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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1956)
Library, U of O 9i VOLUME 34. NUMBER 19 10c COPY VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON PHONE HA 9-3372 THURSDAY. MAY 10. 1956 I I I Sewer Connect | 'Set'Fire Order Issued 5th Lesson Persons who saw flames Mon day night in the area back of the high school and saw that fire trucks were at the scene will be Budget Committee io glad to know that it was a "set” Draft Cost Sheet at fire, completely controlled, which was being used as a part of the May 21 Meetng training course in which the Ver An order that owners of prop nonia fire department is now en erty not yet connected to sewer lines must have the connections gaged. made as soon as possible was is Monday night was the fifth in sued at Monday evening’s coun a series of ten lessons in fire fight cil meeting. The 60-day period ing methods which is being taught of time since completion of the system has expired and any here by Mike Baseel, St. Helens homes not now connected are in fire chief. Half of the cost of the violation of city ordinance 339 course is being paid by the state which specifies regulations cover and the other half from the Ver ing the matter. , noma department’s own funds. An official notice will soon be To date, lessons have taught use sent each owner of such property of ladders, proper methods of tak FIFTH GRADE students are shown winding the Maypole last Friday at the annual May Day fete at notifying that the connection ing hose off the truck and laying Vernonia high school. Queen Gretchen (Bolmeier) and her court are shown seated on the platform, must be made. Indicative of the it, organized fire fighting, etc. set for which was designed by Ron Anderegg. Th.’me for the fete which drew a large attendance fact that the surface sewage Monday night, the fire was used was Spring Fever. problem will not be solved until for experimental work in using all connections are made came the fog nozzles. from a report by Leslie McMul Members of the fire department > len, city employee, of sewage who are taking the course art“ running in the open on lots and Fire Chief Bob Thompson, As streets in some places. sistant Chief Bob Curl, Homer McMullen will look over the Fuller, C. L. Johnson, James Mc drainage problem at the city air Crory, Cy Russell, Herb Hecken. Eight members of the Vernonia Friday and Saturday, May 25 The power of advertising was port to determine the best pos liable, Stanley Reynolds, Fred chamber of commerce have been and 26, will be Poppy Days in pointed up in an unusual way in sible solution to opening the cul Drips, Gene Weller, Don Tiffney, selected by the nominating com vert across the property. Because Deri Roberts, Bill Krieger. Don Vernonia, and throughout the this community about two weeks mittee to be placed upon the the culvert has filled in, water Wantland, Ed Poetter, Don Webb, United States, according to Mrs. ago when response to an ad on ballot for the purpose of electing stands on property owned by Tom Karnoski, Tom Rice, Melvin Earl Atkins, president of the Ver the part of two men brought to four to fill the vacancies of di Mrs. Florenz West. McMullen will Cox and Dick Gwin. noma unit of the American Le gether brothers who had not seen rectors whose terms will expire also find out the amount of ma Trucks are taken to the high gion auxiliary, which will spon as of July 1, 1956. Present terms terial needed to replace fencing school field*each Monday even sor observance of the days here. each other for about 15 years. expire for Guy .Thomas, Bob of the airport. On Poppy Days, everyone will They had lost track of each other, King, Louise Hahn and Henry ing for the class periods. This Richard Meyer was present at will clear up the question of be asked to wear a memorial neither one knowing that they Anderegg. the meeting to ask councilmen many citizens as to why trucks poppy in tribute to America's war were now both living in Oregon Nominated are: Don Bayley, about purchasing a lot in the were out when the siren had not dead, and to contribute to the not much more than an hours Dave Brunsman, Cliff White, welfare of disabled veterans and northeast section of the city, blown. Guy Thomas, Wealthy Bolmeier, drive apart. needy children of veterans. Pop pointing out that he wished . to George Biddle, Dwight Strong ---------- 1--------- Gedrge Bidcjle, who lives about and Marion Steers. pies will be distributed on the open E street leading to the streets those days by vounte'r four miles from Vernonia on the lot. Another sale to Richard Ballots are out to all members workers from the American Le Timber road attended an auction who are asked to return them Nightwine for timber growing on gion auxiliary. part of Clatsop street was also sale at Clatskanie which had been to the manager's office by May approved. • advertised in the Vernonia Eagle. 