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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1956)
THE EAGlJi. VERNONIA, ORE. Daughter's Initiation Seen at Dallas Lodge Her Face Told It GEORGE N. TAYLOR Portland. Oregon RIVERVIEW — Mrs L. L. day to bring hom° Pete Brunsman Wells attended an executive who has been in the Veteran's meeting of the Columbia county hospital for treatment the past, council of the P.T.A. at St. He two weeks. lens Monday Mrs. Joan Hanon, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brunsman Shervl and John Schmidlin visit are the parents of a fourth son. ed Jack Hanon at St. Mary's Richard Alan, born May 5 at the school for boys at Beaverton Sun Emanu“l hospital in Portland. The day. young man weighed in at 7 Mr and Mrs F E. Rawie of pounds. 5 ‘-2 ounces. He gave his Albany are spending a few days parents some concern Monday be. visiting at the home of their cause of an Rh blood factor which daughter and family, Mr. and I necessitated transfusions but he Mrs Guy Thomas is now progressing satisfactorily. Mrs. Claude Shaw and three In addition to his three brothers, little daughters visited her aunt. he has two sisters. Maternal Mrs. I R. Delano of Milwaukie. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P Monday. O’Rouke, arrived Tuesday from Menlo Park. California. Mrs Mattie Jacobson and Mr and Mrs. Dwight Parkins arrived home Saturday night after ac companying the body of Olof Ja- I cobson to Vermillion South Da- i kota for burial. Wednesday visitors at the home of Mrs Merle Cline were Mrs. Mabie Burnham, Mrs. Paul Meyer and Mrs Frank White of Port land and Mrs. Harry Burnham of Clatskanie. Mrs. Austin Rice and son Irvin of Farmington, Utah arrived Sat urday for a weeks visit at the home of her daughter and fami ly, Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur Kouva. Other visitors at the Kouva home during the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kouva of North Bend. Mae Rice and Mrs. Mar garet Montgomery of Portland and Yvonne Boyd of Forest DICK CARY, Portland manager of the Pacific Fruit and Produce Grove. Co. making the presentation of the TV set io Ron Anderegg and Louis Stern who is attending greeting Sam Hearing Jr. at whose store the entry blank was ob Multnomah School of the Bible spent the week end at the home tained. of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Tunnell. Mr. and Mrs. Al Stiles and of Portland visited at Family Arrives Here from children AT THE CHTTMCHES the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ro Clear Lake, Iowa Monday bert Wyckoff Sunday. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Pd. Ad. McKsv for Senator Comm W L (Bill) Bert Brunsman and Mrs. Pete Phillipa, Ch rm., 525 b. U . Brdy., For (land, Ore. A. L. Argo, Pastor RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Brunsman went to Portland Tues- James Foster and baby of Clear Sunday, Mary 13, 1956 Lake, Iowa, came Monday to 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. make their home here. They 11:00 — Morning worship. moved into the house which his Sermon: “The Two Mothers of mother, Mrs. Roy Foster bought H Moses.’’ recently near Eighth street. Nursery attendant on duty at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Callister morning service. Phono HA 9-6015 Riverview H and Ronnie and Mr. and Mrs. 6:30 p.m. — Training union. Robert Spencer spent the week "Where Your Money Buys More" Al the Mile Bridge X 7:30 p.m. — Evening worship. end at Long Beach, Washington. Mrs. Rex Normand, daughter Theme: "The Nature of God.” H ALWAYS — Top Quality 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Prayer service. Glenda and granddaughter Fawn- da Goodman; Mrs. Grace Nor mand and Mrs. Benny Goodman ALWAYS — Best Prices H VERNONIA EVANGELICAL visited from Fridav till Monday N UNITED BRETHREN at the home of Mr and Mrs. ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery Rev. F. M. Knoll Richard Goodman at Prospect. On Z H their return trip they visited Mr. Sunday, May 13, 1956 M 9:45 a m. Sunday school. Special and Mrs. Kenneth Lindsley at —From your home-owned independent grocery. program honoring mothers witn Springfield. M gifts for oldest and youngest H Trade Independent. mothers present and the mother —Office Supplies at the Eagle— S of the largest family. H 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING Sermon: “A Mother s influence” i X 6:30 p.m. — YoYuth Fellowship. H 7:30 p m. — Evening service. KHZH£NXH3KXHZHZHZHZNZHZH& Theme: “Christ The Center of Home Life.” Tuesday, May 15 1:30 p.m. — Ruth Circle at home of Mrs. Cass Bergerson. Wednesday, May 16 10:00 am. — Drive-in day at WSWS convention, Jennings- B m Lodge. Mrs. Rodney Sundberg, ther? missionary to Phillipines, speak Thirty years ago, er. were no less than 750.000 Former Resident Dies At Fontana, California TIMBER ROUTE — Word was received Monday by Bert Tisdale of the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Maude Chilcoat Tisdale, 73, at Fontana. California following a lingering illness. She was a for. mer Vernonia resident, leaving here about 1945. She is survived by her husband, John, and three daughters. Services for her are beine held today at Pomona, Cali fornia. Mike Shipley has been ill the past few days with an attack of bronchial infection. Neighbors and friends surprised Mrs. Mae Wienecke Wednesday on her birthday with a potluck dinner. Ladies present were: Mrs. Edith Bledsoe Mrs. Nell Thacker, Mrs. Betty Smith. Mis. Svlvia Falconer. Mrs. Laura Thacker. Mrs. Rita Shipley and the hoste^;. