/ Library, U of 0 Grade Board Rehires Part Of Personnel Change in Instruction For Bands Arranged With High School The board of directors of ths Vernonia elementary schools, at their regular board meeting on May 9, rehired the following non- certified personnel for both ths Lincoln and Washington schools. Custodians for Washington school will be Mr. and Mrs. W’avne Welch; Lincoln school, Charles Justice; secretary, Miss Kathleen Sauer; school lunch room, Mrs. Ida Richards, Mrs. Vicky Nan- son and Mrs. Carna Childs. Dan Cason was offered a contract to transport the students on the Tim ber route bus run. The board through arrange ments with the high school has ■obtained the services of William Johnson, high school band in structor, on a half-time basis for band and individual instrumen tal instruction for elementary school band purposes. This will provide for a greatly accelerated band program for grade school students. Definite plans have not been formulated as yet, but a be ginning and advanced band pro gram and individual instruction will be provided during the next school year. The board has accepted the re signation of several of the teach ers for the coming year. Walter Harris, librarian, has accepted a position in the Mt. Diablo schools near San Francisco, California. Mrs. Launee Miller, first grade, is to be married in June. Miss Marcia Manville, Mrs. Emily Marr and Lyle Frazier have not an nounced their plans. Mrs. Nancy Chalmers will join her husband at San Pedro, California. Shorthand Class Given Honors First Event ■ Green Veneer Gun Club to ; Valley Stream Flow Survey Due Class Proposal for i Name Board Data Assembled by Group A vote of better than three to one was cast in favor of merging IWA locals 5-37 Vernonia. 5-238 Tillamook and 5-5 of Forest Grove and providing for a cen tral office at Forest Grove when ballots were cast by members of the three units recently. The —'.frged group will retain the designation 5-5 and contracts at Vernonia and Tillamook will be changed accordingly when they crffie up for renewal. The merger follows the trend in the Northwest where other locals have combined recently. Area Heard A meeting of the Vernonia Gun I club will be held at Brunsman I Hardware Thursday evening. May 31, for the purpose of electing a board of directors. This board, in conjunction with officers of the club, handles the business of the organization even though the club has been inactive. This meeting is not an attempt to re-activate the club, but tax problems and disposition of cer tain timber holdings on club pro perty at Keasey make this meet ing an important one for all club members. Another step towards determin survey were: game commission, ing the feasibility of a project fish commission, extension ser designed to control stream flow vice, forestry department, water Project Outlined to in the Nehalem river and Rock resources board and soil conser Chamber Board Mon. creek was taken Monday and vation committee. Federal agen Night by Consultant Tuesday when a field examina cies present were soil conserva Vernonia chamber of commerce tion was made of the valley by tion service, bureau of land man men representing seven state agement and forest service and board members and committee agencies, three federal agencies local groups participating were chairmen, at their meeting Mon and four local groups. ; West Oregon Electric. Clatskanie day evening, heard details con This survey came about because 1 SCS, Vernonia chamber of com- cerning a proposal that a co of an application,approved March ] merce and city council. operative green veneer plant be 22 by tht* Clatskanie soil conser promoted for this area. Informa vation district board pointing out the need for control of bank tion about such a plant such as erosion during high water periods the amount of financing required, and for provision for storage to number of board feet of logs ne. provide water for irrigation and cessary for operation, and number industrial use during other times Another visit here of the Red of people to be employed was of the year. Cross Bloodmobile is scheduled presented by C. A. Reynolds, The application for the survey for the afternoon of Tuesday. May A good attendance of parents business consultant who is work conducted Mondajf and Tuesday 29. Mrs. Glen Hawkins announced ing on the cooperative lay-up ' and teachers heard reports last was endorsed by the Columbia Monday. This visit of the unit plant being organized at Rainier. Monday night from the delegates county court, the Vernonia cham will be sponsored by the Odd With Reynolds Monday were who had attended the Oregon ber