20 where they will be kept in An occupation license of $1.50 tact until the directors meeting Glenn Biddle of W’arrenton saw Tht> Schoolmasters club of Co semi-annually was approved for May 28 when the ballots will be it advertised in another paper and opened and counted. the sale of garden and flower lumbia county preceeded their plants only. The license will ap meeting here last Monday even also attended. The two men eyed There will be a directors’ and ply to the business started re ing with a golf tournament at each other across the crowd for committee chairmen’s meeting cently by Mr. and Mrs. Dan the Vernonia course. Robert Car some time before approaching Monday evening, May 14, at Lucius Plinn Mathews of Mist each other. The last time they 8:30 in the West Oregon Electric ey of St. Helens turn 'd in low Cason. Preparation of the next fis score to win first prize of a golf passed away Monday night at 12 had seen each other was in Cali office. cal year’s budget will take place ing jacket and Bill Johnson, Ver o’clock in the Tuality hospital at fornia when Glenn Biddle was Monday, May 21, the date offic nonia, won second, golf balls. A Hillsboro after a two week’s ill sailing for the Solomon Islands ially established for the budget book, "How to Play Golf,” was ness following a stroke. His five in the early years of World War meeting after the schedule of presented to George Dickinson of sons were at his bedside at th- II. steps n?cessary in preparing and Rainier who turned in the high time of his passing. Last Sunday, a family reunion Mr. Mathews was born in Cold was held at the George Biddle adopting the cost sheet were pre est score. BUI Ferguson copped sented the council by Recorder the golf tidy rack for being clos water, Branch county, Michigan home with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn At the meeting of the Vernonia Sam Hearing. The budget com est to the pin on number 4 and 6n July 12, 1878. In 1901 he was Biddle of Warrenton, Mr. and PTA, which will be held at the mittee members are Ed Salomon - Bill Johnson got another ball for united in marriage with Bess Mrs. George Biddle Jr. and fami Washington school Monday even Dayton Upson and they came to son, A. L. Kullander, O. T. Bate the longest drive of the match. ly of Cedar Hills, Mr. and Mrs. other participants were Oregon during that same year. Small of Astoria and Mr. and ing at 8:00 o'clock, reports will man, Lpel Roberts and Bill Horn. All The couple lived in Portland un Mrs. R. J. Cone and Robert as be heard from the delegates who The council heard the applica awarded free rounds of golf. attended the Oregon Congress of After the match, the club met til 1910 when they moved to the guests. tion of Mrs. Betty Ellis for life Parents and Teachers held at Eu guard at the park pool and auth at the Washington school for elec Nehalem valley and have resided gene recently. orized a water service connection tion of officers, all of whom were here since that time. Also on the program will be a Mr. Mathews lived an active Lloyd Geis Scholarship for the scout cabin as the final chosen from Raimer this year. fashion show by the eighth grade They are A. D. MacAnear. presi life, spending much of his time two matters of business. Listed among students at Ore girls who will model skirts they dent; Eldon Kellar, vice-president; carpentering in the valley. gon College of Education at Mon have made in home ec classes; a Survivors include his widow, Robert Belieu, secretary and Al mouth who wall receive full tui play, "Sylvester and His Saxa- Bess Upson Mathews; five sons, fred Appleby, treasurer. tion scholarships for next year is phone,” by Mrs. Dorothy San- Robert, George, Martin, Stanley The Lions club joined with the James Patrick Lloyd, son of Mr don’s drama activity group and Schoolmasters for the dinner in and Walter, all of Mist; three and Mrs. Jewell Lloyd of Ver numbers by the grade school chor- the school cafeteria and the pro daughters, Mrs. Art Farnsworth nonia. us. Lists released early this month gram which followed, during of Chico, California; Mrs. Alvin list eight 4-H toys and girls from which Austin Hamer from the Wright of Manzanita, Oregon and this area as winners of scholar Oregon State game Commission Virginia Mathews of Portland; ships for the 4-H summer school spoke on “Summer Camping" two sisters, Mrs. Frank Hun to be held on the Oregon State and showed a movie, "Troubled saker of White Salmon, Wash ington and Mrs. Charles Meiser college campus at Corvallis in Waters.” of Saratoga, Florida, and three June. Vernonia’s baseball nine cli noon as the Lions took a Colum grandchildren. Those chosen and the names of Services will be Saturday at maxed the May day festivities i bia League contest from the host the sponsors of the scholarships 2 o’clock at the Mist gymnasium here Friday by defeating the ! Loggers, 12-3 are as follows: Carolyn Heath, This was a day in which the and interment will be at the Mist Scappoose Redskins 7-6. This was ; Sears and Roebuck; Louis Jones, the second victory for the local Loggers could not seem to do cemetery. M;st-Nehalem extension unit; nine over the Indians this sea anything right and the visiting Walter Berg. W’inema Grange. son. Lions, playing their last year of Shelley Ellis, eighth grade stu B.rkenfeld; Karen Hoyt. Eagles A-2 baseball, took advantage of Don Holsey paced the Loggers dent at the Washington school, Auxiliary No 2324, Vernonia; at the plate with a home run the miscues by the Loggers. has received a letter notifying her Sherry Roediger, Pythian Sisters, and a double in four trips to the In the early innings the Lions that she is first place winner for Vernonia; Carol Jean Sharer, plate. Bob Crowston proved he left five men stranded on base Keasey-Vernonia-Timber Route the state of Oregon in the