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Greiling of Portland spent Sundav at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Flor- enz West. Dinner guests Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tis dale in honor of her birthday were Lee Rogers, T. L. Pierce, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Marlott of Portland. Six Ladies Attend the Homemaker's Festival KEASEY ROUTE — Six wo men from the Keasey Extension unit attended the Homemaker’s Festival at Raimer May 3. Mrs. George Martan and Mrs. Ted De Witt were installed in their of fices for the coming year. Others attending were Mrs. Ted Keasey, Mrs. Walt Parker. Mrs. Harvey Christensen and Mrs. H. A. De Witt. George Martan is building a high fence around his garden and berry plot hoping to kee^ the deer out. Mrs. Ted DeWitt spent the week end with his sister and her fami ly near Seattle. Mrs. H. A. DeWitt is moving to Mist to be with her husband near his work. Guests of Mrs. J. L. Van Wert the week end opening fishing sea son were Mr and Mrs. Chet Bur ton, Mr. and Mrs. John Burton and Edward Bedford. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Counts have rented their place to Lloyd Wea ver and will move soon to Valsetz where Mr. Counts is working. KING’S Grocery - Market X SEE YOUR LOCAL MATERIALS DEALER for Extra Quality 66,500 ORPHANS . . . NOT 750,000 Portland Concrete Drain Tile Manufactured by Portland Concreie Pipe & Products Company 5819 S.W. Macadam Ave. CApiiol 8-8384 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ervin F. Leake, Minister Sunday, May 13, 1956 9:45 a.m. — Opening assembly of the Bible school honoring Mo ther with the junior high class, Mrs. Vila Smith, teacher, in charge of the special sei vic< 11:00 a.m. — Morning church ser vice. Special Mother’s Day ser vice. 6:00 p.m. — Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p.m. — Evening church ser vice. H om elite NEW! DIRECT DRIVE ADMIRAL CHAIN SAW Radio with FLOATING POWER TV Appliances • Low Down Payment • 12 Months to Pay Deep Freezers. Refrigerators, and appliances of all kinds. full 5 horsepower new low cost • • GUARANTEED SERVICE 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. — All Makes OAKES RADIO SHOP orphans in this country— 750,000 children under 18 who had lost both parents Today, with a population 50'< bigger than it was in 1920, there are only 66,500 orphans. Here is dramatic proof of the effectiveness of modern drugs in keep ing people alive ... in keep ing families together. Here is dramatic proof of the fact that . . . Vfiicfi IVI Ir. Doe ihe Acco untan! Today's Prescription is tha Bigges! Bargain In History VERNONIA DRUG CO. Phone HA 9-3653 — Riverview | YOU-UNANDER-AND OREGON Extra White Section Listings Cost Only TA* per day Customers and friends can locate you instantly through extra ’’white section” listings that assure quick, convenient identification of key company personnel. Call your telephone business office. Republican STATE TREASURER Here’s new help for every farmer . .. the floating power of the new Homelite EZ direct drive chain saw that gives you more cutting for your dollar. — Because it weighs only 19 pounds, it goes any where with ease ... cuts any wood from any posi tion, up, down, right, left See it... feel its floating power in your own hands. Come in for a free demonstration tomorrowl TED’S SAW SHOP RIVERVIEW AT FIRST — VERNONIA. OREGON In addition to identifying your business, extra listings are handy for persons in your home whose names are not the same as your own. And they cost even less. INCUMBENT Its direct drive and full 5 horsepower give you peak performance with even less effort on your part. 7 County PT.A. Meet Attended NATAL-PITTSBURG — Mrs. W. K. Wolff motored to Dallas, Oregon last Tuesday afternoon to spend the evening with her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Stuve and the tamily. She attended a meet ing of Elmira Rebekah lodge at which Mrs. Stuve was a candi date for membership by initia tion. Mrs. Wolff returned home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wright and son David of Manzanita were week end guests at the L. P. Mathews home. Sunday they drove to Hillsboro to see Mr. Mathews who was in Tuality hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding at Birkenfeld. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed of Scappoose were guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Went worth Jr. and children of Port land were Sundav guests of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis and sons of Scappoose called on Mr. and Mrs Nobl:> Dunlap Sunday. Leroy Stalneckier and Miss Ar lene Lewis of Scappoose were Saturday visitors at the Noble Dunlap home. Christ stopped at the well at Sychar to rest a bit and a wo man from the town came out for a jug of water. Christ asked her for a drink and then told her that should she drink of the water he had for her she would never thirst again. The water He would give her would be a spring of water, bubbling up with in her and giving eternal life. — BIBLE, John 4th. Content Pearson need never tell of the water of life bubbling up with in her for her life and face told all in the hospi tal. And may you be just such a blessing at home or wherever. Receive Christ as your Lord and Saviour who died for your every sin. Then die to self and Christ will live out through you also. This message sponsored by a Seattle family. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1956 I I S^ etent I Salem, Oregon A West Coast Telephone Credit Card enables you to charge phone calk to your home or office phone- no matter where you go. Have you applied for yours yet? «ttàteWI TELEPIKHE (INMR