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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1956)
« THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1956 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General SMALL electric organ with at tached bass pedals. Lovely rich full tones. Very easy terms or will take piano or band instru ment in on trade. For informa tion call or write Day Music Co., 808 S. E. Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. 19t4c FOR SALE, dairy cow, just fresh, first calf. J. P. McFarland, 1 mile north of Vernonia on Rock Creek road HA 9-5946. 19t3c '49 MERCURY $350. Rex Nor mand Jr., Capitol Hill 19t4c *36 CHEV. pick-up Extra motor and 4 extra tires. $75. See Owen East or Eddie Poetter. 19t3 FOR SALE: Kenmore clothes Practically drier, 1955 model. new. $85. Mrs. Bradford Rus 19t3c som. HA li 3632 *46 MODEL, 1 ton, K3 Interna tional pickup, with new flat bed, portable winch pick-up arm, di rectional lights, heavy draw ba1, new tires, 8 ply, budd wheels, ex cellent condition throughout. C. Shaw, Riverview. 19tl CHIHUAHUA pups A.K.C. reg istered. The world’s smallest and most loveable dogs. Also two grown dogs. Ada Warner. HAzel 9 6901. 18t3 JUNKING '48 Kaised 4-dr. sedan. Will sell radiator, carburetor, starter, generator and transmis sion for $40 Parts fit Kaiser and Frazer '47 to '50. Hank Hudson, Riv< rview HA 9-6058. 18t3e FOR SALE: Kimball upright pi ano. Good condition. Priced right. See it at 28 OA Hill. Walter Linn. HA 9 3592. 18t3 F<4R SALE: 8 white Japanese aiikie chickens. Call HA 9-5821 after 6 p m. Friday, all day Sat. and Sun. Fifth house. Tenth St., Riverview. Mrs. John Krinick. 18t3c FOR SALE: Davenport; McDeer «•ream separator; roll building paper; small sink; lawn mower, rare books; old phonograph re cords Mrs. Wm. Pringle, Mist Rt. 1713 FOR SALE Used chain saws. I Ted's Saw Shop. Riverview. 22tfc I CASH PAID for furniture, live stock, machinery, tools any time Forest Grove Auction, L. R. Senft and C. W. Christiansen, owners and auctioneers. Phone 7615. IStfc SAND, grave), crushed rock, fill dirt. Call HA 9 6829, A.G. Os trander. 26t52c FOR SALE—Insurance FOR SALE—Real Estate IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY Notice is hereby given that the I undersigned has been appointed administrator cum testamentc annexo of the estate of Joseph Banz°r, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County and it has qua lified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verifitd as by law required, to the undersigned at its banking house in the City of Vernoma Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. First publication May 10, 1956. Final publication June 7, 1956. THE UNITED STATES NA- TIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND Administrator cum testamenio annexo. GEORGE G. VAN NATTA Attorney for Administrator. 19t5c HOMES 3-BEDROOM home, wired for range; lots of built-ins. Close in. Price $3750. Terms. FARMS 114 ACRE farm. Junction City, 35 acres cleared, some timber. Long Tom river borders one side, 5-rm. house, barn and other bldgs. Will take 2 to 5 acre place near Vernonia in deal. Price $20,000. Terms. 117 ACRES, 60 in cultivation, on Nehalem river, including 8- room modem house, bam and garage. Also irrigation system. Some pulp wood. Price $13,700 $5000 will handle. 8 ACRES, borders on Rock Creek, all cleared and level, 2 houses and large bam. Price, $3500. Good terms. Close in. SEE ME for farms and acreage. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DON BAYLEY, BROKER Palace Cafe Bldg. Ph. HA 9-5225. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY 14tlc IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF BERT CORNELIUS WANTED MAKINSTER, DECEASED WANTED: Pastures for two hor NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ses, close to town. Inquire 628 PROPERTY Rose Ave., after 5 p.m. 18t3 Notice is hereby given that the WOMAN 45 wishes baby sitting undersigned administrator of the in your home. Day or night. estate of Bert Cornelius Makins- Phone HA 9-5241. 18t3 ter, deceased, by virtue of an order of sale issued out of the WANTED: Cattle to pasture. Carl County Court of the State of Ore Trimm on former Adam Koch gon for the County of Columbia place on Pebble Creek road. duly made and entered on the HA 9-3101. 18t3 30th day of April, 1956 in the STRAWBERRY Pickers register above entitled estate, licensing now with Mrs. Melvin Barrett, the said administrator to sell the 1126 Washington Ave., HA 9-5625, hereinafter described real pro for picking in June at Walter perty belonging to the said de Baird farm near Buxton. Cabins ceased, will offer for sale from available. Transportation provid and after the 1st day of June, 1956 at private sale for cash or ed if needed. 