of commerce and Vernonia Fellows and Rebekahs and ar W M. Merrell, owner of the Mer Congress of Parents and Teach city council. At a meeting Mon rangements for donors to make rell Streel Building company, and ers at Eugene in April. Reports day morning preliminary to the their contributions will be made were made by Mrs. Charles H. R. Barker, all of Portland. start of the survey, M. P. Mills, at the IOOF hall. No action was taken Monday Minger, Mrs. L. L. Wells and Birkenfeld, vice-chairman of the Mrs. Edith McFarland has been evening by the chamber board Mrs. Robert Lindsay. Clatskanie SCD, explained the named chairman of the committee Mrs. J. P. Wallace was elected because a survey of raw mater that will prepare for setting up reason for the undertaking. ials would be imperative before secretary to fill out the staff of Ronald E. Elmes, state soil con the unit, which will be here from any further consideration of the officers. Also, Mrs. Minger, new servation committee engineer, ex 2 to 5 p.m. that day. president who was presiding for project could be carried out. plained the procedure that was to Lyman Hawken, chairman of the first time, appointed commit be followed in conducting the tee chairmen as follows: Mem the industry committee, reported field examination and assigned that the Caylite Candle Company, bership, Mrs. Charles Düben individuals to various phases of dorf; health, Mrs. Frank Serafin; Inc., was unloading 10,000 pounds the work. He asked them to pre program, Mrs. Robert Lindsay; of candle wax that evening. A pare concise information showing savings stamps, Mrs. Norman sample line of candles has been basic facts. displayed by Berni Brothers of Hamnett and publicity, Mrs. Earl Final rites were held at the During the morning discussion, King. Room mothers will be ap Portland, to the large company it was pointed out that, if a pro Coleman Mortuary in St. Helens pointed in the fall. buyers in Portland and because Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier gave a ject was approved, financing Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. for Harry of their response, has accepted report on the course, "Family could be provided partly by as V. Drew, 82, who passed away the Caylite Candle Co. line to sell Living.” which is being consid sessments levied under a water 1 st Friday at the Crestview in five northwest states. ered for inclusion in the course control district against the land Nursing Home at Scappoose. In Louis Towne, chairman of the benefitted and partly by federal terment was in the Yankton cem agriculture committee, told of the of study at the high school next aid. The amount of the assess etery. fall. It was given the approval meetings going on Monday and Mr. Drew was born in Minne ment would be determined by Tuesday here, studying the upper of the PTA. sota and came to Oregon in 1917. the size of the project. Mrs. Art Nanson, retiring pres Nehalem valley for water control. It was emphasized that this sur He made his home in Creswell, This is a result of the application ident, was presented with her vey is not the start of a project, Oregon until a few years ago past president ’ s pin by Mrs. for a survey of the area to soil [ but merely the means of deter when he was unable to care for conservation engineers a few | Minger. mining the facts as to whether a himself because of a stroke and A program presented included weeks ago. The story appears a style show in which eighth water control project is feasible came to make his home with his in another item in this paper. for this area. After the report daughter, Mrs. Shirley Peterson, Art Ostrander, chairman of the grade girls modeled the skirts is prepared it will be examined | of Riverview. He later was mov. roads and highways committee, they had made in home ec clas in the office of the state engineer I ed to the nursing home at Scap reported receiving five new High ses. The style show was direc and, if approved there, will be I poose. way 99W Alternate Road associa ted by Mrs. Nancy Chalmers. The sent to the soil conservation ser- i Besides his daughter, he is sur grade school chorus, directed by tion memberships from Longview vived by ohe brother, George vice at Washington, D.C. Marvin Wiggans, sang three num He also urged members to get out The groups of men assigned i Drew of Clarkston, Washington. to the polls and vote this Friday, bers, “Listen to the Angels various phases of the survey Shouting, ” “ He ” and “ Break especially for the county commis Bread,” and the seventh and spent Monday afternoon and Tues sioner of their choice. eighth grade dramatic activity | day