY. MAY 23 Senior banquet — Legion hall, 6:30 p m. Boy Scouts—City perk, 7:00 p.m. Veteran’s of Foreign Wars — VFW hall, 8:00 p.m. Pythian Sisters — IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Membership night. Next week, May 21 through 26, has been designated by the Unit ed States postal department as rural mail box week. Persons who receive mail in boxes along rural routes are asked to coop erate by seeing that they have the proper type of box, correctly erected on a solid post and in scribed clearly on the side visible to the carrier the name of the patron. In many areas, routes have carried on organized cam paigns to get all boxes to be uni form and to have them and the supports painted and kept look ing attractive. Proper boxes, cor rectly placed aid in efficient de livery of mail. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE 2 THURSDAY, MAY 17. 1956 just sit here and wish I were down there again.” From where I sit. few of us sre ever content with the way things sre at any given moment. It’s hu man nature. On the other hand. I’ve been rooting for years that someday erergbodg will show enough good American tolerance to respect his neighbor's right to enjoy a friendly glass of beer. When that day comes I assure yoa that III actwr want to change back. I i I I family moved last week end to Reedsport where he will work for the Long-Bell company. Mrs. Lena Stanton returned home Sunday after a visit at Glenwood with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Uhlin, and in Port land with her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Russell Stanton. Also there were Mrs. Russell Stantons daugh ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haynes, from San Francisco, and their two children. Mrs. Le na Stanton will leave this week end for Buckley, Washington to visit her son LaVerne and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sundland and family from McMinnville spent Mother’s Day at Mist with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sundland. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nelson enjoyed a trip to Port Orford last week where they were the guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Juola. They were accompanied by their grand daughters, Miss Marlene Cook and Miss DeAnna Powell, who returned to Portland by Lus Sun day evening. The poisons en joyed a beautiful drive home along the coast on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Ford of Forest Grove visited with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kamholz and family on Mother’s Day. Mrs. Myrtle Buffmire received a beautiful orchid Monday morn ing by air mail from Phillip (Sonny) Sherburn, former resi dent of Vernonia who is now sta tioned on the U.S.S. Marshall in Honolulu, Hawaii. Mrs. Lee Jessee was in Port land from Monday to Wednesday afternoon visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Hewitt and their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Roe- diger, Joan and Vicki. Mrs. Anne Rice and son from Utah visited with Mrs. Florence Kirkbride Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kelley of Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kirkbride, Barbara and Wally Huntington of Hillsboro, spent Sunday with their folks. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and family. Mr. and Mrs. Curly Buffmire and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Quinn attended the Eagles barbecue at Dass park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jessee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howard at Sunset Junction. Robert Adams of Bend visited from Friday to Wednesday at the home of his brother and wife, Mr I and Mrs. Bill Adams Mr. and Mrs. Oren Weed and Barbara spent last week end in Seattle with her mother and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Otis East of Prine ville visited here recently with his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest East. Mother’s day guests at the home of Mrs. Peale Adams included three sons and a daughter and their families. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Adams and fa mily and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams and family from Cathla met, Washington; Mr. and Mrs Leslie Hobin and family from Philomath and Taul Adams and his son. Paul Jr., from Portland. Announcements have been re ceived here from Gloria Joy Scheuerman of Monmouth of her graduation May 29 from Central high school. She has been nam ed salutatonan of her class. She plans to enter nurses training at Emanuel hospital in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Jr., worthy patron and matron of Ne. halem chapter. OES, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Davis, as sociate patron and matron, as their special guests at the dinner dance given at Mt. Hood chapter in Portland last Saturday night. A Hawaiian theme was carried out and leis had been flown from the islands for the occasion. Only two people had identi fied their numbers at Bruns mans by Wednesday morning. They were Mary Sawyer and Dorothy Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Quinn were in Portland Saturday where he attended an insurance sales meeting. The Quinns have pur chased the home at 1209 Bridge street and plan to move there soon. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Russom are moving this week end to Portland. Two Students Appear In Portland Recital Greg Kamholz and Grant Bow erman played piano solos in Port land last week as entrants in the Oregon Federation of Music Teachers annual music festival. The boys are students of Mary Benson Dunlap in Forest Grove. Mrs. Sanden Hostess For Delia Kappa Gamma Phone HR 9-3462 Tau chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, national honorary socie ty for women teachers, met May 5 at the Washington elementary school, with Mrs. Dorothy San- don as hostess. The meeting was devoted to making plans for the next year and to reports from the delegates who attended the state convention in Medford in April, namely Mrs. Lucille Hansen, president of Tau chapter; Miss Dorothy Whitney, corresponding secretary and Mrs. Lois Kent, parlimentarian. A delicious pot-luck luncheon was served at noon by Mrs. Charles Minger, Mrs. Art Nan- son and Mrs. Earl King, repie- senting the Vernonia P.T.A. NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT H H H H H BEN S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon Me«4 J'WWl Feaad«ws MAY 17-18 THURS.. FRI. ON THE THRESHOLD OF SPACE John Hod'ak - Virgin's T.niih MAY 19 SATURDAY RAILS INTO LARAMIE John Pavne - Dan Duryea SUN., MON. MAY 20-21 THE ROSE TATTOO Burt Lancaster . Anna Magnani America Needs Eisenhower Sicet FRED H. COCKELL DELEGATE Republican National Convention let Cen«retl<en«l Disvici 1 belitvt irr. • Freedom of individual enterprise. • Continued government as pre scribed by the Constitution. • Simplified income tax returns. • Farm program that will benefit all agriculture—not just a few commodities. H H KING’S Grocery - Market Phone HA 9-6015 "Where Your Money Buys More” H Riverview H At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery H H H —From your home-owned independent grocery. H Trade Independent. Z SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING H M VTV K hzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhs I ! ^ij/s /J/iai P/ease ! ¡ RADÍO Having TV trouble? We can help you by repairing your set and make it right FAST. .. . /nc sfuJcnl TIMEX : The wrist watch that can be depended upon for long, satisfactory service. ADMIRAL Waterproof Dustproof Shock Resistant 95 UP Other Watches UP RADIO . TV - APPLIANCES GUARANTEED SERVICE s10 OAKES RADIO SHOP s5" HA 9 3653 — Riverview Other Gift Ideas... BERRY PICKERS ATTENTION! JEWELRY — PARKER PENS AND PENCILS LUGGAGE — WALLETS - CAMERAS ELECTRIC RAZORS FOR MEN AND WOMEN PICK IN FIELDS OF YOUR CHOOSING Sign up now with Dan Cason for work at Rolling Hills Fann 4, Jog Theatro XHZHXHZHZHZHXHXKZHZHXHXH^ VERNONIA DRUG CO. Ì Banks. Oregon CepyngU, A new method of identifying sheep to prevent livestock theft, has been devised by Australian sheep producers. This brand is about the size of a penny, and it comprises three letters and three figures. These are indelibly ta- tooed into the bare skin of thi sheep’s flank with a special pair of pliers. The system is inex pensive and an experienced oper ator can brand a sheep in about three seconds. A thief could cut out this brand, but this would cripple the sheep for about two months and leave a tell-tale scar. N M« Fini C<xk«ll,4ill Like Rd .«, Ort. Don't be tied to a platoon system! i Sheep Branding Method Helps Prevent Thefts TELEPHONE HA 9-6254 u Vernonia, Ore.