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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1956)
Library, U of 0 Red Cross Directors Vote Approval 01 Emergency Fund Campaign for Money to Carry on Required Work FIRE SEASON ENDS; PERMITS REQUIRED Easter Rites Include Two Union Events THOSE WHO ARE IN IT "Fire season will be closed beginning April 1, 1956. At that time all woods and mill opera At a special meeting of the board of directors of the Columbia county chapter American Red Cross, it was unanimously voted to tions must have the fire tools re I conduct an emergency campaign for funds to carry on the work of quired by law at the site of op Ministerial Group the chapter. erations." This notice was issued Plans Good Friday, This action was made necessary because of the failure of the Tuesday by state forestry men Sunrise Services United Fund campaign to reach it’s goal during the fall drive. The as a reminder of regulations ef budget requirement of the American Red Cross for the fiscal year Easter Sunday will be hearlded fective during the summer. The in Vernonia by Easter Sunrise submitted and accepted by the budget committee of United Fund was notice also stated: services arranged by the Ver $9,704.00. To date only $3,978.64 has been received by Red Cross as its share "Beginning April 1 all persons nonia Ministerial association of the U.F. drive. Since this amount is inadequate the drive for funds doing any burning on or near which will be held at the Ver was deemed necessary to carry on the mandatory obligations of the forest lands must hava a burning nonia Memorial cemetery at 5:45 a m. In the event of rain, it Red Cross such as home service assistance to servicemen and their 1 permit issued by the state fores- will be at the Vernonia Bible families as well as disaster assistance. Jay Austin, Red Cross fund chairman, is in charge of the cam i try department. For permits or church. In either case, Rev. A. further information call or write L. Shelton of the Assembly of paign which is tentatively set to begin April 2. Pittsburg Guard Station. Vernon- God church will be the speaker. Another union service arrang io, Oregon. ed by the Ministerial association A/B Jerry L. Foster, has en "Later in the season as the is the Good Friday service which tered the United States Air Force weather gets warmer there will will be held at the Christian technical training school at Shep be wardens stationed in your area church tomorrow evening at 7:30 pard Air Force base, located near for your convenience. Notice of The Vernonia golf course pro possible play for the time that this will be posted at a later p.m. Participation in the pro Wichita Falls, Texas, for special gram will include ministers of ized training as an aircraft and perty will be offered for sale at normally should be ideal, depend date." several of the churches and spe engine mechanic. Upon comple the expiration of the present ing of course on weather condi cial music will be provided >n tion of the course, he will be as lease, according to word from tions. solos by Otto Barnell of the Ver signed to one of the major Air Whether the course will be Lloyd Quinn earlier this week nonia Bible church and Mrs. Lor. when he announced his lease ex. maintained for the next three Force commands for on-the-job etta Harshman of the Birkenfeld experience, or will enter a course months will depend on the res pires April 1. community church. An offera- of advanced training. He enter Dr. Carl Howarth, St. Helens, ponse of golfers on the member tory will be played by an instru ed the Air Force on January 3, owner of the course, has stated ship proposal so that sufficient Rainbow Girls who sold Easter mental ensemble from the Evan 1956. he intends to offer the property funds are available to offset the lilies Saturday for the benefit of gelical United Brethren church. for sale at that time and will not monthly rental. Rev. Charles H Addleman who the fund for crippled children It has also been pointed our N B. Bill R. May in a recent grant another year's lease. How has been conducting passion week letter to his sister Mrs. Charles ever he has indicated he will ar that a purchaser would have a and adults were very gratified range a three-month lease for the going course, the only one in the with the response of the public. services at the Christian church Minger states that he is stationed will be the guest speaker and at Parks Air Base taking his ba months of April, May, and June county, and that much equipment The 400 lilies sent them for sale will use the theme, “Witnessing sic training. Bill was employed were all gone by 1 :00 o ’ clock during the time the property will is available to maintain the pro leaving nothing for the girls to to the Truth About the Cross. ’ in the w<H>ds for Long-Bell prior perty. be offered for sale. All of the churches are plan to going into the Air Force. do who reported for that shift. If no purchaser is obtained to Present plans for operation of Total amount collected was $67 - ning special Easter observances the course during the three spring take over the course at the end in their Sunday school and morn 61. months will depend on golfers of June, the course will be locked Cans in places of business for ing worship hours Sunday morn- ! who will be offered the oppor by the present owner and no play collection of funds for the same ing and a cordial invitation is ex- I tunity to subscribe for a three allowed. Mr. and Mrs. Quinn purpose will not be picked up tended by all of them for every month membership at a cost of have stated they intend to re until April 10. according to Mrs. one to attend. $25. Quinn said. This will make main in Vernonia. George Peters, local chairman, At St. Mary's Catholic