morning on field surveys and President Guy Thomas announ club presented a play under the in group sessions to obtain in ced that the Vernonia high school direction of Mrs. Dorothy San formation that was presented at band came home from the St. another general session Tuesday don. Helens Salmon Festival with an afternoon. All of the data assem After several weeks of atten other win and also that Shelly El bled will be prepared in report dance in high school at Molalla, lis, grade school girl, had won a form at Elmes' office in Portland. Oregon, Sheila Parrish has re first place in the state of Oregon From the infbrmation presented turned to Vernonia to finish her in the essay contest recently spon Tuesday afternoon, it appeared senior year of high school. She is sored by the American Legion that damage from excessive win returning to the class of which Auxiliary. The chamber is proud ter flow was not exhorbitant to she has been a member through of these young folks and others Pre-school children will be giv the extent that any sizeable pro out her high school years She who have recently won awards en hearing tests at the Washing ject could be developed. Best had withdrawn from Vernonia and appreciates the good publicity ton school next Tuesday morning results probably would be achiev Union High School after the Par they have earned for Vernonia. from 9:30 to 11:00. The tests will ed by a channel improvement rish family had moved to Molalla. be conducted in the teacher’s program. Inasmuch as Sheila was one of lunch room by Mrs. Jean Cau- State agencies having represen the five tpp scholars of the class Class Sees Paper Making thorn, audiometrist from the tatives here to participate in the prior to her withdrawal, she be About 50 eighth graders from state board of health, and Miss comes one of the six top scholars the Washington school, accom Grace Roumagoux, Columbia of the present graduating class. Historical Meet Saturday panied by Mrs. Dorothy Sandon, county health nurse. Mrs. Nancy Calmers, Darrold Columbia County Historical so These tests are an additional Proehl and James Johns, went service made available to the peo ciety will meet on Saturday, May via Bob Curl's bus to Camas last ! ple by Columbia county at the 19, in Birkenfeld There will be Friday for a tour of the Crown | request of the county nurse and the usual pot luck meal at noon, Zellerbach paper mills. On the . the school patrons. followed by the business session return trip they stopped at the All first graders will be given and historical program. All in According to an announcement zoo in Portland. the hearing tests next fall. terested are welcome to attend. this week from the local doctors, sufficient Salk vaccine is now on hand in Vernonia to provide shot.« for all persons up to and includ ing 15 years of age and also preg his residence is within the pre tion of the name of a candidate need not be placed in the space nant wolnen. cinct in which he is registered shall be disregarded if it can be to the left of the name or else The doctors advise that all per and not to the correctness of the ascertained from the ballot for where. sons receive the shots as soon as street address which is listed on whom the vote was intended. "A name not printed on the of possible before the arrival of the poll books. Therefore, if a Thus write-in votes for Estes Kef- the polio season. It is also ad person has moved within his own auver are to be counted for him ficial ballot must be written in visable that all children who had precinct and has not changed his even if the voter merely writes and cannot be pasted or other the two shots in the clinics held address with the county clerk, it "Kefauver”. or "Estes", or any wise affixed to the official bal at school now have a third shot is alright for him to vote and variation or mispelling thereof. lot, as by stickers." to complete immunization. The above principles apply to sign the book as residing within Likewise votes are to be counted the precinct. However if a per for Adlai Stevenson even if the all names wntten-in on the of son has moved outside of his ori voter writes "Stevenson’’, or "Ad- ficial ballot regardless of the of Cub Scouts io Meet The May Cub Scout pack meet ginal precinct and wishes to re lai", or any other variation or fice involved." The total registered voters of ing will be held Friday evening turn to his former precinct to misspelling. (Volume 14 Opinions vote, he will not be permitted to of the Attorney General. Pages Columbia County is as follows: at the Washington school at 8:00 Refreshments will b® Republicans 4.931, Democrats 7,- ¡ o’clock. 