recent is not only a fine pitcher but as the Loggers were able to pull extension units; Ron Anderegg, essay contest sponsored by the The Girls League at Vernonia that he can also hit, for he also out of their troubles, but in the county fair; Gladys Sharar, Ver American Legion auxiliary. Shel third inning a wild pitch, base ley was first place winner for high school is sponsoring a "Mom homered for the home team. nonia Grange. and Pop” reception in the high Gary Wright was the winning on bails, two errors, and two Ron Anderegg and Gladys and Vernonia in the junior division school gymnasium this evening, pitcher for the Loggers and Eng Lion hits accounted for three Carol Jean Sharer are all three which included seventh, eighth beginning at 7:30 Special invi strom was the loser for the runs. From then on the bottom and ninth grade students. That members of the Maple Meadows fell out of the Logger defense made her eligible for entry in tations have been issued to par Scappoose team. Wright also aid Livestock club. ents of high school students, but ed his cause by doubling down and the Lions were able to add state competition five in the fifth and two in both The essay submitted by Shelley the reception is also open to the the left field line. Ridge Riders io Ride 000 500 1 6 6 1 the sixth and seventh. was on the subject, "How is public and persons interested who Scappoose The loggers were able to pick 320 020 7 9 4 The Vernonia Ridge Riders will Brotherhood Guaranteed Under dzsire to attend will be welcome Vernonia up one in the fourth and two in participate in a trail ride this the Constitution of the United and need not be parents. There will be an exhibit of stu St. Helen* scored 12 runs on sev the fifth, but for the Loggers it coming Sunday at Scoggins val States." As prize winning essay ley with the Washington county in the state, her essay will now dent work as part of the evenings en hits, 13 walks and 11 Vernon seemed to be just one of those program. ia errors here Tuesday after- days. be sent to the national contest. sneriffs posse. By Councilmen Legion Auxiliary Seis Poppy Days Ads End 15 Years Apart Chamber to Vote For Directors Schoolmasters Play Golf, Elect Rites Saturday For L. Mathews PTA Reports Due At Monday Meet Eight Win 4-H Scholarships Loggers Tally Win, Loss for Friday, Tuesday Games; Meet Lions Last 8th Grader Wins State Contest Girls League Honors Parents 4-H Leaders Set Date for Annual Day Exhibits, Judging, Demonstrations on May 26 Affair Agenda May 26 was set as the date for the annual Nehalem valley 4-H community day by 4-H leaders of this area and county agents, Robert H. Stevely and Mrs. Mar garet Allyn when they met Mon day evening of this week at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Heath. The affair will be held at the American Legion hall here as in former years and will include the usual exhibits by livestock, home making and radio clubs; demon strations; judging of cattle, weeds, and crops, and cooking and sew ing projects and training in the art of exhibiting and showman ship which will fit the club mem bers for participation in the coun ty and state fairs. Cups will be awarded to out standing members in each field and ribbons will be used for other winners. . Further details of the plans will be announced as they are com pleted. 7th Graders See Forestry Work Almost all seventh grade stu dents in Columbia county includ ing those from the Washington school, along with a number of adults, participated in the forest ry field day held last week on the county fairgrounds. Nearly 400 people took part in the spec ial tour, reports Don Coin Wai rod, county extension agent. This tour was planned by the Columbia county farm forestry committee headed by Everett Skeans, Rainier. The cooperation of state foresters, U. S. foresters, Oregon state college personnel and soil conservation service personnel was used in carrying out this program. The purpose of the tour was to provide boys and girls with first hand knowledge of the capa bilities and potential of our for ests as well as some of the points involved in good management practices. Lions Name New Year's Officers New officers for the Vernonia Lions club were elected at the Monday evening meeting and a schedule was prepared for th “ first work of building a commun ity kitchen at the city park, th ■ latter a project planned for some | time by the club. The list of new officers in cludes: directors, Eugene Dove and Lowell Hieber for two years and H. A. Davis, Jack Thomp son and Past President Myron Vlcek for one year; tail twister, Ron Paris; Lion tamer, Guy Thomas; 3rd vice-president, Art Ostrander; 2nd vice, Dr. L. M Crossan; 1st vice, Jim Davie treasurer, Bob King; secretary, Harold McEntire and president Glen Hawkins. Work on the park project will begin next Monday evening at 6 pm with Hawkins in charge and continue to 8 p.m. with the usual Monday dinner after that time. Fund Totals Are Given After the sale of Easter seals at the grade school was completed April 24, final amounts were ta bulated to reveal $89 20 taken in from the coin collector* placed in the stores, the Rainbow Girls lily sale, and the grade school contribution Of this. $9.70 came from the grade school, $67 61 from the lily sale and $11.89 from the coin boxes. Amount mailed in by people who received seals through the mail was not known. »