church, The membership of three locals so anyone who still wishes to the stations of the cross will be of the International Woodworkers contribute may have the oppor observed on Good Friday at 3:00 of America is scheduled to vote tunity to do so. p.m. Sunday, Easter masses will soon on the question of amalga be at 8 and 10 a m. with confes mation that will provide for a sions preceeding each mass. full-time headquarters office at Forest Grove and for union field Other awards made during the At the pack meeting of Cub men who will visit each logging Scout Troop 201. which was held evening were: and mill operation more frequent Den 1: Mike Shulke, denner; last Friday evening at the Wash ly ington school, three-year service Philip Meyer, assistant denner; Announcement of the proposals pins were presented to Cub Joe Markley, Lion badge, one The Columbia County Repub here indicated the purpose was gold and two silver arrows; Ed master and Mrs. John Harris. lican central committee met The speaking contest sponsor to give greater service to work Members of the newly former Kamholz, Bear badge, on? gold Monday evening at 8:00 p m. in ed by the activities committee for , ing men. Webelos group were introduced and one silver arrow. the circuit court room at St. Hel The three locals for which the Den 2: Steven Gibson, denner; ens to hear a special telephone the Clatsop-Columbia county dis- I as follows: Harvey Redmond, combine is proposed are 5-238 at trict of the Odd Fellows and Re Davon Hodgen, Joe Markley. Robert Walker, assistant denner; message from President Dwight Tillamook, 5-5 at .Forest Grove Grant Bowerman. Roy Reynolds Jimmy Lindsay, one silver arrow D. Eisenhower, Governor Elmo bekah lodges to select a boy or and 5-37 here. Even though the and Johnny Biggs. These boys for Bear badge. Smith and the state chairman of girl from this district to go on combined organization would the annual youth pilgrimmage to Den 3: David Pankonin, den the party, Wendell Wyatt. are the ones in the age group have its headquarters at Forest just between Cub Scouts ■ and ner; Roy Reynolds, assistant den Mrs. Pauline Brandenfels, the United Nations will be held Grove, the Vernonia and Tilla in the Vernonia high school audi. Boy Scouts. They will be led by ner and Lions badge. county chairman, received the mook locals would maintain an Den 4: Raymond Hartzell, den call, the President being intro torium Saturday evening at 8:00 Harvey Redmond. office and meeting hall. p.m. ner and one silver arrow for Wolf New Bobcats who are attending duced by Wyatt. The President’s When the vote takes place, the Fourteen young people are their first meeting were Gus badge; Paul Roediger, assistant message urged Republican pre membership will be asked to se scheduled to compete with five Donowho, Bruce Johnson and denner and Wolf badge; Ralph cinct committee workers of the lect a financial secretary and two Anderegg, one silver arrow for county to go out and conduct minute speeches. The two se Patrick Howard. field men. lected from Vernonia high school Lions badge. a house - to - house registration Den 6: Davon Hodgen, denner drive for new Republican regis are Jim Davis who will speak on “The Ears of the United Nations.” Goodwill Truck Scheduled and silver arrow; Jerry Hayes, trations. The next visit of the Goodwill silver arrow; Larry Larson, silver There were 38 county precinct and Marjorie Reynolds whose to arrow; Wally Polleck, Lions workers present as well as all pic is “A Microscopic View of truck to Vernonia has been ten tatively scheduled for the second the United Nations.” badge. area leaders. The winner of the contest Sat Thursday in May, May 10, and Den 7: Russell Redmond, den A conference arranged by the urday night will go with other persons who will have articles to Oregon Chamber Executives as ner and silver arrow; Harvey winners from Oregon districts and be picked up at that time are Redmond, silver arrow; Dane sociation on the subject of taxes other states on the tour to take asked to call Mrs. Frank Lange is scheduled for Salem April 6 Choate, Bear badge. at HA 9-3161. place in July or August. Den 8: Garry Robertson, silver word to the chamber here indi arrow cates. A clever skit was presented The conference, entitled the by Den 2 under direction of Den The mole control demonstra “Oregon Tax Clinic,” will offer an authoritative presentation of Mother Mrs. Glen Gibson, after tions have been rescheduled for April 6 was the tentative date Chamber. He feels that it will tax facts to be followed by an which refreshments were served Thursday, April 5 at the farms of set for the regular quarterly din give a clear, truthful picture of by Den 6 led by Mrs. E. E. Lar Fritz Boesel, Warren, and J. C. open discussion of the situation so ner meeting of the Vernonia Vernonia and the Nehalem val Skeans and sons. Fern Hill, ac that a definite, adequate and son. chamber of commerce member ley, with maps, industries, sites, cording to Lou Oester, special ex equitable program can be worked ship during the meeting of direc and the much needed information tension agent. out. Previously scheduled for March tors and committee chairmen on that a company wants when look Chamber executives ask atten 5, the demonstration was cancel Monday night.. This meeting will ing for location. dance of chamber officers, public The industry committee report led because of a snowstorm A take place at the Masonic Temple officials, candidates and others at 7:00 pm and a speaker will ed that the building is coming third demonstration has been ad interested The meeting will be along for housing the Caylite Pat Wallace of Vernonia who ded in Vernonia for the farmers be announced later. gin at 10 a m. Candle Company, Inc Lyman President Guy Th€mas appoint- in this area It will be held on is employed by Crown-Zellerbach was among 21 foresters from the the Ralph McKee farm at 10:30 Sam Hearing Jr., John Thompson Hawken, Mavin Kamholz, Bill and Ed Roediger Jr., on a nomi Horn, Louis Towne, have been Get License April 6 Pacific Northwest, Canada and am. The demonstration on Fritz nating committee to select names on several trips this past week. A drivers license examiner will Alaska who completed a five-day Beaverton, Portland, Sweet Home be on duty in Vernonia Friday. aerial photo short course at Ore- Boesel's farm in Warren will be for election to fill the vacancies and Corvallis, working on pros that will occur when Louise at 1 00 p.m. The third demonstra ( gon State college Saturday, April 6. 