544;579).” do so. “As to names written in on the 373, rruscellaneous 130 for a total carved by Den 8 with Mrs E. V. "The attorney general further Robertson, den mother, in charge. states, ' Misspelling or abbrevfa- ballot for public office, an *'X” of 12.434. PT A President Names Chairmen Migsters Chosen For State Match About 125 boys and girls par ticipated in the local marble tour nament conducted here last Wed nesday, May 9, to select migsters to compete in the state tourney at Jantzen Beach in Portland this coming Saturday under sponsor ship of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Winners in the class A group, ages 6 through 12 were: First, Benjamin Fowler; second, Gary Cline and third, Kenneth Bate man. For class B, ages 13 through 15, top shooters were: First, Neil Lloyd; second, Ted Bodenhamer and third. Steven Bateman. The first and second place win ners in each class will go to Jant zen Beach Saturday. • i [ I i Sixth Name Is Added To Roll Hearing Tests Due Tuesday Interpretation of Poll Book Signing Law Explained in Clerk's Statement Numerous questions have been asked the county clerk, Harold F. Jensen, about the change of elec, tion laws concerning the voters signing of the poll books at the time of voting. Various stories have been told, many of which are completely false and should be disregarded. The following statement by Jensen clarifies many misunderstandings: "The interpretation of the sign ing of the poll books, which is handed down by Robert Y. Thornton, attorney general of the state of Oregon is thus: The sign ing of the poll books at an elec tion is the voters attestation that BL00DM0B1LE VISIT DATED FOR MAY 29 Harry V. Drew Rites Tuesday New Owners Take Over Hardware | Mrs. Deane Dowling received announcement that the shorthand A change of the ownership of Classes at Vernonia high school Hahn Hardware was announced won the Gold Seal certificate of honorable mention in the 43rd for Monday morning when Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Slaight assumed annual OGA contest. This is the Order of Gregg Artists in which operation of the business form- prizes are awarded on shorthand erly owned by Mr. and Mrs. style. The Gold Seal is the first, George Hahn. Mr. and Mrs. p'.ace rating in the honorable men Slaight come here from Anchor age, Alaska and will change the tion group in this international store name to Slaight Hardware. contest. Inventory of the merchandise The classes are to receive an engraved certificate and the was taken during the week end so that the new owners could teacher a gold OGA pin. Six students won the certificate start with the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Hahn, who have of superior merit in the senior OGA. They are: Sheila Parrish, owned the business since Sep June Jones, and Joyce Mask in tember 1950, plan to move soon Shorthand II; Frankie Hire, Lor to Port Orford where they will etta Mills, and Patti Brissett, open a hardware business later Shorthand I. Each received a gold this year. Bill Wilson, employee of this store, will remain with OGA pin. Those who became Senior OGA the business. members are; Janice Garner, Ber tha Keasey, Joyce Thdmpson, I Buddy Poppy Sale Slated Loretta Mills, David Cotton, Es The V.F W auxiliary has an ther Hire, Betty Sauer, Roy El nounced Friday and Saturday, liott, Priscilla Hickman. Patti May 25 and 26 as the days on Br.ssett, Judy Johnston, Urban which they will conduct the sale Helvie, Barbara Cline, Ruby of the Buddy poppies. These Wells and Georgia Parrish. dates coincide with those desig Shorthand II students qualified nated as Poppy Days bf the Am for this honor last year. erican Legion auxiliary, also. IWA Merger Gets Favorable Vote | First event in the graduation program for the class of 1956 at Vernonia high school will be the baccalaureate service which will be held at 7:30 Sunday evening in the Evangelical United Brethren church under the auspices of the Vernonia Ministerial association as has been the custom in past years. The prelude and processional and recessional will be played by Mrs. Lois Clark at the piano and Mrs. L. H. Thomas at the organ, and special music will be pro vided by the high school choir. Reverend Harry Burk of the Na- zarene church will give the invo cation; Rev. A. L. Argo of the Baptist church will read the scripture; Rev. F. M. Knoll of the E.U.B. church will deliver the sermon and Rev. E. F. Leake of the Christian church will pro nounce the benediction. This years class has a member ship of 35 and Sunday night will be thgir first public appearance in their caps and gowns. Polio Vaccine Now Available