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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1956)
4 THURSDAY, MAY 10, 195« Birkenfeld Young Folks Attend Youth Banquet BIRKENFELD — Rev. and Mrs. Harshman, accompanied by a young people’s group, attended the 4th annual spring banquet of youth groups of the churches of Vernonia, held at the American Legion hall. Those who attended were Shirley Berg, Ephriam Kol- jonen, Linda Jeremiah, Jim Bar- low, Dianne and Dennis Paul, Loraine Ridout, Caroline Garlock and her brother. Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill went to Portland Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cahill and family. Mrs Elsa Richardson and Mrs. Julia Vadnais of Madras left Fri day for Norwich, Connecticut to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Ri chardson for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanberg of Cannon Beach were visiting at the Hanberg home Sunday, and also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Soderback of Jewell. The Missionary group met at the home of Anna Hanberg on Wednesday. MOTHER'S DAY AND EVERYDAY THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE Final Jacobson Rites Held in South Dakota Couple Attends Uncles Funeral MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Clair Devine attended the funeral in Clatskanie of the late Ted Mc- Mann. He was an uncle of Mrs. Devine. Sunday visitors at the home of Norman Hansen and family w Te Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Allen, Mrs. Lois Stearns and Earl Prideas all from Portland. A number of people from the vicinity attended the funeral ser vices Sunday at Birkenfeld for the late Anna Johnson. H. A. DeWitt has moved into the Siegenthaler house, recently vacated by the Ed Burness fami ly. Saturday visitors at the Sam Devine home were Mrs. Ted Gernhart, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brooks and sons from Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. John Howry from Seaside visited their son Bud here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stunkard and son of Astoria called Sunday evening on the Sam Devine farm, ly. . Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom spent last week in Eugene where she was called by the illness of her daugh ter, Mrs. Les Cozard. George Jones made a trip to Seaside Monday with Lester Pugh. PICKERS who work at the Rolling Hills berry farm this spring will find their jobs easier because of this light, metal, Easy-Roll berry carrier, one of which will be available for each picker. The fartn has purchased 150 of the carriers each of which is designed to hold one flat. The unit works very much like a small wheel barrow and will eliminate half of the lifting of flats in the field. Owners of the farm anticipate a very good crop of berries this year. Family Gathers For Birthday Boy Added to Beck Family NATAL-PITTSBURG — Mts. Lawton Waddell entertained a Revlon Futurama Cases and number of relatives and friends Hood River Wedding Lipstick Refills from Saturday evening, the occasion Attended Saturday being Mr. Waddell's birthday. $1.25 Up BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom and Mary Norman Combs of McMinnville, • • * Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Waddell and Sillcare for Mother's dear hands. Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill, Mrs. son Jimmie of Wauna, Richard Robert Cahill and daughters, Di Waddell, his fiancee. Miss Hattie ♦ • ♦ anne and Sandra, attended th" i Crewdson and Tom Crewdson of Love Pat for Mother's lovely face. wedding of Genevieve Birkenfeld Elgin, Oregon. Recent callers at the Ira Peter daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August I • • ♦ Birkenfeld, in Hood River on son home were Mrs. Clyde Hen derson. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dun Touch A Glow for Mother's face. Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Robert Burkhold lap and Mrs Sam Devine of Mist. Complete line Revlon at Mr. and Mrs. Micky Hopkins er of Portland spent the week end at the home of her folks, Mr. and called at the Lawton Waddell home Saturday evening to wish Mrs. Fred Udey. E. Nance Beauty Shoppe Mr.tand Mrs. Swanson and fa Mr. Wadd"ll a hanr." birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thayer of Miller's Store — HA 9-6121 mily of Multnomah, Mrs. Esther Stonefelt, Mrs. Ione Downs, and Vernonia were recent callers at Mr. and Mrs W. G. Wells of Port the Robert Lindsay home. Î......~ ..... Guests who called at the W land, were here Sunday to at tend the funeral of their sister A. Parmer horn" last Friday wer" and mother, Mrs. Anna Johnson. Mrs. Gertrude White, Mrs. Felix Olaf Olson, a former resident of : Debast and Mrs. Ethel Harring Birkenfeld for many years, was ton, all of Rainier. Mrs. DeVer? Hershey spent here Monday from California, where he is now employed. He Friday in Portland. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. had been at Bingen. Washington DeVere Hershey were Mr. and until recently. Mrs. Hal Vickers and Chester Pope all of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson mo tored to Kent, Washington last Friday and spent th" week end with their son Norman and fami ly. Georg" Beerman. brother of Mrs. Peterson came fern Aurora. Oregon to look after thines at th? place wh'le th"v were gon". X TIMBER ROUTE — Its a boy, Samuel James for Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck. He was born May 3 at Tuality hospital in Hillsboro and weighed pounds. He joins three sisters. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale, Vernonia; Joe Beck of Prospect, Oregon; Mrs. Dorothy Dougall of Oakville, Washington and great grandparents, grandma Tisdale, Seattle and Willis Brown, New berg. Dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Nell Thacker Sunday wer her brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Lester Teeling and grandad Thacker from Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thack er. Vern Smith returned to his home Saturday evening from Tua lity hospital in Hillsboro and is improving satisfactorily. George Kirk of Buxton has been visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Charles Justice, while Mrs. Kirk was* confined in Tuality hos pital. Mr4. Kirk is now staving at the hom" of her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Peterson in Buxton and can b° up onlv for a short tim ?, due to a blood clot in her ankle. Monday night Mrs. Art K'rk stayed overnight at the Justice home assisting with the care of Mr. Kirk. THE VERNONIA EAGLE Funeral services were held on Wednesday, April 25 at the First i Christian church in Vernonia for ! Olof J. H. Jacobson, who passed I away April 23 at a Portland hos pital following an illness of over six months, the last three in hos pital. These services were con- i ducted by Rev. E. F. Leake and ' Rev. C. F. Swander, with the I.O.O.F. lodge of Vernonia con ducting memorial services fol lowing the church rites. The re mains were then sent to Vernik- lion S.D. for burial in the family plot in Bluff View cemetery, ¡short services were held Satur- I day afternoon at the Frank M. Olds Funeral chape», conduct d by the Rev. L. R. Adelman. Grave, side services were conducted by the Odd Fellows Lodge No. 3, of which the deceased was a mem ber and also an associate mem ber of Vernonia Lodge No. 246. Olof Jean Hilding Jacobson was born in Motala, Sweden, Decem ber 9. 1884. He came to the United States April 7, 1903 and lived for a time in Illinois. Later he moved to South Dakota and occupied a claim in Harding county. Mr. Jacobson lived in Vermil lion South Dakota from 1920 un til 1927 when he moved to Evan ston, Illinois. He was married on July 1, 1922 to Mrs. Mattie E. Wittwer. He moved in 1943 to Portland, Oregon and a year later to Vernonia where he made his home until his death. If he had lived a few more months he would have been a 50 year mem ber of the I.O.O.F. lodge. He was confirmed in the Lu theran faith on May 26, 1899 in Sweden. Survivors include his widow; a step-son, Laurel A. Wittwer of Las Vegas, Nevada; a step-daugh ter, Mrs. Alice Mae Parkins of Boulder City, Nevada; two bro ther, Nels E. of DeWitt, Illinois and Folka C. of Sweden; four sisters, the Misses Gerda and Si- grid Jacobson, Mrs. Carin Karl- strom and Mrs. Elmy Lundh, all of Sweden. Pallbearers were Hubert O. Smith. Lowell Shelley, Guy Har ris, Robert Lindsay, Byron Kirk bride and Lester L. Wells. Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon______ Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Entered as second class mail n.atter, Augast 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia. Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else where $3.50.______ Phone HA 9-3452 j NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT BURNS TV AND RADIO REPAIR Service Calls Taken ’ Daytime and Evenings Phone HA 9-5441 No Down Payment On Approved Credit EASY TERMS BURNS TV AND RADIO Authorized Hoffman Dealer I 835 Bridge — Ph. HA 9-5441 Serves you right! Smoke, and the world smokes with you swear off, and you smoke alone. AT YOUR GROCERS BE SURE OF THE BEST WITH NBC PRODUCTS— FAVORITE OF THE ENTIRE FAMILY * Grade A Milk & Cream. * Homogenized. Delivered to your door or at your store — Ask for Nehalem Dairy Products! NEHA l EM onrnv products to Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONt 471 W.N. [Wally] Noakes REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE COLUMBIA COUNTY COMMISSIONER Primary Election May 18. 1956 Pd. Adv By Wally Noakes, Tim. ber Route, Vernonia, Oregon. Ritz Crackers Snowflake Crackers Triangle Thins Honey Grahams Cookies Shredded Wheat ALL MADE BY THE NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY AVAILABLE AT . . . FINE Groceries Meats—Vegetables SAM’S FOOD STORE SPECIAL !* Time for SOMETHING ... the light refreshing Today s the Day beer DON’T wait until after you have had a serious loss before you buy COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A CRASH may cost you hundreds of dollars, it may happen today, or to morrow, or any day! TO DAY is the onlv safe dav to get your insurance. I Call VERNONIA i INSURANCE i Bill J. Horn, Agent iFkone HA 9 6203 — Vernonia I 905 Bridge Street Free Delivery HA 9-5501 i All th« favorite ten«» on r«cord»’ Mo»t chorming com pony to dote’ fait notvrolly coll» far th« light, r«fr«»hing be«r.. Blitz W«inhord D'»cov«r far yovr»«lf th« light. r«fr«»hing b««r in it» bright, n«w onniv«r»ory pockog« r«fr«»hing b««r thor belongs wh«n it'» tim« far »om«fhing »poc'oll* th« light