17t3c upon such terms as may be ap WANTED: Pole and piling stump proved by the court at the law age. Terms, cash. Niedermeyer- office of said administrator in the Martin Co., 715 Portland Trust Medical Building at Clatskanie, Bldg., Portland 4, Ore. 14t7c Columbia County, Oregon all of the following described real pro WANTED: Farm listing, large or perty situated in Columbia Coun small. Have buyers waiting. Ed ty, State of Oregon, to wit; The L. Winter, Realtor, AT 2-7334, East half of Lot 3, Block 7 Rose 545 N E. Killingsworth, Portland Addition to Vernonia, Columbia 11. Oregon. Or call or write M. County, Oregon. S. Thompson, farm salesman, The sale will be made subject BU 9-0577. 12tfc to the confirmation of the above HIGHEST cash prices paid for entitled court. Date of First publication, May cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— 3, 1956. Date of Last publication, May call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 24, 1956. G. A. Heikkila, Administrator 126. 14tfc 18t4c FOR RENT FOR RENT, modern, comfortable, nicely furnished house. 162 A St. Inquire at 1251 Second Ave., or phone HA 9-3434 19tfc APARTMENT for rent. 2 bed rooms, bath, dinette, living rm. Completely furnished. See Ha zel Shipman at Drug Store. 15tfc ALLSTATE, founded by Sears, gives you more for your insurance dollar. For auto, fire and person al liability insurance, see or phon«* CARD OF THANKS your local Allstate Insurance MAY WE TAKE this method of agent, Patrick J. Vandehy, 19th I t thanking our neighbors and Ext., Forest Grove. Oregon, or I friends for their kind expressions phone Forest Grove 2333 for ap of sympathy in our bereavement. pointment. 52tfc These expressions have been F OUR BEDRM modern house on deeply appreciated. Our special acre. Tool house, wood shed, thanks go to Rev. and Mrs. Swan half acre flowrs. Good well. dir and Rev. and Mrs. Leake and Fifth house. Tenth St., Riverview. to members of Odd Fellow Lodge Mrs. John Krinick. 18t3c No. 3. Mrs. Mattie E. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Jacobson FOR SALE—Real Estate and family. — BUMP & MEYER. PROPERTIES Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Parkins AND INS. INC. Laurel A Wittwer 19tlc 1930 Council St.. F. G. Oregon Phore Forest Grove 4061 1 WOULD like to thank all my Phone Vernonia Branch Office friends and neighbors who sent HA 9-6058 cards and flowers while I was in H. T. Hudson. Riverview the hospital. They were greatly In Vernonia: appreciated. AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY Two- Virginia Hogeberg Iwdroom home, corner lot, 19tlc spotless interior, electric heat, sewer and curbing in and paid. LOST AND FOUND 111 health garden rototilled. LOST: Green and white rever has forced a $1000 reduction on sible jacket at high school base this. $275000 ball diamond. Saturday, April 28. JUST MARRIED" Here's a small Finder please return to Eagle of modern 2 bdrm, house on 80x100 fice. Reward 19t3 lot. Cute and cozy. Nice kit chen. Only $2500 LOST at high school May Day Suburban: program Camera with flash at FOR THE RETIRING COUPLE. tachment in brown zipper bag OR THE MAN WHO LIKES Finder contact Sam Hearing Jr. TO DIG An attrative 2 story at Sam's Food Store. Reward 3-bdrm on 5 lots in Riverview. 19tlc Plenty of water, dandy garden, chicken houses, lots of shrub LOST: Black and white Collie and Doberman. If seen, please ticry. H down Good terms to call Merle Graham. 17t3 the right people. Tarms: Sell it with an Eagle Want Ad. 110 IDEAL for sheep or cattle acres on hiwy 47. 20 in cult. DR. VOTAW 2 houses, big barn. $9000 $2500 down Or, will consider sell- OPTOMETRIST ng 55 acres raw land, separate- $1700. Sundland Building LISTINGS WANTED including Tuesdays and Saturdays Hrntals. 19tlc Farewell Party Honors Couple I LEGAL NOTICE I toria, recently returned to Port Orford. George Mathews of Pendleton was visiting with the Bellingham families the first part of the BIRKENFELD — A farewell I get-together was held at the home I ot Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bellingham | for Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Parman and sons, who are leaving in the near future tor Wyoming. Those Present were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil lliott, Mr. and Mrs. fed Belling ham and family of Astoria, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Jensen of War renton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stinchfield returned recently from Phoenix, Arizona, where they had gone to spend the winter. The experiment station farm on Northrup Ci'eek has been leased to Gleason Gainor for cat tle pasture. Little Martel Dean, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. 'led Belling ham, is at the Good bamamati hospital in Portland, convalescing from a recent palate operation. He is doing nicely. Mrs. Josephine Wooden of War. renton was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hop kins Thursday. She was also visiting at the home of her bro ther, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carl. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stinchfield, Mrs. J. Wooden. Mrs. Walter Carl, and Mrs. Z. Bellingham attended the Pomona meeting at Yankton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Crawford, for merly of Vernonia, have moved into the home of Tom Pidcock on the Fish Eawk road. The Columbia County Histor ical society are planning -to meet at the Grange hall on May 19th, with potluck dinner to be served at noon, followed by program in the afternoon. Everyone is wel come. Ephnam Koljonen went to As toria last week to visit his mother, who was a patient at the Colum bia hospital. Mrs. Helena Hendrickson, who has been visiting relatives in As- XHXHXHIHIHXHXHXHXHIHIHXHJ LOOK FOR FREE CHICK DAY g ■ h AD IN NEXT WEEK'S PAPER x X H 1S H X CALL FOR BIDS The board of director of School District No. 42 Jt., Birkenft-ld, Oregon, are calling for bids for 20 cord of 16-inch wood. Bidder to specify the kind of wood he will furnish. Said wood to be put in and piled as follows. Teacherage wood shed piled full and the remainder in school house basement. Said wood to be in by September 1st, 1956. Bids to be in the hands of the clerk on or before 8 p.m. Monday, May 14th, 1956. Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Ethel M. Larson, Clerk 18t2c X H J Potted Plants for Mother's Day h h VERNONIA TRADING CO. H 5 x H HA 9-5985 ------ VERNONIA Z X H ttXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXK MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS Lady Sunbeam Elec. Razor $14.95 BILLFOLDS — JEWELRY — COSMETIC SETS CANDY — PEN AND PENCIL SETS CAMERAS — TOASTERS — WAFFLE IRONS COFFEE MAKERS — COMB & BRUSH SETS WATCHES — PLANTERS — CERAMICS VERNONIA DRUG CO. ! TELEPHONE HA 9-6254 percent. (The ratio determined by the Assessor pursuant io ORS 309.028 is 25 percent). t | I • I ♦ | 1 It shall be the duty of Ihe persons interested io appear at the time and place appointed. Petitions for adjustment of assessments must be filed with the Board of Equalization not later than the end of the first week that the Board is in ses- sion. C. A. Ridenour Assessor County of Columbia, Oregon 18t2c DOUGLAS FIR ■ WILLIS G. GORDON TRUCK SCALE Prompt Payment — Top Prices Van Vleet Lumber Company Buyer j J NOMINATE I | | | Now Buying Logs for Delivery to Pd Adv By Willis G Gordon ; The ratio between assessed and true cash value adopted by the Board of Equalization pursuant to OHS 309.034 is 25 5 VOTE X59 on May 18. 1956 i | I •• I J gon, io publicly examine ihe assessment rolls for said County of Columbia, for ihe year 1956, and to correct all errors in valuation, description, or qualifies of land, lots or other pro- perty assessed by the assessor. * Democrat for COUNTY COMMISSIONER My experience in budgeting, op eration and maintenance of all types of machinery while in the United Stales Navy for a period I of 21 years, and my work with the Columbia County Road Dept, for the past four years will bene fit my work in serving the people of Columbia County. ! • Î ! Noliee is hereby given lhai on Monday, May 14. 13SS. the Board of Equalization of the County of Columbia, Ore gon, will meet at ihe County Courthouse in Si. Helens, Ore- Dodge - Plymouth - Dodge Trucks 988 Bridge HA 9-6061 « Vernonia, Ore. Notice of Meeting of County Board of Equalization HAWKEN MOTORS Standard Typewriter For Rent THE VERNONIA EAGLE • : ! BROWN AND HALEY AND ROGERS CANDY AUTOMOTIVE FLASHES Winter driving has been tough on your car! Summer vacation trips are coming! All this adds up to cna fact — your car needs a thorough spring inspection and service to restore peak pep, power and performance. We can help you! Our mechanics can provide dependable, economi cal, safe performance for spring and summer driving by checking over vital parts of your car or truck and put the vehicle in fop shape. Here are points that should be checked: COOLING SYSTEM. CARBURETOJL OIL FILTER. BATTERY. GENERATOR, STEERING AND BRAKES, and WHEEL ALIGNMENT. Lei us give your car or truck the atten tion it needs, now! • * * THE DODGE ROYAL V-8 with PowerFlite transmission rated as one of the best in its price class by a nationally-known research firm. The report listed this car as having powerful performance, being easy to handle with good road sense, giving a soft and very good ride and providing passen gers with good seating, good vi sion and easy access. We'll glad, ly demonstrate any time you wish. ♦ • ♦ This year’s national vehicle safety check month campaign slogan is, "Can you see, steer, stop safely? —Check your car—check acci dents." week. Leonard Lousignont of Alturas, California was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnston last week. 5* i |