1956. at the city hall pective industries for this area Hahn. Robert King, Henry Ander tion will be at the J C. Skeans between the hours of 10 a m. and ' March 24 Art Ostrander, chairman of the egg and Guy Thomas will have farm at 3:15 p.m near the Fem The course is designed for prac 4 p.m., according to an announce toads and highways committee, fulfilled their term of office as of ment received from the Secretary ticing foresters who use aerial Hill grange west of Rainier. reported on the Highway 99W July 1. Th demonstrations have been photos in their work. It is di- of State's office. Persons wish Chairman Lyman Hawken Sr.. t Alternate Road association an ing original licenses or permits lected by J. R Dilworth, head planned by the county extension leportid that Dean McCallister | nual dinner meeting held here service for farmers and others to drive are asked to file appli of the OSC forest management interested in mole control. Don of Lewis and Clark college was March 14, expressing his appre cations well ahead of the sched department. Instruction w'as by foresters Donahoo of the U. S. Fish and out last Thursday with copies of I ciation to the Nehalem Social uled closing hour in order to as and aerial photographers from Wildlife service will assist in the the industrial brochure his com I club ladies who served the din- sure time for completion of the mittee has been preparing for the I ner, the chamber members, mem- demontration. Portland and Eugene required license test. Sale of Golf Course Intended by Owner; Three Months Play Sought Lily Sale Given Good Response 3 Locals Talk Amalgamation Cubs Awards Presented at Friday Pack Meeting; Webelos Introduced President Urges GOP Registration UN Speakers to Be Heard Here Tax Clinic Due At Salem on 6th Mole Control to Be Demonstrated Soil District Board Backs Area Survey Four Farm Plans Get Approval Wednesday; Officers Re-elected The Clatskanie Soil Conserva tion district board of director», meeting at Natal Wednesday of last week, voted to ask for an engineering survey of feasible controls for stream flow in the Upper Nehalem valley. The board's decision came after discussion of a proposal presented by Louis Towne, power use advi sor for West Oregon Electric, giving information of stream flow in the Nehalem river taken from a report of the state water re sources committee. It was pointed out that flow in the Nehalem varies from 36,900 cubic feet per second in the win ter to a low of 77 in the summer, that extensive damage often re sults from the high water run off and that summer irrigation of farms could be increased if the flow did not drop so low. Discussion of these points by the board ana others at the meet ing led to the board’s move for the surveys which will be spon sored by the Vernonia chamber of commerce and possibly other groups here. During the early part of the meeting the soil board considered and approved four farm improve ment plans presented by Virgil Lance for places owned by J. C. Moran, O. B. Berndt, C. F. Buck- ley and J. P McFarland. Plans for the farms are worked out on the requests of owners and each shows a land use map and soils map with engineering and planning for improvements. This session was the board's first since the annual meeting and officers serving last year were renamed to their same po sitions. Jack Sather, Clatskanie, will act as chairman; M. P. Mills, Birkenfeld, vice-chairman; Wil liam Barr, Clatskanie, treasurer, and Ron Engbretson, Marshland, district secretary. Identical Twins Arrive Friday Identical twin boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dutton, Friday, March 23 at the Lloyd home. Ronald Lloyd, weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces arrived at 10:- 20 p m. and Donald Ix-e, weigh ing 6 pounds arrived at 10:30 p m. The Duttons had two girls and one boy before the arrival of the twins. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs. M. C. Dutton of Alma, Arkansas and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young of Mountainburg, Arkansas. Mrs. Dutton is a niece of Mr Lloyd. Mrs. Lloyd has had the ma ternity home for 15 years and this is the first twins to be born there. Membership Dinner Meeting Scheduled for Chamber Crown Forester Attends School bers of the association and others who attended the meeting. Hs announed that Ed Roediger Jr. is now serving on his committee. Agriculture Committee Chair man Louis Towne, told the board that he, Albert Schalock, Don Bayley and Marvin Kamholz had attended the soil conservation meeting held a week ago Wed nesday night at the Natal Grang? hall. At that meeting it war voted to make application for a ' survey of the Upper Nehalem water shed, taking into consider ation flood control and provision of adequate water for irrigate n in the summertime, soil erosion, etc The chamber voted to en dorse the water conservation movement and sign the applica tion. There will be a meeting at Rainier grade school April 4 of the Columbia County Agriculture Program Conference.